Lowering total requests per month on parse server Swift - ios

I am currently building an app that will run on parse server on back4app. I wanted to know if there are any tips for lowering requests. I feel like my current app setup is not taking advantage of any methods to lower requests.
For example: when i call a cloud code function is that one request even if the cloud code function has multiple queries in it? Can I use cloud code to lower requests some how?
another example : If I use parse local data store rather than constantly getting data from server can that lower requests or does it not really because you would still need to update changes later on. Or do all the changes get sent at once and count as one request.
Sorry I am very new to looking at how requests and back end pricing is measured in general. I want to make sure I can be as efficient as possible in order to get my app out without going over budget.

Take a look in this link here:
Most part of the tips there are useful both for performance and number of requests.
About your questions:
1) Cloud code - each call to a cloud code function counts as a single request, no matter how many queries you do
2) Client side cache - for sure it will reduce the total amount of requests you do in the server


Difference between CKQueryOperation and Perform(Fetch...)

I'm new to working with CloudKit and database fetching and I've looked at the CKDataBaseOperation calls, so I'm trying to understand the real differences between adding an operation to a database and using "normal" function calls on that database if they both produce, more or less, the same results.
Why would adding an operation be more desirable over a function call and in what situations?
Thanks for helping me understand this. I'm trying to learn as much as I can about Swift.
In CloudKit most of the tasks have 2 ways of doing things:
Convenience APIs (functions with completion handlers)
1. Convenience APIs
As the name implies, they are convenient to use
Usually requires more server requests.
Can't build dependencies
2. Operations:
More configurable and more options.
Requires lesser server requests (Better for your server request quota)
It is built using Operation, so you get all the capabilities of Operation like dependencies (you will need them in a real app)
It is not so convenient to use, you need to create the operation. It takes a little more time to code but well worth it.
Example 1 (Fetch):
If you use CKDatabase.fetch, you would need to specify the record IDs that you want to fetch.
If you use CKQueryOperation, you can query based on field values.
Example 2 (Save / Update):
If you use CKDatabase.save, you can save 1 record with every function call. Each function call would result in a separate server request. If you want to save 200 records, you would have to run it in a loop and would make 200 server requests which is not very efficient. CloudKit also has a limit on the number of server requests you can make per second. This way you would exhaust your quota very quickly.
If you use CKModifyRecordsOperation, you can save 200 records all at once*, by passing it as an array. So you would be making far lesser server requests.
*Note: The server imposes a limit on the number of records it can save in 1 request but it is definitely better than creating a separate request to save each record.
Watch WWDC CloudKit videos
Might help to learn and watch WWDC videos about Operation (earlier used to be referred as NSOperation)

How to optimise computation intensive request response on rails [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I handle long requests for a Rails App so other users are not delayed too much?
(3 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have an application, which does a lot of computation on few pages(requests). The web interface sends an AJAX request. The computation takes sometimes about 2-5 minutes. The problem is, by this time AJAX request times out.
We can certainly increase the timeout on the web portal, but that doesn't sound like right solution. Also, to improve performance:
Removed N+1/Duplicate queries
Implemented Caching
What else could be done here to reduce the calculation time?
Also, if it still takes longer, I was thinking of following solutions:
Do the computation beforehand and store it in DB. So when the actual request comes, there is no need of calculation. (Apprehensive about this approach. Since we will have to modify/Erase-and-recalculate this data, whenever there is some application logic change.)
Load the whole data in cache when application starts/data gets modified. But for the first time computation has to be done. Also, can't keep whole data in the cache when the application starts. So need to store it in the cache as per demand.
Maybe, do something like Angular promise, where promise gets fulfilled when the response comes from the server.
Do we have any alternative to do this efficiently?
Depending on user input, the calculation might happen in few seconds. And also it might take 2-5 minutes. The scenario is, user imports an excel. The excel has been parsed and saved in DB. Now on another page, user wants to see the report/analytics graph derived with few calculations on the imported data(which has already been saved to db with background job). The calculation has to be done with many factors, so do not want to save it in DB(As pointed above). Also, when user request the report/analytics graph, It'll be bad experience to tell him that graph will be shown after sometime. You'll get email/notification etc.
The extremely typical solution is to enqueue a job for background processing, and return a job ID to the front-end. Your front-end can then poll for completion using that job ID, or you can trigger a notification such as an email to be sent to the user when the job completes.
There are a multitude of gems for this, and it is such a popular and accepted solution that Rails introduced its own ActiveJob for this exact purpose.
Here are a few possible solutions:
Optimize your tables with indexes to reduce data fetching time.
Preload all rows you'll be dealing with at the beginning, so you won't do a query each time you calculate something... it's faster/easier to #things.select { |r| r.blah } than to Thing.where(conditions)
Instead of all that, just do the computing in PLSQL on the database side. Sure, it's not the same as writing Ruby code but it could be faster.
And yes, cache the whole results set into memcache or redis or something (and expire when something change)
Run the calculation in the background (crontab?) and store the results in a JSON somewhere, or cache the entire HTML file (if you're not localizing or anything)
PS: I'm doing 1,2,3 combined with 5 (caching JSON results into memcache and then pulling the array and formatting/localizing) for a few M records from about 12 tables... sports data mainly.

