Enum element cannot be referenced as an instance member - ios

I'm creating an API layer using Moya and keep getting the above mentioned error for the .updateMyWeightGoal target when I'm creating a request for an endpoint.
goalAPI.request(target: .updateMyWeightGoal(weightGoalData: goalInfo), success: { (response) in
}){ (response: [String : Any]) in
I've created another Moya API of the same type and am calling it using the same goalAPI as this and it's working fine.
Any ideas what might be causing this issue
For reference here is the class definition for the weightGoalData type
class UpdatedWeightGoalInfo: Mappable {
var consumerUserID: Int?
var height: String?
var weight: String?
var goalWeight: String?
init() {
convenience init(userId: Int, weightGoalData: WeightGoalResponse) {
consumerUserID = userId
height = "\(weightGoalData.currentHeight)"
weight = "\(weightGoalData.currentWeight)"
goalWeight = "\(weightGoalData.goalWeight)"
required init?(map: Map) {
func mapping(map: Map) {
consumerUserID <- map["consumerUserId"]
height <- map["height"]
weight <- map["weight"]
goalWeight <- map["goalWeight"]
And the definition of the API:
enum GoalSettingAPI: AccessTokenAuthorizable {
case updateMyWeightGoal(weightGoalData: UpdatedWeightGoalInfo)
extension GoalSettingAPI: TargetType {
var parameterEncoding: ParameterEncoding {
switch self {
return JSONEncoding.default
var baseURL: URL { return URL(string: appBaseURL + "*hidden*/")! }
var path: String {
switch self {
case .updateMyWeightGoal(_):
return "updateMyWeightGoal"
var method: Moya.Method {
switch self {
case .updateMyWeightGoal(_):
return .post
var parameters: [String: Any]? {
switch self {
case .updateMyWeightGoal(let weightGoalData):
return weightGoalData.toJSON()
var sampleData: Data {
switch self {
return Data()
var task: Task {
switch self {
return .request
var shouldAuthorize: Bool {
switch self {
return false

This is the stupidest thing.
As it turns out the error was coming, not from the enum, but from the success block. It was expecting an object of type Mappable, which I wasn't providing.

You're referring to .updateMyWeightGoal as an instance member (.) when it is declared as an enum. Try changing:
goalAPI.request(target: .updateMyWeightGoal(weightGoalData: goalInfo)
goalAPI.request(target: GoalSettingAPI.updateMyWeightGoal(weightGoalData: goalInfo)

Had the same error. In my case the issue was that I had typed:
if someVariable = .AnEnumValue
What I meant was:
if someVariable == .AnEnumValue
The key difference being = vs ==.
Not sure how the compiler landed on this particular error message, but this fixed the problem.


Swift - JSONDecoder - passing class Type as parameter to decode model using generic method

