How to optimise computation intensive request response on rails [duplicate] - ruby-on-rails

This question already has answers here:
How do I handle long requests for a Rails App so other users are not delayed too much?
(3 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have an application, which does a lot of computation on few pages(requests). The web interface sends an AJAX request. The computation takes sometimes about 2-5 minutes. The problem is, by this time AJAX request times out.
We can certainly increase the timeout on the web portal, but that doesn't sound like right solution. Also, to improve performance:
Removed N+1/Duplicate queries
Implemented Caching
What else could be done here to reduce the calculation time?
Also, if it still takes longer, I was thinking of following solutions:
Do the computation beforehand and store it in DB. So when the actual request comes, there is no need of calculation. (Apprehensive about this approach. Since we will have to modify/Erase-and-recalculate this data, whenever there is some application logic change.)
Load the whole data in cache when application starts/data gets modified. But for the first time computation has to be done. Also, can't keep whole data in the cache when the application starts. So need to store it in the cache as per demand.
Maybe, do something like Angular promise, where promise gets fulfilled when the response comes from the server.
Do we have any alternative to do this efficiently?
Depending on user input, the calculation might happen in few seconds. And also it might take 2-5 minutes. The scenario is, user imports an excel. The excel has been parsed and saved in DB. Now on another page, user wants to see the report/analytics graph derived with few calculations on the imported data(which has already been saved to db with background job). The calculation has to be done with many factors, so do not want to save it in DB(As pointed above). Also, when user request the report/analytics graph, It'll be bad experience to tell him that graph will be shown after sometime. You'll get email/notification etc.

The extremely typical solution is to enqueue a job for background processing, and return a job ID to the front-end. Your front-end can then poll for completion using that job ID, or you can trigger a notification such as an email to be sent to the user when the job completes.
There are a multitude of gems for this, and it is such a popular and accepted solution that Rails introduced its own ActiveJob for this exact purpose.

Here are a few possible solutions:
Optimize your tables with indexes to reduce data fetching time.
Preload all rows you'll be dealing with at the beginning, so you won't do a query each time you calculate something... it's faster/easier to { |r| r.blah } than to Thing.where(conditions)
Instead of all that, just do the computing in PLSQL on the database side. Sure, it's not the same as writing Ruby code but it could be faster.
And yes, cache the whole results set into memcache or redis or something (and expire when something change)
Run the calculation in the background (crontab?) and store the results in a JSON somewhere, or cache the entire HTML file (if you're not localizing or anything)
PS: I'm doing 1,2,3 combined with 5 (caching JSON results into memcache and then pulling the array and formatting/localizing) for a few M records from about 12 tables... sports data mainly.


Long-call asynchronous data delivery for Rails app?

We have a rails app that does some user-driven/filtered data representation over a large dataset. So we're calculating things on the fly and it takes longer than the 15s Unicorn gives us!
What's the best option here? I was thinking of using a pub/sub model (like a Node/Faye setup) to allow the rails app to send data that the browser could then render.
I guess another option is to try to pre-generate the data, but as we have a lot of clients and very few would be looking at the data it seems like we'd be wasting a lot of time on preparing data that would never be used.
You're on the right track with pre-generating the data.
If you're concerned about needless number crunching and want to do it on-demand, you could kick off a background job to process the data, and poll periodically to see if the background generation is done or not.
If you're looking for a library to do this for you:
Alternatively, if you're using ActionCable already, get_schwifty was built for this very purpose (shameless plug, I'm the author).
render_async is another option if you're not using ActionCable, however, I beleive it still does the processing in a Unicorn process instead of a background job.

