RoR Magazine specific category routes - ruby-on-rails

I would like to create routes on RoR for a media website with different sections of articles (ecology, legal, economy, etc...)
I would like my url goes like this
(nothing corresponding on rails routing/rails guide, nested and collection routes don't fit for me I think)
here is my try:
get 'magazine/ecology/name-of-article', to: 'articles#name_of_article'
views: folders articles => magazine => ecology => file: name_of_article
controller: articles
But it's not working ...answer from rails below
Thx for your help
ActionController::UnknownFormat at
ArticlesController#legislation_2017 is missing a template for this
request format and variant.
request.formats: ["text/html"] request.variant: []
NOTE! For XHR/Ajax or API requests, this action would normally respond
with 204 No Content: an empty white screen. Since you're loading it in
a web browser, we assume that you expected to actually render a
template, not nothing, so we're showing an error to be extra-clear. If
you expect 204 No Content, carry on. That's what you'll get from an
XHR or API request. Give it a shot.

Although you don't seek a solution and what you trying to do as discussed in the comments, I don't at all recommend that. I would like to suggest a better method. Take it if you like it.
Run a migration add a column to your articles model which will save the name of section it belongs to.
Then, your routes:
get 'magazine/:section/:name' => 'articles#name_of_article' , as: 'sectioned_article'
In your controller:
def name_of_article
#article = Article.where("section iLike '%#{params[:section]}% AND name iLike '%#{params[:name]}%'").first
This way, you can create as many sections/articles you want without code changes.
It also gives you customisation option and also reduces your work to great extent which you are ready to do [but now you can utilize that time partying ;)].


How does Airbnb route each article?

I am making a website with Ruby on Rails, referencing Airbnb, and I found it difficult to make the following URL structure.
In this URL, it seems that there is an article resource under help, so 767 is the ID of the article. In addition, after the ID, there is the name of the page in the URL.
scope '/help' do
resources :articles
By doing this, I was able to route until this part.
But I have no idea what to do from here.
I generated article model(title:string, content:text), and I am guessing that each article(title and content) is displayed according to the id.
Here's my questions.
How does Airbnb route page_name after the article ID?
In the case that the title and content in the article table are displayed, how do you put hyperlinks or internationalize the contents with I18n?
Also, please tell me if my guess is wrong in the first place, and tell me how Airbnb routes each article.
Thank you.
To tell Rails to accept request under URL like /help/article/767/what-is-the-resolution-center is actually very easy when you do use get instead of nested resources:
get '/help/article/:id/:slug', to: 'help_atricles#show', as: 'help_article'
Given the above URL, Rails would extract the id and slug from the URL and route the request to the show method of a HelpArticlesController.
That controller method could be as simple as:
def show
#article = HelpArticle.find(params[:id])
And to build such URLs you can use the help_article_path helper method defined by the as: 'help_article' part:
<%= link_to(
slug: #article.title.parameterize
) %>
Read more about this routing method in the Rails Guides
Btw. I didn't use the slug part of the URL because it feels to me like it makes the URL look nicer and might be SEO relevant, but it feels useless from the application's point of view. You might want to use the slug part to identify the locale in which the article should be shown if you do not want to use the browser's locale setting.

Accessing URI params in the controller

(Learning RoR on my own, so pls forgive me if this is an obvious question)
I have an app to track books stored on shelves in libraries. A request should come in like:
GET books/library_id => shows all books on every shelf in a library
GET books/library_id/shelf_id => shows all books on one shelf in a library
GET books/library_id/shelf_id/book_id => shows a particular book
POST would use similar formats, except I will be using JSON in the POST body to supply the information (author, pub date, length, etc) for the book, shelf, or library
My question is, [:params] passed in to my controller seems to hold query (anything after a ?) and POST body parameters, but not the URL, which I need to parse and use to determine what to show. Is there a way to get this out of the parameters? I'm trying to avoid something like GET /books/?library_id/shelf_id
You can set up a route so that params will contain specific URL fragments in addition to the query string and/or post data.
In config/routes.rb:
get 'books/:library_id(/:shelf_id(/:book_id))', to: 'books#show'
In app/controllers/books_controller.rb:
class BooksController < ApplicationController
def show
library_id = params[:library_id]
shelf_id = params[:shelf_id] # may be nil
book_id = params[:book_id] # may be nil
# TODO: Do something with library_id, shelf_id (if present),
# book_id (if present).
Alternatively, if you wanted to process the URL with some very custom logic, you could have a wildcard route like get 'books/*sometext', to: 'books#show'. Then, in your controller action you could manually parse params[:sometext]. This would be considered "not the Rails way" but it's there if you need complete flexibility.
Finally, maybe it is worth mentioning that in your controller action you can get information about the request such as request.path, request.fullpath, request.url. But it doesn't sound like you need this in your case.