Here, we have a scenario where I am facing issue for parsing the model class using "JSONDecoder".
Let me share you what I have done in this example and where I am facing issue:
There's a model protocol derived through the Codable.
A struct model and A class GenericExample
GenericExample class have following things:
shared instance
typeContainer which is the type of Protocol
There's two more methods staticClassParsing and dynamicClassParsing with one parameter dynamicType
In the last, One generic method which return the parsed data model.
Calling method for parsing the model:
GenericExample.shared.dynamicClassParsing(Numbers.self,data: "[\r\n{\"one\": \"1\"},\r\n{\"two\":\"2\"}\r\n]")
Compile Time Error:
Generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred
Occurred here
returnModelType: typeContainer.self
**For more details, please go through following code: **
protocol BaseMapModel : Codable { }
struct Numbers: BaseMapModel {
var one: String?
var two: String?
class GenericExample: NSObject {
static let shared = GenericExample()
var typeContainer : BaseMapModel.Type?
private override init() {
extension GenericExample {
// Static Class Parsing passed through the conversion
func staticClassParsing() {
let dataJson = "[\r\n{\"one\": \"1\"},\r\n{\"two\":\"2\"}\r\n]"
convertTypeContainer(data: Data(dataJson.utf8), returnModelType: Numbers.self) { (mappedResult) in
print(mappedResult?.one ?? "")
print(mappedResult?.two ?? "")
// Dynamic Class Parsing can't passed through the conversion
// Error:- Generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred
// Error Parameter:- in "returnModelType: typeContainer.self"
func dynamicClassParsing(_ dynamicType: BaseMapModel.Type, data:String) {
typeContainer = dynamicType.self
convertTypeContainer(data: Data(data.utf8), returnModelType: typeContainer.self) { (mappedResult) in
print(mappedResult?.one ?? "")
print(mappedResult?.two ?? "")
extension GenericExample {
private func convertTypeContainer<T : BaseMapModel>(data:Data, returnModelType: T.Type, completion: ((_ result:T?)->Void)) {
guard let responseModel = try? JSONDecoder().decode(returnModelType.self, from: data) else {
typeContainer must be a concrete type, it cannot be a protocol. And the completion handler is pointless as JSONDecoder works synchronously.
To decode JSON with generics you have to use something like this, it's highly recommended to handle also the Decoding error
struct Numbers: Decodable {
var one: String?
var two: String?
class GenericExample: NSObject {
static let shared = GenericExample()
extension GenericExample {
func dynamicClassParsing<T : Decodable>(_ dynamicType: T.Type, data: String) -> Result<T,Error> {
return Result { try JSONDecoder().decode(T.self, from: Data(data.utf8)) }
let dataJson = """
[{"one": "1"},{"two":"2"}]
let result = GenericExample.shared.dynamicClassParsing([Numbers].self, data: dataJson)
switch result {
case .success(let numbers): print(numbers)
case .failure(let error): print(error)
First of all, Thanks to All for your support. And Yes, I would like to post answer to my question.
class BaseMapModel : Codable { }
class Numbers: BaseMapModel {
var one: String?
var two: String?
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case one = "one"
case two = "two"
// Decoding
required init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let response = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
one = try? response.decode(String.self, forKey: .one)
two = try? response.decode(String.self, forKey: .two)
let superDecoder = try response.superDecoder()
try super.init(from: superDecoder)
class GenericExample: NSObject {
static let shared = GenericExample()
var defaultTypeContainer : Numbers.Type!
var typeContainer : BaseMapModel.Type?
private override init() {
extension GenericExample {
// Static Class Parsing passed through the conversion
func staticClassParsing() {
let dataJson = "[\r\n{\"one\": \"1\"},\r\n{\"two\":\"2\"}\r\n]"
convertTypeContainer(data: Data(dataJson.utf8), returnModelType: Numbers.self) { (mappedResult) in
print(mappedResult?.one ?? "")
print(mappedResult?.two ?? "")
// Dynamic Class Parsing passed through the conversion
func dynamicClassParsing(_ dynamicType: BaseMapModel.Type, data:String) {
typeContainer = dynamicType.self
convertTypeContainer(data: Data(data.utf8), returnModelType: (typeContainer ?? defaultTypeContainer).self) { (mappedResult) in
print((mappedResult as? Numbers)?.one ?? "")
print((mappedResult as? Numbers)?.two ?? "")
extension GenericExample {
private func convertTypeContainer<T : BaseMapModel>(data:Data, returnModelType: T.Type, completion: ((_ result:T?)->Void)) {
guard let responseModel = try? JSONDecoder().decode(returnModelType.self, from: data) else {

Protocol conforming to Equatable for Diffing

I have a small chat app here.
I can have 2 types of messages:
- text
- video
I am using polymorphism while decoding the JSON like so:
import Foundation
enum MessageType: Int, Decodable {
case text
case video
protocol Message: Decodable {
static var type: MessageType { get }
var id: String { get }
var user: User { get}
var timestamp: String { get }
struct TextMessage: Message {
static var type: MessageType = .text
var id: String
var user: User
var timestamp: String
let text: String
struct VideoMessage: Message {
static var type: MessageType = .video
var id: String
var user: User
var timestamp: String
let text: String
let link: String
let poster: String
enum MessageWrapper: Decodable {
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case type
case text(TextMessage)
case video(VideoMessage)
var item: Message {
switch self {
case .text(let item): return item
case .video(let item): return item
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let values = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
let type = try values.decode(Int.self, forKey: .type)
switch type {
case MessageType.text.rawValue: self = .text(try TextMessage(from: decoder))
case MessageType.video.rawValue: self = .video(try VideoMessage(from: decoder))
throw DecodingError.dataCorruptedError(forKey: .type,
in: values,
debugDescription: "Invalid type")
I am also using the MVVM approach like so:
struct ChatViewModel {
enum ViewModelType {
case loading
case text(TextMessageViewModel)
case video(VideoMessageViewModel)
case failure(ErrorViewModel)
enum State {
case initialized
case loading
case loaded([Message])
case failed(Error)
let state: State
let viewModels: [ViewModelType]
init(with state: State) {
self.state = state
switch state {
case .initialized:
viewModels = []
case .loading:
viewModels = [
In order to be able to use a Diffing library like Differ, the ChatViewModel should conform to the Equatable protocol.
extension ChatViewModel: Equatable {
static func == (lhs: ChatViewModel, rhs: ChatViewModel) -> Bool {
return lhs.state == rhs.state
extension ChatViewModel.State: Equatable {
static func == (lhs: ChatViewModel.State, rhs: ChatViewModel.State) -> Bool {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case (.initialized, .initialized): return true
case (.loading, .loading): return true
case let (.loaded(l), .loaded(r)): return l == r
case let (.failed(l), .failed(r)): return l.localizedDescription == r.localizedDescription
default: return false
The problem here is for the case let (.loaded(l), .loaded(r)): return l == r, Message, as a protocol, doesn't conform to Equatable.
Making it conform to Equatable like
protocol Message: Decodable, Equatable {
static var type: MessageType { get }
var id: String { get }
var user: User { get}
var timestamp: String { get }
produce an error Protocol 'Message' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements for the MessageWrapper:
enum MessageWrapper: Decodable {
var item: Message { // Protocol 'Message' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements
switch self {
case .text(let item): return item
case .video(let item): return item
Any idea or suggestion to have a clean way to solve this? I saw some post about Type Erasure but after some tests I am not sure that it is actually solving the problem.
You don't have to conform to Equatable in order to be able to use the == operator. You can just define an operator like that yourself, without conforming to Equatable.
For convenience's sake, I'll assume that TextMessage and VideoMessage already conforms to Equatable.
First, write a method that compares Messages:
func messageEqual(m1: Message, m2: Message) -> Bool {
if let textMessage1 = m1 as? TextMessage, let textMessage2 = m2 as? TextMessage {
return textMessage1 == textMessage2
if let videoMessage1 = m1 as? VideoMessage, let videoMessage2 = m2 as? VideoMessage {
return videoMessage1 == videoMessage2
return false
Then a the == operator for [Message]:
func ==(messages1: [Message], messages2: [Message]) -> Bool {
return messages1.count == messages2.count &&
zip(messages1, messages2).allSatisfy(messageEqual)
Now l == r should compile.