When fetching data using an api, is it best to store that data on another database, or is it best to keep fetching that data whenever you need it? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Caching calls to an external API in a rails app
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
I'm using the TMDB api in order to fetch information such as film titles and release years, but am wondering whether I need to create an extra database in order to store all this information locally, rather than keep having to use the api to get the info? For example, should I create a film model and call:
and by doing so accessing a local database with the title stored on it, or do I call:
and by doing so making another call to the api?
Having dealt with a large Rails application that made service calls to about a dozen other applications, caching is your best bet. The problem with the database solution is keeping it up to date. The problem with making the calls every time is that it's too slow. There is a middle ground. For this you want Ruby on Rails Low Level Caching:
Sometimes you need to cache a particular value or query result instead of caching view fragments. Rails' caching mechanism works great for storing any kind of information.
The most efficient way to implement low-level caching is using the Rails.cache.fetch method. This method does both reading and writing to the cache. When passed only a single argument, the key is fetched and value from the cache is returned. If a block is passed, the result of the block will be cached to the given key and the result is returned.
An example that is pertinent to your use case:
class TmdbService
def self.movie_details(id)
Rails.cache.fetch("{id}", expires_in: 4.hours) do
Tmdb::Movie.detail id
You can then configure your Rails application to use memcached or the database for the cache, it doesn't matter. The point is you want this cached data to expire at some point to ensure you are getting up-to-date information.
This is a big decision to make. If the amount of data you get through the API is not huge you can store all of it in your database. This way you will get the data much faster and your application will work even when the API is down.
If the amount of data you get is huge and you don't have sources to store all the data, you should at least store the most important data in your database as cache.
If you do not store any data on you own you are dependent on the source of data and it can have downtime.
Problem with storing data on your side is when the data change and you need to synchronize. In that case it is still good to store data on your side as cache to get results faster and synchronize the data periodically.
Calls to a local database are way faster than calls to external APIs. I would expect a local database to return within a few milliseconds, whereas an API will probably take hundreds of milliseconds. And local calls are less likely effected by network issues or downtimes.
Therefore I would always cache the result of an API call in a local database and occasionally updated the local version with a newer version from the API.
But in the end it depends on your requirement: Do you need real-time or is a cached version okay? How often do you need that data and how often is is updated? How fast is the API and is latency an issue? Does the API have a rate limit (a maximum number of request per time)?

Background job taking twice the time that the same operation within rails

In my Rails application, I have a long calculation requiring a lot of database access.
To make it short, my calculation took 25 seconds.
When implementing the same calculation within a background job (a big single worker), the same calculation take twice the same time (ie 50 seconds). I have try several technics to put the job in a background process put none add an impact on my performances => using DelayJob / Sidekiq / doing the process within my rails but in a thread created for the work, but all have the same impact on my performances *2.
This performance difference only exist in rails 'production' environment. It looks like there is an optimisation done by rails that is not done in my background job.
My technical environment is the following =>
I am using ruby 2.0 / rails 4
I am using unicorn (but I have same problem without it).
The job is using Rails.cache to store some partial computation.
I am using postgresql
Does anybody has an clue where this impact might come from ?
I'm assuming you're comparing the background job speed to the speed of running the operation during a web request? If so, you're likely benefiting from Rails's QueryCache, which caches db queries during a web request. Try disabling it like described here:
Disabling Rails SQL query caching globally
If that causes the web request version of the job to take as long as the background job, you've found your culprit. You can then enable the query cache on your background job to speed it up (if it makes sense for your application).
Background job is not something that need to used for speed-up things. It's main meaning is to 'fire and forget' and remove 25 seconds of calculating synchronously and adding some more of calculating asynchronously. So you can give user response that she's request is processing and return with calculation later.
You may take speed gain from background job by splitting big task on some small and running them at same time. In your case I think it's something impossible to use, because of dependency of operations in yours calculation.
So if you want to speed you calculation, you need to look into denormalization of your data structure, storing some calculated values for your big calculation on moment when source data for this calculation updated. So you will calculate less on user request for results and more on data storage. And it's good place for use background job. So you finish your update of data, create background task for update caches. And if user request for calculation comes before this task is finished you will still need to wait for cache fill-up.
Update: I think I am still need to answer your main question. So basically this additional time on background task processing is comes from implementation. Because of 'fire and forget' approach no one need that background task scheduler will consume big amount of processor time just monitoring for new jobs. I am not sure completely but think that if your calculation will be two times more complex, time gain will be same 25 seconds.
My guess is that the extra time is coming from the need for your background worker to load rails and all of your application. My clue is that you said the difference was greatest with Rails in production mode. In production mode, subsequent calls to the app make use of the app and class cache.
How to check this hypotheses:
Change your background job to do the following:
print a log message before you initiate the worker
start the worker
run your calculation. As part of your calculation startup, print a log message
print another log message
run your calculation again
print another log message
Then compare the two times for running your calculation.
Of course, you'll also gain some extra time benefits from database caching, code might remain resident in memory, etc. But if the second run is much much faster, then the fact that the second run didn't restart Rails is more significant.
Also, the time between the log message from steps 1 and 3 will also help you understand the start up times.
Why wait?
Most important: why do you need the results faster? Eg, tell your user that the result will be emailed to them after it is calculated. Or let your user see that the calculation is proceeding in the background, and later, show them the result.
The key for any long running calculation is to do it in the background and encourage the user to not wait for the result. They should be able to do something else until they get the result.
Start the calculation automatically As soon as the user logs in, or after they do something interesting, start the calculation. That way, when (and if) the user asks for the calculation, the answer will either be already done or will soon be done.
Cache the result and bust the cache as needed Similar to the above, start the calculation periodically and automatically. If the user changes some data, then restart the calculation by busting the cache. There are also ways to halt any on-going calculation if data is changed during the calculation.
Pre-calculate part of the calculation Why are you taking 25 seconds or more for a dbms calculation? Could be that you should change the calculation. Investigate adding indexes, summary tables, de-normalizing, splitting the calculation into smaller steps that can be pre-calculated, etc.

