How to show a view through protocol? - ios

I want to detective networking state, when networking state changed, show a error view in current controller. But there is a problem by using protocol.
Here is the codes:
private func networkingDetection() {
//This is the detective method in appdelegate
try! reachability.startNotifier()
reachability.whenReachable = { [weak self] _ in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
reachability.whenUnreachable = { [weak self] _ in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
And here is the protocol
protocol NetworkingErrorProtocol {
// I want to show the default view if there is no networkingErrorView, and
when declare a custom view in controller, show the custom view.
//var networkingErrorView: UIView? { get }
func showNetworkingErrorView()
func hideNetworkingErrorView()
extension UIViewController: NetworkingErrorProtocol {
func showNetworkingErrorView() {
func hideNetworkingErrorView() {
Anyone can tell me how to figure it out? It's really makes me crazy. Thanks a lot.

The issue with your setup is that conforming UIViewController to your protocol does not allow you to receive that call in your subclass. If you try to override the protocol function in your subclass you will get a compiler error: Declarations from extensions cannot be overridden yet
First off, a note about NotificationCenter. If you need multiple parts of your app to be notified of the change that would be a good way to go. If you only need to tell one controller, this is a classic usage for a delegate.
Here are two ways to get the desired functionality: using the delegate pattern and without.
Let's say Manager is the class where the monitoring is happening:
Using a delegate pattern
class Manager {
weak var networkDelegate : NetworkStatusListener?
func monitorNetworkStatus() {
var reachable = true;
if reachable {
// We can call the delegate directly
else {
And the same Manager without a delegate pattern. This would be the simplest fix for your current implementation issue.
class Manager {
func currentViewController() -> UIViewController { return vc }
func monitorNetworkStatus() {
var maybeAtListener = currentViewController()
// DON't SHIP THIS, but it can be helpful during development to make sure you didn't forget to conform one of your classes
assert(maybeAtListener is NetworkStatusListener, "Oops, did you mean to conform \(currentVC) to NetworkStatusListener")
var reachable = true;
if reachable {
// We can't be sure the controller conforms to the protocol but we can try
(maybeAtListener as? NetworkStatusListener)?.networkStatusChanged(.connected)
else {
(maybeAtListener as? NetworkStatusListener)?.networkStatusChanged(.connected)
Then for your view controller
class MyController : UIViewController, NetworkStatusDelegate {
func networkStatusChanged(_ status: NetworkStatus) {
switch status {
case .connected:
// Normal UI
case .disconnected:
// No network connect
Also, not directly related to your question but for this example I used a slightly different approach to the protocol design that can be helpful for "status" oriented protocols. Having multiple functions can often become a little more tedious to conform to as protocols get larger.
enum NetworkStatus {
case connected
case disconnected
protocol NetworkStatusListener : class {
func networkStatusChanged(_ status: NetworkStatus)

Try using reachability class's NSNotificationCenter
add this in appdelegate's didFinishLaunchingWithOptions if you want for whole app
OR add in your specific viewcontroller if you want this in specific Viewcontroller
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector:Selector(("checkForReachability:")), name: NSNotification.Name.reachabilityChanged, object: nil);
let reachability: Reachability = Reachability.forInternetConnection();
This method called while network state changed .
func checkForReachability(notification:NSNotification)
let networkReachability = notification.object as! Reachability;
_ = networkReachability.currentReachabilityStatus()
// do yor additional work here