Rails: Routes, Controllers, Views, Oh My(exclamation)

I'm failing to understand the correlation between routes, controllers, and views (and how they connect to each other).
So, I've got my controller with the index,show,new,create,destroy methods. And the corresponding
GET /entries(.:format) entries#index
POST /entries(.:format) entries#create
GET /entries/new(.:format) entries#new
GET /entries/:id/edit(.:format) entries#edit
GET /entries/:id(.:format) entries#show
PUT /entries/:id(.:format) entries#update
DELETE /entries/:id(.:format) entries#destroy
How come if I add a new method vote_up or vote_down, for example, and the views with matching action names, it doesn't work.
1) What is the proper way to add new actions and connect them to views?
2) Bonus What is the proper way to make these methods ajax-compatible (render a partial with ajax)? What happens if the user doesn't have js enabled?
I may expand/evolve this question based on the answers I get.
I'm tired of googling things like custom action route rails and the like to hodge-podge my apps. It's draining and poor form and I'm finally getting to the level to comprehend the lingo--I've been self taught please try to be understanding if you can for a young padawan.
Here's how to think of it, from the beginning:
1) The one and only thing your app does is respond to HTTP REQUESTS.
The most typical kinds of requests are:
GET - the user types something into the URL bar of their browser and hits enter.
POST - the user submits a form.
There are also other kinds of HTTP requests, most importantly PUT, PATCH and DELETE. Rails follows the REST pattern, which means it assigns specific meanings to these HTTP verbs.
2) When any request comes into your app, it has to be routed to a Controller Action.
Your routes.rb file is a set of instructions for the Rails Router (ActionDispatch) that tells the router where to send requests. The "standard" rails resource is given as a shortcut, like this:
resources :things
This means the following:
GET /things => things#index
GET /things/:id => things#show
GET /things/new => things#new
GET /things/edit/:id => things#edit
POST /things => things#create
PUT /things/:id => things#update
DELETE /things/:id => things#destroy
These are considered the standard RESTful actions - nothing else is set by your resources :things declaration. So, if you want the controller to perform other non-standard actions, you have to add them manually.
If you want to perform an action on a specific record, the best way is to use:
resources :things do
member do
get 'vote_up'
This tells the router that if someone makes a GET request to /things/123/vote_up that it should trigger the ThingsController vote_up action.
All of this is spelled out in great detail in the Rails Guide, you should read the whole thing.
3) Your controller's job is to send a response to the request.
Normally this means something like loading a record from the database and rendering the view for that record.
Each controller action ends by sending the response back to the incoming request. This response can be either a render call - which means send back some data in some format - or a redirect call - which basically makes a new request for you and therefore you get the response of that other request.
In Rails a redirect is effectively sending the request to a different controller action.
A Render call sends data as a response to the request.
When you call render :new, this is a shortcut to render :template => :new, which loads the app/views/things/new.html.erb (or whatever) template, sends it the data from the controller (normally your instance variables) and evaluates this using the template language (erb, haml, etc.) This results in a big string of HTML, which the controller then delivers to the browser.
Want to see what this for yourself? Try ending a controller with render :text => 'Hello World', or even:
render :inline => '<!DOCTYPE html><head><title>Inline Wow!</title></head><body>Mind blown.</body></html>'
See what happens.
When responding (rendering) you can send "normal" HTML templates, with a whole page worth of information in it (head, body, etc.), or a partial that is used by Ajax. You can also send raw data such as JSON or XML. It's all actually just text, and depending on the content of that text (and the HTTP headers that come with it) the browser, script, or client application handles it accordingly.
Again, see the Rails Guide.
4) When the request is made by a browser you probably want to send back HTML. If the request is made by Ajax you probably want to send back JSON.
In the case of a custom action like vote_up you might not want to show a template at all, but just redirect. So, you might have something like this:
ThingsController < ApplicationController
def vote_up
#thing = Thing.find(params[:id])
redirect_to #thing
