Delegate Jenkins authentication to Oauth1.0 or Custom Security Realm - jenkins

We have a legacy Identity Provider which only supports two authentication mechanisms:
Oauth 1.0.
A custom service I can call with a user and password and
obtain a session token which then has to be placed in a custom
header of every other call to the IdP —to get user info and such.
I’d like to know whether there’s any plugin that will allow configuring Jenkins to delegate authentication to such an IdP through either mechanism. I'm starting to look at the Oauth Credentials Plugin, but it doesn't look like it'll do the trick.
By itself, this library has no user visible changes, it is intended only to surface new extension points on top of which OAuth providers may surface their own OAuth2Credentials implementations.
If not, then what are my options here? I’m thinking of writing a plugin to implement one of these. Is there a good guide I can use? Or an existing plugin I should extend?

As it turns out —and just in case anyone else is wondering how to do this— the Oauth Credentials Plugin is not for delegating Jenkins authentication to an Oauth Identity Provider. It's for creating Jenkins credentials which can then be used by jobs.
At this point in time, there's no plugin which will allow you to delegate Jenkins authentication to an identity providier exposing the deprecated Oauth 1.0 spec. You'll have to implement your own. The right way to do this is to extend this class:
I started doing this by following the examples set by Github's and Google's Oauth 2.0 plugins. But these both take very different approaches to the same problem — which filled my head with questions. So I did some more research and found this nice article which explains the basics and also points to a bare bones security realm example of how to do this. It helped me a lot. I hope it'll help others as well.


How to use spring security rest grails plugin to authenticate form-based login

Preface: I created the following issue in GitHub of the plugin and Alvaro Sanchez, the author of the plugin, recommended me to ask here which is the dedicated discussion channel for it.
We are migrating our Grails-based application to Kubernetes to allow multiple instances running simultaneously. The inherent problem is that the application will ask users to re-login if the request is served by the other pod that is not the previously same pod. We want to replace session-based authentication with token-based authentication.
I have come across writing on medium explaining how to use this plugin come long the source code published on GitHub, however, this tutorial didn't show how to customise the form-based login or something along those lines.
The key point here is to verify the existence of the defined token in order to redirect the login URL. However, I don't actually understand how and where we could intervene LoginController spring security core to check both username and token.
Apart from that, I cannot find any tutorials as well as documentation relevant to our need, so then I have raised this problem which someone experienced users can share their solutions.
If you have any idea, helpful tutorials or source code, could you please share with us?
Thank you in advance!

Apache Syncope with OAuth 2

I am trying to find some information about using Apache syncope (Identity management system) with OAuth 2 authorization.
I see there is no implementation in AS yet as written here: so AS is "pure" Identity Manager - not directly involved in authorization operations like oauth 2.0
I have found I should use some Access Managers to implement such scenario.
What access managers should I use? Could you give some advice? thanks
On the page Access Managers you can see that there exist several ones, just not for OAuth 2.
For OAuth 2 an Access Manager had to be developed, perhaps it's possible on base of the existing ones.
Having a look at some commits concerning OpenID there exist the following list:
[SYNCOPE-1270] implementation for OpenID Connect for Admin Console and Enduser
[SYNCOPE-1270] OpenID Connect Logout implementation
[SYNCOPE-1018] self registration for OpenID Connect
It seems being mixed in core though, so probably it's impracticable to do it in the same kind as core can't be updated anymore without problems.
On the other hand, if you are willing to provide the new Access Manager directly to core-development it wouldn't matter, but then it's advisable to contact the core-developers on github first.
While REST might serve as interface for a separated module, the authentication process is technically explained as Provisioning Service.
In Extensions you get an impression which extensions exist and you'd to verify them to get knowledge how to solve your approach in an own extension. I'd chose perhaps SAML 2.0 Service Provider as it's also related to authentication.
Concerning OAuth 2 itself there exist a few implementations in github, regrettable only in PHP, but perhaps that helps you a bit.

Create Custom STS service

I'am looking at the capabilities of WIF in terms of SSO. Actually we have a "legacy" users & rights management database under SQLServer and we like to build a brand new SSO system on top of this exsting database.
In many tutorials I found they talk about using existing STS like ADFSv2 for Active Directory authorization, but It did not fit my needs because my users/rights are not exposed through AD but in a custom a specific business oriented SQL Server database.
So, I thing I need a custom Security Token Service in order to be able to emit my own custom tokens, but I don't know how to do this.
I need some little help or an example about how to achieve this.
Thank you
You can find STS example in WIF SDK. It contain an example with custom token. Look here
More detail information about SSO I seen in a book 'Programming Windows Identity Foundation'
You can build your own Custom Security Token Service leveraging the underneath SQL Server database. You will have to define your scopes and Claims that needs to be shared after user does a Single Sign On. Here are some links to some articles below that has helped me build mine. I am pretty sure by following the below links you will be able to build a custom STS catering to your needs.
Care to explain why #paullem's answer was deleted?
It is in fact the correct answer!
The question is about an STS that authenticates using a SQL DB. That is EXACTLY what IdentityServer does.
Since it's open source, you can customize it any way you want or else use it as a guide.
So to repeat the answer - "Take a look at Thinktecture.IdentityServer........".
You want a custom STS that supports SAML protocol and authenticates against a SQL DB?
WIF won't do this for you.
You need to look at something like Shibboleth or simpleSAMLphp but they are not .NET based.
Or take IdentityServer and add a SAML stack to it.
Refer: SAML : SAML connectivity / toolkit.
Be warned: This is not a trivial exercise!