How to get estimated time of arrival to multipe destinations on iOS?

I have an App that has the locations of 10 different places.
Given your current location, the app should return the estimated arrival time for those 10 locations.
However, Apple has said that
Note: Directions requests made using the MKDirections API are server-based and require a network connection.
There are no request limits per app or developer ID, so well-written apps that operate correctly should experience no problems. However, throttling may occur in a poorly written app that creates an extremely large number of requests.
The problem is that they make no definition on what a well written app is. Is 10 requests bad? Is 20 requests an extremely large number?
Has any one done an app like this before to provide some guidance? If Apple does begin throttling the requests, then people will blame my app and not Apple. Some advice please..
Hi investigate class MKRoute this class contains all information you need.
This object contains
Also you should consider LoadingThrottled
The data was not loaded because data throttling is in effect. This
error can occur if an app makes frequent requests for data over a
short period of time.
For prevent your request from bing throttled, reduce number of requests.
Try to use Completion Handlers to know if you request is finished and only after send another request or cancel previous. From my experience try to handle this request just as regular network request just be sure you are not spamming unnecessary requested to the Apple API. But this is not 100% guarantee that Apple won't throttle your requests.

Does iOS SDK keeps the connection alive between Cloud Code Function calls?

I'm implementing an autocomplete functionallity in a mobile app. I plan to have an autocomplete function on Parse Cloud Code but I'm afraid of the latency/delay that could bring up.
Specifically I would like to know how is calling parse Cloud Functions compared to do calls to a regular webserver over a WebSocket connection.
NOTE: I see the iOS SDK call to Parse functions uses NSURLSession which will leverage KeepAlive by default. What I don't know if the server copes up with that.
Cloud functions can be done both sync and async however they are very stingy about how long the connection stays open. In other-words you'd have to separate api calls. So, your answer is no.
Also, I might mention this from their guide on iOS cloud code calls
There is a limit of 8 concurrent httpRequests per Cloud Code request, and additional requests will be queued up.
This means that even if you somehow forced the connection to stay open like a WebSocket...you couldn't have more than 8 people using that view/cloud function at a time or everyone else wouldn't be able to access the function.
However, Ive dealt with this myself and you have a few options....
1)Make your own SocketIO server that make rest requests to parses cloud code functions. Theres even a iOS SDK from SocketIO now. So this is a pretty easy option.
2)Accept that youll have a pretty high API call rate and keep making it.
3)Do what I did and Call all the objects you need at the beginning and have iOS perform the autocomplete on the fly. Heres a helpful search on cocoa controls that should give you a head start to get it handled check it out here. Any one of these would save you hours of time of trying to sort through and repopulate yourself. If you have a lot of objects you need to get. Remember if you are returning more than 100 results(the default return amount) set query.limit = 1000(max return limit).

Twitter app development best practices?

Let's imagine app which is not just another way to post tweets, but something like aggregator and need to store/have access to tweets posted throught.
Since twitter added a limit for API calls, app should/may use some cache, then it should periodically check if tweet was not deleted etc.
How do you manage limits? How do you think good trafficed apps live while not whitelistted?
To name a few.
Aggressive caching. Don't call out to the API unless you have to.
I generally pull down as much data as I can upfront and store it somewhere. Then I operate off the local store until it runs out and needs to be refreshed.
Avoid doing things in real time. Queue up requests and make them on a timer.
If you're on Linux, cronjobs are the easiest way to do this.
Combine requests as much as possible.
Well you have 100 requests per hour, so the question is how do you balance it between the various types of requests. I think the best option is the way is how TweetDeck which allows you to set the percentage and saves the rest of the % for posting (because that is important too):
(source: livefilestore.com)
Around the caching a database would be good, and I would ignore deleted ones - once you have downloaded the tweet it doesn't matter if it was deleted. If you wanted to, you could in theory just try to open the page with the tweet and if you get a 404 then it's been deleted. That means no cost against the API.
