Black screen, spinning wheel at launch - ios

I've encountered a huge problem, some of my users have a strange crash. At the launch of my application, before or just after the launch screen, they get a black screen with a spinning wheel. After that the device is locked, and the app closed.
Nothing have change except Xcode 8.3 and iOS 10.3.
On my phone everything works fine, and on simulator as well. I can't reproduce it, and I've no crash on fabrics.
If someone have an idea about it please answer. Thanks in advance.

These might be OOM (out of memory issues). There is no way to determine what caused OOM as far as I know.
Try focusing on whether you have such issues on launch:
Database operations (bringing lots of objects in memory)
Raw image operations
Any infinite loops or operations that happen repeatedly.

Any image size is big or if we use any animated huge size image, application will get into out of memory.
I faced same issue in my application. Just removed the image or resize the image application will work normally.


ARKit randomly limits frame rate to 30FPS

Every once in a while when I run my ARKit project the frame rate locks to 30FPS. This seems to happen completely by random.
This happens even when the scene is empty and there are no rendering and background processes happening.
After closing Xcode and running the app again a couple times, it goes back to the default 60FPS.
Any idea what this could be?
I'm running on XCode 10.1 and iOS 12.1
It is known bug for iPhone 7/8 in iOS 11/12. Most people from forums say that sometimes iPhone seems to get stuck at 30 fps and only restart cures its weird issue.
Also, this bug happens when you use Unity's building blocks for ARKit. Currently there is no explanation why this is happening. Let's wait for new updates of Xcode, ARKit and iOS.
Hope this helps.

iOS 8 statusbar rotating twice when rotating phone

So I have seen this for quite a while now but I still wonder why this happens. When your app is in landscape mode and you rotate your phone or simulator on to the other landscape side it appears as if the status bar is clearly rotating twice. If you don't see this at first try activating slow animatons (⌘T on the simulator). I can see it happening on my iPhone as well.
Does anyone know why this is happening?
That's nothing but a common iOS Simulator lag. It happens just because of the slow animation mode and you could even send a Bug Report to Apple, but that's nothing but a Simulator lag. Don't worry: This issue will never happen in a recent iOS device. Happy programming!
EDIT: Apparently you want deep details. Ok. If your app's rotation animations are faster than iOS standard animations, this should happen because the system probably notices that the app's rotation is not near ready and returns for keeping up the pace. For deep details and possibilities to change these details on the Info.plist file, please look on the iOS Library.
Best regards,

Single page app with high number of images working extremely slow on iOS8 safari/Webview

We are working on a WebView (not WKWebView, yet) app, are are observing that the app runs extremely slow on iOS 8. The same app runs smooth on lower versions of OS like iOS7 and iOS6. So we tried it in safari on iOS8 and the performance is similar to iOS6 and 7.
The app is filled with images and many are high resolution. While trying to trace the issue (trial and error!) we reduced the sizes and resolutions of the images and the performance improved, but it is still not at par with versions 6 and 7.
We are unable to find any such issues reported elsewhere and are stuck. It would be great if we could get some pointers on this one.
Update: We tested again and it seems the app is almost as slow in safari as in the WebView on iOS8, while way fast (in comparison) on iOS7 and 6 (on both WebView and safari).
Can you provide more information about the devices you are using?
I can tell you what it is happening to us. We do HTML5 Games and since we updated our IPAD2, IPAD4, IPHONE4S to IOS8, we experiment a slow performance in the devices, specially the IPAD2.
I started to disable all the animation but the performance was still really bad. The image were still loaded in memory.
So finally we conclude that the IOS8 use more ram so the Safari can allocate less memory. We are going to improve it downloading the resolution of the images and scaling them to have the same size for the slowest device.
One advice, if the devices has a screen of 1024*700 like and IPAD2, images over the screen size use more memory than expected so avoid using image bigger than the screen size.
My answer is another related question. In case it helps identify the issue.
I'm apparently not allowed to post a commment on the original question.
My multiple image htm page loads OK speed wise (20 or so small images). But they are not placed in the right locations. It is as if they have been shuffled.
Works fine on Mac Safari, worked fine on iOS7 Safari. Broken iOS8 Safari.
If you look carefully you will notice that the images do not match the descriptions, but on a Mac they work correctly. (also work on IE, Chrome, etc...)
It seems to get worse the further down you scroll.

App stays in splash screen in iOS 7.0.3

Recently in iOS 7.0.3, my app stays in the splash screen and was not going into the app at all.
If i kill the app and launch it again it opens up without any issues.
Can anyone help me on this issue?. I think the application -didFinishLaunchingWithOptions was not returning yes.
Note: I have a lot of stuffs like deleting database, initializing a dozen of buttons in appdelegate init function.
I know that it is a bad practice to have things in init but since its been there for more than 4 years and was working fine with previous OS versions i didn't find a good reason to change it.
Also this issue is not happening all the time.
My app size is 40 MB.
The iOS Guidelines say that you should not include anything which holds the Splash screen for much time its better if you do all the process in background so that splash screens loads up and user can play with app. But as you said your issue is not all the time so Try to reset the app and also quit simulator. Hope this helps.

Cocos2d game doesnt launch on some devices

I're released an iPad game which is developed on the Cocos2d framework. Ive tested the game on a number of devices iPad 3, and iPad 2 and never had any issues.
Now i'm getting a few reports back that its not launching properly on some devices. People are saying they are seeing the default.png images then the app is closing.
Any ideas?
Without crash report this is just a guessing game.
By all means try to reproduce the problem on your side.
Possible problems:
1. If the app takes too long to launch it will be closed by iOS.
2. If it does not have enough memory it will not launch as well.
Try the following:
I. Open many other heavy apps in the background so there is not much memory.
See how it affects your app launch.
II. During launch try to use as many fast taps as possible and fast gestures.
There is possibility that very early taps are not serviced properly or at all
and that can cause the crash.
III. Test on many devices as you can - especially low end.
I found the issue, it was to do with the social framework running on older devices where it isn't available.
