CCMenu misplaced under iOS 7 - ios

Under iOS 6 all my CCMenus appeared centered on the screen by default, if I did not assign an explicit position. Under iOS 7 the menus are positioned off screen.
Do I have to assign an explicit position under iOS 7?
iOS 6:
iOS 7:

Basically there are two underlying problems.
If you have hidden your status bar under iOS 6, this will not work for iOS 7 without adding an additional value to your Info.plist (View controller-based status bar appearance -> NO)
Due to a bug in Cocos2D your screen size will be calculated wrong, if your status bar is visible.
You have to different options to solve this problem:
Set a CCMenu position explicitly instead of using the implicit
positioning (e.g: menu.position = ccp(self.contentSize.width/2, self.contentSize.height/2);)
Set View controller-based status bar appearance -> NO in your Info.plist if you don't want to show the status bar anyway


IOS UI below top bar

I'm creating a snapchat style app and I'm trying to keep UI below the top status bar (Signal/Time / Battery bar). I have it working on test phones except for iPhone X. I'm not sure if I should be using the extend under top bars / bottom bars feature or not. Is there a way to keep the UI underneath the status bar for all iPhones?
Pre iPhoneX status bar:
iPhone X status bar:
SOLVED: Fixed issue in XCode in the storboard editor by changing the "View As: iPhone model" feature. From there I'm able to modify the UI for each different phone / tablet model.

Swift 3: Control landscape status bar and navigation bar appearance

On an iPhone (compact) in landscape mode the status bar is hidden and the navigation bar height is less than in portrait. How can you prevent both of these behaviors with Swift 3 iOS 10? I have seen a number of answers but the solutions appear to have been deprecated in current releases.

How to move the top panel in ios app

My app top bar very stretched on iPhone and and closes the status bar. How to fix it? On iPhone simulator there is no such it
in info.plist add View controller-based status bar appearance property and set NO
in project General settings set status bar hide during application launch
At Project General setting, you just check it

MVYSideMenu IN iOS 7 hides status bar

I am using MVYSideMenu in my application. It is working really good, the problem is that in iOS7 when the menu is open, the status bar is mixed with the menu. I have solved this by setting the TableView y position 20 pt down, but this solution is not the best, because in iOS 6 it is different. I am new in iOS and even more in iOS 7.
You can hide the status bar setting UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance to NO in Info.plist

UINavigationBar position is not the same depending on iOS version ( 7 and 6 )

I'm updating my app to iOS7 and I noticed that I had to re-adjust all my manually placed UINavigationBars so that they come under the status bar.
Now that all bars have been manually moved in the IB below the status bar I've a problem that it looks great on iOS7 but in any other version there is a pronounced gap between the status bar and the UINavigationBar.
Could anyone advice me why is this problem happening between iOS versions and how to overcome it?
