Swift 3: Control landscape status bar and navigation bar appearance - ios

On an iPhone (compact) in landscape mode the status bar is hidden and the navigation bar height is less than in portrait. How can you prevent both of these behaviors with Swift 3 iOS 10? I have seen a number of answers but the solutions appear to have been deprecated in current releases.


Xamarin : Why the navigation bar not appearing

I have a strange behaviour about the navigation bar. I used iPhone 8 plus emulator and my iPhone 5c to run my application. All the pages will see the navigation bar but one of the client using iPhone 8plus unable to see the navigation bar on one of the screen only.
In my code, I didn't hide the navigation bar. I want to know does anyone have the same issue.

UITabBar overlaps the navigation bar when editing items in landscape mode

I'm currently developing an iOS application in which I need to use a tab bar. While testing it on a small device (iPhone 4s) I found that If I rotated the device into landscape mode the title is overlapping the title bar.
Before rotation :
After rotation :
Is there a way I can fix this ? I don't have acces to this view because it is managed by the UITabBar.

Status bar is overlap to navigationbar

In my app , status bar is overlapping to navigation bar. I tried a lot but did not get success.
Here, in color green is my navigation bar. Problem is in only iOS 6.0 and iOS 6.1. It is working perfect in iOS 7.0 and iOS 7.1. Navigation bar displayed half in iOS 6.0 and in iOS 6.1. Status bar is overlapping here

CCMenu misplaced under iOS 7

Under iOS 6 all my CCMenus appeared centered on the screen by default, if I did not assign an explicit position. Under iOS 7 the menus are positioned off screen.
Do I have to assign an explicit position under iOS 7?
iOS 6:
iOS 7:
Basically there are two underlying problems.
If you have hidden your status bar under iOS 6, this will not work for iOS 7 without adding an additional value to your Info.plist (View controller-based status bar appearance -> NO)
Due to a bug in Cocos2D your screen size will be calculated wrong, if your status bar is visible.
You have to different options to solve this problem:
Set a CCMenu position explicitly instead of using the implicit
positioning (e.g: menu.position = ccp(self.contentSize.width/2, self.contentSize.height/2);)
Set View controller-based status bar appearance -> NO in your Info.plist if you don't want to show the status bar anyway

UINavigationBar position is not the same depending on iOS version ( 7 and 6 )

I'm updating my app to iOS7 and I noticed that I had to re-adjust all my manually placed UINavigationBars so that they come under the status bar.
Now that all bars have been manually moved in the IB below the status bar I've a problem that it looks great on iOS7 but in any other version there is a pronounced gap between the status bar and the UINavigationBar.
Could anyone advice me why is this problem happening between iOS versions and how to overcome it?
