I'm trying to grab the Outcome off of a testcase in TFS, looks something like this.
and I can't seem to find a straightforward way to do it. I've tried to grab the workitem directly, query for the property with no success. I was able to use the SDK to get the data (which I'm trying to avoid)
_tfs = new TfsTeamProjectCollection(new Uri(website)) { ClientCredentials = what };
var testService = _tfs.GetService<ITestManagementService>();
var aPoint = plan.QueryTestPoints("SELECT * FROM TestPoint WHERE TestCaseId = 10").SingleOrDefault();
I have the ID for the testcase from the webhook so that's not a problem. All I want is that "MostRecentResultOutcome". Is there a way to get that data from the REST api in 1 call?
You could also use below REST API which will return a list of test points through test case ID according to your code info:
GET https://Fabrikam-Fiber-inc.VisualStudio.com/DefaultCollection/fabrikam-fiber-tfvc/_apis/test/plans/1/suites/1/points?testcaseid=39&api-version=1.0
Then will get a response with lastTestRun, lastResutl, outcome...
"value": [
"id": 1,
"url": "https://fabrikam-fiber-inc.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/fabrikam-fiber-tfvc/_apis/test/Plans/1/Suites/1/Points/1",
"assignedTo": {
"id": "d291b0c4-a05c-4ea6-8df1-4b41d5f39eff",
"displayName": "Jamal Hartnett"
"configuration": {
"id": "2",
"name": "Windows 8"
"lastTestRun": {
"id": "28"
"lastResult": {
"id": "100000"
"outcome": "Passed",
"state": "Completed",
"testCase": {
"id": "39",
"url": null,
"webUrl": null
"workItemProperties": [
"workItem": {
"key": "Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.AutomationStatus",
"value": "Not Automated"
"count": 1
As Patrick said, you can't as of right now. What I ended up doing its grabbing the ID and System.TeamProject off of the webhook passing that along as such
private TfsTeamProjectCollection _tfs;
private ITestManagementTeamProject _project;
private readonly ITestManagementService _service;
public TfsThing(string instanceUrl, string user, string password)
var cred = new VssBasicCredential(user, password);
_tfs = new TfsTeamProjectCollection(new Uri(instanceUrl)) { ClientCredentials = cred };
_service = _tfs.GetService<ITestManagementService>();
public string GetTestStatus(int id, string projectName)
var project = _service.GetTeamProject(projectName);
var result = project.TestResults.ByTestId(id);
return result.LastOrDefault()?.Outcome.ToString();
This was the shortest way I found -- may not be the most efficient though
Incase you were wondering, these are the two packages I used
Install-Package Microsoft.TeamFoundationServer.Client
Install-Package Microsoft.TeamFoundationServer.ExtendedClient
I am using the the following Graph API URL to retrieve the filename(s) attached to an email:
however, it is no longer returning the attached filename(s) for '.msg' files. The file extension is missing. Please see below example returns:
"#odata.context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata#users('')/messages('')/attachments",
"value": [
"#odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.itemAttachment",
"id": "*",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2021-08-13T11:21:29Z",
"name": "Original Email",
"contentType": null,
"size": 45795,
"isInline": false
Where as it is for other file types:
"#odata.context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata#users('')/messages('')/attachments",
"value": [
"#odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.fileAttachment",
"#odata.mediaContentType": "application/octet-stream",
"id": "",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2021-08-13T11:14:07Z",
"name": "Original Email.mht",
"contentType": "application/octet-stream",
"size": 54693,
"isInline": false,
"contentId": null,
"contentLocation": null,
"contentBytes": ""
NB: sensitive info has been redacted (*).
I can see that the #odata.type is returned differently:
#odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.itemAttachment
#odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.fileAttachment
I'm not sure why this is, the email is attached in the same way.
In both of the above cases, using Outlook, I sent myself an email, saved it to my local filesystem, created another email, attached the previously saved file and sent myself the new email with the saved email attached. Then made the request using the stated URL (and many other variations).
I have looked all over and no request URL that I have used returns the file extension for this type.
