Google Fusion Table Heat Map Embedded iFrame Not Displaying Polygon Colors - google-fusion-tables

I'm creating a heat maps showing counts per county using KML data through the API using PHP. The creation of the tables, styles, and templates work as expected. When viewing the maps from my Google Drive, and opening them using Fusion Tables, they appear correctly. Meaning, the maps show the varying polygon colors for each county depending on the count and buckets I created via the API.
However, I would like to display these maps on different web pages using the embedded iFrame. According to the documentation, the embed uses the default style. Which, happens to be the one I created for it.
However, when viewing the page with the embedded map, the polygons appear but are not colored according to the counts (which show if you click a polygon). It is not until I go into the Map via the web interface, click Publish, that the colors start appearing on the embedded page. I also notice another style being created but its a duplicate of what I already had (below).
So the questions are: Has anyone ran into this issue? Is there a way to set publish via the API using PHP? Any suggestions would be helpful.
First style created by API
Google_Service_Fusiontables_StyleSettingList {#1164
#collection_key: "items"
#itemsType: "Google_Service_Fusiontables_StyleSetting"
#itemsDataType: "array"
+kind: "fusiontables#styleSettingList"
+nextPageToken: null
+totalItems: 1
#internal_gapi_mappings: []
#modelData: array:1 [
"items" => array:1 [
0 => array:4 [
"kind" => "fusiontables#styleSetting"
"tableId" => "1v0Q9grONGtJZAolcaBNLoQh691onorw0GVthYyiL"
"styleId" => 1
"polygonOptions" => array:1 [
"fillColorStyler" => array:3 [
"kind" => "fusiontables#buckets"
"columnName" => "Count"
"buckets" => array:5 [
0 => array:4 [
"min" => 0.0
"max" => 25.0
"color" => "#0000ff"
"opacity" => 0.5
1 => array:4 [
"min" => 25.0
"max" => 57.0
"color" => "#33ffff"
"opacity" => 0.5
2 => array:4 [
"min" => 57.0
"max" => 161.0
"color" => "#ffff00"
"opacity" => 0.5
3 => array:4 [
"min" => 161.0
"max" => 365.0
"color" => "#ff6600"
"opacity" => 0.5
4 => array:4 [
"min" => 365.0
"max" => 20000.0
"color" => "#ff0000"
"opacity" => 0.5
#processed: []
Second style added after using map console and publish
Google_Service_Fusiontables_StyleSettingList {#1164
#collection_key: "items"
#itemsType: "Google_Service_Fusiontables_StyleSetting"
#itemsDataType: "array"
+kind: "fusiontables#styleSettingList"
+nextPageToken: null
+totalItems: 2
#internal_gapi_mappings: []
#modelData: array:1 [
"items" => array:2 [
0 => array:4 [
"kind" => "fusiontables#styleSetting"
"tableId" => "1v0Q9grONGtJZAolcaBNLoQh691onorw0GVthYyiL"
"styleId" => 1
"polygonOptions" => array:1 [
"fillColorStyler" => array:3 [
"kind" => "fusiontables#buckets"
"columnName" => "Count"
"buckets" => array:5 [
0 => array:4 [
"min" => 0.0
"max" => 25.0
"color" => "#0000ff"
"opacity" => 0.5
1 => array:4 [
"min" => 25.0
"max" => 57.0
"color" => "#33ffff"
"opacity" => 0.5
2 => array:4 [
"min" => 57.0
"max" => 161.0
"color" => "#ffff00"
"opacity" => 0.5
3 => array:4 [
"min" => 161.0
"max" => 365.0
"color" => "#ff6600"
"opacity" => 0.5
4 => array:4 [
"min" => 365.0
"max" => 20000.0
"color" => "#ff0000"
"opacity" => 0.5
1 => array:5 [
"kind" => "fusiontables#styleSetting"
"tableId" => "1v0Q9grONGtJZAolcaBNLoQh691onorw0GVthYyiL"
"styleId" => 2
"name" => "Map of Geometry"
"polygonOptions" => array:1 [
"fillColorStyler" => array:3 [
"kind" => "fusiontables#buckets"
"columnName" => "Count"
"buckets" => array:5 [
0 => array:4 [
"min" => 0.0
"max" => 25.0
"color" => "#0000ff"
"opacity" => 0.5
1 => array:4 [
"min" => 25.0
"max" => 57.0
"color" => "#33ffff"
"opacity" => 0.5
2 => array:4 [
"min" => 57.0
"max" => 161.0
"color" => "#ffff00"
"opacity" => 0.5
3 => array:4 [
"min" => 161.0
"max" => 365.0
"color" => "#ff6600"
"opacity" => 0.5
4 => array:4 [
"min" => 365.0
"max" => 20000.0
"color" => "#ff0000"
"opacity" => 0.5
#processed: []

After speaking with a Google tech, I found out the iFrame code uses a variable "y" that represents the style id. So in creating a style via the API and receiving the new id, you can then use this in the iFrame code for the map to make sure the right style is assigned.
