How to display site name in Firebase Deeplink redirect link to web - ios

I'm working on integration of Firebase Dynamic link implementation support for iOS platform. I got some issue I have added here, but no clue till now.
Other then I observer, it showing url at top-right.
How to do that?? Any suggestion what param I should choose(firebase) to display my site name instead
In one of question sample mention here, it showing site name.

There is no 'param' you can use to change that URL — it is the domain of the Universal Link. If you want to change what is displayed there, you need to change the domain you're using.
However, Firebase Dynamic Links do not currently support white labelled link domains so there is no way you can do this. You'll need to implement your own Universal Links system, or use (full disclosure: I'm on the Branch team), which offers all the features of Dynamic Links in addition to domain white labelling.


How to create Firebase Dynamic Links from the Admin SDK

Instead of creating a dynamic link inside the iOS app, is it possible to create dynamic links directly from the Admin SDK? For example, I listen for the creation of a document in the Admin SDK, and then create a dynamic link with its path.
As you can see from the Firebase Admin SDK documentation, working with Dynamic Links is not among the many things it can do.
It's possible #ken, Firebase's docs just refer to it as "Email Action Links". Now it depends on what you want to do with the dynamic links...
If your use case falls under one of these 3 generic categories (email password links / sign in / reset links), it's done for you.
If you want to go beyond that, the API specifies an ActionCodeSettings field which has the parameter dynamicLinkDomain. You may be able to send a dynamic link like this anyway, even if its not explicitly handled for you.
Alternatively, you could make the dynamic links manually via this method, and write the link out in your Admin SDK area (whether thats Node.js or where-ever you're listening for document creation).
You can do this but not directly from the Admin API. BigMcLargeHuge's answer is correct, but the documentation page from that answer doesn't explain how to generate short links (which is often more desirable).
The documentation that includes short links is here:
You just have to make a post request.

Clickable Link to Custom Route from Google Maps web to iOS app

My first question here. I'm hoping I'm doing the tags and such correctly so the right folks might be able to see this. If this question should be placed in other area, please let me know.
I'm trying to create a link to a set of custom driving directions that, when clicked from the native iOS Mail app, will open the Google Maps iOS app and populate the custom directions.
I have a map which has driving directions from Point A to Point B, but I've significantly revised the route using the click and re-position functionality in Google Maps (web).
Using the share function from Google Maps (web) creates a link that does in fact retain the custom route, which can be seen when the link is clicked and it opens in Safari. I don't mind that it opens in Safari, since at this point it prompts you to open up these directions in the Google Maps app. But here's where it gets muddy.
When you click the "use the app" button from Safari, the custom route does not carry over to the app. You are shown default route choices based on Point A and B.
The Google Directions API section on Waypoints and using the 'via:' prefix seems like the best way around this, but I'm not sure how I'd turn that into something clickable from an email.
For reference, here is one of the maps I made with a custom route. Basically I want to have it go from Point A to B along one road. I had to make a handful of points along the route in order to keep the route on the same stretch of road.
Further complicating this is Google's attempt to reroute even this map, based on real-time traffic. I went back to this link after copying it here to find out there's an accident on this road right now and it's re-routing through side streets.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Well, you can open the google maps as it follow as it is documented in the documentation:
However, there is no mention on how you can add waypoints. And, indeed, you can not even do it in the Maps App. So there is basically nothing we can do...
BTW, here is a blog where included some work arounds, hope this helps a little.
here is what i do : long method, but it works.
open google my maps (instead of google maps) and make your custom route.
in options, export your route to KML/KMZ
at gps vizualizer com, convert your route to the format your app accepts.

Dynamic Changing URL (Link Redirector) Service?

