iOS browsers not able to login - Azure AD - ios

We have an angular js application that using Azure AD for authentication. We used adal.js and adal-angular.js libraries to integrate Azure AD with our application.
Azure AD login is working on android mobiles but its not working on iOS mobiles and goes into infinite loop with any browser on iOS mobiles.
Also Azure login is not working on desktop machines with safari browser.
I have done a enough research on this not found useful information to fix this.
Please share suggestions if anybody who has faced this issue before and having solution for this.


MSAL SSO not working for app that built in different framework

We have iOS apps that are built in Xamarin, swift and objective c. We change the authentication of those apps to use Azure AD to easily implement SSO using MSAL library. The problem now is, it seems that SSO doesn't work if your app is built in different platform.
I thought if you enable access to the SSO will work.
Is there a reason why it is not working when apps are built in different platform?

Google will discontinue support for sign-ins to Google accounts from embedded browser frameworks

I work for a company that has application for 4 platforms (Android, IOS, windows, and web) and before a couple of days we get this message:
"Google will discontinue support for sign-ins to Google accounts from embedded browser frameworks, starting January 4, 2021"
In Android and iOS app we use the Google SDK to login and in the web and in the windows app we loaded the google sso throw a webview.
I have 2 questions:
I think that the problem is on the windows app, does anyone know if Google means to a webview also as "embedded browser frameworks"?
What exactly are the embedded browser frameworks? it is loading the sso on chrome, explorer, etc.?
I tried to understand from this post: Google Blog but without success

Implemented AWS cognito authentication on login screen, API is being hit on UWP and android platform but not on IOS

Built an app on xamarin for all three environments. Implemented AWS cognito authentication on login screen, API is being hit on UWP and android platform but not on IOS. Internet is working on the simulator but the API is not getting hit. I've added Xcode in the firewall to. Did Not change the info.plist as the URL is already http secured. Can anyone suggest whats wrong?

Google O-Auth not working in WKWebView

I am basically working on an iOS app that provides a platform for other web apps to run. These Web apps load in WKWebView of my app. Now, these web apps have Google O-Auth which has stopped working with an error saying useragent_disallowed as google has blocked the use of Web Views. What is the suggested solution?

testing monaca backend only possible on device, why?

When I test my app on my device I'm able to connect to the backend user and collection features. Why isn't that working when I preview the app in the browser (Chrome)? Or is it possible and what should I do to fix this...
As stated in the Monaca Backend API Reference Guide, Monaca backend requires a phonegap plugin thus the browser does not have these installed and therefore you will not be able to access those systems.
Ultimately, there is nothing you can do other than to test in the app, although if you use the Monaca Cloud IDE, you do gain a web interface to manage the backend. It is very useful.
Hope this helps!