Spring Security 3 using OAuth2 for SSO

Has anyone actually used OAuth2 for SSO within Spring Security 3?
I need my users to be redirected to an OAuth2 URL when they try to access any URL on my site for the first time. Once they are authenticated there, it will redirect them to a URL on my site, where I need to authorize them and create a session so that they will stay authorized on my site until they log out or time out.
I have tried several configurations in Spring Security using custom pre-auth filters, custom user details services, etc., but I cannot get the flow to work properly. I've not attached any code because I've gone through so many possibilities that I'm not even sure what to post.
I'd appreciate any direction anyone can give. Thanks!
OAuth2 isn't intended as an SSO solution. It's primarily about delegating the right to access resources on your behalf to other parties (applications, for example). So if that's not something you need then perhaps you should be looking at a simpler solution.
It's possible to use OAuth2 to allow access to a resource which provides information on your identity, in which case it can be expanded for authentication use. This is how OpenID connect uses it (by adding a userinfo endpoint resource).
You might want to take a look at the UAA project within CloudFoundry which is built on Spring Security OAuth and uses OAuth2 in this way to provide authentication services and to issue access tokens to applications within the system.
This appears to be a somewhat dead question but here are some resources that may prove useful to future searches:
Spring Cloud oauth2 SSO sample
Spring oauth2 SSO with a whole bunch of other stuff too
Who is your Oauth2 provider? In a case of some public one like Facebook, Twitter, Google and many others you can take a look at Spring Social project. Even if you use some private provider you can add it very easy (, Developing a Netflix Service Provider Implementation section).
Spring Social is designed to cover your main case with some minor difference: by default you must submit a form to start authentication process. I think this difference may be easy customized to feet your needs.
You can play with Spring Social Showcase sample to have an idea about authentication workflow.

Grails: Securing REST API with OAuth2.0

I am building a REST API using Grails. I want it to be protected using OAuth2.0 client_credentials flow(grant_type). My use-case is as follows:
a external agent will send a request to something like
and obtain a access_token. Then, my URL(protected resource) should be accesible with something like
http://server-url/resource?access_token={access-token obtained before}
I am looking for something that makes doing this on Grails easy and quick. What will be the best way/tool/plugin to use for this ? Scribe library is an option, if there are any tutorials for my specific use-case, it will be great.
P.S.: I have tried the spring-security and related plugins, no joy there. Any alternatives would be nice.
I have the same issue. I found a lot of grails plugins that helped you authenticate your app against other oauth providers, but nothing that would help me make my app the oauth provider. After a lot of digging, I came across this grails plugin that will do exactly what you want.
I'm still configuring it for my application, and I think the docs might need a few edits (specifically the authorization_code flow) but I got the simple client_credentials flow to work with minimal configuration. Hope that helps!
Based on my experiences, Scribe was built for OAuth 1.0 and has only very limited support for OAuth 2.0. In fact, for testing our own OAuth 2 implementation, all we could use from it was an HTTP request wrapper, we had to do anything else manually. Fortunately, doing it manually is suprisingly easy.
Since I still haven't found a fine open OAuth 2.0 library for Java (frankly I'm not familiar with Groovy), I encourage you to write the client code for yourself. You don't even need a client callback endpoint to use the client credentials grant flow. So you simply create an HTTP request (as you've written above already, take care to escape the GET parameters though) and get the response content. Your flow does not use redirects, so simply parse the JSON object in the response content, e.g. with the org.json library. Finally, send an HTTP request using the extracted access token.
Note that your examples are not completely standard compliant. The standard requires using HTTPS, sending the token in an HTTP header instead of a GET parameter and suggests using a HTTP basic authorization header instead of GET parameters to specify client credentials.
I may have misunderstood your question, and you may want to implement the server side, too. The scribe library supports only client side, so you can find a commercial implementation or implement your own server. It is a complex task, but if you support only the client credentials flow, it almost becomes easy. ;-)
This isn't a plugin, it's just a sample Grails application that acts as an OAuth provider. It was really easy to get up and running with Grails 3.
