Rails - How to add values in seperate objects together - ruby-on-rails

You have an array of objects which contain a key-value reference.
[{booking_ref: 'w578383', foo: 'bar', price1: 500, price2: 30],
{booking_ref: 'w578383', foo: 'bar', price1: 600, price2: 40},
{booking_ref: 'r123523', foo: 'bar', price1: 699, price2: 4}]
I want to:
group objects by key-value reference (booking_ref)
go through those groupings and to each object add the financial values only together (price1 and price2 to the other booking's price1 and price2)
collapse out of groupings back to an array of objects which contain a key-value reference. That would now be:
[{booking_ref: 'w578383', foo: 'bar', price1: 1100, price2: 70},
{booking_ref: 'r123523', foo: 'bar', price1: 699, price2: 4}]
I am thinking:
objects.group_by(&:booking_ref).each {|group|
group.merge {|key, value1, value2| value1 + value2 if key == price1 || price2}
Does that work and if so how do I then return them back out of the group_by state?

Whenever you can use Enumerable#group_by you can use some form of Hash#merge or Hash#update (aka merge!), and vice-versa. Others have used group_by, so here's a hash-merge answer.
Letting the variable bookings equal your array of hashes, you can write the following.
keys_to_aggregate = [:price1, :price2]
bookings.each_with_object({}) { |g,h| h.update(g[:booking_ref]=>g) { |_,o,n|
keys_to_aggregate.reduce(o) { |f,k| f.merge(k=>o[k] + n[k]) } } }.values
#=> [{:booking_ref=>"w578383", :foo=>"bar", :price1=>1100, :price2=>70},
# {:booking_ref=>"r123523", :foo=>"bar", :price1=>699, :price2=>4}]
Note that before Hash#values at the end of the expression is evaluated we have the following.
bookings.each_with_object({}) { |g,h| h.update(g[:booking_ref]=>g) { |_,o,n|
keys_to_aggregate.reduce(o) { |f,k| f.merge(k=>o[k] + n[k]) } } }
#=> {"w578383"=>{:booking_ref=>"w578383", :foo=>"bar", :price1=>1100, :price2=>70},
# "r123523"=>{:booking_ref=>"r123523", :foo=>"bar", :price1=>699, :price2=>4}}
This uses the form of Hash#update that employs a block to determine the values of keys that are present in both hashes being merged. See the doc for details, particularly the definitions of the value-determining block's three variables (k, o and n). (I've substituted _ for k [the key] to signify that it is not used in the block calculation.)

With hash objects, you could calculate the sums and merge them back to the first hash in each group :
bookings = [
{booking_ref: 'w578383', foo: 'bar', price1: 500, price2: 30},
{booking_ref: 'w578383', foo: 'bar', price1: 600, price2: 40},
{booking_ref: 'r123523', foo: 'bar', price1: 699, price2: 4}
grouped_bookings = bookings.group_by{ |h| h[:booking_ref] }.map do |ref, hs|
sums = hs.each_with_object(Hash.new(0)) do |h, sum|
%i(price1 price2).each do |price|
sum[price] += h[price].to_i
p grouped_bookings
# [{:booking_ref=>"w578383", :foo=>"bar", :price1=>1100, :price2=>70},
# {:booking_ref=>"r123523", :foo=>"bar", :price1=>699, :price2=>4}]

Taking an object-oriented approach here, you can get this looking quite neat and elegant. The key is to define the + method on the object. Full example below:
class Booking
attr_accessor :booking_ref, :foo, :price1, :price2
def initialize(params={})
params.each { |key, value| send "#{key}=", value }
# add up prices, and return new Booking object
def +(other)
new_obj = self.dup
new_obj.price1 += other.price1
new_obj.price2 += other.price2
# set up example bookings
bookings = [
Booking.new(booking_ref: 'w578383', foo: 'bar', price1: 500, price2: 30),
Booking.new(booking_ref: 'w578383', foo: 'bar', price1: 600, price2: 40),
Booking.new(booking_ref: 'r123523', foo: 'bar', price1: 699, price2: 4)
# grouping becomes very simple - potentially a one-liner
bookings.group_by(&:booking_ref).map { |_, values| values.reduce(&:+) }
# => [
#<Booking:... #booking_ref="w578383", #foo="bar", #price1=1100, #price2=70>,
#<Booking:... #booking_ref="r123523", #foo="bar", #price1=699, #price2=4>