SOLID principles in mvp architecture

I use model view presenter architecture in my app and I wonder what's better for respect solid principles and reusability.
So I have 4 classes: View Controller, Presenter, Model and Service. But I have a doubt in connection between presenter and service. I am not sure if I don't break single responsibility principle.
class WorkoutPresenter() {
// some code
let workoutSettingsService = WorkoutSettingsService()
func changeUnitFromKGtoLBInHistory() {
func changeUnitFromLBtoKGInHistory() {
func changeUnitFromKGtoLBInCalendar() {
class WorkoutSettingService {
func firstFunction() {
// some code
func secondFunction() {
// some code
func thirdFunction() {
// some code
Now workout service has 3 responsibilities (first, second and third function)
Or maybe better option would be create different class for each function and then call them in WorkoutService, something like:
class WorkoutSettingService {
let firstFunctionClass: FirstFunctionClass
let secondFunctionClass: SecondFunctionClass
let thirdFunction: ThirdFunctionClass
init(firstFunctionClassClass: FirstFunction, secondFunctionClass: SecondFunctionClass, thirdFunctionClass: ThirdFunctionClass) {
self.firstFunctionClass = firstFunction
self.secondFunctionClass = secondFunction
self.thirdFunctionClass = thirdFunction
func firstFunctionCall() {
func secondFunctionCall() {
func thirdFunctionCall() {
And then call it in Presenter like before. Or maybe better than accessing to this new three class is create a protocols and set delegates from service to this new specific classes?
I hope you understand what my problem is. If you have other idea how to connect presenter with service in clean way, go ahead.
The cleaner approach in my opinion would be to introduce protocols to your service class and segregate the responsibilities.
To make the example simpler, I am going to assume that func changeUnitFromKGtoLBInHistory() and func changeUnitFromLBtoKGInHistory() have to invoke a service with respect to some history data and the func changeUnitFromKGtoLBInCalendar() has to invoke current calendar data.
First we introduce 2 protocols to do that
protocol InHistoryServiceProtocol {
func firstFunction()
func secondFunction()
protocol InCalendatServiceProtocol {
func thirdFunction()
Then we update the class WorkoutSettingService to conform to protocol as below:
class WorkoutSettingService: InHistoryServiceProtocol, InCalendatServiceProtocol {
func firstFunction() {
// some code
func secondFunction() {
// some code
func thirdFunction() {
// some code
Now we use protocol composition to gracefully handle the service class in the presenter
class WorkoutPresenter {
// some code
typealias WorkoutServiceProtocols = InHistoryServiceProtocol & InCalendatServiceProtocol
let workoutSettingsService: WorkoutServiceProtocols = WorkoutSettingService()
func changeUnitFromKGtoLBInHistory() {
func changeUnitFromLBtoKGInHistory() {
func changeUnitFromKGtoLBInCalendar() {
This way you have the flexibility to add/remove responsibilities in the Work out service class respecting the SOLID principles. It also becomes easy to mock the data and inject into presenter for testing.

UITabBarController Shared Data Model - share & update model from anywhere

I'm using a TabBarcontroller type app and I'm using a shared model of the form:
enum WorkoutState {
case Stopped
case Started
case Paused
class BaseTBController: UITabBarController {
var workoutState: WorkoutState? = .Stopped
Currently all is working and I can access and update the variable across the different tabs using
let tabbar = tabBarController as! BaseTBController
if tabbar.workoutState = .Stop {
//do something
tabbar.workoutState = .Start
Now, the situation is that I seem to need to put this all over the place in my code. eg:
Is there a better way to do this instead of putting
let tabbar = tabBarController as! BaseTBController
tabbar.workoutState = .Start
in each of the 3 functions?
You can always use protocol and default extension to achieve what you need
protocol HandleWorkStateProtocol where Self: UIViewController {
func updateWorkOutState(to: WorkoutState)
extension HandleWorkStateProtocol {
func updateWorkOutState(to state: WorkoutState) {
guard let tabBarController = self.tabBarController as? BaseTBController else { return }
tabBarController.workoutState = state
In all you view controller's that has these 3 methods (startRun, resumeRun, pauseRun) simply confirm to this protocol and call updateWorkOutState(to: with appropriate value to modify the status
class SomeTestViewController: UIViewController {
func startRun() {
self.updateWorkOutState(to: .Started)
func resumeRun() {
func pauseRun() {
self.updateWorkOutState(to: .Paused)
extension SomeTestViewController: HandleWorkStateProtocol {}
Case values of enum does not follow Pascal casing like Stopped instead it follows Camel casing stopped so change your enum values to
enum WorkoutState {
case stopped
case started
case paused

iOS RxSwift how to connect Core bluetooth to Rx sequences?