I wanted to see if there is a service out there that can dynamically change a URL
Ex. If I wanted someone to go to a landing page like and I used a link shortner like so I would provide the URL like and it would direct customers to
But I want to be able to change the URL extension to landing2016, landing2017 etc without changing the web link, is this possible?
Sorry if my question isn't using the correct terminology, as I'm a bit new to this stuff.
Linkredirector is a dynamic URL shortener that lets you change the destination URLs of your links. As long as you register an account you can login and edit your links.
Disclaimer, I work at Linkredirector.
Yourls seems to be an interesting option, if you don't mind installing the service on your own website. Additionally, seems to allow you to change the link through their API.

Google+ Authorship: #REL, GET Parameters and Redirects

I recently decided to start to take advantage of rich snippets to improve my personal website's content for the search engines and, IMHO most importantly, the site readers – hi, Mam! ;-). One of these are Google Authorship. Personally, I think the idea behind Google Authorship is a sound one: it helps to brings a sense of identity, personality and – arguably, most importantly – credibility to what is still largely an anonymous web.
Normally, I would link my article to Google Authorship using the following line of HTML:
<A REL="author" HREF="">Jordan Clark</A>
However, in the instance of a website that publishes articles that are written by multiple authors, manually entering each another’s Google+ UID string starts to become a tiresome process.
Is is valid to do the following:
(a) Link to the author like so, using the script "author.php" (or other type of server-side script).
<A REL="author" HREF="/author.php?by=Alice&rel=author/[UID]?rel=author">Alice</A>
(b) The file "author.php" scripts simply do a quick check for Alice's (or whoever) User ID string provided by Google, and then uses a simple HTTP redirect header to pass this data to Google.
What I would like to know is:
Is it okay to use a local script to redirect to your Google+ user profile? (i.e. will it affect the PageRank of already indexed page or have any other unforeseen negative effects on new and indexed pages?)
Why do I not see more people linking with Google’s “prettified” version:
Are there any drawbacks to using the “prettified” version of this method?
Ideally, I would like to use the intermediate PHP script, as I have already described above (see part 1). However, any tips, suggestions or other ways you may have implemented on your websites are very welcome!
For item (1), you can maintain your own app's profiles (author.php in your case) for your authors. On your own app's profile page (author.php), you would add a link from that page to Google and specify the rel="me" attribute on that link. So Alice's profile page might say something like "Find Alice on Google+.
This indirect authorship linking is supported. You also will need the link from Alice's Google+ profile that lists her as a contributor to your site. Once the linking is setup in both directions, authorship can start to show up. Authorship won't always display in all cases and can take some time for it to start appearing as Google would need to reindex your pages.
For item (2), I don't think the profiles URL will enable authorship. Some people use that URL as a vanity URL, but as far as I know it isn't supported for use with things like authorship, badges, etc.
You should test if your redirects are followed using the Rich Snippets Testing Tool:
rel="author" is no longer supported.

UIImagePickerController modular replacement

I am looking for a replace to UIImagePickerController that allows custom extensibility for local pictures, public API's like Facebook/Flickr/Tumblr/Picasa/SmugMug, and custom proprietary picture collections (local or abroad).
Solutions I have found so far, and problems with them:
This is almost perfect, except I am forced to use the 3rd party service from - what happens if this site goes dark, permanently? And all permissions dialogs list "Chute" as the application name. My app uses the Facebook SDK elsewhere, so I would like to use my existing APP id/key. When I add it via the chute app control panel, I get the Facebook API error "Invalid redirect_uri:Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration". Which I can fix with the Facebook API, however if A. I knew what the URL was (I don't), and B. I really was OK with having a middle man with the API requests (I'm not).
It is also very ARC hostile which is a PITA to get running.
Very nice replacement for UIImagePickerController, that includes multi select. No built modularity to support Facebook or other API's.
Simple replacement for just UIImagePickerController - doesn't seem to have navigable views. No apparent modularity.
Looks complicated. For obvious reasons won't play well with non-Facebook services. has example code of to create your own photo picker with AVCamera. You could use this as a starting point. See the blog at
