When a user taps a message in iMessages,
The call:
-(void)didSelectMessage:(MSMessage *)message conversation:(MSConversation *)conversation
is correctly dispatched. However, this doesn't get dispatched a second time. Does anyone know if this is expected behavior or how to get around this?
I'm using flutter_callkit_incoming
When the call is missed we can call a FlutterCallkitIncoming.showMissCallNotification(params) method to show a notification with a callback button, the callback button is working perfectly fine because I can detect a tap on it by using call back Event.ACTION_CALL_CALLBACK but I want to perform certain logic when the app is open via a tap on notification not on call-back action. How to do that in both foreground and background/terminated?
Is there a way to detect if you get a system notification and you swipe away the notification banner (e.g. the alarm that triggers a system notification)?
More practical example:
In your app, you are doing some stuff and suddenly you get a notification from another app. Instead of tapping on the notification, you swipe up the notification (you dismiss it that way). After doing that, I want to capture that in the app.
Currently, I have a bug in the app, so if I can capture this action, I would be able to fix this bug.
Thanks in advance!
When notification appears, the willResignActiveNotification won't get called, therefore willEnterForegroundNotification won't get called, too.
The best solution here is to catch incoming notification and show the custom view describing this notification instead of system one. Thus, you can detect all actions/timings you need.
I have an app that I call the method SKStoreReviewController.requestReview () after 10 times that the user performs some action. The prompt stoped to appear even the debug show me that the method requesrReview is being called.
What's can be happening?
From the Apple docs:
Although you should call this method when it makes sense in the user
experience flow of your app, the actual display of a rating/review
request view is governed by App Store policy. Because this method may
or may not present an alert, it's not appropriate to call it in
response to a button tap or other user action.
The popup will only display sometimes, and it's dictated by the SKStoreReviewController as to when this will be, so you can't guarantee it will ever be displayed.
Which method gets called when we double tap the home button and send the app in the background? I know that applicationDidEnterBackground is called when we press the home button once and send the app in the back ground. But I want to know the exact method which gets called when its double tapped.
For more details you can refer the apple documentation,
But the tricky part here is you cannot be sure whether it is the double tap of the home button that has resulted in this function being called, as this function is also called when your app is interrupted by a phone call or sms etc.
I have a blackberry application in which i want to show a "please wait" modal screen(which is a FullScreen push as modal screen) while sending a server request and if the user hitting the device back button , pop the modal screen and current active screen.This works fine.
My problem is that : I used a callback for server request in the active screen.But the callback executed even after popped up the screen.
Exactly whats happening while calling popScreen()? How can i remove all callbacks and refresh the screen if the user pressing back button while server request happens?
Thanks in Advance
There are several solutions to this problem of course. I guess the server request is sent asynchronously.
The simplest way I think out is having a flag and when the callback
is triggered check whether the user cancelled the action (pressing
the back button).
Another solution, perhaps not that nice is to check whether the
Loading Screen is still in the display stack.
What I think would be a proper solution is to have a stack of
cancelled http operations, so you can stop requests at any time. Then
if the request to the server has been sent, before calling the
callbacks you can check if the operation has been cancelled.
Otherwise, you just avoid sending the request to the server.
When you call popScreen, the screen which is on top of the display stack (the screen in the foreground) is removed from the stack and the Screen is refreshed (a paint event is triggered) to reflect the changes. Make sure you execute Screen.pop() on the UiThread:
In your scenario, how is the callback handled? Is it a delegate you passed along with the request or is a listener you register?
When I refer to delegate I mean something like the following:
Server.sendRequest(request, objectWithCallbacks)
and callbacks of the objectWithCallbacks (and only objectWithCallbacks) will be called accordingly. On the other hand, a listener would be something like:
Server.addListener(objectWithCallbacks, request)
this way, all the objects listening to "eventName" will get their callbacks triggered accordingly.
As far as I see, your callback will be always executed but in the callback itself you can check if the screen is currently displayed.
if( this.isDisplayed() ) {
// Do the magic
// Do nothing
Good Luck