IOS Swift: How to change text color and font of menu items using SWRevealViewController - ios

I am using SWRevealViewController class to implement side-out slide bar. I followed this link and side bar is coming.
But I want to change the text colour and size of item texts of slide bar. Any idea how to do it?
I couldn't find any way to update it. Though there are parameters to update the size of window (_initDefaultProperties) but not the item text.


User editable large title in UINavigationBar

I need to allow the users to edit the large title of a navigation bar after they tap it.
The solution I have so far is to instantiate a UITextField and assign it as the titleView property of the nav bar.
The problem with this solution is achieving it with the large title style. The titleView shows up in the center of the navigation bar instead of under the back button, where the large title is supposed to show.
How can I place the UITextField over the position of the large title and mimic its appearance?

Not enough button space in Nav Bar

I am using the Navigation bar and I am putting in a button, which has a background color. The button looks large in the editor but is very small when I run the program. I tried adjusting the width and it does not let me set constraints, so I am stumped on how to make a larger button in the Navigation bar.
This worked for me. Edit the values in the size inspector tab.

Customize UISearchController in TVOS

i'm working with UISearchController in TVOS application. I'm facing few issues in that.
Basically, this controller is embedded in tabBarController, and i want:
1- Search bar to be placed below the tab bar. Is it possible? I don't want to make my tabBar translucant but to change the frame of search Bar. Is it possible
2- As shown in image, i want the color of alphabets and other keys to be pink (when in focused mode). The default color is black (for focus mode) & grey (for normal mode). How to update that?

Changing text color of individual bar button items in navigation bar

I have two bar button items placed in the navigation bar, but I want to change the text color of one to show whether its enabled or disabled. I've seen a lot of solutions for changing the text color for all navigation bar button items, but nothing for one specific bar button item. Most solutions on SO seem to be deprecated for iOS7 and iOS8. Any tips?

Changing only the position of the default backBarButtonItem

So I have a custom nav bar in my iPad app which is a bit larger than the default 44 pixel bar (52 pixels tall). I want all the items in the nav bar to be center aligned which I have been able to do just fine with the exception of one item, the back button. I don't want to use a custom back button and instead just use the default one and just nudge its position down a bit so that its aligned with the center of my navbar. I haven't been able to find a clear answer to this and am not sure if its even possible. Anybody done something like this?
This can be done and I found the answer here : UIBarButtonItem Offset?
Ok well,but we can't change the custom back button position so try to implement that one also by custom.
By default back button position was center so we can't change that position.
