Binary Classification with Neural Networks? - machine-learning

I have a dataset of the order of MxN. I want to perform a binary classifcation on this dataset using neural networks. I was looking into Recurrent Neural Networks. Although, LSTM's can be used for AutoEncoders, I am not sure if they can be used for classification (I am trying to do a binary classification). I am very new to neural networks and deep learning models and i am not really sure if there is a way of achieving binary classification with neural networks. I tried Bernouli RBM on my dataset. I am not sure how to use this model to perform classification. I also found out Pipeline(). Again, I am not sure how to achieve my goal.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Ok, something doesn't stack up. If you have unlabelled data and you want to classify it you must take a look at K-Means (
Regarding LSTMs classification: You run your input through the RNN layers and take the last output and feed it into some Conv / Fully-connected layers to take care of classification as you know it.


How to include input fatures in Recurrent Neural Networks

I want to predict a time series. I want to use methods like Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) but I want to also have some other input features. I mean as far as I know RNN predicts the future just based on the history but I want to have other input feature besides historical data. I want to do something like regressor chain using RNN. I very much appreciate if anyone can give me some hints or examples doing what I explained.

Can I use pre-trained coco weights for medical lesion segmentation? Or should I train the network from scratch?

I am trying to understand in what cases I can benefit from pre-trained weights. Sometimes, pre-trained weights works (can be fine-tuned) for other domains but I cannot understand how to make a decision about this.
By the way, I have a medical annotated data and I will use it in order to fine-tune a pre-trained network or train from scratch based on the suggestions.

How to fuse an additional feature in training deep neural networks?

I am training a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to classify Spectrogram images (frequency over time). These Spectrograms were created from some signals on specific times, therefore the time of collection is also an important feature. How can I use this collection-time as a feature while training a CNN with Spectrogram images?
One thing that I guess would be possible, is to add it as an extra node in the last Dense layer, but I don't know which Keras functionality would allow me to do so.

Facial recognition and classifying unknowns with neural networks

As far as I understand, neural networks aren't good at classifying 'unknowns', i.e. items that do not belong to a learned class. But how do face detection/recognition approaches usually determine that no face is detected/recognised in a region? Is the predicted probability somehow thresholded?
It is true that neural networks are inherently not good at classifying 'unknowns' because they tend to overfit to the data that they have been trained on, if the underlying structure of the neural network is complex enough. However, there are multiple ways to go about reducing the affects of overfitting. For example, one technique that is used for this is called dropout. Another example can be batch normalization. Despite these techniques, the best way to reduce the affects of overfitting is to use more data.
For the facial recognition example that you have given above, it is common that the models that have been trained have 'seen' a huge amount of data. This means that there are very few 'unknowns' and even if there are, the neural network has learned how to tell if there are facial features present or not. This is because certain structures of neural networks are really good at telling if there is a pattern of features present in the input data. This helps the neural networks to learn if the image that is being input has certain features/patterns in it or not. If the these features are found then the input data is classified as face otherwise it is not.

How to train an unsupervised neural network such as RBM?

Is this process correct?
Suppose We have a bunch of data such as MNIST.
We just feed all these data(without label) to RBM and resample each data from trained model.
Then output can be treated as new data for classification.
Do I understand it correctly?
What is the purpose of using RBM?
You are correct, RBMs are a form of unsupervised learning algorithm that are commonly used to reduce the dimensionality of your feature space. Another common approach is to use autoencoders.
RBMs are trained using the contrastive divergence algorithm. The best overview of this algorithm comes from Geoffrey Hinton who came up with it.
A great paper about how unsupervised learning improves performance can be found at The paper shows that unsupervised learning provides better generalization and filters (if using CRBMs)