How to Convert a model object into JSON - Swift 4

How to Convert a model object into JSON?
I want "Answer" object.
// Answers Class
class Answers {
var cat_id: String!
var responses = [Response]()
var date: String!
var comment: String!
var time: String!
var lat: String!
var lon: String!
var address: String!
// Response Class
class Response {
var que_id: String!
var question: String!
var response: String!
Make both types conform to Codable:
class Answers: Codable {
class Response: Codable {
And then use JSONEncoder:
let answers: Answers = ...
do {
let data = try JSONEncoder().encode(answers)
// use data here
} catch {
See Encoding and Decoding Custom Types.
if you are using swift4, You can use encodable and decodable protocol. I'm still working on a heterogeneous list of objects. But this should work for you. Make your class conform to ABEncodable.
protocol ABDecodable: Decodable {
static func decodeFromData(_ data: Data) -> Decodable?
protocol ABEncodable: Encodable {
static func encodeFromObject<T>(_ object: T) -> Data? where T: Encodable
extension ABDecodable {
static func decodeFromData(_ data: Data) -> Decodable? {
do {
return try JSONDecoder().decode(self, from: data)
catch {
return nil
extension ABEncodable {
static func encodeFromObject<T>(_ object: T) -> Data? where T: Encodable {
do {
return try JSONEncoder().encode(object)
catch {
return nil
//MARK: Decode mapper class
//Send jsonString or data to decode it into an required Object
final class Decode<T: Decodable> {
private func decodeData(_ data: Data) -> T? {
if let klass = T.self as? ABDecodable.Type {
if let object = klass.decodeFromData(data) as? T {
return object
else {
do {
return try JSONDecoder().decode(T.self, from: data)
catch {
return nil
func fromJsonString(_ json: String) -> T? {
guard let data = json.data(using: String.Encoding.utf8) else { return nil }
if let object = decodeData(data) {
return object
return nil
func fromData(_ data: Data) -> T? {
if let object = decodeData(data) {
return object
return nil
//MARK: Encode mapper class
//Send jsonString or data to decode it into an required Object
final class Encode<N:Encodable> {
private func encodeObject(_ object: N) -> Data? {
if let klass = N.self as? ABEncodable.Type {
if let data = klass.encodeFromObject(object) {
return data
else {
do {
return try JSONEncoder().encode(object)
catch {
return nil
func toJsonString(_ object: N) -> String? {
if let data = encodeObject(object) {
return String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)
return nil
func toData(_ object: N) -> Data? {
if let data = encodeObject(object) {
return data
return nil

