Tabs on Tab Bar Controller iOS doesn't work? - ios

I am trying to make a segue from the tabs on the Tab Bar Controller. But I cannot attach them to anything! What am I doing wrong?
If I click on the tab bars (I have 2), none of them updated the current view displayed.
Also, how can I customize their widths? I want each to take up 50% of the bar; unlike here:


Tab bar not showing on sub pages during runtime

I have a UITabBarController with 4 tabs, suppose A,B,C and D. I have a table view in page A. On clicking on any of the rows, E page opens.
The problem is that on creating show segue from view controller A to E, the tab bar appears below in E in storyboard, whereas during runtime no tab bar is visible on E. Please could anyone help me out in this.
I can add tab bar item to tab bar of subview as below:
This is the view hierarchy :
Note : I want to the tab bar of the main A-D tabs in all sub pages of A-D
I want to show you two images in different conditions. Maybe it's not a answer but will help you in some manner.
!) I have tab bar controller connected with navigation controller. That Tab bar has two items. "Top Rated" view has a button that connected to other view controller. Check right hand side attribute section for this bottom bar is none.
2)Same condition for second image but this time I changed the bottom bar option of this view controller(check attribute section). Now the view controller has tab bar item.
But this will not show in run time because this is not connected with tab bar controller. One more thing you can easily put tab bar item on new view controller that are not connected with navigation and tab bar controller, but when you run it will not there.
This will help you. Try to set navigation inside of tab bar controller. Give tab bar item to navigation controller. Like:
Output is:
When button clicked:
In that manner you can tab bar in all views.
Update 2:
Here I have Navigation then Home view then the above process with tab bar controller and its working fine.
Updated Output:
When button clicked:

Xcode - replace navigation bar with toolbar on show segue

This is what I wish to do.
---- Segue : show ---->
on the destination page, I want to hide the tab bar from the previous page and show the toolbar instead.
When I check "Hide bottom bar on push" on storyboard, the tool bar on the destination page disappears as well.
I think you should change the title of your question since you want to replace the tabBar with a toolBar and keep the navigationBar. At leas this is what I understand from your sketch.
As for the question, have you tried hiding the tabBar in viewWillDisappear in your first view?

iOS tab bar issue

In my app i'v UITabbarController as rootviewController with 3 tabs on it, each tab has its own UINavigationController.On the first tab i'v attached a UIViewController that hides tab bar and navigation bar, by click on a button user can go to next screen that will show tab bar as well as navigation bar.Now the problem is when i click on first tab on this view controller (which is already selected by default) it takes me on previous view controller and i want it should stay on the same screen.How to achieve this?
Edit: I dont want to disable bar item at index 0 as this turns it into UIControlStateDisabled which make it different looks from others.
Is there any way to set image for UIControlStateDisabled for tab bar item?
Any help or suggestion would be appreciated.
Try this may be helpfull...
[[[[self.tabBarController tabBar]items]objectAtIndex:1]setEnabled:FALSE];
set "objectAtIndex" that you want..

tab bar goes when going between views

I am developing a tabbed bar application using storyboards.
I am attempting to put in a back button one a view - but when I press to go back (from one view to another) the tab bar vanishes.
How can I ensure the tab bar stays there?
Just make sure you're adding the UITabBar to the main Navigation Controller or View Controller of Navigation Hierarchy.
You need to select Tab Bar on the Navigation Controller Bottom Bar under the Attributes Inspector, then set the bottom bar to Inferred for the rest of your pages (or Tab Bar if you want it to be different on any pages)

how can i hide a tab on the tab bar in iphone

i'm working on an iphone project and i have to show a login view and after log in i have to show a tab bar, all the tabs show different views and all the views have controls that link to other views. so i was wondering what can i do about it, first i was thinking to work with a navigation controller but while reading some posts they suggest not to work with a navigation that includes a tab bar controller. so, i think i can work with a tab bar controller and the first tab should be the login tab but i need to hide the tab bar from the view while logging in and after that i can show the tab bar with the other tabs. i don't know if it's possible. that's why i need your help. thanks in advance
You only need to set the property "hidesBottomBarWhenPushed" to YES. like..
mTSProjVC.hidesBottomBarWhenPushed =YES;