First, group_by is fine, then use a map to iterate the hash and then reduce the value from a list to a sum using inject
.map{|ref, list| {booking_ref: ref,
price1: => list.inject(0){|sum,h| sum + h.price1},
price2: => list.inject(0){|sum,h| sum + h.price2}


how to make a deep_slice in a hash on ruby

I was looking around for a clean way to do this and I found some workarounds but did not find anything like the slice (some people recommended to use a gem but I think is not needed for this operations, pls correct me if I am wrong), so I found myself with a hash that contains a bunch of hashes and I wanted a way to perform the Slice operation over this hash and get also the key/value pairs from nested hashes, so the question:
Is there something like deep_slice in ruby?
input: a = {b: 45, c: {d: 55, e: { f: 12}}, g: {z: 90}}, keys = [:b, :f, :z]
expected output: {:b=>45, :f=>12, :z=>90}
Thx in advance! 👍
After looking around for a while I decided to implement this myself, this is how I fix it:
a = {b: 45, c: {d: 55, e: { f: 12}}, g: {z: 90}}
keys = [:b, :f, :z]
def custom_deep_slice(a:, keys:)
result = a.slice(*keys)
a.keys.each do |k|
if a[k].class == Hash
result.merge! custom_deep_slice(a: a[k], keys: keys)
c_deep_slice = custom_deep_slice(a: a, keys: keys)
p c_deep_slice
The code above is a classic DFS, which takes advantage of the merge! provided by the hash class.
You can test the code above here
require 'set'
def recurse(h, keys)
h.each_with_object([]) do |(k,v),arr|
if keys.include?(k)
arr << [k,v]
elsif v.is_a?(Hash)
hash = { b: 45, c: { d: 55, e: { f: 12 } }, g: { b: 21, z: 90 } }
keys = [:b, :f, :z]
arr = recurse(hash, keys.to_set)
#=> [[:b, 45], [:f, 12], [:b, 21], [:z, 90]]
Notice that hash differs slightly from the example hash given in the question. I added a second nested key :b to illustrate the problem of returning a hash rather than an array of key-value pairs. Were we to convert arr to a hash the pair [:b, 45] would be discarded:
#=> {:b=>21, :f=>12, :z=>90}
If desired, however, one could write:
arr.each_with_object({}) { |(k,v),h| (h[k] ||= []) << v }
#=> {:b=>[45, 21], :f=>[12], :z=>[90]}
I converted keys from an array to a set merely to speed lookups (keys.include?(k)).
A slightly modified approach could be used if the hash contained nested arrays of hashes as well as nested hashes.
My version
maybe it should help
def deep_slice( obj, *args )
deep_arg = {}
slice_args = []
args.each do |arg|
if arg.is_a? Hash
arg.each do |hash|
key, value = hash
if obj[key].is_a? Hash
deep_arg[key] = deep_slice( obj[key], *value )
elsif obj[key].is_a? Array
deep_arg[key] = obj[key].map{ |arr_el| deep_slice( arr_el, *value) }
elsif arg.is_a? Symbol
slice_args << arg
Object to slice
obj = {
"id": 135,
"kind": "transfer",
"customer": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Admin",
"array": [
"id": 123,
"name": "TEST",
"more_deep": {
"prop": "first",
"prop2": "second"
"id": 222,
"name": "2222"
Schema to slice
customer: [
array: [
more_deep: [