Is there a way to return the filename for '.msg' files?
Edit: this is how (java) I'm getting the filename for Attachment(s) (except ReferenceAttachment as I'm not handling them)
public String getCurrentAttachmentName()
String fileName = null;
if (currentAttachment instanceof FileAttachment)
fileName = currentAttachment.name;
} else if (currentAttachment instanceof ItemAttachment)
if (null != currentAttachment.contentType)
fileName = currentAttachment.name;
} else
{// outlook email or contact etc., add extension
ItemAttachment itemAttachment = (ItemAttachment) currentAttachment;
if (itemAttachment.item instanceof Contact)
fileName = currentAttachment.name + ".vcf";
} else if (itemAttachment.item instanceof Message)
fileName = currentAttachment.name + ".eml";
} else if (itemAttachment.item instanceof Event)
fileName = currentAttachment.name + ".ics";
} else
fileName = currentAttachment.name + ".bin"; // should be unreachable but just in case.
// looping does not allow ReferenceAttachment so we don't need to handle that type
return fileName;
MS graph differentiates the attachments at resource level ie fileAttachment resource type and itemAttachment resource type
Even though attached the same way, the contact, event, or message attachments belong to itemAttachment resource type and have different props from the file attachments.
Jira has a an /edit endpoint which can be used to add a comment. There is an example in their documentation that suggests this input body to accomplish this:
"update": {
"comment": [
"add": {
"body": "It is time to finish this task"
I create the exact same input in my Java code:
private String createEditBody() {
JsonNodeFactory jsonNodeFactory = JsonNodeFactory.instance;
ObjectNode payload = jsonNodeFactory.objectNode();
ObjectNode update = payload.putObject("update");
ArrayNode comments = update.putArray("comment");
ObjectNode add = comments.addObject();
ObjectNode commentBody = add.putObject("add");
commentBody.put("body", "this is a test");
return payload.toString();
but when I send this PUT request I get an error saying that the "Operation value must be of type Atlassian Document Format"!
Checking the ADF format it says that "version", "type" and "content" are required for this format. So although their documentation example doesn't seem to be ADF format, I'm trying to guess the format and change it. Here's what I accomplished after modifying my code:
"update": {
"comment": [
"add": {
"version": 1,
"type": "paragraph",
"content": [
"body": "this is a test"
the add operation seems to be an ADF but now I get 500 (internal server error). Can you help me find the issue?
Note that the above example from Atlassian documentation is for "Jira Server Platform" but the instance I'm working with is "Jira Cloud Platform" although I think the behaviour should be the same for this endpoint.
after tinkering with the input body, I was able to form the right request body! This will work:
"update": {
"comment": [
"add": {
"body": {
"version": 1,
"type": "doc",
"content": [
"type": "paragraph",
"content": [
"type": "text",
"text": "this is a test"
The annoying things that I learned along the way:
Jira's documentation is WRONG!! Sending the request in their example will fail!!
after making a few changes, I was able to get 204 from the endpoint while still comment was not being posted! And I guessed that the format is not correct and kept digging! But don't know why Jira returns 204 when it fails!!!
I started exploring Google Docs API in Python. It does pretty much everything I want it to do except for one thing.
I can replace the text of a document but I can't change the value of the hyperlinks.
Meaning if a link looks like this : a link, I can change the value of the text a link but not the target URL.
I've been going through the documentation but I can't find anything about it. Could it be a missing feature or am I missing the way to do that?
You can modify the hyperlink using UpdateTextStyleRequest of the batchupdate method in Google Docs API. At this time, please set the property of Link of TextStyle.
POST https://docs.googleapis.com/v1/documents/{file ID}:batchUpdate
Request body:
"requests": [
"updateTextStyle": {
"textStyle": {
"link": {
"url": "https://sampleUrl" # Please set the modified URL here.
"range": {
"startIndex": 1,
"endIndex": 2
"fields": "link"
From your question, I could understand that you have already used Google Docs API and you can modify the text of the link text. I think that you can modify the link using above request body and the script you have.
If this was not useful for your situation, I apologize.