When/what to cache in Rails 3

Caching is something that I kind of ignored for a long time, as projects that I worked on were on local intranets with very little activity. I'm working on a much larger Rails 3 personal project now, and I'm trying to work out what and when I should cache things.
How do people generally determine this?
If I know a site is going to be relatively low-activity, should I just cache every single page?
If I have a page that calls several partials, is it better to do fragment caching in those partials, or page caching on those partials?
The Ruby on Rails guides did a fine job of explaining how caching in Rails 3 works, but I'm having trouble understanding the decision-making process associated with it.
Don't ever cache for the sake of it, cache because there's a need (with the exception of something like the homepage, which you know is going to be super popular.) Launch the site, and either parse your logs or use something like NewRelic to see what's slow. From there, you can work out what's worth caching.
Generally though, if something takes 500ms to complete, you should cache, and if it's over 1 second, you're probably doing too much in the request, and you should farm whatever you're doing to a background process…for example, fetching a Twitter feed, or manipulating images.
EDIT: See apneadiving's answer too, he links to some great screencasts (albeit based on Rails 2, but the theory is the same.)
You'll want to think about caching several kinds of things:
Requests that are hit a lot, and seldom change
Requests that are "expensive" to draw, lots of database calls, etc. Also hopefully these seldom change.
The other side of caching that shouldn't go without mention, is expiration. Its also often the harder part. You have to know when a cache is no longer good, and clear it out so fresh content will be generated. Sweepers, or Observers, depending on how you implement your cache can help you with this. You could also do it just based on a time value, allow caches to have a max-age and clear them after that no matter what.
As for fragment vs full page caching, think of it in terms of how often those parts are updated. If 3 partials of a page are never updated, and one is, maybe you want to cache those 3, and allow that 1 to be fetched live for so you can have up to the second accuracy. Or if the different partials of a page should have different caching rules: maybe a "timeline" section is cached, but has a cache-age of 1 minute. While the "friends" partial is cached for 12 hours.
Hope this helps!
If the site is relatively low activity you shouldn't cache any page. You cache because of performance problems, and performance problems come about because you have too much data to query, too many users, or worse, both of those situations at the same time.
Before you even think about caching, the first thing you do is look through your application for the requests that are taking up the most time. Not the slowest requests, but the requests your application spends the most aggregate time performing. That is if you have a request A that runs 10 times at 1500ms and request B that runs 5000 times at 250ms you work on optimizing B first.
It's actually pretty easy to grep through your production.log and extract rendering times and URLs to combine them into a simple report. You can even do that in real-time if you want.
Once you've identified a problematic request, you go about picking apart what it's doing to service the request. The first thing is to look for any queries that can be combined by using eager loading or by looking ahead a bit more to anticipate what you'll need. The next thing is to ensure you're not loading data that isn't used.
So many times you'll see code to list users and it's loading 50KB per person of biographical data, their Facebook and Twitter handles, literally everything about them, and all you use is their name.
Fetch as little as you need, and fetch it in the most efficient way you can. Use connection.select_rows when you don't need models.
The next step is to look at what kind of queries you're running, and how they're under-performing. Ensure your indexes are all set properly and are being used. Check that you're not doing complicated JOIN operations that could be resolved by a bit of tactical de-normalization.
Have a look at what data you are storing in your application, and try and find things that can be removed from your production database and warehoused somewhere else. Cycle your data out regularly when it's no longer relevant, preserve it in a separate database if you need to.
Then go over and have a look at how your database server is tuned. Does it have sufficiently large buffers? Is it on hardware that could be upgraded with more memory at a nominal cost? Too many people are running a completely un-tuned database server and with a few simple settings they can get ten-fold performance increases.
If, and only if, you still have a performance problem at this point then you might want to consider caching.
You know why you don't cache first? It's because once you cache something, that cached data is immediately stale. If parts of your application use this data under the assumption it's always up to date, you will have problems. If you don't expire this cache when the data does change, you will have problems. If you cache the data and never use it again, you're just clogging up your cache and you will have problems. Basically you'll have lots of problems when you use caching, so it's often a last resort.