Ruby: Passing down key/value after transforming objects in array

Given data:
data = [
{"id":14, "sort":1, "content":"9", foo: "2022"},
{"id":14, "sort":4, "content":"5", foo: "2022"},
{"id":14, "sort":2, "content":"1", foo: "2022"},
{"id":14, "sort":3, "content":"0", foo: "2022"},
{"id":15, "sort":4, "content":"4", foo: "2888"},
{"id":15, "sort":2, "content":"1", foo: "2888"},
{"id":15, "sort":1, "content":"3", foo: "2888"},
{"id":15, "sort":3, "content":"3", foo: "2888"},
{"id":16, "sort":1, "content":"8", foo: "3112"},
{"id":16, "sort":3, "content":"4", foo: "3112"},
{"id":16, "sort":2, "content":"4", foo: "3112"},
{"id":16, "sort":4, "content":"9", foo: "3112"}
Got the contents concatenated by their sort and ids with:
formatted = data.group_by { |d| d[:id]}.transform_values do |value_array|
value_array.sort_by { |b| b[:sort] }
.map { |c| c[:content] }.join
puts formatted
#=> {14=>"9105", 15=>"3134", 16=>"8449"}
I know that foo exists inside value_array but wondering how can I include foo to exist inside the formatted variable so I can map through it to get the desired output or if it's possible?
Desired Output:
{"id":14, "concated_value":"9105", foo: "2022"},
{"id":15, "concated_value":"3134", foo: "2888"},
{"id":16, "concated_value":"8449", foo: "3112"}
Since :foo is unique to :id. You can do this as follows:
data.group_by {|h| h[:id]}.map do |_,sa|
sa.map(&:dup).sort_by {|h| h.delete(:sort) }.reduce do |m,h|
m.merge(h) {|key,old,new| key == :content ? old + new : old }
end.tap {|h| h[:concated_value] = h.delete(:content) }
#=> [
# {"id":14, foo: "2022", "concated_value":"9105"},
# {"id":15, foo: "2888", "concated_value":"3134"},
# {"id":16, foo: "3112", "concated_value":"8449"}
# ]
First we group by id. group_by {|h| h[:id]}
Then we dup the hashes in the groups (so as not to destory the original). map(&:dup)
Then we sort by sort and delete it at the same time. .sort_by {|h| h.delete(:sort) }
Then we merge the groups together and concatenate the content key only.
m.merge(h) {|key,old,new| key == :content ? old + new : old }
Then we just change the key for content to concated_value tap {|h| h[:concated_value] = h.delete(:content) }
We can use first value from value_array to get our :id & :foo values
formatted = data.group_by { |d| d[:id]}.values.map do |value_array|
concated_value = value_array.sort_by { |b| b[:sort] }
.map { |c| c[:content] }.join
value_array.first.slice(:id, :foo)
.merge concated_value: concated_value
I think this is a good usecase for reduce, since after grouping you need first to get rid of the ID in the resulting [ID, VALUES] array from group_by and just return a reduced version of the VALUES part - this can all be done without any ActiveSupport etc. dependencies:
.group_by{ |d| d[:id] } # Get an array of [ID, [VALUES]]
