Minix 3.3 error code 12 file too big - minix

I need to get to /usr/src/kernel/system.c file, but when I try to open and modify it I get a message:
File too big. Error code 12.
How can I handle it?


The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'QuickFix.Fields.Converters.DateTimeConverter.Nanosecond(System.DateTime)'

I try to run Quickfix\n project and I face the above error with 6846 warnings. Why does this happen ? I see that many resolve this error message by modifying the code (i mean general this error message & not especially for the project of quickfix\n) but I didn't write this code so that to be in somewhere mistake while I get the quickfix\n as project to run it

Failed to load resource: unsupported URL gap://ready iOS14

I have a problem with new version of iOs (14.01) this version add some kind of security browser. Im trying to add in a white list using WKAppOundDomains to solve this quickly.
.plist info
I get the following error adding to .plist the last showed into the picture:
ERROR Internal navigation rejected - not set for url='gap://ready'
I´ve been looking for this error and find the following. If I add into the config.xml this it supposedly fix the issue but I get another error:
[Process] 0x7f959983ba20 - [pageProxyID=6, webPageID=7, PID=60212] WebPageProxy::didFailProvisionalLoadForFrame: frameID = 32, domain = NSURLErrorDomain, code = -1002
Both error are running in blucle.
I try add something like this into index.html but didnt work neither ''
If I open with iOS13 works but I have to do it in IOS14 to solve a issue. Some ideas?. Thanks.

"help to fix ' error: unable to read property list from file: info.plist

I added Admob Google extension in to my Game Maker 2 project, when I try to test it on xcode for iOS, I am getting the error from xcode : unable to read property list from file: ...
Tried to fiddle around with the build settings in Xcode for plist to make it XML/Binary and same as input but nothing helped.
Made sure that the extensions in game maker have IOS enabled
Tried to clean build folder
Changed Locations: of Derived data to Relative
Looked for similar problems on google and stack overflow, but nothing exactly with the same issue
Below is the code given by Gamemaker
if os_type == os_ios
ads_app_id = "ca-app-pub-4724502015965127~5126911475";
banner_id = "ca-app-pub-4337965814269841/5893054134";
interstitial_id = "ca-app-pub-4724502015965127/8852681295";
rewarded_id = "ca-app-pub-4724502015965127/3717109960";
ads_app_id = "ca-app-pub-4337965814269841~8766033395";
banner_id = "ca-app-pub-4337965814269841/5893055122";
interstitial_id = "ca-app-pub-4337965814269841/5893055258";
rewarded_id = "ca-app-pub-4337965814269841/5893055399";
GoogleMobileAds_Init(interstitial_id, ads_app_id);
interstitial_loaded = false;
unable to read property list from file:
Files/Pixel_Bricks_iOS-Info.plist: The operation couldn’t be
completed. (XCBUtil.PropertyListConversionError error 1.)
The error is happening at Build time
I opened the plist file with ATOM, the one generated by GameMaker Studio when I noticed xcode could not read it. I noticed a bit of code that was causing an error and when I deleted it xcode was able to build. The code is below:
<key>NSAllowsArbitraryLoads</key>\n\r <true/>\n\r
<key>NSAllowsArbitraryLoadsForMedia</key>\n\r <true/>\n\r
<key>NSAllowsArbitraryLoadsInWebContent</key>\n\r <true/>\n\r</dict>
But I am not sure how to fix it to make it look correct. I am afraid if I delete it somehow the code will not be correct. Does anyone have a solution? And how would I fix it from GameMaker.
As Faisal suggested, the file cannot be read if it's malformed.
Trying to open the file with Xcode helped me find the problem: a syntax error. Xcode was very explicit about where the error might be: at line 32.
After fixing the error in another IDE I was able to open the file with Xcode and build/run my app.

unable to extract model type swift

I'm having a slight issue with CoreML using Swift Playgrounds while attempting to make a gender classifier model. When I add the Gender.mlmodel and Gender.swift to their respective folders within the Playground Page (Resources/ and Sources/), I get a rather peculiar error, shown below:
Fatal error: 'try!' expression unexpectedly raised an error: Error Code=0 "Unable to extract model type from stream in compiled model: Error opening file stream: /var/folders/kt/11b_lk412hv327qjhvgnhvzr0000gn/T/ unspecified iostream_category error" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to extract model type from stream in compiled model: Error opening file stream: /var/folders/kt/11b_lk412hv327qjhvgnhvzr0000gn/T/ unspecified iostream_category error}: file /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/, line 181
I've thought that it had an issue accessing the file itself, so I tried using different locations and the absolute path as a String (which returned a value when force-unwrapped), but to no avail. In addition, I tried other models that I know are able to be loaded (SqueezeNet.mlmodel), and that did not work as well, returning a comparable error.
I appreciate any help that anyone would be able to offer, I'm completely perplexed by this issue. Thank you!
I found the solution to this: apparently Swift Playgrounds does not compile .mlmodel to .mlmodelc, thus causing the failure to read a non-compiled model. For anyone else wondering, just run MLModel.compile(at: URL?) to convert it to the compiled format.
In Swift 5.2.3, the following is correct.
let url = try MLModel.compileModel(at: URL(fileURLWithPath: "<#/path/to/read/model.mlmodel#>"))
let mode = try MLModel(contentsOf: url)

Xcode 7 found a place where it prints a line with a log error

I have a log in XCode output console:
Use -removeDeferredKeyObserver: instead of -removeKeyObserver:
I've searched trough the project using keyword removeKeyObserver but have not found any matches.
My question is how to found a place (line) after Xcode prints this line in console.
As it can comes from a library or inside core frameworks, you should :
Open terminal
use grep "removeKeyObserver:" * -r to find where the method is called
It used this method today for about the same purpose.