<iframe width="700" height="500" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="{{ $project->fusion_table_id }}&viz=MAP&h=false&lat=34.72404554786575&lng=-93.08009375000002&t=1&z=3&l=col2&y={{ $project->fusion_style_id }}&tmplt={{ $project->fusion_template_id }}&hml=GEOCODE"></iframe>


How can I get the sum of this field in my sql query?

I have this sql query
Ticket.joins([assigned_user::departament],:ticket_status).group("","").where("ticket_statuses.status = ?", 1).count
what does this give me back
[ "Open", "BROWSER" ] => 2,
[ "Open", "MARKETING" ] => 5,
[ "Open", "MONITORING" ] => 2,
[ "Open", "SALES" ] => 7,
[ "Open", "ADMINISTRATION" ] => 8,
[ "Open", "COLLECTIONS" ] => 1,
[ "Open", "EMPLOYEE" ] => 8,
[ "Open", "SYSTEMS" ] => 6,
[ "Open", "QUALITY" ] => 4,
[ "Open", "TECH SUPPORT" ] => 5,
[ "Open", "STORE" ] => 2,
[ "Closed", "SYSTEMS" ] => 11,
[ "Closed", "MONITORING" ] => 7,
[ "Closed", "ADMINISTRATION" ] => 4,
[ "Closed", "QUALITY" ] => 6,
[ "Closed", "STORE" ] => 6,
[ "Closed", "EMPLOYEE" ] => 2,
[ "Closed", "SALES" ] => 3,
[ "Closed", "TECHNICAL SUPPORT" ] => 4,
[ "Closed", "BROWSER" ] => 1,
[ "Closed", "COLLECTIONS" ] => 2,
[ "Closed", "MARKETING" ] => 1,
[ "Attended", "QUALITY" ] => 3,
[ "Served", "EMPLOYEE" ] => 3,
[ "Served", "WAREHOUSE" ] => 5,
[ "Attended", "COLLECTIONS" ] => 3,
[ "Served", "SYSTEMS" ] => 8,
[ "Served", "SALES" ] => 5,
[ "Attended", "TECHNICAL SUPPORT" ] => 3,
[ "Attended", "BROWSER" ] => 8,
[ "Attended", "ADMINISTRATION" ] => 7,
[ "Attended", "MONITORING" ] => 3,
[ "Served", "MARKETING" ] => 2,
[ "In process", "EMPLOYEE" ] => 4,
[ "In process", "COLLECTIONS" ] => 2,
[ "In process", "QUALITY" ] => 7,
[ "In process", "MONITORING" ] => 4,
[ "In process", "BROWSER" ] => 4,
[ "In progress", "MARKETING" ] => 4,
[ "In process", "SYSTEMS" ] => 3,
[ "In process", "ADMINISTRATION" ] => 4,
[ "In process", "TECHNICAL SUPPORT" ] => 3,
[ "In process", "WAREHOUSE" ] => 3,
[ "In process", "SALES" ] => 1
I am using this query with the 'chartkick' gem
that groups them in a graph by area, where when passing the mouse in each area it shows me this
In process:4
In process:4
I would like to add to that information the total amount
and what is displayed like this
In process:4
In process:4
I was looking for the solution but I don't know how to achieve this
