We are running a docker swarm and using Monit to see resources utilisation. The
Process memory for dockerd keeps on growing over time. This happens on all nodes that at least perform a docker action e.g docker inspect or docker exec. I'm suspecting it might be something related to this these actions but I'm not sure how to replicate it. I have a script like
set -eu
containers=$(docker container ls | awk '{if(NR>1) print $NF}')
# Loop forever
while true;
for container in $containers; do
echo "Running Inspect on $container"
CONTAINER_STATUS="$(docker inspect $container -f "{{.State}}")"
but I'm open to other suggestions
Assuming you can run ansible to run a command via ssh on all servers:
ansible swarm -a "docker stats --no-stream"
A more SRE solution is containerd + Prometheus + AlerManager / Grafana to gather metrics from the swarm nodes and then implement alerting when container thresholds are exceeded.
Don't forget you can simply set a resource constraint on Swarm services to limit the amount of memory and cpu service tasks can consume or be restarted. Then just look for services that keep getting OOM killed.
Like most docker users, I periodically need to connect to a running container and execute various arbitrary commands via bash.
I'm using 17.06-CE with an ubuntu 16.04 image, and as far as I understand, the only way to do this without installing ssh into the container is via docker exec -it <container_name> bash
However, as is well-documented, for each bash shell process you generate, you leave a zombie process behind when your connection is interrupted. If you connect to your container often, you end up with 1000s of idle shells -a most undesirable outcome!
How can I ensure these zombie shell processes are killed upon disconnection -as they would be over ssh?
One way is to make sure the linux init process runs in your container.
In recent versions of docker there is an --init option to docker run that should do this. This uses tini to run init which can also be used in previous versions.
Another option is something like the phusion-baseimage project that provides a base docker image with this capability and many others (might be overkill).
I am trying to create docker container using dockerfile where script-entry.sh is to be executed when the containers starts and script-exit.sh to be executed when the container stops.
ENTRYPOINT helped to accomplish the first part of the problem where script-entry.sh runs on startup.
How will i make sure the script-exit.sh is executed on docker exit/stop ?
docker stop sends a SIGTERM signal to the main process running inside the Docker container (the entry script). So you need a way to catch the signal and then trigger the exit script.
See This link for explanation on signal trapping and an example (near the end of the page)
Create a script, and save it as a bash file, that contains that following:
docker exec -it $CONTAINER_NAME bash -c "sh script-exit.sh"
docker stop $CONTAINER_NAME
Run that file instead of running docker stop, and that should do the trick. You can setup an alias for that as well.
As for automating it inside of Docker itself, I've never seen it done before. Good luck figuring it out, if that's the road you want to take.
I've seen a bunch of tutorials that seem do the same thing I'm trying to do, but for some reason my Docker containers exit. Basically, I'm setting up a web-server and a few daemons inside a Docker container. I do the final parts of this through a bash script called run-all.sh that I run through CMD in my Dockerfile. run-all.sh looks like this:
service supervisor start
service nginx start
And I start it inside of my Dockerfile as follows:
CMD ["sh", "/root/credentialize_and_run.sh"]
I can see that the services all start up correctly when I run things manually (i.e. getting on to the image with -i -t /bin/bash), and everything looks like it runs correctly when I run the image, but it exits once it finishes starting up my processes. I'd like the processes to run indefinitely, and as far as I understand, the container has to keep running for this to happen. Nevertheless, when I run docker ps -a, I see:
➜ docker_test docker ps -a
c7706edc4189 some_name/some_repo:blah "sh /root/run-all.sh 8 minutes ago Exited (0) 8 minutes ago grave_jones
What gives? Why is it exiting? I know I could just put a while loop at the end of my bash script to keep it up, but what's the right way to keep it from exiting?
If you are using a Dockerfile, try:
ENTRYPOINT ["tail", "-f", "/dev/null"]
(Obviously this is for dev purposes only, you shouldn't need to keep a container alive unless it's running a process eg. nginx...)
I just had the same problem and I found out that if you are running your container with the -t and -d flag, it keeps running.
docker run -td <image>
Here is what the flags do (according to docker run --help):
-d, --detach=false Run container in background and print container ID
-t, --tty=false Allocate a pseudo-TTY
The most important one is the -t flag. -d just lets you run the container in the background.
This is not really how you should design your Docker containers.
When designing a Docker container, you're supposed to build it such that there is only one process running (i.e. you should have one container for Nginx, and one for supervisord or the app it's running); additionally, that process should run in the foreground.
The container will "exit" when the process itself exits (in your case, that process is your bash script).
However, if you really need (or want) to run multiple service in your Docker container, consider starting from "Docker Base Image", which uses runit as a pseudo-init process (runit will stay online while Nginx and Supervisor run), which will stay in the foreground while your other processes do their thing.
They have substantial docs, so you should be able to achieve what you're trying to do reasonably easily.
you can run plain cat without any arguments as mentioned by bro #Sa'ad to simply keep the container working [actually doing nothing but waiting for user input] (Jenkins' Docker plugin does the same thing)
The reason it exits is because the shell script is run first as PID 1 and when that's complete, PID 1 is gone, and docker only runs while PID 1 is.
You can use supervisor to do everything, if run with the "-n" flag it's told not to daemonize, so it will stay as the first process:
CMD ["/usr/bin/supervisord", "-n"]
And your supervisord.conf:
command=nginx -g "daemon off;"
Then you can have as many other processes as you want and supervisor will handle the restarting of them if needed.
