Yammer pic not updated even after 24 hours. How to update the pic using rest API - office365api

I have tried uploading the profile picture through yammer API. But it is not updated even after 2 days. When I checked through rest API, the attribute for picture is empty.
please suggest. How much time does it usually takes to propagate the change.

Looks like i was navigating to o365 profile picture for updating. we have to navigate to below location. (Tested)


Is there any way to be connected with the Dropbox SDK without having the captcha access screen each time?

I would like to be connected with the Dropbox SDK on iOS without allowing it every time. Is it possible?
I would just like the person log it with is Dropbox and password account, and that's all.
My main problem is that Dropbox is asking each time a captcha which is bugging me...
How can I avoid that captcha question?
Thanks in advance.
If you RTFM, you will have everything for your code.
Check the example provided by Dropbox:
It is probably because you ask several times the token...
The Dropbox iOS SDK will automatically store the access token that results from the app authorization flow, so you only need to send the user through the flow once.
That is, check if you already have an authorized user, and don't call authorizeFromController if so.
For reference, the captcha itself won't always be shown during login. Dropbox has an anti-abuse system that will decide if/when to show it on various factors, but that's not something you can turn on/off yourself.

Google API Changes causing problems on my App

I have an iOS App on the App Store, and it connects to Google Drive. In the past week or so, I've noticed two new problems in my live app.
The App suddenly stopped logging in. I would get a 401 - invalid_client. I found a lot of questions/answers for this problem, but they were all for people who couldn't get it working. Mine was working for about two years and then stopped working a couple of days ago. After trying a lot of things, I found that I was using <id>#developer.gserviceaccount.com as my Client ID, and when I changed it to <id>.apps.googleusercontent.com it worked again. I don't know why this change fixed it, and even knowing that this fixes it, I can't find if this is the correct/appropriate solution.
I explain my second problem, which is very specific here, but skip to the next paragraph to get to the point. The second issue is a a result of Google changing the way their API calls respond, and this is why this wasn't an issue when we submitted the latest version of the App to the App Store. Google has changed the way the explicitlyTrashed property of their GTLDriveFile class. Per their spec, this property should be either an NSNumber containing Yes, or null. They have recently changed it so that it is always an NSNumber set to either Yes or No. This is what's breaking our functionality.
Anyway, these are two changes Google has made on their end recently that currently has my customers on hold since I have to fix this and push it out. My question is if there's a place to keep up with these changes that Google is making recently. Also, if someone knows or can point me to why the first issue is happening, I would greatly appreciate it.
For the first issue, the reason why it got resolved by using [id].apps.googleusercontext.com is because it it requesting an authorization token from an app to the server, as opposed to a Server to Server transaction using impersonation ([id]#developer.gserviceaccount.com). This is the right solution for both android and IOS apps requesting a token.
As for your second question, the best way to keep up to date with the latest changes is through their official blog: http://googleappsdeveloper.blogspot.com/
Another resource is the G+ Google Drive Developer community: https://plus.google.com/communities/107264319205603895037

how to update previously loaded data after user update his profile

I have one logical question.
I have one iOS app. which uses php mysql as backend. I am getting other user's feeds/Posts on the app home page. I am first getting latest post and saves it locally then display User Post and his details from local.
Now if some user has created one feed, that I will get and display at app side. after sometime if user changes his profile details(like changes his picture). So until that Post/feed updated I could not get know that the user has changed his picture. and every time user's old picture and details will be shown.
So can anyone suggest me which was the better way to update user's information? same like facebook does
Logical Answer:
Make an api in the backend which will return only the updated post.
From app side add a timer for around 3sec/5sec and call the api again and again, and refresh the feed with the current changes. If there is no changes you don't have to refresh the feed.
Make sure from the api you will return only changes not the whole feed again and again it will consume more data if you do so.

Facebook API limiting me to 50 results

I am developing an iOS app for a friend of mine who runs a photography Facebook page with hundreds of members who upload a photo every week according to the weekly theme. I call out to the facebook API to grab all the albums from the facebook page when my app launches, and for months it was working fine and giving me back all four hundred albums or so, along with the album name and the first picture of every album. Then a few weeks ago it stopped working and now limits me to 50 albums. I have been using this graph path this entire time, i've never changed it...
[FBRequestConnection startWithGraphPath:#"/180889155269546?fields=albums.limit(10000).fields(name,photos.limit(1).fields(picture))
I've googled and dug through the facebook API docs and can't find anything as to why i'm randomly being limited now to 50 results, when i used to get back all the results i needed for months. Does anyone know what facebook changed with their API? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
You need to implement paging to get all results: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/using-graph-api/v2.2#paging
They´ve changed it a long time ago, so i guess it would be a bug if it still works with setting a very high limit like yours. Meaning, it´s intentional to only get 50 entries.

Enabling Facebook Breaking Changes Feb 2013: login Does Not Work

I am working on phonegap with ios and using facebook login.
but on feb 6, its giving errors to users while login to facebook.
When logging into the app using Facebook - the dialog shows this message: "An error occurred. Please try again later.
I go through fb manual and enable migration in "February 2013 Breaking Changes".
it still not worked.
Can any one help me ?
Edited :
I reffer to facebook DOC and found this
"The following change will go into effect on February 6th, 2013:
End of custom actions for content consumption
We will no longer show Custom Open Graph actions that were published simply by a user consuming content. If you own one of these actions and it was previously approved, you will have received an email from us. Developers should stop publishing these actions as doing so will return an error starting February 6th. The only actions that can be published upon a user simply consuming content are built-in actions. For more info, see this blog post."
the solution given over there is to make migration oprion from "disabled" to "enabled" which i do,even they give me confirmation that problem resolved but problem is still on.
Working :
Its little surprising but now both of my links working well as describe below in answer.
i am able to login now,there is little change in facebook doc for using graph api.
my issue solved by just replacing url from.
And finally my app workes as before.
special thanks to this
For people like me who know just enough to be dangerous and nothing more... I have no idea where this oauth URL lives and where to change it. Is this a facebook App settings? Is it a change in the src fodler? I can't find this link anywhere in my code to make the correction.
