Firebase observing adding new records - ios

Before you link me to a duplicate, please read what I'm asking..
I'm building an app which basically has a list of about 5000 teams. These teams are fairly static (they don't change very often). I would like to observe any time one is changed though as it's essential it get's updated in the app ASAP.
If I include dbTeams.ref.observe(.childAdded, with: {}), it runs each time the app starts, loading over all 5000 records despite having them in the persistent storage already (I have enabled persistence).
Now the documentation says this will happen, I know, but with 5000 records (and potentially way more in the future), I can't have this happen.
My options so far (from what I've found and tried) are:
Add a timestamp to each record and create a custom query to call .childAdded after the last timestamp... This is inefficient. Storing a timestamp for soccer teams which will hardly ever change, is silly. It also means keeping a copy of the last time it was checked.
Create a sub-list within the Teams list. This too is silly as you may as well call .value and get the whole bunch of data in one go.
Just live with it... Fine - until it scales to tens of thousands of records. Not clever either.
It just seems weird that all the other event listeners only fire when they are "supposed to" except this one.
Any help would be appreciated - how do I achieve what I need?


Some questions about keepSynced(true) on a limited query reference

I have an Firebase-backed app with the following database structure:
Originally, i'd load data from the posts/uid node using ObserveEventOfType with .childAdded. This would load stale data frequently (~5 times a day) for all users of my app simutaneously. When attempting to update the data by making a new post, Firebase would still return stale data.
As a result, I decided to try keepSynced. Now, if my reference looked like this:
reference = Database().database.reference.child("posts").child(uid)
keepSynced would load all of the data at that node, which could amount to very large downloads if there are many children in that node. So, I decided to change the reference/query to:
reference = Database().database.reference.child("posts").child(uid).queryLimited(toLast: 25)
When turning keepSynced on for this node, it syncs for the last 25 children in the node successfully. However, I still am facing the issue of receiving stale data rather frequently. So here are my questions:
When adding the keepSynced mode on the limited query, does it only sync from the initial node you added it to, or does it always just sync the 25 latest children under that node?
Where is the best place to add the keepSynced(true) line in code? Before we load the reference, in viewWillAppear, or inside of the actual download callback?
Similarly, where is the best place to use keepSynced(false)?
Do the keepSynced listeners delete when the app fades into the background?
Why does keepSynced sometimes not address for child updates?
I currently use keepSynced(true) inside of the function I use to load posts which is called on viewDidLoad.
Thanks in advance.
As its name implies keepSynced(true) keeps whatever query or reference you call it on synchronized in the local cache. It quite literally just attaches an empty observer to that query/reference. So in your Database().database.reference.child("posts").child(uid).queryLimited(toLast: 25) it will sync the last 25 child nodes, and keep synchronizing those (removing previous ones as new ones are added).
Firebase Realtime Database caching mechanism works most reliably if you repeatedly listen for the exact same data. Specifically, a .value listener attached to Database().database.reference.child("posts").child(uid) may not see data that was cached through Database().database.reference.child("posts").child(uid).queryLimited(toLast: 25). This is because the Firebase client guarantees to never fire events for partial updates, and in this example it can't guarantee that it has all data from the first reference.
For your questions:
See above...
It's most common to add them in viewWillAppear.
I'm not sure why you'd want to call keepSynced false, so can't recommend anything there.
Not sure if this is what you mean, but keepSynced(true) is not persisted between runs of the app. So you have to call keepSynced(true) each time your app/view starts.
See above...
In general you seem to try and work around the way the API works, by calling the API in different ways. I typically don't see great results from that. If you want your app to behave differently than the API does, consider creating a custom wrapper, and caching the data there.