You want to retrieve the text with the hyperlink.
From your reply comment, I could understand like above. When my understanding is correct, you can retrieve it using documents.get method. In this case, when fields is used, the response become to easily read.
GET https://docs.googleapis.com/v1/documents/{file ID}?fields=body(content(paragraph(elements(endIndex%2CstartIndex%2CtextRun(content%2CtextStyle%2Flink%2Furl)))))
In this endpoint, body(content(paragraph(elements(endIndex,startIndex,textRun(content,textStyle/link/url))))) is used as fields.
Sample response:
For example, when the following texts are put in a Google Document and def has a hyperlink,
The response is as follows. From the following result, you can retrieve the position of text with the hyperlink can be retrieved. Using this, you can modify the hyperlink.
"body": {
"content": [
"paragraph": {
"elements": [
"startIndex": 1,
"endIndex": 5,
"textRun": {
"content": "abc\n",
"textStyle": {}
"paragraph": {
"elements": [
"startIndex": 5,
"endIndex": 8,
"textRun": {
"content": "def",
"textStyle": {
"link": {
"url": "https://sample/"
"startIndex": 8,
"endIndex": 9,
"textRun": {
"content": "\n",
"textStyle": {}
batchUpdate requires to know position of text, we can get document with all content and find positions of links
In my case I implement it as:
Copy template to new place with final name
Replace link texts and other parts of text
Get document
Find links positions in doc
Update link URLs
Here example in nodejs
const {google, docs_v1} = require('googleapis');
async function replaceInDoc(doc) {
let documentId = 'some doc id'
let auth = 'auth value for user'
let linkNewUrl = 'https://github.com/googleapis/google-api-nodejs-client'
google.options({auth: auth})
var docs = new docs_v1.Docs({}, google)
// document should have link with http://repo-url.com text, we will update it
var requests = [
replaceAllText: {
containsText: {
text: 'http://repo-url.com',
matchCase: true,
replaceText: linkNewUrl,
var updateRes = await docs.documents.batchUpdate({
documentId: documentId,
resource: {
requests: requests,
var docInfo = await docs.documents.get({documentId: documentId})
var linkPos = findLinksInDoc(docInfo)
// set new url to link by position of link in the document
var requests = [
updateTextStyle: {
textStyle: {
link: {
url: linkNewUrl
range: {
startIndex: linkPos[linkNewUrl][0],
endIndex: linkPos[linkNewUrl][1]
fields: "link"
var updateRes = await docs.documents.batchUpdate({
documentId: documentId,
resource: {
requests: requests,
// returns hash as { 'http://example.com': [startPosition, endPosition] }
function findLinksInDoc(doc) {
var links = {}
doc.data.body.content.forEach(section => {
if (section.paragraph) {
section.paragraph.elements.forEach(element => {
if (element.textRun && element.textRun.textStyle.link) {
links[element.textRun.content] = [element.startIndex, element.endIndex]
return links
I am unable to insert multiple rows in database using Post method in MVC web API. I have written code for it but when i am testing by inserting multiple rows through postman it is giving error. At line first the variable "delegatetable" shows null due to which error is coming. i am not doing database connection through entity framework, i have created a DelegateTable class.