.reduce([]) do |a, v| # Reduce it into a new empty array
# Append a new hash to the new array
a << {
id: v[1].first[:id], # Just take the ID of the first entry
foo: v[1].first[:foo], # Dito for foo
concatenated: v[1]
.sort_by{ |s| s[:sort] } # now sort all hashes by its sort key
.collect{ |s| s[:content] } # collect the content
.join # and merge it into a string
[{:id=>14, :foo=>"2022", :concatenated=>"9105"},
{:id=>15, :foo=>"2888", :concatenated=>"3134"},
{:id=>16, :foo=>"3112", :concatenated=>"8449"}]
I had some other approach in mind when i started to write the previous solution, reduce was not really necessary, since the size of the array after group_by does not change, so a map is sufficient.
But while rewriting the code, i was thinking that creating a new hash with all the keys and copying all the values from the first hash within VALUES was a bit too much work, so it would be easier to just reject the overhead keys:
keys_to_ignore = [:sort, :content]
.group_by{ |d| d[:id] } # Get an array of [ID, [VALUES]]
.map do |v|
.first # Take the first hash from [VALUES]
.merge({'concatenated': v[1] # Insert the concatenated values
.sort_by{ |s| s[:sort] } # now sort all hashes by its sort key
.collect{ |s| s[:content] } # collect the content
.join # and merge it into a string
.select { |k, _| !keys_to_ignore.include? k }
[{:id=>14, :foo=>"2022", :concatenated=>"9105"},
{:id=>15, :foo=>"2888", :concatenated=>"3134"},
{:id=>16, :foo=>"3112", :concatenated=>"8449"}]
Online demo here
This will work even without Rails:
$irb> formatted = []
$irb> data.sort_by!{|a| a[:sort]}.map {|z| z[:id]}.uniq.each_with_index { |id, index| formatted << {id: id, concated_value: data.map{|c| (c[:id] == id ? c[:content] : nil)}.join, foo: data[index][:foo]}}
$irb> formatted
[{:id=>14, :concated_value=>"9105", :foo=>"2022"},
{:id=>15, :concated_value=>"3134", :foo=>"2888"},
{:id=>16, :concated_value=>"8449", :foo=>"3112"}]
data.sort_by { |h| h[:sort] }.
each_with_object({}) do |g,h| h.update(g[:id]=>{ id: g[:id],
concatenated_value: g[:content].to_s, foo: g[:foo] }) { |_,o,n|
o.merge(concatenated_value: o[:concatenated_value]+n[:concatenated_value]) }
#=> [{:id=>14, :concatenated_value=>"9105", :foo=>"2022"},
# {:id=>15, :concatenated_value=>"3134", :foo=>"2888"},
# {:id=>16, :concatenated_value=>"8449", :foo=>"3112"}]
This uses the form of Hash#update (aka merge!) that employs a block to determine the values of keys (here the value of :id) that are present in both hashes being merged. See the doc for the description of the three block variables (here _, o and n).
Note the receiver of values (at the end) is the following.
{ 14=>{ :id=>14, :concatenated_value=>"9105", :foo=>"2022" },
15=>{ :id=>15, :concatenated_value=>"3134", :foo=>"2888" },
16=>{ :id=>16, :concatenated_value=>"8449", :foo=>"3112" } }