I'm trying to create an observable sequence to indicate the status of Bluetooth on device. I'm using ReplaySubject<CBManagerState>, but am curious if there is something better, as I hear bad things about using onNext()
What is the appropriate way to connect callback delegates to the RxSwift observable domain?
class BluetoothStatusMonitor: NSObject, CBPeripheralManagerDelegate {
let bluetoothStatusSequence = ReplaySubject<CBManagerState>.create(bufferSize: 1)
var bluetoothPeripheralManager: CBPeripheralManager?
func checkBluetoothStatus()
//silently check permissions, without alert
let options = [CBCentralManagerOptionShowPowerAlertKey:0]
bluetoothPeripheralManager = CBPeripheralManager(delegate: self, queue: nil, options: options)
func peripheralManagerDidUpdateState(_ peripheral: CBPeripheralManager) {
This is exactly the kind of things that Subjects are good for. They exist primarily to convert non-Rx code into Rx code. That said, RxCocoa has the DelegateProxy type that is designed to handle a lot of the work necessary to do delegates right. It's still hard to figure out exactly how to implement one, but once you get the hang of it they are quite useful...
I have to admit that most of the code is black magic to me, but it does work. I try to explain as much as I can in comments below.
import RxSwift
import RxCocoa
import CoreBluetooth
// The HasDelegate protocol is an associated type for the DelegateProxyType
extension CBPeripheralManager: HasDelegate {
public typealias Delegate = CBPeripheralManagerDelegate
class CBPeripheralManagerDelegateProxy
: DelegateProxy<CBPeripheralManager, CBPeripheralManagerDelegate>
, DelegateProxyType
, CBPeripheralManagerDelegate {
init(parentObject: CBPeripheralManager) {
super.init(parentObject: parentObject, delegateProxy: CBPeripheralManagerDelegateProxy.self)
deinit {
static func registerKnownImplementations() {
register { CBPeripheralManagerDelegateProxy(parentObject: $0) }
// a couple of static functions for getting and setting a delegate on the object.
static func currentDelegate(for object: CBPeripheralManager) -> CBPeripheralManagerDelegate? {
return object.delegate
static func setCurrentDelegate(_ delegate: CBPeripheralManagerDelegate?, to object: CBPeripheralManager) {
object.delegate = delegate
// required delegate functions must be implemented in the class. This is where Subjects come in.
func peripheralManagerDidUpdateState(_ peripheral: CBPeripheralManager) {
fileprivate let _didUpdateState = PublishSubject<CBManagerState>()
extension Reactive where Base: CBPeripheralManager {
var delegate: CBPeripheralManagerDelegateProxy {
return CBPeripheralManagerDelegateProxy.proxy(for: base)
var state: Observable<CBManagerState> {
return delegate._didUpdateState
var didUpdateState: Observable<Void> {
return { _ in }
// optional methods are setup using the `methodInvoked` function on the delegate
var willRestoreState: Observable<[String: Any]> {
return delegate.methodInvoked(#selector(CBPeripheralManagerDelegate.peripheralManager(_:willRestoreState:)))
.map { $0[1] as! [String: Any] }
var didStartAdvertising: Observable<Error?> {
return delegate.methodInvoked(#selector(CBPeripheralManagerDelegate.peripheralManagerDidStartAdvertising(_:error:)))
.map { $0[1] as? Error }
// I didn't implement all of the optionals. Use the above as a template to implement the rest.
As far as I can tell, the methodInvoked function performs some meta-programming magic on the object to install the method at runtime. This is done because many of the iOS classes that have delegates actually behave differently depending on whether or not the method was defined on the delegate (regardless of what the method does,) so we don't want to simply give the proxy every method in the protocol.
Of course, once you have the above in place. You can do all the standard RX stuff with your peripheral manager:
.subscribe(onNext: { state in print("current state:", state) })
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
.subscribe(onNext: { error in
if let error = error {
print("there was an error:", error)
.disposed(by: disposeBag)

