Biopython: Cant use .count() for biopython - biopython

My goal here is to receive the amount of time 'g' appears in a DNA sequence.
I imported a DNA sequence via Biopython using list comprehension
seq = [record for record in SeqIO.parse('sequences/hiv.gbk.rtf', 'fasta')]
I then tried using the .count() method on the newly created list comp variable
I get an error that reads
NotImplementedError: SeqRecord comparison is deliberately not
implemented. Explicitly compare the attributes of interest.
Anyone know what the dealio is? Biopython's manual says all standard python methods should work.

You are trying to apply count to a list. You would to need to apply it to the sequence of each element, e.g.
or if you want to get the sum of all sequences
print(sum([s.seq.count('g') for s in seq]))
Here is a minimal working example
from Bio import SeqIO
txt = """>gnl|TC-DB|O60669|2.A.1.13.5 Monocarboxylate transporter 2 - Homo sapiens (Human).
>gnl|TC-DB|O60706|3.A.1.208.23 ATP-binding cassette sub-family C member 9 OS=Homo sapiens GN=ABCC9 PE=1 SV=2
>gnl|TC-DB|O60721|3.A.1.208.23 Sodium/potassium/calcium exchanger 1 OS=Homo sapiens GN=SLC24A1 PE=1 SV=1
>gnl|TC-DB|O60779|2.A.1.13.5 Thiamine transporter 1 (THTR-1) (ThTr1) (Thiamine carrier 1) (TC1) - Homo sapiens (Human).
filename = 'sequences.fa'
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
seqs = [record for record in SeqIO.parse(filename, 'fasta')]
print(sum([s.seq.count('P') for s in seqs]))
>>> 21
>>> 9


Find sequence IDs of DNA subsequences in DNA-sequences from FASTA-file

I want to make a function that reads a FASTA-file with DNA sequences(possibly ambiguous) and inputs a subsequence that returns all sequence IDs of the sequences that contain the given subsequence.
To make the script more efficient, I tried to use nt_search to make give all possibilities of the ambiguous sequence from the FASTA. This seemed more efficient than producing all unambiguous possibilities, especially for larger sequences an FASTA-files.
Right now, I'm struggling to see how I can check whether the subsequence is part of the output given bynt_search.
I want to see if eg 'CGC' (input subsequence) is part of the possibilities given by nt_search: ['TA[GATC][AT][GT]GCGGT'] and return all sequence IDs of sequences for which this is true.
What I have so far:
def bonus_subsequence(file, unambiguous_sequence):
seq_records = SeqIO.parse(file,'fasta', alphabet =ambiguous_dna)
resultListOfSeqIds = []
print(f'Unambiguous sequence {unambiguous_sequence} could be a subsequence of:')
for record in seq_records:
d = Seq.IUPAC.IUPACData.ambiguous_dna_values
couldBeSubSequence = False;
if unambiguous_sequence in nt_search(unambiguous_sequence,record):
couldBeSubSequence = True;
if couldBeSubSequence == True:
In a second phase, I want to be able to also use this for ambiguous subsequences, but I'd be more than happy with help on this first question, thanks in advance!
I don't know if I understood You well but you can try this:
Example fasta file:
from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio import SeqUtils
from Bio.Alphabet.IUPAC import ambiguous_dna
if __name__ == '__main__':
sub_seq = input('Enter a subsequence: ')
results = []
with open('test.fasta', 'r') as fh:
for seq in SeqIO.parse(fh, 'fasta', alphabet=ambiguous_dna):
if sub_seq in seq:
print(results, sep='\n')
Results (console):
Enter a subsequence: ATG
Enter a subsequence: NNNA

Biopython: How to download all of the peptide sequences (or all records associated to a particular term) in NCBI?