Dynamically create hash from array of arrays

I want to dynamically create a Hash without overwriting keys from an array of arrays. Each array has a string that contains the nested key that should be created. However, I am running into the issue where I am overwriting keys and thus only the last key is there
data = {}
values = [
["income:concessions", 0, "noi", "722300", "purpose", "refinancing"],
["fees:fee-one", "0" ,"income:gross-income", "900000", "expenses:admin", "7500"],
["fees:fee-two", "0", "address:zip", "10019", "expenses:other", "0"]
What it should look like:
"income" => {
"concessions" => 0,
"gross-income" => "900000"
"expenses" => {
"admin" => "7500",
"other" => "0"
"noi" => "722300",
"purpose" => "refinancing",
"fees" => {
"fee-one" => 0,
"fee-two" => 0
"address" => {
"zip" => "10019"
This is the code that I currently, have how can I avoid overwriting keys when I merge?
values.each do |row|
Hash[*row].each do |key, value|
keys = key.split(':')
if !data.dig(*keys)
hh = keys.reverse.inject(value) { |a, n| { n => a } }
a = data.merge!(hh)
The code you've provided can be modified to merge hashes on conflict instead of overwriting:
values.each do |row|
Hash[*row].each do |key, value|
keys = key.split(':')
if !data.dig(*keys)
hh = keys.reverse.inject(value) { |a, n| { n => a } }
data.merge!(hh) { |_, old, new| old.merge(new) }
But this code only works for the two levels of nesting.
By the way, I noted ruby-on-rails tag on the question. There's deep_merge method that can fix the problem:
values.each do |row|
Hash[*row].each do |key, value|
keys = key.split(':')
if !data.dig(*keys)
hh = keys.reverse.inject(value) { |a, n| { n => a } }
values.flatten.each_slice(2).with_object({}) do |(f,v),h|
k,e = f.is_a?(String) ? f.split(':') : [f,nil]
h[k] = e.nil? ? v : (h[k] || {}).merge(e=>v)
#=> {"income"=>{"concessions"=>0, "gross-income"=>"900000"},
# "noi"=>"722300",
# "purpose"=>"refinancing",
# "fees"=>{"fee-one"=>"0", "fee-two"=>"0"},
# "expenses"=>{"admin"=>"7500", "other"=>"0"},
# "address"=>{"zip"=>"10019"}}
The steps are as follows.
values = [
["income:concessions", 0, "noi", "722300", "purpose", "refinancing"],
["fees:fee-one", "0" ,"income:gross-income", "900000", "expenses:admin", "7500"],
["fees:fee-two", "0", "address:zip", "10019", "expenses:other", "0"]
a = values.flatten
#=> ["income:concessions", 0, "noi", "722300", "purpose", "refinancing",
# "fees:fee-one", "0", "income:gross-income", "900000", "expenses:admin", "7500",
# "fees:fee-two", "0", "address:zip", "10019", "expenses:other", "0"]
enum1 = a.each_slice(2)
#=> #<Enumerator: ["income:concessions", 0, "noi", "722300",
# "purpose", "refinancing", "fees:fee-one", "0", "income:gross-income", "900000",
# "expenses:admin", "7500", "fees:fee-two", "0", "address:zip", "10019",
# "expenses:other","0"]:each_slice(2)>
We can see what values this enumerator will generate by converting it to an array.
#=> [["income:concessions", 0], ["noi", "722300"], ["purpose", "refinancing"],
# ["fees:fee-one", "0"], ["income:gross-income", "900000"],
# ["expenses:admin", "7500"], ["fees:fee-two", "0"],
# ["address:zip", "10019"], ["expenses:other", "0"]]
enum2 = enum1.with_object({})
#=> #<Enumerator: #<Enumerator:
# ["income:concessions", 0, "noi", "722300", "purpose", "refinancing",
# "fees:fee-one", "0", "income:gross-income", "900000", "expenses:admin", "7500",
# "fees:fee-two", "0", "address:zip", "10019", "expenses:other", "0"]
# :each_slice(2)>:with_object({})>
#=> [[["income:concessions", 0], {}], [["noi", "722300"], {}],
# [["purpose", "refinancing"], {}], [["fees:fee-one", "0"], {}],
# [["income:gross-income", "900000"], {}], [["expenses:admin", "7500"], {}],
# [["fees:fee-two", "0"], {}], [["address:zip", "10019"], {}],
# [["expenses:other", "0"], {}]]
enum2 can be thought of as a compound enumerator (though Ruby has no such concept). The hash being generated is initially empty, as shown, but will be filled in as additional elements are generated by enum2
The first value is generated by enum2 and passed to the block, and the block values are assigned values by a process called array decomposition.
(f,v),h = enum2.next
#=> [["income:concessions", 0], {}]
f #=> "income:concessions"