Sqlite randomly slowing down on simple (but big) table on iOS

I'm working on an enterprise sales app, for iPad, that uses Sqlite as its internal database, and a strange behaviour recently showed up.
I have a huge table that is filled with information from several other tables (sort of like a "materialized view"), which can contain over 2 million rows, depending on how the user is set up. When the user wants to search for an item, the app performs a query on this huge table that has an indexed column and on other columns that are used as filters and/or metadata. I'll post the query and the basic idea below. Anyway, this query usually returns in 2~3 seconds on an iPad 4th gen, no more than that, and this is just fine. This table is dropped, re-created and filled every time the user taps a button to synchronize his data with our server.
However, recently the same query in the same table (with no relevant changes at all), randomly started to take 40~50 seconds. If you do the same thing later, on the same device, with the same filters (or even changing the filters!), the same query on the same table takes the 2~3 seconds again. I haven't found any specific situation that causes this slowdown, the app is the only one running at that time. The device is not the problem, we've seen this happen on at least 5 different iPads, one is an iPad 3 and the others are iPads 4th gen.
I don't think it is some sort of caching, since the app does not cache anything, and these times are rather random. Sometimes they take 40 seconds for 10 times in a row, then suddenly it starts to take only 2 seconds again, and the same thing the other way. The only thing that is clear to me is that this slowdown only occurs after intensive use (1 - 2 days of work using the app), so I'm also having troubles to cause this behaviour while debugging on the iPad I have with me.
What I've tried:
Attach Instruments to the process and check what resources are being used during the slowdown. The app does INTENSIVE use of the iPad's 'disk' (flash memory) during the whole time. I don't have the example to analyse it again now, but I think the CPU usage was around 30%. The RAM usage is stable at 90~100MB, which is normal for our app.
Run VACCUM on the db; - reduced ~50MB on a database I had as example. Went from ~600MB to ~550MB.
Run ANALYZE on the db; - didn't see any improvements
Run REINDEX on the db; - seems to be helping a little, but it's not solving the problem.
Kill the process and start over - nothing changes
The huge table is constructed as the following, and does NOT have any foreign keys or other any other constraint:
<bunch of metadata/filtered columns - total of 20 columns>
And the query that is made to find the products is:
<all other required columns, ~20 columns>
UNIQUE_ID = '<some id>_<other id>'
<and other optional, rarely used, filters.>
I'm totally out of ideas, so any help will be appreciated.
UPDATE (more info):
Important informations that I forgot to mention, Rob reminded me of it. My database connection is always open, it is closed only when the user logs out. We've noticed a huge performance on all parts of the app when we kept the connection opened, since we have hundreds of small queries that are executed on other situations (but not while browsing/searching the products catalog).
The query used to create the index is below:
Also, even though the column is named UNIQUE_ID, it is not unique. It was supposed to be originally, but now it is repeated N times. I know this is wrong, we'll change that ASAP.
This "UNIQUE_ID" (which is not really unique) is filled by joining the IDs of two other tables. This way, our "materialized view" removes the need of at least three joins when the user searches on our catalog, which improved our query times from ~20 seconds to ~2 seconds.
We don't call sqlite3 API directly on our queries, we have developed a wrapper class around it and we've been using it for at least 2 years now. And it's the first time ever we've been on this situation, but again it's the first time we're handling so much data.
A couple of thoughts:
You're not showing us the creation of any index on FMV_CATALOG. If nothing else, if UNIQUE_ID is, as the name suggests, unique, then I'd be inclined to define the table with a PRIMARY KEY:
<bunch of metadata/filtered columns - total of 20 columns>
You should try using the SQLite EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN command to look at the query and look at its plan and make sure it's availing itself of your index. Do this as it is, and then again with PRIMARY KEY (and perhaps if that still doesn't do it, an index on the fields in your WHERE clause), and make sure the final query is definitely using your index.
I'm not sure why, if you have the unique id, why you're also looking at the other fields. If adding of the primary key (and possibly other index(es)) doesn't solve the problem, I might try just retrieving the record based upon the unique id, and then check for conformance with your other parameters in code. I don't believe you need to do this, but it's a worst case scenario.
In terms of why it will slow down, that's harder to guess what's going on without seeing the code (which I'm sure is too complicated to share in a simple S.O. question). I could imagine strange behavior if, for example, you fail to sqlite3_finalize after one of your sqlite3_prepare_v2 statements or if you accidentally failed to close the database and then opened it again elsewhere. I could imagine performance issues that might come in place if the sequence of sqlite3 calls wasn't precisely right. Use of something like FMDB can minimize the chance of those sorts of issues occurring (as well as simplifying your SQLite code). Or, if that's too radical of a step, try writing your own macros that call the SQLite calls, but also log the fact that you've called that sqlite3 function, and pour through that log and double check the sequence of your SQLite calls.
The only thing I can suggest is whether you can construct a simplified project that can reproduce the aberrant behavior. Tracking down a Heisenbug can be infuriating: Unless you can consistently reproduce the bug, it's hard to track down.

How to build cached stats in database without taking down site?

I'm working on a Ruby on Rails site.
In order to improve performance, I'd like to build up some caches of various stats so that in the future when displaying them, I only have to display the caches instead of pulling all database records to calculate those stats.
A model Users has_many Comments. I'd like to store into a user cache model how many comments they have. That way when I need to display the number of comments a user has made, it's only a simple query of the stats model. Every time a new comment is created or destroyed, it simply increments or decrements the counter.
How can I build these stats while the site is live? What I'm concerned about is that after I request the database to count the number of Comments a User has, but before it is able to execute the command to save it into stats, that user might sneak in and add another comment somewhere. This would increment the counter, but then by immediately overwritten by the other thread, resulting in incorrect stats being saved.
I'm familiar with the ActiveRecord transactions blocks, but as I understand it, those are to guarantee that all or none succeed as a whole, rather than to act as mutex protection for data on the database.
Is it basically necessary to take down the site for changes like these?
Your use case is already handled by rails. It's called counter cache. There is a rails cast here:
Since it is so old, it might be out of date. The general idea is there though.
It's generally not a best practice to co-mingle application and reporting logic. Send your reporting data outside the application, either to another database, to log files that are read by daemons, or to some other API that handle the storage particulars.
If all that sounds like too much work then, you don't really want real time reporting. Assuming you have a backup of some sort (hot or cold) run the aggregations and generate the reports on the backup. That way it doesn't affect running application and you data shouldn't be more than 24 hours stale.
FYI, I think I found the solution here:
What I'm looking for is called pessimistic locking, and is addressed in 2.10.2.