I want to download in fasta format all the peptide sequences in the NCBI protein database (i.e. > and the peptide name, followed by the peptide sequence), I saw there is a MESH term describing what a peptide is here, but I can't work out how to incorporate it.
I wrote this:
import Bio
from Bio import Entrez = ''
handle = Entrez.esearch(db="protein", term="peptide")
record =
out_handle = open('myfasta.fasta', 'w')
but it only prints out 995 IDs, no sequences to file, I'm wondering if someone could demonstrate where I'm going wrong.
Note that a search for the term peptide in the NCBI protein database returns 8187908 hits, so make sure that you actually want to download the peptide sequences for all these hits into one big fasta file.
>>> from Bio import Entrez
>>> = ''
>>> handle = Entrez.esearch(db="protein", term="peptide")
>>> record =
>>> record["Count"]
The default number of records that Entrez.esearch returns is 20. This is to prevent overloading NCBI's servers.
>>> len(record["IdList"])
To get the full list of records, change the retmax parameter:
>>> count = record["Count"]
>>> handle = Entrez.esearch(db="protein", term="peptide", retmax=count)
>>> record =
>>> len(record['IdList'])
The way to download all the records is to use
From chapter 9.4 of the BioPython tutorial:
EPost uploads a list of UIs for use in subsequent search strategies; see the EPost help page for more information. It is available from Biopython through the function.
To give an example of when this is useful, suppose you have a long list of IDs you want to download using EFetch (maybe sequences, maybe citations – anything). When you make a request with EFetch your list of IDs, the database etc, are all turned into a long URL sent to the server. If your list of IDs is long, this URL gets long, and long URLs can break (e.g. some proxies don’t cope well).
Instead, you can break this up into two steps, first uploading the list of IDs using EPost (this uses an “HTML post” internally, rather than an “HTML get”, getting round the long URL problem). With the history support, you can then refer to this long list of IDs, and download the associated data with EFetch.
[...] The returned XML includes two important strings, QueryKey and WebEnv which together define your history session. You would extract these values for use with another Entrez call such as EFetch.
Read [chapter 9.15.: Searching for and downloading sequences using the history][3] to learn how to use QueryKey and WebEnv
A full working example would then be:
from Bio import Entrez
import time
from urllib.error import HTTPError
DB = "protein"
QUERY = "peptide" = ''
handle = Entrez.esearch(db=DB, term=QUERY, rettype='fasta')
record =
count = record['Count']
handle = Entrez.esearch(db=DB, term=QUERY, retmax=count, rettype='fasta')
record =
id_list = record['IdList']
post_xml =, id=",".join(id_list))
search_results =
webenv = search_results['WebEnv']
query_key = search_results['QueryKey']
batch_size = 200
with open('peptides.fasta', 'w') as out_handle:
for start in range(0, count, batch_size):
end = min(count, start+batch_size)
print(f"Going to download record {start+1} to {end}")
attempt = 0
success = False
while attempt < 3 and not success:
attempt += 1
fetch_handle = Entrez.efetch(db=DB, rettype='fasta',
retstart=start, retmax=batch_size,
webenv=webenv, query_key=query_key)
success = True
except HTTPError as err:
if 500 <= err.code <= 599:
print(f"Received error from server {err}")
print(f"Attempt {attempt} of 3")
data =
The first few lines of peptides.fasta then look like this:
>QGT67293.1 RepA leader peptide Tap (plasmid) [Klebsiella pneumoniae]
>QGT67288.1 RepA leader peptide Tap (plasmid) [Klebsiella pneumoniae]
>QGT67085.1 thr operon leader peptide [Klebsiella pneumoniae]
>QGT67083.1 leu operon leader peptide [Klebsiella pneumoniae]
>QGT67062.1 peptide antibiotic transporter SbmA [Klebsiella pneumoniae]

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Wrong number of attributes in the string + Mahout

I am trying to create a file descriptor using the command:
$ MAHOUT_HOME/core/target/mahout-core--job.jar -p testdata/KDDTrain+.arff -f testdata/ -d N 3 C 2 N C 4 N C 8 N 2 C 19 N L
from the link: on my data file but whatever file I take and change the number of attributes string N 3 C 2 N C 4 N C 8 N 2 C 19 N L .
I get the following exception:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Wrong number of attributes in the string
Please help!
There are a couple of reasons for which you might get an error like that...
Wrong Descriptor: Putting this for a sake of completeness. You must have already checked this one out. You have actually given a wrong descriptor for the data. Re-check the number and type of columns and then give them correctly to the descriptor.
Bad separator: Re-check the delimiter used in the data. That also might create some trouble. May be the data you have has some wrongly placed delimiter in some records. Make sure of that.
Special Characters: In my few experiments, I have noticed mahout does not enjoy if there are certain special characters, or data consists of characters of language other than English (unless of course, you tweak around the code). So make sure you have a way of handling them, and you should be good to go.
Anyways all these fight just so you can create a descriptor of the data. ATB.
Old question, but I had a more acute answer that I discovered after landing here with the same problem.
In this particular case, the problem I found was that the format of data file (from seems to have changed from the example as listed on the Mahout Random Forest example page.
The example lists a line format with the specifier
N 3 C 2 N C 4 N C 8 N 2 C 19 N L
but there's an extra element at the end of the lines; for example:
which has one more field. Adding another number field (N) to the end of the specifier, as
N 3 C 2 N C 4 N C 8 N 2 C 19 N L N
I had luck using just the plain .txt file format instead of the .arff file format.