v #=> 0
h #=> {}
We now perform the block calculation.
#=> true
k,e = f.is_a?(String) ? f.split(':') : [f,nil]
#=> ["income", "concessions"]
#=> false
h[k] = e.nil? ? v : (h[k] || {}).merge(e=>v)
#=> {"concessions"=>0}
h[k] equals nil if h does not have a key k. In that case (h[k] || {}) #=> {}. If h does have a key k (and h[k] in not nil).(h[k] || {}) #=> h[k].
A second value is now generated by enum2 and passed to the block.
(f,v),h = enum2.next
#=> [["noi", "722300"], {"income"=>{"concessions"=>0}}]
f #=> "noi"
v #=> "722300"
h #=> {"income"=>{"concessions"=>0}}
Notice that the hash, h, has been updated. Recall it will be returned by the block after all elements of enum2 have been generated. We now perform the block calculation.
#=> true
k,e = f.is_a?(String) ? f.split(':') : [f,nil]
#=> ["noi"]
e #=> nil
#=> true
h[k] = e.nil? ? v : (h[k] || {}).merge(e=>v)
#=> "722300"
h #=> {"income"=>{"concessions"=>0}, "noi"=>"722300"}
The remaining calculations are similar.
merge overwrites a duplicate key by default.
{ "income"=> { "concessions" => 0 } }.merge({ "income"=> { "gross-income" => "900000" } } completely overwrites the original value of "income". What you want is a recursive merge, where instead of just merging the top level hash you're merging the nested values when there's duplication.
merge takes a block where you can specify what to do in the event of duplication. From the documentation:
merge!(other_hash){|key, oldval, newval| block} → hsh
Adds the contents of other_hash to hsh. If no block is specified, entries with duplicate keys are overwritten with the values from other_hash, otherwise the value of each duplicate key is determined by calling the block with the key, its value in hsh and its value in other_hash
Using this you can define a simple recursive_merge in one line
def recursive_merge!(hash, other)
hash.merge!(other) { |_key, old_val, new_val| recursive_merge!(old_val, new_val) }
values.each do |row|
Hash[*row].each do |key, value|
keys = key.split(':')
if !data.dig(*keys)
hh = keys.reverse.inject(value) { |a, n| { n => a } }
a = recursive_merge!(data, hh)
A few more lines will give you a more robust solution, that will overwrite duplicate keys that are not hashes and even take a block just like merge
def recursive_merge!(hash, other, &block)
hash.merge!(other) do |_key, old_val, new_val|
if [old_val, new_val].all? { |v| v.is_a?(Hash) }
recursive_merge!(old_val, new_val, &block)
elsif block_given?
block.call(_key, old_val, new_val)
h1 = { a: true, b: { c: [1, 2, 3] } }
h2 = { a: false, b: { x: [3, 4, 5] } }
recursive_merge!(h1, h2) { |_k, o, _n| o } # => { a: true, b: { c: [1, 2, 3], x: [3, 4, 5] } }
Note: This method reproduces the results you would get from ActiveSupport's Hash#deep_merge if you're using Rails.
This is how I would handle this:
def new_h
Hash.new{|h,k| h[k] = new_h}
values.flatten.each_slice(2).each_with_object(new_h) do |(k,v),obj|
keys = k.is_a?(String) ? k.split(':') : [k]
if keys.count > 1
set_key = keys.pop
obj.merge!(keys.inject(new_h) {|memo,k1| memo[k1] = new_h})
.merge!({set_key => v})
obj[k] = v
#=> {"income"=>{
Define a method (new_h) for setting up a new Hash with default new_h at any level (Hash.new{|h,k| h[k] = new_h})
First flatten the Array (values.flatten)
then group each 2 elements together as sudo key value pairs (.each_slice(2))
then iterate over the pairs using an accumulator where each new element added is defaulted to a Hash (.each_with_object(new_h.call) do |(k,v),obj|)
split the sudo key on a colon (keys = k.is_a?(String) ? k.split(':') : [k])
if there is a split then create the parent key(s) (obj.merge!(keys.inject(new_h.call) {|memo,k1| memo[k1] = new_h.call}))
merge the last child key equal to the value (obj.dig(*keys.merge!({set_key => v}))
other wise set the single key equal to the value (obj[k] = v)
This has infinite depth as long as the depth chain is not broken say [["income:concessions:other",12],["income:concessions", 0]] in this case the latter value will take precedence (Note: this applies to all the answers in one way or anther e.g. the accepted answer the former wins but a value is still lost dues to inaccurate data structure)
repl.it Example

