Watson Personality Insights API rate limit - watson

In their Documentation they have not mention any api limit as 6 per minutes and when I actually started hitting the api continuously I was able to hit 10 api per min. What's the issue?


Connection from Zapier to Podio refused

First time I saw this...my client is using way less of Podio than most of my clients. However, I cant get zapier to connect:
The app returned "You have hit the rate limit. Please wait 3600 seconds before trying again. See https://developers.podio.com/index/limits for more information. If you have a project that requires a higher rate limit c...". You have hit the rate limit. Please wait 3600 seconds before trying again. See https://developers.podio.com/index/limits for more information. If you have a project that requires a higher rate limit contact support at https://help.podio.com.
Is this possibly a shared rate limit for all Podio users on Zapier? I'd suggest reaching out to Podio support about this. Zapier support should be able to get you the HTTP response log that displays this error for context.

How to effect API Quota extension/increment in API client/Project

I applied to YouTube for Data API extension/unit increment a while ago. This morning, i got a reply that my request has been granted and my daily units increased to 1,000,000. However, on Google console, my daily quota still reads 10,000 per day. Please how do i effect the increment on my API Client/Project?

Quota limit exceeded but no quota used?

Morning, everyone,
I come here today because I have a problem with the youtube API. I upload every day about 50 videos via the API, but I don't understand why since 3 days no more videos can be uploaded, the error I'm given is an overrun of the allowed quotas, which is strange because in the youtube API console, no quota has been used for 3 days (because of this error no video can be uploaded) ... ?
Thank you for you help
The main problem is youtube changed their API access, now in order to access their API one must apply and get accepted by their API compliance form

Twitter API rate limit is per user per API or all API

I am new in Twitter API and not sure about twitter API rate limit work for per user per API or per user all API.
For example-
I am using two API
GET followers/ids
GET friends/ids
As per twitter API documentation 15 hit per window of 15 minute for above urls.
My Question is :
I can hit two API with same user 15 times each or only 15 hits allowed within 15 minute window for both API.
Thanks in advance
The rate limits are per-endpoint, so you can make 15 calls in every 15 minute window to followers/ids, and also 15 calls in every 15 minute window to friends/ids.

Rate Limit Exception in Twitter Search API

I am getting rate limit exception while fetching data from twitter. I am using twitter search Api.
The code was running perfectly till 1.5 month. Suddenly it stopped giving rate limit exception.
As per my knowledge, Rate limits in version 1.1 of the API are divided into 15 minute intervals.
Please let me know what is the exact rate limit and how to resolve the issue.
As per https://dev.twitter.com/rest/public/rate-limiting and https://dev.twitter.com/rest/public/rate-limits
The rate limit for Search API in v1.1 is 180(user auth) and 450(app auth) per 15 minutes window.
You need to code accordingly.