Arrays and Datatypes in Z3py

I'm actually using Z3py for scheduling solving problems and I'm trying to represent a 2 processors system where 4 process of different execution time must be done.
My actual data are :
Process 1 : Arrival at 0 and execution time of 4
Process 2 : Arrival at 1 and execution time of 3
Process 3 : Arrival at 3 and execution time of 5
Process 4 : Arrival at 1 and execution time of 2
I'm actually trying to represent each process while decomposing each in subprocess of equal time so my datatypes are like this :
Pn = Datatype('Pn')
Pt = Datatype('Pt')
Process = Datatype('Process')
Process.declare('cons' , ('name',Pn) , ('time', Pt))
where pn and pt are the process name and the part of the process (process 1 is in 4 parts, ...)
But now I don't know how I can represent my processors to add 3 rules I need : unicity (each sub process must be done 1 and only 1 time by only 1 processor) check arrival (the first part of a process can't be processed before it arrived) and order (each part of a process must be processed after the precedent)
So I was thinking of using arrays to represent my 2 processors with this kind of declaration :
P = Array('P', IntSort() , Process)
But when I tried to execute it I got an error message saying :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Alexis\Desktop\", line 16, in <module>
P = Array('P', IntSort() , Process)
File "src/api/python\", line 3887, in Array
File "src/api/python\", line 3873, in ArraySort
File "src/api/python\", line 56, in _z3_assert
Z3Exception: 'Z3 sort expected'
And know I don't know how handle it... must I create a new datatype and figure a way to add my rules ? or Is there a way to add datatypes to array which would let me create rules like this :
unicity = ForAll([x,y] , (Implies(x!=y,P[x]!=P[y])))
Thanks in advance
There is a tutorial on using Datatypes from the Python API. A link to the tutorial is:
It shows how to create a list data-type and use the "create()" method to instantiate a Sort object from the object used when declaring the data-type. For your example, it suffices to add calls to "create()" in the places where you want to use the declared type as a sort.
Regarding the rest of the case study you are looking at: it is certainly possible to express the constrsaints you describe using quantifiers and arrays. You could also consider somewhat more efficient encodings:
Instead of using an array, use a function declaration. So P would be declared as a unary function:
P = Function('P', IntSort(), Process.create()).
Using quantifiers for small finite domain problems may be more of an overhead than a benefit. Writing down the constraints directly as a finite conjunction saves the overhead of instantiating quantifiers possibly repeatedly. That said, some quantified axioms can also be optimized. Z3 automatically compiles axioms of the form: ForAll([x,y], Implies(x != y, P(x) != P(y))) into
an axioms of the form Forall([x], Pinv(P(x)) == x), where "Pinv" is a fresh function. The new axiom still enforces that P is injective but requires only a linear number of instantiations, linear in the number of occurrences of P(t) for some term 't'.
Have fun!