Now, one of the benefits of the router is it will give you URL helpers. If you've created the route and action as shown before, on your "show thing" page you could have a URL like this:
link_to 'Vote up this thing!', vote_up_thing_path(#thing)
That would create a link to things/123/vote_up, and if someone clicked on it it would run the code in the vote_up action on the ThingsController, and then redirect back to the show thing view.
5) Your templates send messages to the controllers using links and forms. Links make GET requests, forms make POST requests.
If you want to start having AJAX requests, that's fine. In that case, you just need to make the request in Javascript, and handle the response. So, for instance, you could put something like this in your template:
= link_to 'Vote up this thing', vote_up_thing_path(#thing), :id => 'vote-up-button'
Then in Javascript (with jQuery) you could have a function like this:
$('a#vote-up-button').click( function(event){
url: this.attr('href'),
type: 'GET',
success: function(){...},
error: function(){...}
In this case the jQuery Ajax method is just making a get request, and then running a callback function based on the response it got.
6) The structure of your controller/routes does not affect what kind of requests you can make, only what action will respond to what HTTP method on what URL.
What you do INSIDE your controller action determines whether you are ready to respond to javascript or html requests etc.
While rails is certainly able to handle multiple request formats in a single controller action, using the respond_to block, as a matter of practicality I find things work much more smoothly when you choose to have routes only respond to one format or another.
IE: I would make your normal page load requests (index, show, new, edit) just HTML requests, and then I would make any additional AJAX actions you want to add be Javascript only -- ie. they respond with JSON instead of HTML. You don't have to do this, of course, but your life will be easier if you do.
I hope this gives you a clearer sense of what is happening in your app. Welcome to Rails, you're joining a great community!
Welcome to the ROR world. :)
Routes, controllers, and views work together to translate a HTTP request into a response of some kind (be it HTML, JSON, or XML). Each attacks a different piece of the problem.
Starting from the end, views are the templates in the rails world and they typically are ERB. ERB is just one templating system, others can be used as well, like haml. Their job is to take some data given to them by the controller and produce formatted output, again typically HTML, JSON, or XML.
But how do you know which view to render for a particular request? How do you get data into your view so that it can do all the fancy dynamic stuff you need? This is where controllers come in. Controllers are ruby classes with the job of examining the parsed HTTP request and any related parameters, fetching data from the database (or wherever), and then passing that data to a view. A controller will typically have several different methods, each corresponding to a different task (e.g. create, show, update, etc).
Lastly, Routes are a DSL for parsing HTTP requests and dispatching a parsed HTTP request to a particular controller method. They are the glue that Rails uses to route URLs to methods, hence the name, routes.
Regarding your specific questions:
1) To create a new action, you have to add a route, a controller method, and a view. So for instance if you wanted to get a count of your entries, you could add a route like:
get '/entries/count' => "entries#count"
This tells ROR to call the count method in the entries controller when that URL is received. Your controller method in this case would be something simple like:
def count
#cnt = Entries.count
Then last, you'd make a view in app/views/entries/count.html.erb that had something like:
<p>Count: <%= #cnt %></p>
2) Ajax compatible code really just a way of asking "what if the requested format for this request is JSON?". For this, you'll want to use respond_to method. In a way, respond_to is a formal way of specifying a different view to handle the formatting of the request. To continue with the example above, you could do:
def count
#cnt = Entries.count
respond_to do |fmt|
fmt.html # This just renders the default template
fmt.json { render json: { count: #cnt } }
N.b. - All code above freehanded. :)
If you have the RESTful controller:
resources :entries do
collection do
get :vote_down
get :vote_up
this will generate 2 additional routes:
GET /entries/:id/vote_up(.:format) entries#vote_up
GET /entries/:id/vote_down(.:format) entries#vote_down
You can easily change HTTP method to GET, POST, PUT and DELETE.
Also, check "Adding More RESTful Actions" in the routes documentation.

