Enabling Facebook Breaking Changes Feb 2013: login Does Not Work - ios

I am working on phonegap with ios and using facebook login.
but on feb 6, its giving errors to users while login to facebook.
When logging into the app using Facebook - the dialog shows this message: "An error occurred. Please try again later.
I go through fb manual and enable migration in "February 2013 Breaking Changes".
it still not worked.
Can any one help me ?
Edited :
I reffer to facebook DOC and found this
"The following change will go into effect on February 6th, 2013:
End of custom actions for content consumption
We will no longer show Custom Open Graph actions that were published simply by a user consuming content. If you own one of these actions and it was previously approved, you will have received an email from us. Developers should stop publishing these actions as doing so will return an error starting February 6th. The only actions that can be published upon a user simply consuming content are built-in actions. For more info, see this blog post."
the solution given over there is to make migration oprion from "disabled" to "enabled" which i do,even they give me confirmation that problem resolved but problem is still on.
Working :
Its little surprising but now both of my links working well as describe below in answer.

i am able to login now,there is little change in facebook doc for using graph api.
my issue solved by just replacing url from.
And finally my app workes as before.
special thanks to this

For people like me who know just enough to be dangerous and nothing more... I have no idea where this oauth URL lives and where to change it. Is this a facebook App settings? Is it a change in the src fodler? I can't find this link anywhere in my code to make the correction.


ItunesConnect - Your account will soon need to be migrated to federated auth [duplicate]

This post relates to a rapidly changing event.
I am getting this message on my App Store Connect:
Your account will soon need to be migrated to federated auth. You can start the process now or wait until August 28, 2020 for your account to be migrated automatically.
If I click on "Start the process now", then getting this:
{"data":null,"messages":{"warn":null,"error":["Not Found"],"info":null},"statusCode":"ERROR"}
And when I click on "Learn More", Safari can't open the page for me. It is giving this:
So can any of you please tell me what is this all about?
Looks like broken deploy on Apple’s end where they accidentally rolled out an internal page to third-party developers. AppleConnect and Quip are used internally so it’s not surprising to see them mentioned. (The link that is failing to load is behind Apple’s corporate VPN.)
I have contacted Apple Support on phone and they assure me that it is not for developers accounts and I should just ignore it as it is related to Apple Business Manager. And as a confirmation they sent an e-mail to confirm it with some links to help with understanding more about it.
I think it was a bug. Right now when I log in to my App Store Connect, I am not seeing any related error or message on the top portion of my portal. It simply got vanished.

App Store Connect message: Your account will soon need to be migrated to federated auth

This post relates to a rapidly changing event.
I am getting this message on my App Store Connect:
Your account will soon need to be migrated to federated auth. You can start the process now or wait until August 28, 2020 for your account to be migrated automatically.
If I click on "Start the process now", then getting this:
{"data":null,"messages":{"warn":null,"error":["Not Found"],"info":null},"statusCode":"ERROR"}
And when I click on "Learn More", Safari can't open the page for me. It is giving this:
So can any of you please tell me what is this all about?
Looks like broken deploy on Apple’s end where they accidentally rolled out an internal page to third-party developers. AppleConnect and Quip are used internally so it’s not surprising to see them mentioned. (The link that is failing to load is behind Apple’s corporate VPN.)
I have contacted Apple Support on phone and they assure me that it is not for developers accounts and I should just ignore it as it is related to Apple Business Manager. And as a confirmation they sent an e-mail to confirm it with some links to help with understanding more about it.
I think it was a bug. Right now when I log in to my App Store Connect, I am not seeing any related error or message on the top portion of my portal. It simply got vanished.

facebook sdk for iOS no longer functional

so as of about the end of april, my app no longer can post to Facebook. It appears that they have deprecated the original "facebooksdk.framework" for the "fbsdk" framework.
I have tried searching across various sites, and cannot find a good example of modifying my code to the new Facebook sdk. I am getting stuck on allowing 'publish_actions'. I get an error stating that i do not have them?
In the new version, is it mandatory that my app go through review before getting publish actions, and is it true that it was not mandatory under the older SDK?
I can post code related to this if needed, but right now I just have these general questions.
thank you Librarian coder for the link.
I found it as i was continuing my search, and it turns out you DO NEED to submit the app for facebook approval in order to post statuses and pictures (after conforming to the new SDK).

Facebook: "URL could not be liked because it has been blocked" error in iOS app

I'm working on an iOS app that allows the user to like a Facebook page within the app. I've implemented this using FacebookLikeView. During the course of testing this functionality, I've liked and unliked the same page multiple times. Unfortunately, this seems to have triggered Facebook's spam detection. Now, when trying to like a page using the like button displayed by FacebookLikeView, the following error is presented: "URL could not be liked because it has been blocked".
Based on reports of the same problem found by searching the web, I've filled out this form to request that Facebook remove the block. However, I've received no response from them. I'm not sure how to proceed. Has anyone else run into this issue and successfully solved it?
With billions of pieces of content being shared on Facebook every month and bad actors constantly targeting the people who use Facebook, preventing spam isn't easy. Just as a community relies on its citizens to report crime, we rely on you to let us know when you encounter spam, which can be anything from a friend request sent by someone you don't know to a message that includes a link to a malicious website.
From : Explaining Facebook Spam Detection
This is no answer and what Donn Lee said is maybe the best answer.
My best guess at this is to send them lot information regarding you testing the app rather than abusing the system. You could try screenshots, contact info and explain what you are testing it for.
Try : Facebook Help Center
Developer Help : Rate Limits, Restrictions and Disables
Try filing a bug on the Facebook Developers Bugreporter.
If it's been a week and the site is still blocked, submit your site on this form.
if it comes down to no other option, there is also unrelated contact info on Facebook Newsroom, including the e-mail address press#fb.com.

iOS - Getting Captcha Every Time When Sharing to Facebook using ShareKit

We are using ShareKit, an excellent open source framework for integrating social sharing services into iOS apps. We have been seeing lately that sharing to FaceBook triggers a captcha prior to submission almost every time. Needless to say, this experience is not what we want to offer our users.
In addition to that, if the user has keyed in any additional text or edited the post, receiving the captcha will ignore the extra text and only post the text that was pre-filled by the app when it popped the FBConnect dialog.
Has anyone else run across this? Is there some activity that might be causing the captcha to pop up that Facebook might consider a red flag?
As background, this app has been in the app store for almost a year, and this is the first time we're seeing this behavior.
The captcha being required is likely related to the content you're posting - this is especially likely if you're on a shared domain with many other apps or websites - try sharing the individual links and images manually on Facebook.com to see if any throw a captcha there.
The other issue, that the content is partially lost after the captcha sounds like it could be a bug, you should file it at Facebook's API bug tracker at http://bugs.developers.facebook.net with repro instructions
