HTML 5 Video's Audio Muted in iOS 10 Web Apps - ios

Audio in HMTL5 video works fine in Safari on iOS 10.3.1 on iPhone, though it doesn't in standalone web apps (same html code & video file). Video play is fine. Just no sound.
There are a few other related discussions in the past, eg, Why HTML5 video doesn't play in IOS 8 WebApp(webview)?. I tested on iOS 10 using the html provided by that post.
Not sure whether it is a new bug introduced in iOS 10, or a bug that has never been fixed by Apple since earlier versions. Does anyone experience this issue? Are there any workarounds? Thanks in advance.

I had the same question. I googled all over the place. Then I realized what was causing the problem: I had the physical "soft mute" switch (next to the volume buttons) on my iPad turned on. Infuriatingly, this muted the volume on web apps, but not Safari web pages.


Experienced sound volume issues with Tokbox/Vonage Video API on iPhone to iPhone calls?

We've implemented Vonage's Video API in our application without any significant problems until we recently noticed a very low sound volume for one of the two participants on a video call when the participants are both using iPhones - both Chrome and Safari browsers. This was even when the phone volume setting was on full. Both phones are on the latest iPhone software 15.2.
Has anyone experienced a similar problem and found a solution?

WebRTC video chat not working on iOS Safari or iOS Chrome - Is it possible?

I am not technical but have my engineer working on putting together a web-based video chat application with the goal of using it on the iOS web browser(s). The service appears to be functioning correctly on a desktop browser. However, we cannot get it to work on iOS browsers.
on Safari (using iPhone 11 - iOS 13) the video freezes immediately and shows still frame. On Chrome there is never a connection made, nor does Chrome prompt to access camera/mic.
I've read conflicting work that says WebRTC is supported in iOS Safari/Chrome and other work that says it is not.
Would appreciate anyone's help here! Is it possible to create a URL-based video conferencing platform that can correctly function on iPhone?
Try adding 'muted', 'autoplay', 'playsinline' attributes to the Video Element as shown below.
<video muted autoplay playsinline></video>
If you can play it back, it's ok.
From the perspective of the user experience, the browser can autoplay audio or video with audio only on some sites such as Youtube and sites that the user has allowed. It cannot be done on other sites.
To play on sites that can't autoplay, modify it to play with user gestures such as clicks.
video.onclick = _ =>;
Here's an example that works from Raspberry Pi to iPhone iOS 13.4
Haven't been able to make it work from Chrome on windows to iPhone
source code:
GetUserMedia is not supported in Chrome for iPhone
It is supported in Safari for iPhone
It is supported in Chrome for Windows

playing flash videos in ios browsers

I have a scenario where I have to play videos using flash player in iOS device's browser. Offically Apple does not support flash, so is there any way of playing flash videos in iOS devices?
You could try a flash to html5 converter like Google swiffy:
Swiffy has been regularly upgraded since 2011 and does a very good job, although expect much bigger file sizes.
Also, looped event sounds in your FLA files (if any) will play only once (i.e. they don't loop). What is more, event sounds play in Swiffy in PC browsers, but currently do not play on iOS devices. Stream sound isn't supported in Swiffy yet, on any device.

Mjpeg broken on recent Mobile Safari?

I am playing with live mjpeg streams from IP cameras and found that support for mjpeg seems to be broken on recent Mobile Safari releases.
I am using a simple HTML test page with an embedded image as follows:
<img src="http://[ip_address]/[path]">
This works fine on an iPhone 4S with iOS 5.1, but doesn't show anything on an iPad with iOS 7.0.3.
Can someone confirm this? Any known workarounds?
MJPEG support on iPhone (and on OSX also) has been often broken in the past, and I can confirm that right now I'm having the same problem with MJPEG streams on my iPhone 5, version 7.0.4.
You can find some threads talking about this problem in the apple website, dating from mid 2013 and with a few recent answers, like this one
This one posts a possible solution, if you can control the stream:
I have not tried if this solution works, because I can't change the stream itself.
And the problem was also on OSX Lion :
They say it has been fixed in OSX, and that some bug reports has been filed for ios, but can't find if and when they will be fixed.
I can't find it again, but in a comment someone speculate that MJPEG support was disabled/limited on purpose on iPhone because some users had their mobile bandwidth consumed when forgetting mobile safari connected to a site streaming mjpeg images, but can't find a reference to that claim.

getEnhancedMicrophone() doesn't work (reduce echo) on air mobile for IOS

I have a problem with my flex mobile application on iOS. It is a video chat application with a red5 server.
The video works fine but the voice has a big echo! I tried using getEnhancedMicrophone() but it didn't help.
How can I have Acoustic Echo cancellation or suppression on IOS?
I work on Flash Builder 4.6 with Air 3.5
There no known solutions.
Adobe been promising a fix for years but the solution requires access to Android source code from Google that is not open source. I had the same issues with a videChat app on Android using Adobe Air. I tried as workaround:
Switching mic.setLoopback(false/true) in a timer to break up the audio
Trying to detect sound coming over NetStream and set the local device mic gain to 0
Problem is I cannot detect if someone is talking over NetStream.
Use NetStreamInfo audio properties like audioBytesPerSecond but these do not jump when someone is talking over NetStream.
The problem is solved if the user wears headphones on the mobile side but this is not acceptable.