Read numbers following a keyword into an array in Fortran 90 from a text file

I have many text files of this format
'FOP' 0.19 1 24 1 25 7 8 /
'FOP' 0.18 1 24 1 25 9 11 /
110262 /
where the portions I snipped off contain other various data in various formats. The file format is inconsistent (machine generated), the only thing one is assured of is the keyword TURX which may appear more than once. If it appears alone on one line, then the next few lines will contain numbers that I need to fetch into an array. The last number will have a space then a forward slash (/). I can then use this array in other operations afterwards.
How do I "search" or parse a file of unknown format in fortran, and how do I get a loop to fetch the rest of the data, please? I am really new to this and I HAVE to use fortran. Thanks.
Fortran 95 / 2003 have a lot of string and file handling features that make this easier.
For example, this code fragment to process a file of unknown length:
use iso_fortran_env
character (len=100) :: line
integer :: ReadCode
ReadLoop: do
read (75, '(A)', iostat=ReadCode ) line
if ( ReadCode /= 0 ) then
if ( ReadCode == iostat_end ) then
exit ReadLoop
write ( *, '( / "Error reading file: ", I0 )' ) ReadCode
end if
end if
! code to process the line ....
end do ReadLoop
Then the "process the line" code can contain several sections depending on a logical variable "Have_TURX". If Have_TRUX is false you are "seeking" ... test whether the line contains "TURX". You could use a plain "==" if TURX is always at the start of the string, or for more generality you could use the intrinsic function "index" to test whether the string "line" contains TURX.
Once the program is in the mode Have_TRUX is true, then you use "internal I/O" to read the numeric value from the string. Since the integers have varying lengths and are left-justified, the easiest way is to use "list-directed I/O": combining these:
read (line, *) integer_variable
Then you could use the intrinsic function "index" again to test whether the string also contains a slash, in which case you change Have_TRUX to false and end reading mode.
If you need to put the numbers into an array, it might be necessary to read the file twice, or to backspace the file, because you will have to allocate the array, and you can't do that until you know the size of the array. Or you could pop the numbers into a linked list, then when you hit the slash allocate the array and fill it from the linked list. Or if there is a known maximum number of values you could use a temporary array, then transfer the numbers to an allocatable output array. This is assuming that you want the output argument of the subroutine be an allocatable array of the correct length, and the it returns one group of numbers per call:
integer, dimension (:), allocatable, intent (out) :: numbers
allocate (numbers (1: HowMany) )
P.S. There is a brief summary of the language features at and the gfortran manual has a summary of the intrinsic procedures, from which you can see what built in functions are available for string handling.
I'll give you a nudge in the right direction so that you can finish your project.
Some basics:
Do/While as you'll need some sort of loop
structure to loop through the file
and then over the numbers. There's
no for loop in Fortran, so use this
to read the strings.
To start you need something like this:
program readlines
implicit none
character (len=30) :: rdline
integer,dimension(1000) :: array
! This sets up a character array with 30 positions and an integer array with 1000
read(18,*) rdline
if (trim(rdline).eq.'TURX') exit !loop until the trimmed off portion matches TURX
end do
See this thread for way to turn your strings into integers.
Final edit: Looks like MSB has got most of what I just found out. The iostat argument of the read is the key to it. See this site for a sample program.
Here was my final way around it.
PROGRAM fetchnumbers
implicit none
character (len=50) ::line, numdata
logical ::is_numeric
integer ::I,iost,iost2,counter=0,number
integer, parameter :: long = selected_int_kind(10)
integer, dimension(1000)::numbers !Can the number of numbers be up to 1000?
open(20,file='inputfile.txt') !assuming file is in the same location as program
ReadLoop: do
read(20,*,iostat=iost) line !read data line by line
if (iost .LT. 0) exit !end of file reached before TURX was found
if (len_trim(line)==0) cycle ReadLoop !ignore empty lines
if (index(line, 'TURX').EQ.1) then !prepare to begin capturing
GetNumbers: do
read(20, *,iostat=iost2)numdata !read in the numbers one by one
if (.NOT.is_numeric(numdata)) exit !no more numbers to read
if (iost2 .LT. 0) exit !end of file reached while fetching numbers
read (numdata,*) number !read string value into a number
counter = counter + 1
Storeloop: do I =1,counter
if (I<counter) cycle StoreLoop
numbers(counter)=number !storing data into array
end do StoreLoop
end do GetNumbers
end if
end do ReadLoop
write(*,*) "Numbers are:"
do I=1,counter
write(*,'(I14)') numbers(I)
end do
END PROGRAM fetchnumbers
FUNCTION is_numeric(string)
CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(IN) :: string
LOGICAL :: is_numeric
REAL :: x
is_numeric = .FALSE.
READ(string,*,IOSTAT=e) x
IF (e == 0) is_numeric = .TRUE.
END FUNCTION is_numeric