Storing Data In Memory: Session vs Cache vs Static

A bit of backstory: I am working on an web application that requires quite a bit of time to prep / crunch data before giving it to the user to edit / manipulate. The data request task ~ 15 / 20 secs to complete and a couple secs to process. Once there, the user can manipulate vaules on the fly. Any manipulation of values will require the data to be reprocessed completely.
Update: To avoid confusion, I am only making the data call 1 time (the 15 sec hit) and then wanting to keep the results in memory so that I will not have to call it again until the user is 100% done working with it. So, the first pull will take a while, but, using Ajax, I am going to hit the in-memory data to constantly update and keep the response time to around 2 secs or so (I hope).
In order to make this efficient, I am moving the intial data into memory and using Ajax calls back to the server so that I can reduce processing time to handle the recalculation that occurs w/ this user's updates.
Here is my question, with performance in mind, what would be the best way to storing this data, assuming that only 1 user will be working w/ this data at any given moment.
Also, the user could potentially be working in this process for a few hours. When the user is working w/ the data, I will need some kind of failsafe to save the user's current data (either in a db or in a serialized binary file) should their session be interrupted in some way. In other words, I will need a solution that has an appropriate hook to allow me to dump out the memory object's data in the case that the user gets disconnected / distracted for too long.
So far, here are my musings:
Session State - Pros: Locked to one user. Has the Session End event which will meet my failsafe requirements. Cons: Slowest perf of the my current options. The Session End event is sometimes tricky to ensure it fires properly.
Caching - Pros: Good Perf. Has access to dependencies which could be a bonus later down the line but not really useful in current scope. Cons: No easy failsafe step other than a write based on time intervals. Global in scope - will have to ensure that users do not collide w/ each other's work.
Static - Pros: Best Perf. Easies to maintain as I can directly leverage my current class structures. Cons: No easy failsafe step other than a write based on time intervals. Global in scope - will have to ensure that users do not collide w/ each other's work.
Does anyone have any suggestions / comments on what I option I should choose?
Update: Forgot to mention, I am using VB.Net, Asp.Net, and Sql Server 2005 to perform this task.
I'll vote for secret option #4: use the database for this. If you're talking about a 20+ second turnaround time on the data, you are not going to gain anything by trying to do this in-memory, given the limitations of the options you presented. You might as well set this up in the database (give it a table of its own, or even a separate database if the requirements are that large).
I'd go with the caching method of for storing the data across any page loads. You can name the cache you want to store the data in to avoid conflicts.
For tracking user-made changes, I'd go with a more old-school approach: append to a text file each time the user makes a change and then sweep that file at intervals to save changes back to DB. If you name the files based on the user/account or some other session-unique indicator then there's no issue with conflict and the app (or some other support app, which might be a better idea in general) can sweep through all such files and update the DB even if the session is over.
The first part of this can be adjusted to stagger the write out more: save changes to Session, then write that to file at intervals, then sweep the file at larger intervals. you can tune it to performance and choose what level of possible user-change loss will be possible.
Use the Session, but don't rely on it.
Simply, let the user "name" the dataset, and make a point of actively persisting it for the user, either automatically, or through something as simple as a "save" button.
You can not rely on the session simply because it is (typically) tied to the users browser instance. If they accidentally close the browser (click the X button, their PC crashes, etc.), then they lose all of their work. Which would be nasty.
Once the user has that kind of control over the "persistent" state of the data, you can rely on the Session to keep it in memory and leverage that as a cache.
I think you've pretty much just answered your question with the pros/cons. But if you are looking for some peer validation, my vote is for the Session. Although the performance is slower (do you know by how much slower?), your processing is going to take a long time regardless. Do you think the user will know the difference between 15 seconds and 17 seconds? Both are "forever" in web terms, so go with the one that seems easiest to implement.
perhaps a bit off topic. I'd recommend putting those long processing calls in asynchronous (not to be confused with AJAX's asynchronous) pages.
Take a look at this article and ping me back if it doesn't make sense.
I suggest to create a copy of the data in a new database table (let's call it EDIT) as you send the initial results to the user. If performance is an issue, do this in a background thread.
As the user edits the data, update the table (also in a background thread if performance becomes an issue). If you have to use threads, you must make sure that the first thread is finished before you start updating the rows.
This allows a user to walk away, come back, even restart the browser and commit whenever she feels satisfied with the result.
One possible alternative to what the others mentioned, is to store the data on the client.
Assuming the dataset is not too large, and the code that manipulates it can be handled client side. You could store the data as an XML data island or JSON object. This data could then be manipulated/processed and handled all client side with no round trips to the server. If you need to persist this data back to the server the end resulting data could be posted via an AJAX or standard postback.
If this does not work with your requirements I'd go with just storing it on the SQL server as the other comment suggested.