public HttpResponseMessage Post(List<DelegateTable> delegatetable)
using (var delegateContext = new ShowContext())
foreach (DelegateTable item in delegatetable)
DelegateTable delegates = new DelegateTable();
delegates.Salutation__c = item.Salutation__c;
delegates.First_Name__c = item.First_Name__c;
delegates.Last_Name__c = item.Last_Name__c;
delegates.Account_Name__c = item.Account_Name__c;
delegates.Contact_Email__c = item.Contact_Email__c;
delegates.Category__c = item.Category__c;
delegates.Conference_Type__c = item.Conference_Type__c;
delegates.Conference_Selection__c = item.Conference_Selection__c;
delegates.Payment_Statuss__c = item.Payment_Statuss__c;
delegates.Barcode__c = item.Barcode__c;
var message = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, delegatetable);
message.Headers.Location = new Uri(Request.RequestUri.ToString());
return message;
catch (Exception ex)
return Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ex);
Json data that i am passing is below
"attributes": {
"type": "Registration__c",
"url": "/services/data/v43.0/sobjects/Registration__c/a3h8E0000009VuVQAU"
"Salutation__c": "Dr.",
"First_Name__c": "Test",
"Last_Name__c": "Test",
"Account_Name__c": "Test",
"Contact_Email__c": "test123#gmail.com",
"Category__c": "Test",
"Conference_Type__c": null,
"Conference_Selection__c": null,
"Payment_Statuss__c": null,
"Barcode__c": "Test"
"attributes": {
"type": "Registration__c",
"url": "/services/data/v43.0/sobjects/Registration__c/a3hD0000001kEfOIAU"
"Salutation__c": "Mr.",
"First_Name__c": "Demo",
"Last_Name__c": "Demo",
"Account_Name__c": "Demo",
"Contact_Email__c": "Demo#gmail.com",
"Category__c": "Demo",
"Conference_Type__c": null,
"Conference_Selection__c": null,
"Payment_Statuss__c": null,
"Barcode__c": null
You may try to reformat your payload as a JSON array, as the problem might be that the payload cannot be converted to a List.
Try this:
"delegates" :
"attributes": ..., ...
{ "attributes": ..., ...
I'm new to CouchDB and struggling to implement a basic example. I have three documents Customer, Contact, Address and I want join them into a single document.
Account Document
"_id": "CST-1",
"_rev": "8-089da95f148b446bd3b33a3182de709f",
"name": "Customer",
"code": "CST-001",
"contact_Key": "CNT-001",
"address_Key": "ADD-001",
"type": "Customer"
Contact Document
"_id": "CNT-001",
"_rev": "8-079da95f148b446bd3b33a3182de709g",
"fullname": "Happy Swan",
"type": "Contact"
Address Document
"_id": "ADD-001",
"_rev": "8-179da95f148b446bd3b33a3182de709c",
"street1": "9 Glass View",
"street2": "Street 2",
"city": "USA",
"type": "Address"
var map= function (doc) {
if (doc.type === 'Customer') {
emit(doc.id, { contact_Key: doc.contact_Key, address_Key: doc.address_Key })
db.query({ map: map }, { include_docs: true }, function (err, res) {
I want all 3 documents in a single document when I query account e.g.
Expected result
"_id": "CST-1",
"_rev": "8-089da95f148b446bd3b33a3182de709f",
"name": "Customer",
"code": "CST-001",
"contact_Key": "CNT-001",
"address_Key": "ADD-001",
"type": "Customer",
"Contact: {
"_id": "CNT-001",
"_rev": "8-079da95f148b446bd3b33a3182de709g",
"fullname": "Happy Swan",
"type": "Contact"
"Address: {
"_id": "ADD-001",
"_rev": "8-179da95f148b446bd3b33a3182de709c",
"street1": "9 Glass View",
"street2": "Street 2",
"city": "USA",
"type": "Address"
I don't see any better solution than querying the account document first and then querying the other two once you know their IDs. If you think about it, it makes sense because the only link between these documents is the IDs stored in the account document, so to get all three at the same time, internally the DB would have to do two queries: first the account document, then the other two. And by design CouchDB only does one query at a time.
If you had the account doc ID stored into the contact and address documents however, you could use a list function to merge them all into one.
First you would need a view:
function(doc) {
if (doc.type === 'Customer') {
emit(doc._id, doc);
if (doc.type === 'Contact' || doc.type === 'Address') {
emit(doc.account_id, doc);
Then a list function:
function(head, req) {
var row, account, contact, address;
while (row = getRow()) {
if (row.value.type === 'Customer') {
account = row.value;
} else if (row.value.type === 'Contact') {
contact = row.value;
} else if (row.value.type === 'Address') {
address = row.value;
account['Contact'] = contact;
account['Address'] = address;
provides("json", function() {
return { 'json': account };
And you would query it with:
GET /db/_design/foo/_list/the-list/the-view?key="CST-1"