Data sync between database and google calendar

I would like to sync my db (tasks on my db, that have a decription, a date, a start time and an end time, and a user) with Google calendar.
For sync with google i plan to use these components (of course I could somehow write the whole stuff on my own but this is something I can plan for the future now I am short of time, or in alternative can you suggest some working code that connects to google calendar to send/recieve data?).
Now my main problem is not really linked to Delphi programming anyway I must ask a Delphi related questions because other questions get unviewd (like this one i asked).
So I wonder how to do the sync. Note: I do one way sync and the generated calendar will be a read only calendar.
I can set a max number in the past and future to be synced (like 10 days in past and 100 in the future for example). Then the idea I have is this:
as I start the sync app I comletely read the google calendar itmes in the range, I compare one by one with what I have in db and then I "merge" changes. Then on timer I check for differences in my db and i upload changes.
But I am not sure that these is the best solution.
A simplification of the real case is this: imagine it is a CRM with some task assigend to every user. Since beyond every task there is a logic i want to managea that logic only in my application, but the idea of pulishing the calendar to google is that it is then easily available from any mobile device. This is way there is a one way sync. Ic ould also let the calendar not be readonly anyway at every sync I wil "download" the newly inserted tasks but I will ignore the deleted ones and the edited ones. In this second case it is not enough to track changes in db, but I shuold also track changes on google, at least to "intercept" the newly added tasks.
I am aware this is gerneic question but I would like to trigger an answer that can be useful, etiher redirecting me to a sync algorithm or to Delphi sample code or anything that can help me progress on this issue. Thanks.
Google: "calendar sync algorithms"
Synchronisation algorithms
The last one actually is funny because it leads right back to StackOverflow ;) Point is: I think there is no need to reinvent the wheel. Ps: The first link contains some useful thoughts similar to yours.

Reconstructing sms.db

This afternoon, I replied to a text from my girlfriend, then apparently neglected to sleep my phone before putting it back in my pocket. When I pulled it back out a few minutes later, my phone had decided to hit "Edit->Clear All" on the conversation, vaporizing two years and two phones worth of SMS history with her. While I have a backup of the phone, it's close to three weeks old at this point, and there's enough solid discussion that I'd like to reconstruct; I've already grabbed a copy of sms.db, but I think the method I used vacuumed the file, so there are no soft-deleted texts in it.
Meat of the Question
I have a three-week old backup of my sms.db, and have access to date copy of her sms.db. I'd like to
export the texts she has but I don't (easy, at least to CSV)
change the "perspective" info (the address field and the sent/received/deleted/unknown field), keeping the timestamp and text
import/merge these new entries into my old sms.db backup
merge this updated backup with my current sms.db (optional/there seems to be an online utility for that)
I don't really know SQL but would be willing to learn; the problem I have is that from what I understand, the tables within sms.db have become more interdependent over the OS's lifespan, and the triggers now call C functions that don't exist outside the phone, so it's not a simple matter of calling a single trigger on multiple entries. Does anyone know of any ways to work around this complexity, or even better, any utilities that have already figured out how to import individual entries into sms.db?
I've been examining sms.db, and from what I can tell, the relationships are pretty straightforward:
for message, I need to mostly make sure that the ROWID of any added messages are higher than the current highest ROWID
msg_group holds the message:ROWID of the last message for each contact; I can lookup the correct address within group_member; group_member:group_id corresponds with msg_group:ROWID
msg_group has a hash column; this will probably be the hardest thing to update, since I'm not immediately sure what it's updating, or what hash to use
sqlite_sequencedoesn't seem like it's quite up-to-date; its entries seem to all be smaller than the actual ROWIDs, but I assume this means I won't have to mess with it very much.
I'm not really sure that I'll be able to change msg_pieces at all: it's the table in charge of handling the multiple parts of an MMS message.
Hey did you get this sorted out? if you haven't I suggest taking a look at
I have been in a similar position as you have, but I was lucky and had a more recent backup than that.
Let me know if you need a hand with it