One delegate Two classes

I am using a UISearchController with GoogleMap Autocomplete View controller to send data to my view controllers.
I have a Tabbar controller and I want to send the data two my ViewController A and B.
I have done all the necessary jobs but only one ViewController gets notified when user has used the UISearchController.
I have tried setting the delegate of each tab to nil when I move to the other tab, For example if I move from ViewController A to B
I will set the delegate of A to nil and then set the delegate of B to itself.
I am kinda new to swift so Can anyone help me understand why isn't this working?
I have tried debugging my code to see is my delegate is nil and it wasn't .
Here is how i set and unset the delegate
func setDelegate() {
print("MapViewController is not nil")
resultsViewController?.delegate = self
func unSetDelegate() {
print("MapViewController is nil")
resultsViewController?.delegate = nil
You need an observer pattern, if you need that one class instance notify to a number of other instances you need make an array of delegates (called observers) and register and deregister from that notifier instance class
Further info Wikipedia Observer Pattern
example code
This is the protocol that must implement any observer class
protocol GeotificationsManagerObserver : NSObjectProtocol{
func nearestGeotificationsHasChanged(pgeotifications:[Geotification])
Notifier class
class GeotificationsManager: NSObject {
fileprivate var observers : [GeotificationsManagerObserver] = []
Observers methods
extension GeotificationsManager
func addGeotificationsManagerObserver(observer:GeotificationsManagerObserver)
for currentObs in self.observers {
//we don't want add again
func removeGeotificationsManagerObserver(observer:GeotificationsManagerObserver)
var observerIndex = -1
for (index,currObserver) in self.observers.enumerated() {
observerIndex = index
if(observerIndex != -1)
self.observers.remove(at: observerIndex)
//here make the notification to all observers in observers array
func nearestsGeotificationsHasChanged()
for currObserver in self.observers {
currObserver.nearestGeotificationsHasChanged(pgeotifications: self.getNearesGeotifications())
You must remove the observer once you don't need being notified if not you will have memory issue
Example: You can add a UIViewController as Observer in viewDidAppear and can be removed in viewDidDisappear

Swift - Dynamic cast class unconditional?

It doesn't seem like I can cast a generic type to another? Swift is throwing DynamicCastClassException.
Basically here is the problem:
// T is defined as T: NSObject
let oebj1 = NetworkResponse<User>()
let oebj2 = oebj1 as NetworkResponse<NSObject>
Here is why I need to do this casting
class BaseViewController: UIViewController {
// Not allowed to make a generic viewController and therefore have to cast the generic down to NSObject
func fetchData(completion: (NetworkResponse<NSObject>)->()) {
fatalError("You have to implement fetchData method")
class UsersViewController: BaseViewController {
override func fetchData(completion: (NetworkResponse<NSObject>)->()) {
userNetworkManager.fetchUsers { networkUSerResponse in
completion(networkUSerResponse as NetworkResponse<NSObject>)
class UserNetworkManager {
func fetchUsers(completion: (NetworkResponse<User>)->()) {
// Do stuff
In general, there doesn't seem to be a way to do this. The basic problem is that NetworkResponse<NSObject> and NetworkResponse<User> are essentially completely unrelated types that happen to have identical functionality and similar naming.
In this specific case, it really isn't necessary since you're throwing away the known Userness of the result anyway, meaning that if you really want to treat it as a User later you'll have to do a conditional cast back. Just remove the generic from NetworkResponse and it will all work as expected. The major drawback is that within UserVC.fetchData you won't have access to the returned User result without a (conditional) cast.
The alternative solution would be to separate out whatever additional information is in NetworkResponse from the payload type (User/NSObject) using a wrapper of some sort (assuming there's significant sideband data there). That way you could pass the NetworkResponse to super without mutilation and down-cast the payload object as needed.
Something like this:
class User : NSObject {
class Transaction {
let request:NSURLRequest?
let response:NSURLResponse?
let data:NSData?
class Response<T:NSObject> {
let transaction:Transaction
let payload:T
init(transaction:Transaction, payload:T) {
self.transaction = transaction
self.payload = payload
class UserNetworkManager {
func fetchUsers(completion: (Response<User>) -> ()) {
completion(Response(transaction:Transaction(), payload:User()))
let userNetworkManager = UserNetworkManager();
class BaseVC {
func fetchData(completion: (Response<NSObject>) -> ()) {
fatalError("Gotta implement fetchData")
class UserVC : BaseVC {
override func fetchData(completion: (Response<NSObject>) -> ()) {
userNetworkManager.fetchUsers { response -> () in
completion(Response(transaction: response.transaction, payload: response.payload))
Although at that point, you're probably better off just separating the transaction information and payload information into separate arguments to the callback.
