Sql "where" to compare array of dates - rails - ruby-on-rails

I have a db table events, it has a column dates which stores arrays of dates like this
eg: ["2017-05-19","2018-04-19","2005-04-19","2017-06-19","2015-04-9"]
say im given month value, 05. I should compare months of dates present in dates column for each event and return list of all events where it has dates containing month exactly 05.
so, if event1 and event2 has month 05 in array of dates, return event1 and event2.
I tried this, got confused. where("dates #> ARRAY[?]::varchar[]", don't_know_what_to_give_here)

This is untested, but you can use the postgres array_to_string method and then the LIKE operator on the resulting string.
select *
from your_table_name
where array_to_string(dates, ',') LIKE '%-05-%'
With Rails
Model.where("array_to_string(dates, ',') LIKE '%-?-%'", month)
# just make sure month has a leading zero e.g. 01 instead of just 1


How do you select all the rows between two values in SQLite?

I'm building an iOS app where I want to retrieve all the values from my database between two dates that the user picks. So for example, I want all the rows from the 1st of March to the 5th of March. Would look something like
SELECT * FROM MAIN WHERE DATE = '01/03/2020' AND ENDS ='05/03/2020'
So from that I would hope to retrieve all data from the 1st,2nd,3rd,4th and 5th of march. Any ideas on how to do this?
Thank you
Try to use comparison operators like:
DATE >= '01/03/2020' AND DATE <= '05/03/2020'
There are two issues:
Date types:
As Datatypes In SQLite Version 3 says:
2.2. Date and Time Datatype
SQLite does not have a storage class set aside for storing dates and/or times. Instead, the built-in Date And Time Functions of SQLite are capable of storing dates and times as TEXT, REAL, or INTEGER values:
TEXT as ISO8601 strings ("YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS").
REAL as Julian day numbers, the number of days since noon in Greenwich on November 24, 4714 B.C. according to the proleptic Gregorian calendar.
INTEGER as Unix Time, the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
Applications can chose to store dates and times in any of these formats and freely convert between formats using the built-in date and time functions.
So storing dates in a dd/MM/yyyy format (using the DateFormatter capitalization convention) is problematic because in the absence of a native date type, it’s going to store them as strings, and therefore all comparisons will be done alphabetically, not chronologically, sorting values like 03/10/2009 (or nonsense strings like 02foobar, for that matter) in between the strings 01/05/2020 and 05/05/2020.
If, however you store them as yyyy-MM-dd, then it just so happens that alphabetical comparisons will yield chronologically correct comparisons, too.
SQL syntax:
Once you have your dates in your database in a format that is comparable, then if you have all of your dates in a single column, you can use the BETWEEN syntax. For example, let’s say you stored all of your dates in yyyy-MM-dd format, then you could do things like:
SELECT * FROM main WHERE date BETWEEN '2020-03-01' AND '2020-03-05';
But needless to say, you can’t use this pattern (or any comparison operators other than equality) as long as your dates are stored in dd/MM/yyyy format.
If you want to show all the data that has values of column "date" between this two dates then:
Select *
from MAIN
where `date` between '01.03.2020' and '05.03.2020';
If you want to show all the data that has values of column "ends" between this two dates then:
Select *
from MAIN
where ends between '01.03.2020' and '05.03.2020';
If you want to show all the data that has values of columns "date" and "ends" between this two dates then:
Select *
from MAIN
where ends between '01.03.2020' and '05.03.2020'
and `date` between '01.03.2020' and '05.03.2020';
Here is a demo

Ruby on Rails: How to get all the records and sort it by the lowest days difference of two dates

I am using postgresql. I have one table the Shipments table and I have two date columns on the table called arrival_date and release_date, what I wanted to do is to get all the record and sort it according to the lowest days difference of arrival_date and release_date, for example:
Arrival Date, Released Date
2017-06-04, 2017-06-30
2017-05-02, 2017-05-05
So in this example the days difference of first record is 26 days and the second one is 3 days, so the second record should be the first one.
The easiest way would be to subtract the two dates using Postgres:
ordered_shipments = Shipment.order("(arrival_date - released_date) ASC")
This will subtract the Unix timestamps of the two dates and sort the difference in ascending order.
I got inspiration from this answer.
I think that you need improve your query in postgres
in example
id | dateA | dateB
select dateA, dateB, age(timestamp dateA, timestamp dateB) diffdate from Table order by diffdate desc;
You may want to use sort_by! method:
Shipment.all.sort_by!{ |shipment| shipment.released_date - shipment.arrival_date }

Check if the value is in range between closest array's elements. (ruby)

