Neo4j websocket connection timeout on Google Compute Engine - neo4j

I'm currently running Neo4j on Google Cloud with in a Compute Engine VM running Ubuntu. The 7474 port works as expected, however I'm receiving the following message when trying to connect to server:
WebSocket connection to 'ws://<ip>:7687/' failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT
I checked the conf/neo4j.conf for dbms.connector.bolt.address= and it's not commented out.
I checked the firewall, and there is a rule for port 7687, so what else could cause this?
Thanks in advance for the help
I was able to use the cypher-shell from the VM's command line, which connects to bolt://localhost:7687

It turns out the issue was with neither GCP nor neo4j. The company where I work for has a firewall blocking the port, and that's why I wasn't able to connect to the database using the browser. Dataflow in Compute Engine had no problem connecting to neo4j.


Unable to connect Azure Database from Kubernetes cluster using Kubeadm

I have a MVC application which is using Azure SQL database for data storage. I have created a docker image for the same.
Later, I have setup Kubernetes cluster on Ubuntu 18.4 using Kubeadm. The Linux VM is is created on azure cloud.
Initially, i have deployed my app on the single node cluster and the application was working as expected without any SQL connection issue. Then I have created two VM on the cloud and used it as Node 1 (master) and Node 2. Now i am facing an SQL connection issue after deploying my app on Node 2 machine.
Unhandled Exception: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 35 - An internal exception was caught) ---> System.Net.Internals.SocketExceptionFactory+ExtendedSocketException: Resource temporarily unavailable
I tried and verified below options-
Added IPs to Azure SQL database firewall settings
From Linux Machine, tried to connect SQL database using sqlcmd
POD network is install correctly (calico)
Tried adding outbound rule for SQL port 1433 on VM
I have created a SQL database on VM and tried to connect this database from MVC app and it is also working.
Can someone please help me to diagnose and fix this issue? Please let me know if you want more details on this.

Getting Neo4J running on OpenShift

I am trying to get the Bitnami Neo4j image running on OpenShift (testing on my local Minishift), but I am unable to connect. I am following the steps outlined in this issue (now closed), however, now I cannot access the external IP for the load balancer.
Here are the steps I have taken:
Deploy Image (bitnami/neo4j)
Create service for the load balancer,
using the YAML supplied in the issue mentioned
Get the external IP
address for the LB (oc get services) The command in step 3 lists 2
of the same IP addresses, and when I attempt to go to this IP in my
browser it times out.
I can create a route that points to port 7374 on the IP of the LB, but
then I get the same error as reported in the aforementioned issue.
(ServiceUnavailable: WebSocket connection failure. Due to security
constraints in your web browser, the reason for the failure is not
available to this Neo4j Driver. Please use your browsers development
console to determine the root cause of the failure. Common)
Configure neo4j to accept non-local connections. E.g.:

Cant login with Neo4j browser

I have installed neo4j on an EC2 instance and given port and access permissions to connect to it with chrome browser on my local machine.
The database is fluently accessible when I run db access codes on EC2, through py2neo. But when I open database using EC2-IP:7474 on my local chrome, I get to access the neo4j browser, but it does not let me login through. It always throws the error ServiceUnavailable: Failed to establish connection in 5000ms
The credentials are correct. They are the same with which I access the database from EC2. Screenshot attached. What can be possible reason for this and workaround to solve this issue?
I have gone through configuration file to uncomment lines such as
But the problem persists.
This happened to be because I had opened port 7474 on the ec2 instance, but not the bolt port 7687.
You need to open this port 7687

Trying to setup Neo4j 3.2.0 in ubuntu server

I am trying to setup Neo4j version 3.2.0 in the ubuntu server 14.04.2 LTS
Downloaded the tar and extracted the folder, edited the config file to update the port to 4444, for the time being disabled the bolt connector, listen_address to for the http connector, authentication also disabled just to get started.
bolt connector is updated with the port 7687 even though it is disabled as i was trying earlier with it enabled.
Now when i try to connect to the http://serverip:4444/browser, it says Database access not available and shows me the login screen with host prefilled bolt://serverip:7687
Also I see this error on the console window
WebSocket connection to ws://serverip:7687/
failed: Error in connection establishment:
Dont understand the issues here, please help me out. I am not sure why is it trying to do a WS to the port assigned to the bolt, when it is disabled at the first place.
There's a bit of juggling going on for HTTP connector support between the browser and the driver being used, a handoff which isn't complete, and the state of things is the browser is only supporting bolt connections right now.
The javascript bolt driver is being upgraded to handle http connections, I think, so you may need to wait until the next 3.2.x release to use the http connector again.
I think this issue should be tracking it.

Jetty: HTTP ERROR: 503/ Service Unavailable after change the server ip address WHEN NO INTERNET CONNECTION

I did install Opennms in a VM Ubuntu on PROXMOX. Everything went well until I did change the interface IP address because the VM must work in a LAN without Internet access. Since then the opennms start correctly but the browser give me the error:
Jetty: HTTP ERROR: 503
Problem accessing /opennms/. Reason:
Service Unavailable
The problem seems to be related with the connection to Internet at the starting of opennms. When I start opens without Internet connection the server do to start correctly.
OpenNMS has a bugfix that may take care of it.