Construct Moya TargetType in iOS

I'm trying to use Moya with RxSwift in my project
I'm facing the problem with url contain "?"
This TargetType I have create
private extension String {
var URLEscapedString: String {
return self.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: CharacterSet.urlHostAllowed)!
enum TMDb {
case discoverMovieList(page: Int)
case discoverMovieDetail(moive: Movie)
extension TMDb: TargetType {
var baseURL: URL { return URL(string: BASE_URL)! }
var path: String {
switch self {
case .discoverMovieList(page: let page):
return "discover/movie?api_key=\(API_KEY)&sort_by=release_date.desc&page=\(page)"
var method: Moya.Method {
return .get
var parameters: [String: Any]? {
return nil
var sampleData: Data {
switch self {
case .discoverMovieList(page: _):
return "test".data(using: .utf8)!
case .discoverMovieDetail(moive: _):
return "test1".data(using: .utf8)!
var task: Task {
return .request
var parameterEncoding: ParameterEncoding {
return URLEncoding.default
The problem is when I make the request. The url path return is somehow not correct
This is the url i got from console
But the correct one should be
There something wrong when handle the "?" (it become %3F" character in the url. How can we make it work normally?
This is how I call my Moya
let provider: RxMoyaProvider<TMDb>
let persistentContainer: PersistentContainer
func discoverMoiveList(for page: Int) {
self.provider.request(TMDb.discoverMovieList(page: 1)) { (result) in
print(result.value?.request?.url?.absoluteString ?? "no url")
Here you've got a topic how to get an optional variable without Opt(). I prefer that way where you create an extension:
extension Optional {
func asStringOrNilText() -> String {
switch self {
case .some(let value):
return String(describing: value)
case _:
return "(nil)"
The problem is not about "?". It occurred because of you used optional values in your path URL. Control BASE_URL and API_KEY, they must not be optional values.
There is no problem with the Moya. Here Moya-Logger result for your provider:
Moya_Logger: [29/04/2017 15:48:22] Request: https://api.themoviedb.org/3/discover/movie%3Fapi_key=58da429caf2e25e8ff9436665e2f0e36&sort_by=release_date.desc&page=1
Moya_Logger: [29/04/2017 15:48:22] Request Headers: [:]
Moya_Logger: [29/04/2017 15:48:22] HTTP Request Method: GET
Moya_Logger: [29/04/2017 15:48:23] Response: <NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x618000220360> { URL: https://api.themoviedb.org/3/discover/movie%3Fapi_key=58da429caf2e25e8ff9436665e2f0e36&sort_by=release_date.desc&page=1 } { status code: 200, headers {
Connection = "keep-alive";
"Content-Length" = 89;
"Content-Type" = "application/octet-stream";
Date = "Sat, 29 Apr 2017 12:48:23 GMT";
Server = openresty;
"X-RateLimit-Limit" = 40;
"X-RateLimit-Remaining" = 39;
"X-RateLimit-Reset" = 1493470113;
} }
You should pass anything after the ? as parameter, this way Moya knows how to construct the URL correctly.
var path: String {
switch self {
case .discoverMovieList(page: let page):
return "discover/movie"
var method: Moya.Method {
return .get
var parameters: [String: Any]? {
switch self {
case .discoverMovieList(page: let page):
return "["api_key":"\(API_KEY)",

Using an enum in generic function

I want to create a generic function with an enum as generic parameters.
I have the following generic function:
func buildProvider<T>(service: T) -> RxMoyaProvider<T> {
let endpointClosure = { (target: T) -> Endpoint<T> in
let url = target.baseURL.appendingPathComponent(target.path).absoluteString
let endpoint = Endpoint<T>(URL: url, sampleResponseClosure: {.networkResponse(200, target.sampleData)}, method: target.method, parameters: target.parameters)
return endpoint
return RxMoyaProvider<T>(endpointClosure: endpointClosure)
I call it like this:
self.userProvider = buildProvider(service: UserService)
Below you see the declaration of userProvider:
var userProvider: RxMoyaProvider?
And below you see an example of UserService:
import Foundation
import Moya
enum UserService {
case login(qrKey: String, language: String, fcmToken: String)
extension UserService: TargetType {
var baseURL: URL {
let appConfig = AppConfig()
let hostname = try! appConfig.hostname()
return URL(string: hostname)!
var path: String {
switch self {
case .login(_,_,_):
return "/v1/login"
var method: Moya.Method {
switch self {
case .login(_,_,_):
return .post
var parameters: [String: Any]? {
switch self {
case .login(let qrKey, let language, let fcmToken):
let params = ["qr-key": qrKey, "language": language, "os": "ios", "fcm-token": fcmToken]
return params
var sampleData: Data {
switch self {
case .login(_, _, _):
return "".data(using: .utf8)!
var task: Task {
return .request
And I get the following error:
Cannot convert value of type 'UserService.Type' to expected argument type 'UserService'
Can someone help me with this?
Thanks !
I have no experience with Moya and can not know for sure how it works and what you're trying to achieve, but it seems like you're trying to pass type into function. If so you must do something like:
func buildProvider<T>(service: T.Type) -> RxMoyaProvider<T> {
return RxMoyaProvider<T>(endpointClosure: endpointClosure)
and call it with .self:
self.userProvider = buildProvider(service: UserService.self)
but it's not your only problem. How do you know without context that type <T> would have baseURL property:
let endpointClosure = { (target: T) -> Endpoint<T> in
let url = target.baseURL.appendingPathComponent(target.path).absoluteString
Seems like you've messed up with overall architecture, and I would strongly advice to reconsider it.