I need to know how would I check if my given value is between two closest array's members. For example I have an array of dates with the date of week start in given period of time. And I need to check if my given date is in one of its week. For example:
And my given value is 2015-11-11 for example. How should I check if it is one of these weeks date? Thanks for help.
%w(2015-11-02 2015-11-09 2015-11-16 2015-11-23).any? do |date|
date.to_date.cweek == Date.today.cweek
And here is what this does:
First, you have an array of strings, you use any? to loop through it and check if any fulfils a requirement, then you cast you date strings into actual dates, and cweek gives you the number of a week in the year. Date.today gives you today's date.
Instead of Date.today.cweek you can use '2015-11-11'.to_date.cweek.
The loop above returns boolean; you could also get an array of values that fulfil a condition like this:
new_array = %w(2015-11-02 2015-11-09 2015-11-16 2015-11-23).map do |date|
date.to_date.cweek == '2015-11-11'.to_date.cweek
Date class on ruby-doc.org
Date & Time in Ruby on tutorialspoint.com
If you want to get from the database only records with a date from particular week, this is how you could do it:
my_date = '2015-11-11'.to_date
matching_records = MyResource.where( date: my_date.beginning_of_week..my_date.end_of_week )
The assumptions are that you have a model MyResource, and that it has a column date. What this does is returns a relation with all the records that have dates from the same week as my_date.
Assuming your dates array is sorted:
date >= dates.first && date <= dates.last
If you're dealing with strings, you can "require 'date'" and transform your strings to dates ("Date.parse('2001-02-03')").
As others have suggested, you can then see if your date is between the first and last entry of your list.
If the real list is sorted and each entry is one week apart, then you can easily find where in the list your guy is.
E.g., say the list is [date_0, date_1, date_2, ..., date_k] (all 1 week apart), and you're given a test_date between date_0 and date_k. Then (test_date.jd - date_0.jd)/7 gives you the index of the date in your list that is <= test_date.

rails split string with custom length

I'm using Rails and MongoMapper as my working platform.
I want to generate a custom key with the help of month and year. The possible format would be YYYYMM####,
YYYY is current YEAR which I can get as Date.today.strftime("%Y")
MM is current Month Which I can get as Date.tody.strftime("%m")
After that ### is incremented integer value
I get the last job with the code
jobForLastnum = Job.last(:order => :_id.desc)
lastJobNum = jobForLastnum.job_number
Now my question is I received the job_number as '201305100'
I want to split it with custom length like, ['2013','05','100']
I know how to split a string in ruby and I successfully did that but i got result as individual character like
With the help of this I could retrieve the year:
With the help of this I got the month:
But after that there is custom length string. How can I get all the data in a single array?
You can simply use ranges:
c = "2013121003"
[c[0..3], c[4..5], c[6..-1]]
You can also use String#unpack:
Or with regexp as suggested by tessi, using String#scan:
c = "2013121003"
In all cases, this will return an array with the year, month, and job id as strings.
A regexp can help you here.
jobNumber = 201305100
year, month, job_id = jobNumber.to_s.match(/(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d*)/)[1..3]
First, we convert the jobNumber to a String. Then we throw a regexp at it. The regexp has three capture groups ((\d{4}) four numbers for the year, (\d{2}) two numbers for the month, (\d*) any remaining number for the job_id).
The job_number.to_s.match(...) returns a MatchData object, which we can access by its first three capture groups with [1..3] (see the documentation).
Finally, we assign the resulting Array to our variables year, month, and job_id.
#=> 2013
#=> 05
#=> 100

Is it possible to search for dates as strings in a database-agnostic way?

