How to pass object as parameter in Web Api -

I want to pass object as parameter in my web api GET and POST method. My code is,
public IHttpActionResult GetAllTypes(TestModel model)
//my logic here
When I call this, console get an error its not found. I tried this,
public IHttpActionResult GetAllTypes(TestModel model)
//my logic here
But, the parameter object gets null value.

Don't pass an object via GET.
POST an object and use [HttpPost] attribute.
If you're really want to do it via GET , you can use this :
public IHttpActionResult GetAllTypes([FromUri] TestModel model)


ASP.NET MVC Routing with Model Parameter

I have an action method in a controller that I'm calling via Ajax. The specification is:
public ActionResult SomeFunction(FormCollection form)
This works fine without any special routing configuration.
However, if I try to use a model as the parameter instead of the FormCollection, thus:
public ActionResult SomeFunction(SomeModel model)
I get a 500 error because the function can't be found.
What do I need to put in the RouteConfig to get this to work?
I would recommend using Help plugin:
When using POST I would specify signature as such:
#region POST
public IHttpActionResult Post([FromBody]Contact newContact)

Why mvc attribute routing on HttpGet action also effect HttpPost without a routing attribute, is it a bug?

I have two actions, one for HttpGet with this signature:
public ActionResult SelectEmail(int? page, string priCat, string secCat)
And one for HttpPost with this signature:
public ActionResult SelectEmail(int id)
After setting the aforementioned route for HttpGet method, I've noticed that the other method with HttpPost has stopped working, after digging around I've realized that the route for HttpGet also set itself for HttpPost, and it didn't work until I explicitly set a routing attribute for it:
public ActionResult SelectEmail(int id)
I wanted to know, is it a bug?, if it's not, is there anyway to set a routing attribute for a [HttpGet] without also effecting the corresponding [HttpPost]?
You can't using POST and GET at the same time, because your Action will accept requests with any HTTP methods.
Try use AcceptVerbsAttribute to restrict HTTP methods in your RouteTable.

Overloaded Action Method not found at Runtime from test

I have two action methods :
public ActionResult Edit(int id)
public ActionResult Edit(Modelname model, string[] strParam)
And I am calling the Edit(Modelname,string[]) from the unit test.
var actionResult = controller.Edit(model, strParam);
The code compiles at runtime , but when i debug the test method it gives me a method not found "MissingMethodException" . I tried commenting the Edit(int id) method and then debugging, still the same thing. Other tests are running fine, any help appreciated.
You have an ambiguous match for action methods in your controller. While it will compile just fine, ASP.NET MVC can't decide which method to use at runtime and it throws an exception. You need to make sure they respond to different type of HTTP requests or rename one of them.
I can't be sure with the info you provided but if the second method is processing a POST request, using HttpPost filter will solve the problem:
public ActionResult Edit(int id)
public ActionResult Edit(Modelname model, string[] strParam)
If that's not the case, renaming is the other solution. If you have a good reason not to do that, ASP.NET MVC provides ActionName filter to override the method name for ASP.NET MVC pipeline:
public ActionResult Edit(int id)
public ActionResult Edit(Modelname model, string[] strParam)
This will make hit the second method.

Test a Nullable Guid

I'm using ASP.NET MVC + C# and I have two controller action as follows:
public ActionResult Edit(Guid? id)
public ActionResult Edit(SomeModel model)
Now, in the browser I can navigate to the [GET] /controller/edit with no id and get an null argument exception (as expected), but what I'd like to know is how do I replicate this scenario in a unit test?
I have a GET and a POST version of the edit method so I can't feed controller.Edit(null) to test it as the code won't compile.
Thanks in advance!
One option would be to use the ActionName attribute to keep the URL the same, but have different method names.
public ActionResult GetEditForm(Guid? id)
public ActionResult SaveEditForm(SomeModel model)
Then you could of course call the right method from your unit test, and the routing bits of ASP.NET take care of getting the right method called.

How can I check the HTTP response from inside a MVC controller?

I have:
public ActionResult Create(EditViewModel viewModel)
I know I can check the viewModel object when debugging but how can I get the actual HTTP response from within the controller at the "..." point?
Also how can I see the data that gets bound to the viewModel (without looking at the viewModel). Where's that data stored in the Response object?
If you add FormCollection as a parameter to your POST action method, MVC will populate it with the posted form data. Or through the Form property of the Request
public ActionResult Create(EditViewModel viewModel, FormCollection formCollection)
var name = formCollection["name"];
var email = Request.Form["email"];
But modifying it inside the controller violates the whole "MVC" pattern.