That way you could use supervisord in cases where you might need nginx and php5-fpm and it doesn't make much sense to have them apart.
There is nothing wrong in running multiple processes inside of a docker container. If one likes to use docker as a light weight VM - so be it. Others like to split their applications into micro services. Me thinks: A LAMP stack in one container? Just great.
The answer:
Stick with a good base image like the phusion base image. There may be others. Please comment.
And this is yet just another plead for supervisor. Because the phusion base image is providing supervisor besides of some other things like cron and locale setup. Stuff you like to have setup when running such a light weight VM. For what it's worth it also provides ssh connections into the container.
The phusion image itself will just start and keep running if you issue this basic docker run statement:
moin#stretchDEV:~$ docker run -d phusion/baseimage
moin#stretchDEV:~$ docker ps
521e8a12f6ff phusion/baseimage "/sbin/my_init" 12 seconds ago Up 11 seconds
Or dead simple:
If a base image is not for you... For the quick CMD to keep it running I would suppose something like this for bash:
CMD exec /bin/bash -c "trap : TERM INT; sleep infinity & wait"
Or this for busybox:
CMD exec /bin/sh -c "trap : TERM INT; (while true; do sleep 1000; done) & wait"
This is nice, because it will exit immediately on a docker stop.
Just plain sleep or cat will take a few seconds before the container is forcefully killed by docker.
As response to Charles Desbiens concerning running multiple processes in one container:
This is an opinion. And the docs are pointing in this direction. A quote: "It’s ok to have multiple processes, but to get the most benefit out of Docker, avoid one container being responsible for multiple aspects of your overall application." For sure it obviously much more powerful to devide your complex service into multiple containers. But there are situations where it can be beneficial to go the one container route. Especially for appliances. The GitLab Docker image is my favourite example of a multi process container. It makes deployment of this complex system easy. There is no way for mis-configuration. GitLab retains all control over their appliance. Win-Win.
Make sure that you add daemon off; to you nginx.conf or run it with CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"] as per the official nginx image
Then use the following to run both supervisor as service and nginx as foreground process that will prevent the container from exiting
service supervisor start && nginx
In some cases you will need to have more than one process in your container, so forcing the container to have exactly one process won't work and can create more problems in deployment.
So you need to understand the trade-offs and make your decision accordingly.
Since docker engine v1.25 there is an option called init.
Docker-compose included this command as of version 3.7.
So my current CMD when running a container that should run into infinity:
CMD ["sleep", "infinity"]
and then run it using:
docker build
docker run --rm --init app
rm docs and init docs
Capture the PID of the ngnix process in a variable (for example $NGNIX_PID) and at the end of the entrypoint file do
In that way, your container should run until ngnix is alive, when ngnix stops, the container stops as well
Along with having something along the lines of : ENTRYPOINT ["tail", "-f", "/dev/null"] in your docker file, you should also run the docker container with -td option. This is particularly useful when the container runs on a remote m/c. Think of it more like you have ssh'ed into a remote m/c having the image and started the container. In this case, when you exit the ssh session, the container will get killed unless it's started with -td option. Sample command for running your image would be: docker run -td <any other additional options> <image name>
This holds good for docker version 20.10.2
There are some cases during development when there is no service yet but you want to simulate it and keep the container alive.
It is very easy to write a bash placeholder that simulates a running service:
while true; do
sleep 100
You replace this by something more serious as the development progress.
How about using the supervise form of service if available?
service YOUR_SERVICE supervise
Once supervise is successfully running, it will not exit unless it is
killed or specifically asked to exit.
Saves having to create a supervisord.conf
I have been running docker processes (apps) via
docker run …
But under runit supervision (runit is like daemontools) - so runit ensures that the process stays up, passes signals etc.
Is this reasonable? Docker seems to want to run its own demonization - but it isn't as thorough as runit. Furthermore, when runit restarts the app - a new container is created each time (fine) but it leaves a trace of the old one around - this seems to imply I am doing it in the wrong way.
Should docker not be run this way?
Should I instead set up a container from the image, just once, and then have runit run/supervise that container for all time?
Docker does do some management of daemonized containers: if the system shuts down, then when the Docker daemon starts it will also restart any containers that were running at the time the system shut down. But if the container exits on its own or the kernel (or a user) kills the container while it is running, the Docker daemon won't restart it. In cases where you do want a restart, a process manager makes sense.
I don't know runit so I can't give specific configuration guidance. But you should probably make the process manager communicate with the docker daemon and check to see if a given container id is running (docker ps | grep container_id or equivalent, or use the Docker Remote API directly). If the container has stopped, use Docker to restart it (docker run container_id) instead of running a new container. Or, if you do want a new container each time, then begin with docker run -rm to automatically clean it up when it exits or stops.
If you don't want your process manager to poll docker, you could instead run something that watches docker events.
You can get the container_id when you start the container as the return value of starting a daemon, or you can ask Docker to write this out to a file (docker run -cidfile myfilename, like a PID file)
I hope that helps or helps another runit guru offer more detailed advice.
Yes, I think running docker under runit makes sense. Typically when you start a process there is a way to tell it not to daemonize if it does by default since the normal way to hand-off from the runit run script to a process is via exec on the last line of your run script. For docker this means making sure not to set the -d flag.
For example, with docker you probably want your run script to look something like this:
#!/bin/bash -e
exec 2>&1
exec chpst -u dockeruser docker run -a stdin -a stdout -i ...
Using exec and chpst should resolve most issues with processes not terminating correctly when you bring down a runit service.