Changing urls in ruby on rails depending on different conditions

I'm new to ruby on rails....I wanted to know if there is a way to change the URL displayed depending on the client's response. I mean... here's an example:
I'm making a project showing listings in various places...
Now in general I have a home page, a search page, and a detail page for listings. So, respective URLs are officespace/home, officespace/search?conditions, officespace/detailpage?id=(controller-officespace)[&Conditions eg.---price,size,place,type...]
So, every time the client makes a request for search, the same URL is shown, of course with the given conditions.
Now I want that if the client asks for only the place and mentions nothing about size, price, etc., the url should be /listing/location_name.
If he mentions other conditions, then it'll be listing/(office_type)/size(x sq feet)_office_for_rent_in_locationname)
B.t.w. (I already have a controller named listings and its purpose is something else.)
And so on ........... Actually, I want to change URLs for a number of things. Anyway, please help me. And please don't refer me to the manuals. I've already read them and they didn't give any direct help.
This is an interesting routing challenge. Essentially, your goal is to create a special expression that will match the kinds of URL's you want to display in the user's browser. These expressions will be used in match formulas in config/routes.rb. Then, you'll need to make sure the form actions and links on relevant search pages link to those specialized URL's and NOT the default pages. Here's an example to get started:
match "/listing/:officeType/size/:squarefeet/office_for/:saleOrRent/in/:locationName" => "searches#index"
match "/listing/*locationName" => "searches#index"
resources :searches
Since you explicitly mentioned that your listings controller is for something else, I just named our new controller searches. Inside the code for the index method for this controller, you have to decide how you want to collect the relevant data to pass along to your view. Everything marked with a : in the match expressions above will be passed to the controller in the params hash as if it were an HTTP GET query string parameter. Thus we can do the following:
def index
if params[:squarefeet] && params[:officeType] && params[:locationName]
#listings = Listing.where("squarefeet >= ?", params[:squarefeet].to_i).
where(:officeType => params[:officeType],
:locationName => params[:locationName])
elsif params[:locationName]
#listings = Listing.where(:locationName => params[:locationName])
#listings = Listing.all
And to send the user to one of those links:
<%= link_to "Click here for a great office!", "/listing/corporate/size/3200/office_for/rent/in/Dallas" %>
The above example would only work if your Listing model is set up exactly the same way as my arbitrary guess, but hopefully you can work from there to figure out what your code needs to look like. Note that I wasn't able to get the underscores in there. The routes only match segments separated by slashes as far as I can tell. Keep working on it and you may find a way past that.

Ruby on Rails custom routes or how to get request.request_url before the controller is initialized

I am trying to do something for hours and I'm stuck with rails routes.
So.. the idea is to have some even more user-friendly urls like for example /Laptops for a category and /Laptops/Apple-MacBook-Air-and-so-on. I should also use such links for simple pages like /MyDummyPage etc.
So my idea was to get the request_url and check if i can find the page myself. But it seems rails is initialising this request class after defining routes and right before calling the controller.
As you can see I am stuck and can't see any possible solution for my problem.
I will be glad if someone can help me.
Thank you in advance.
All the best!
(Whole thing revised)
If you want to allow dynamic matches along with normal restful routes, there are a couple options- (put it at the end of your routes or it will match everything)
match '*raw' => 'dynamic#show'
And in dynamic_controller.rb
def show
parts = params[:raw].split '/'
# do logic here to set all variables used in views
render #resource_or_page
You could also use the input in a search function and redirect to the first result of that search. Or return a 404 if there are no results.
def show
results = search_method_here params[:raw].sub('/', ' ')
if results.any?
redirect_to results.first
raise 'Not Found'
Also, for freindlier urls within restful routes, try out this:
I think its important to realize that people generally do not manipulate URLs by hand, and its nice to have readable urls, but its more important for them to be clear on what/where they are doing/going.
In response to your comment, I think you are mislead about routing. If you make 2 routes :category and :page, they match the exact same url, except one of them stores it in params[:category] and the other in params[:page]. To differentiate it, you would need to have a different amount of arguments matched like :category/:product or a namespace, or, perhaps, a restful route which specifies the MVC the route routes to.
