Copy the emmc content of Beaglebone running angstrom on SD card to make an emmc flasher image - beagleboneblack

I have an emmc-flasher angstrom image on my BBB, I want to copy the content of the emmc image on an SD card and make it as an emmc-flasher so that I can flash the other BBB with the changes I made on the current BBB.
Tried following this method but didn't worked
any guesses or clues ?

Some boards can't boot up from the SD card prepared according to the instruction you are referring to.
If this is the case then you can use alternative method:
Prepare an SD card using some generic image. For example from here but you can use the flasher image as well.
Boot from the SD card (hold the Boot Button during power on).
ssh to your BeagleBone
you can save the image on your SD card or transfer it to a server
to save the image to your SD card first create a partition for it or mount an external USB drive (my favourite option) then create eMMC image:
sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk1 of=/mnt/usb/BeagleBoneEMMC.img bs=10M
or scp the image straight to your backup server: sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk1 | ssh user#targetserver 'dd of=BeagleBoneEMMC.img'
After that, you can use dd to prepare the SD cards.


Creating macro to take and save screenshot and paste saved location into clipboard

I'm trying to follow this guide and countered a problem with step 4. This step essentially binds a keyboard shortcut to a bash script that uses scrot and xclip to save a screenshot and pastes the saved location to clipboard.
If I were using a Linux operating system I could follow this instruction, but currently I am using a Docker Ubuntu Container hosted on Windows 10. If I try to use xclip or scrot I get the following errors respectively.
xclip error:
Error: Can't open display: (null)
scrot error:
Can't open X display. It *is* running, yeah?
To work around this I've thought about replicating step 4 on my host machine with a combination of snip & sketch, clip, and binding a window shortcut to a batch file. There are many issues with this, the main issue being the fact that snip & sketch doesn't automatically save your screenshots, so I'd have to manually save after each screenshot.
My goal is to save a screenshot to a specified location and paste the saved location into my clipboard. Emphasis on image location because I am aware that snip & sketch copies the screenshot onto your clipboard; this is a problem I can't paste an image into vim.
To perform these series of commands on Docker or my host machine is fine.

Printing directly from a ti nspire

I got the new ti nspire cx.
I want to print graphs directly from my calculator.
The idea I got to be able to do this was by saving the file to a folder, and the printer automatically checks for files in the folder and prints and deletes them. What would be the best way to make the printer check for this without having a computer involved.

Searching for the MLO file on the Beaglebone Black

I have a Beaglebone Black industrial(BBBI), which I assume is very similar to the Beaglebone Black.
I wish to make the BBBI boot to microSD card by default, and I found this guide, which suggested to delete the MLO file from the boot partition. This has been mentioned in a few places based on Google, so I assume it is worth trying
With the intention of renaming the MLO file, I tried to locate the file using $locate, after booting without a microSD card, which presumably boots into Debain on the eMMC. This produces the following:
I have double checked that /boot does not have MLO. Is anybody able to share where the MLO is, or did I missed something very obvious?
Alternatively, is there an easier way to boot from the microSD card without pressing the S2 button?
Newer images put MLO outside the filesystems, directly at several "magic" offsets on the eMMC/SD-card. That's documented in the TRM for AM335x.
If you don't care about current eMMC contents, something like this will do the brute force job:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1M count=1 (make sure mmcblk0 is the eMMC, not the SD card, it changes if you boot from SD and can be mmcblk1 too)
It wipes out the first Megabyte of the eMMC with zeroes. So the partition table and other things are gone too. Essentially you get a blank eMMC.
If you want to be a bit more surgical, look at the flashing script in /opt/scripts. Also is interesting.
Note that MLO is also referred to as SPL.
Try editing the uenv.txt file to load the image from the SDCARD always.

Conversion between EPL and ZPL

Is it possible to convert EPL and ZPL (thermal printer languages) to common format (it could be vector grapic file like SVG)?
It will be great if I could convert from commont format to ZPL or EPL.
If you do any amount of work with Zebra thermal printers, get a design tool. The FREE ZebraDesigner2 software will do. This way you can export your printer based on whatever printer driver you have selected (EPL/ZPL/CPCL). If you need to export code for non-Zebra printers (Sato, Datamax, Intermec) look at NiceLabel
Once you have ZebraDesigner installed and driver selected, create a new port mapped to a location on your hard drive with write privileges. Then print the label and the driver will create a txt file with the printer code.
Use the printer code in your application as needed.
Not really, but I have sent WordPad docs (not WORD or .txt) to the printer and let the print driver do the work. I think I even was able to change a plain old .txt file extension to .rtf and gotten it to print sending it to the printer (copy file to UNC share path of printer). Not sure that is exactly what you were asking but I hope it helps.
Sometimes you just gotta play with these zebras and see what they will do.
If you are using linux, you can install rastertoezpl CUPS Printer Driver, so you can print any raster image (jpg, png, bmp etc., possible non image filetypes too) via thermal transfer printer.
Quick installation guide (possible I've omitted something):
tar xzf rastertoezpl-1.0.6.tar.gz
cd rastertoezpl-1.0.6
sudo aptitude install libcupsppdc1-dev libcupsimage2-dev libcupsfilters-dev libcups2-dev cups-ppdc cups checkinstall gcc checkinstall
sudo ./configure
sudo checkinstall
press '10' (Required) -> cups, cups-ppdc, libcups2, libcupsimage2, libcupsppdc1, libcupsfilters1
Then you have to setup the printer in localhost:631/printers/
Verbose installation guide for Ubuntu (russian)
Works fine for me, now I'm looking for .ezp -> raster converter...

BlackBerry SQLite database creation: "filesystem not ready"

My application takes data from a server and saves it to an SQLite database. This works fine in the 9550 (BlackBerry Storm 2) simulator, but when I run this in any other simulator it gives me this error:
file system not ready
Code snippet:
URI myURI = URI.create("file:///store/MyDataBase.db");
Why is this happening?
Richard is right. You need to check for the existence of the filesystem root "store". There is an extra wrinkle for using SQLite, though. RIM only supports SQLite on eMMC storage. So even if "store" exists, it will only work if the underlying storage is eMMC. Notably the BlackBerry Bold 9650 device, AKA Bold2, has "store", but it is not eMMC, so you can't put an SQLite database there.
I'm not aware of any direct way of finding out whether a filesystem is using eMMC. I asked RIM and was told to check the filesystem size. If it's over 1 GB, then it is eMMC. That wasn't a very satisfying answer for me. I ended up checking for the filesystem "system". It is a read-only filesystem, but it is only present for eMMC storage, and if it exists, you can write a database to the "store" filesystem root.
Via the SQLite developer guide overview:
You can use the SQLite API, provided in the net.rim.device.api.database package, to store application data persistently to eMMC memory or a microSD card.
It may be that store is not a mounted and available file system root on the 9550. You should use to get an Enumeration of currently mounted file systems.