I have a Ruby on Rails application with a PostgreSQL database; several tables have created_at and updated_at timestamp attributes. When displayed, those dates are formatted in the user's locale; for example, the timestamp 2009-10-15 16:30:00.435 becomes the string 15.10.2009 - 16:30 (the date format for this example being dd.mm.yyyy - hh.mm).
The requirement is that the user must be able to search for records by date, as if they were strings formatted in the current locale. For example, searching for 15.10.2009 would return records with dates on October 15th 2009, searching for 15.10 would return records with dates on October 15th of any year, searching for 15 would return all dates that match 15 (be it day, month or year). Since the user can use any part of a date as a search term, it cannot be converted to a date/timestamp for comparison.
One (slow) way would be to retrieve all records, format the dates, and perform the search on that. This could be sped up by retrieving only the id and dates at first, performing the search, and then fetching the data for the matching records; but it could still be slow for large numbers of rows.
Another (not database-agnostic) way would be to cast/format the dates to the right format in the database with PostgreSQL functions or operators, and have the database do the matching (with the PostgreSQL regexp operators or whatnot).
Is there a way to do this efficiently (without fetching all rows) in a database-agnostic way? Or do you think I am going in the wrong direction and should approach the problem differently?
Building on the answer from Carlos, this should allow all of your searches without full table scans if you have indexes on all the date and date part fields. Function-based indexes would be better for the date part columns, but I'm not using them since this should not be database-specific.
CREATE TABLE mytable (
col1 varchar(10),
-- ...
inserted_at timestamp,
updated_at timestamp);
('a', '2010-01-02', NULL),
('b', '2009-01-02', '2010-01-03'),
('c', '2009-11-12', NULL),
('d', '2008-03-31', '2009-04-18');
ADD inserted_at_month integer,
ADD inserted_at_day integer,
ADD updated_at_month integer,
ADD updated_at_day integer;
-- you will have to find your own way to maintain these values...
UPDATE mytable
inserted_at_month = date_part('month', inserted_at),
inserted_at_day = date_part('day', inserted_at),
updated_at_month = date_part('month', updated_at),
updated_at_day = date_part('day', updated_at);
If the user enters only Year use WHERE Date BETWEEN 'YYYY-01-01' AND 'YYYY-12-31'
FROM mytable
inserted_at BETWEEN '2010-01-01' AND '2010-12-31'
OR updated_at BETWEEN '2010-01-01' AND '2010-12-31';
If the user enters Year and Month use WHERE Date BETWEEN 'YYYY-MM-01' AND 'YYYY-MM-31' (may need adjustment for 30/29/28)
FROM mytable
inserted_at BETWEEN '2010-01-01' AND '2010-01-31'
OR updated_at BETWEEN '2010-01-01' AND '2010-01-31';
If the user enters the three values use SELECT .... WHERE Date = 'YYYY-MM-DD'
FROM mytable
inserted_at = '2009-11-12'
OR updated_at = '2009-11-12';
If the user enters Month and Day
FROM mytable
inserted_at_month = 3
OR inserted_at_day = 31
OR updated_at_month = 3
OR updated_at_day = 31;
If the user enters Month or Day (you could optimize to not check values > 12 as a month)
FROM mytable
inserted_at_month = 12
OR inserted_at_day = 12
OR updated_at_month = 12
OR updated_at_day = 12;
"Database agnostic way" is usually a synonym for "slow way", so the solutions will unlikely be efficient.
Parsing all records on the client side would be the least efficient solution in any case.
You can process your locale string on the client side and form a correct condition for a LIKE, RLIKE or REGEXP_SUBSRT operator. The client side of course should be aware of the database the system uses.
Then you should apply the operator to a string formed according to the locale with database-specific formatting function, like this (in Oracle):
FROM mytable
WHERE TO_CHAR(mydate, 'dd.mm.yyyy - hh24.mi') LIKE '15\.10'
More efficient way (that works only in PostgreSQL, though) would be creating a GIN index on the individual dateparts:
CREATE INDEX ix_dates_parts
ON dates
DATE_PART('year', date)::INTEGER,
DATE_PART('month', date)::INTEGER,
DATE_PART('day', date)::INTEGER,
DATE_PART('hour', date)::INTEGER,
DATE_PART('minute', date)::INTEGER,
DATE_PART('second', date)::INTEGER
and use it in a query:
FROM dates
WHERE ARRAY[11, 19, 2010] <# (ARRAY
DATE_PART('year', date)::INTEGER,
DATE_PART('month', date)::INTEGER,
DATE_PART('day', date)::INTEGER,
DATE_PART('hour', date)::INTEGER,
DATE_PART('minute', date)::INTEGER,
DATE_PART('second', date)::INTEGER
This will select records, having all three numbers (1, 2 and 2010) in any of the dateparts: like, all records of Novemer 19 2010 plus all records of 19:11 in 2010, etc.
Watever the user enters, you should extract three values: Year, Month and Day, using his locale as a guide. Some values may be empty.
If the user enters only Year use WHERE Date BETWEEN 'YYYY-01-01' AND 'YYYY-12-31'
If the user enters Year and Month use WHERE Date BETWEEN 'YYYY-MM-01' AND 'YYYY-MM-31' (may need adjustment for 30/29/28)
If the user enters the three values use SELECT .... WHERE Date = 'YYYY-MM-DD'
If the user enters Month and Day, you'll have to use the 'slow' way
IMHO, the short answer is No. But definitely avoid loading all rows.
Few notes:
if you had only simple queries for exact dates or ranges, I would recommend using ISO format for DATE (YYYY-MM-DD, ex: 2010-02-01) or DATETIME. But since you seem to need queries like "all years for October 15th", you need custom queries anyways.
I suggest you create a "parser" that takes your date query and gives you the part of the SQL WHERE clause. I am certain that you will end up having less then a dozen of cases, so you can have optimal WHEREs for each of them. This way you will avoid loading all records.
you definitely do not want to do anything locale specific in the SQL. Therefore convert local to some standard in the non-SQL code, then use it to perform your query (basically separate localization/globalization and the query execution)
Then you can optimize. If you see that you have a lot of query just for year, you might create a COMPUTED COLUMN which would contain only the YEAR and have index on it.