Get unique properties from array of hashes in ruby

Given an array of hashes, I want to create a method that returns a hash where the keys are the unique values of the hashes in the array.
For example, I'd like to take
{foo: 'bar', baz: 'bang'},
{foo: 'rab', baz: 'bang'},
{foo: 'bizz', baz: 'buzz'}
and return
foo: ['bar', 'rab', 'bizz'],
baz: ['bang', 'buzz']
I am currently accomplishing this using:
def my_fantastic_method(data)
response_data = { foo: [], baz: []}
data.each { |data|
data.attributes.each { |key, value|
response_data[key.to_sym] << value
response_data.each { |key, value| response_data[key] = response_data[key].uniq }
Is there a more elegant way of doing this? Thanks!
Your current approach is already pretty good; I don't see much room for improvement. I would write it like this:
def my_fantastic_method(data_list)
data_list.each_with_object(Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = Set.new }) do |data, result|
data.attributes.each do |key, value|
result[key.to_sym] << value
By setting a default value on each hash value, I have eliminated the need to explicitly declare foo: [], bar: [].
By using each_with_object, I have eliminated the need to declare a local variable and explicitly return it at the end.
By using Set, there is no need to call uniq on the final result. This requires less code, and is more performant. However, if you really want the final result to be a mapping to Arrays rather than Sets, then you would need to call to_a on each value at the end of the method.
I have used different variable names for data_list and data. Call these whatever you like, but it's typically considered bad practice to shadow outer variables.
Here are a couple of one-liners. (I'm pretty sure #eiko was being facetious, but I'm proving him correct)
This one reads well and is easy to follow (caveat: requires Ruby 2.4+ for transform_values):
array.flat_map(&:entries).group_by(&:first).transform_values{|v| v.map(&:last).uniq}
Here's another, using the block form of merge to specify an alternate merge method, which in this case is combining the values into a uniq array:
array.reduce{|h, el| h.merge(el){|k, old, new| ([old]+[new]).flatten.uniq}}
You already have a pretty good answer, but I felt golfy and so here is a shorter one:
def the_combiner(a)
hash = {}
a.map(&:to_a).flatten(1).each do |k,v|
hash[k] ||= []
Try this:
.map{|k,v| {k => v.map(&:last)} }
a.inject({}) {|old_h, new_h|
new_h.each_pair {|k, v|
old_h.key?(k) ? old_h[k] << v : old_h[k]=[v]};
If, as in the example, all hashes have the same keys, you could do as follows.
arr = [{ foo: 'bar', baz: 'bang' },
{ foo: 'rab', baz: 'bang' },
{ foo: 'bizz', baz: 'buzz' }]
keys = arr.first.keys
keys.zip(arr.map { |h| h.values_at(*keys) }.transpose.map(&:uniq)).to_h
#=> {:foo=>["bar", "rab", "bizz"], :baz=>["bang", "buzz"]}
The steps are as follows.
keys = arr.first.keys
#=> [:foo, :baz]
a = arr.map { |h| h.values_at(*keys) }
#=> [["bar", "bang"], ["rab", "bang"], ["bizz", "buzz"]]
b = a.transpose
#=> [["bar", "rab", "bizz"], ["bang", "bang", "buzz"]]
c = b.map(&:uniq)
#=> [["bar", "rab", "bizz"], ["bang", "buzz"]]
d = c.to_h
#=> <array of hashes shown above>

How to rotate by 90° an Array with ActiveRecord objects

I have got
#my_objects = [ #<MyObject id: 1, title: "Blah1">,
#<MyObject id: 2, title: "Blah2">,
#<MyObject id: 3, title: "Blah3">,
#<MyObject id: 4, title: "Blah4"> ]
I need to turn it into:
#my_objects = { :id => [ 1, 2, 3, 4],
:title => [ "Blah1" ... ] }
Is there built in method or some standart approach?
I can imagine only this
#my_objects.inject({}){ |h, c| c.attributes.each{ |k,v| h[k] ||= []; h[k] << v }; h }
This question was born while I was thinking on this particular question
First, use Enumerable#map (something like #o.map { |e| [e.id, e.title] }) to get the ActiveRecord array into a simplified pure Ruby object that looks like this:
a = [[1, "Blah1"], [2, "Blah2"], [3, "Blah3"], [4, "Blah4"]]
a.transpose.zip([:id, :title]).inject({}) { |m, (v,k)| m[k] = v; m }
Alternate solution: It might be less tricky and easier to read if instead you just did something prosaic like:
i, t = a.transpose
{ :id => i, :title => t }
Either way you get:
=> {:title=>["Blah1", "Blah2", "Blah3", "Blah4"], :id=>[1, 2, 3, 4]}
Update: Tokland has a refinement that's worth citing:
Hash[[:id, :title].zip(a.transpose)]
You're on the right track there, there's no custom method for this sort of pivot, and it should work, but remember that ActiveRecord attribute keys are strings:
#my_objects.inject({ }) { |h, c| c.attributes.each { |k,v| (h[k.to_sym] ||= [ ]) << v }; h }
You can use the (x ||= [ ]) << y pattern to simplify that a bit if you're not too concerned with it being super readable to a novice.
Functional approach (no eachs!):
pairs = #my_objects.map { |obj| obj.attributes.to_a }.flatten(1)
Hash[pairs.group_by(&:first).map { |k, vs| [k, vs.map(&:second)] }]
#=> {:title=>["Blah1", "Blah2", "Blah3", "Blah4"], :id=>[1, 2, 3, 4]}
As usual, Facets allows to write nicer code; in this case Enumerable#map_by would avoid using the ugly and convoluted pattern group_by+map+map:
#my_objects.map { |obj| obj.attributes.to_a }.flatten(1).map_by { |k, v| [k, v] }
#=> {:title=>["Blah1", "Blah2", "Blah3", "Blah4"], :id=>[1, 2, 3, 4]}
