Sharing webpages without the use of subdomains - url

I'm currently working on a site that shows results which'pop up'. It's still on the same page, this means we can't share it via url since those are all the same. Check out the current Beta to understand what I mean. We use node.js with sockets for the backend, and javascript for most of the frontend.
So if people want to share the trip they found to Spain on a certain date for example, this can't be shared.
Does someone knows a way this problem could be solved?
Kind regards,


How to stop embedded google drive on my website from linking to Google when clicked on

After having embedded google drive files on my website (awesome feature), I found a minor drawback.
When clicking on one of the maps in the list, it will redirect/link the viewer on my page to the google drive site. However, I want to keep the viewer on my page and the folder to open within my own website.
Also I want other folders within these folders to open within the borders of my website, and so on and so forth.
The used code is simple:
The used website is Typo3 based.
Does anyone have a solution for this problem?
Thank you very much in advance; all replies and suggestions are highly appreciated!
After a quick search it seems to me this is more a hack than an official google feature, so probably there's no easy way for altering the behaviour of the stuff inside the iframe. I would rather recommend setting an outbound link and accepting the fact that you're hosting the files at Google.
In the future, there might (or might not) be a File Abstraction Layer Adapter for Drive coming up: Well, probably not so soon. But for Dropbox!

iOS app without API, alternatives?

Im thinking about learn to develop app for iOS. I had a lot of ideas, but most of them i would need the API of that website. For example:
The point is: is there any other possibility of collect/use information of a site without the API, anything else without the typical parsing or scraping?
Thanks you
To get the most up to date information to your users, you would need to use the API. If you want to store the data locally, you could do some initial scraping and build up your own database and distribute it within your app. This approach is not ideal because your data may become out of date quickly (unless you have a database update mechanism) and the owners of the sites you are scraping may not take too kindly on the matter

Does Apple accept apps with an embedded browser using UIWebView?

Can you tell me if Apple accepts an application that opens an embedded browser with most of the functionality living on a web application on the internet?
I have read contradicting opinions on this, and I have even seen several apps that seem to use an embedded browser for the main functionality of the app. Still I couldn't confirm this.
This way we could correct problems on the application functionality on the server with no need to submit another version of the app, while keeping the ease of release through the app store and the home screen shortcut.
I can't get the exact quote from the guidelines, but I know that Cordova apps are allowed, and updating the web files dynamically without going through a new native app version is also allowed, as long as:
* The updated code runs with the Safari Webkit engine (true for Cordova)
* The main functionality of the app is not changed
You say this is a bad idea because the user can save a bookmark on their home screen. This doesn't seem to me like a reason for something being a bad idea to me. If this is the only drawback then I would say go ahead and do it. Why should I care if someone wants to bookmark to my site? The app will not work very well outside the app anyway. If you have an actual logical reason why this is a bad idea instead of some emotional response then please bring it up.
I am doing this too in my application. I am under the impression that as long as you are pointing to a secure site then it should be okay. Please enlighten me: is there some good reason why Apple forces people to develop applications the hard way? A web application is hard enough without having to deal with some monolithic organisation imposing ridiculous rules on you.

What's the best service to use for filtering out spam/abuse/malware links for a link shortening webapp?

I have two services - Lincr and LinkBunch. Lincr is a plain jane URL shortening service, while LinkBunch lets you shorten multiple links into one link. I've had too much spam posted into the services, so I had to shut down Lincr. Now, even LinkBunch seems to be facing the same problem, and it's been disabled by my web host for that reason.
I can't keep shutting down sites like this because of bad links being posted, so I need a malware-filtering API that I can use to filter out the links as and when they are posted.
There are services that let me download an entire bunch of bad links to check against, but instead, I'd prefer doing a live API call on a per-link basis. What can I use for that?
Finally, what's the best malware filtering service out there?
Lincr is down. On LinkBunch, where is your Captcha?
On either site, do you limit the number of posts by IP? Do you use a delay in your response? What about using hidden fields to reduce spam (
I know I'm dodging the question a bit, but you should at least take basic anti-spam measures before resorting to API calls. Even APIs will still fail for newly-hacked / newly-spammed sites.

How would I redirect urls in this way?

So, this is a little bet more of a high level question. I'm not necessarilly looking for specifics, but more of the general tools and technologies I need to use. I'm really new to website hosting and development.
I want to redirect a domain, say to How would I go about doing this so that the following occurs:
The address bar never has the url in it.
When a user clicks a link on the site that goes to a local page on (so say,, the address bar says currently is pointing to a shared hosting apache webserver. I would like to be able to maintain access to files and email on that server. If I couldn't get the files, that's fine. But the email is crucial.
I know this is a lot to ask - but if anyone can help me out with some advice on this I'll be very thankful!
I think you should take a look at URL rewriting concept. that's where you can achieve what you're asking in 1 at 2. As for no 3, I couldn't understand what you mean exactly.