Given your current output as h
h = {[ "Open", "BROWSER" ] => 2,[ "Open", "MARKETING" ] => 5,[ "Open", "MONITORING" ] => 2,[ "Open", "SALES" ] => 7,[ "Open", "ADMINISTRATION" ] => 8,[ "Open", "COLLECTIONS" ] => 1,[ "Open", "EMPLOYEE" ] => 8,[ "Open", "SYSTEMS" ] => 6,[ "Open", "QUALITY" ] => 4,[ "Open", "TECH SUPPORT" ] => 5,[ "Open", "STORE" ] => 2,[ "Closed", "SYSTEMS" ] => 11, [ "Closed", "MONITORING" ] => 7,[ "Closed", "ADMINISTRATION" ] => 4,[ "Closed", "QUALITY" ] => 6,[ "Closed", "STORE" ] => 6,[ "Closed", "EMPLOYEE" ] => 2,[ "Closed", "SALES" ] => 3,[ "Closed", "TECHNICAL SUPPORT" ] => 4,[ "Closed", "BROWSER" ] => 1,[ "Closed", "COLLECTIONS" ] => 2,[ "Closed", "MARKETING" ] => 1,[ "Attended", "QUALITY" ] => 3,[ "Served", "EMPLOYEE" ] => 3,[ "Served", "WAREHOUSE" ] => 5,[ "Attended", "COLLECTIONS" ] => 3,[ "Served", "SYSTEMS" ] => 8,[ "Served", "SALES" ] => 5,[ "Attended", "TECHNICAL SUPPORT" ] => 3,[ "Attended", "BROWSER" ] => 8,[ "Attended", "ADMINISTRATION" ] => 7,[ "Attended", "MONITORING" ] => 3,[ "Served", "MARKETING" ] => 2,[ "In process", "EMPLOYEE" ] => 4,[ "In process", "COLLECTIONS" ] => 2,[ "In process", "QUALITY" ] => 7,[ "In process", "MONITORING" ] => 4,[ "In process", "BROWSER" ] => 4,[ "In progress", "MARKETING" ] => 4,[ "In process", "SYSTEMS" ] => 3,[ "In process", "ADMINISTRATION" ] => 4,[ "In process", "TECHNICAL SUPPORT" ] => 3,[ "In process", "WAREHOUSE" ] => 3,[ "In process", "SALES" ] => 1}
The following will produce a Hash with the desired data structure:
h.each_with_object( {|h,k| h[k] = {"Total"=> 0}}) do |((status,department),v),obj|
obj[department][status] = v
obj[department]["Total"] += v
# {"BROWSER"=>{"Total"=>15, "Open"=>2, "Closed"=>1, "Attended"=>8, "In process"=>4},
# "MARKETING"=>{"Total"=>12, "Open"=>5, "Closed"=>1, "Served"=>2, "In progress"=>4},
# "MONITORING"=>{"Total"=>16, "Open"=>2, "Closed"=>7, "Attended"=>3, "In process"=>4},
# "SALES"=>{"Total"=>16, "Open"=>7, "Closed"=>3, "Served"=>5, "In process"=>1},
# "ADMINISTRATION"=>{"Total"=>23, "Open"=>8, "Closed"=>4, "Attended"=>7, "In process"=>4},
# "COLLECTIONS"=>{"Total"=>8, "Open"=>1, "Closed"=>2, "Attended"=>3, "In process"=>2},
# "EMPLOYEE"=>{"Total"=>17, "Open"=>8, "Closed"=>2, "Served"=>3, "In process"=>4},
# "SYSTEMS"=>{"Total"=>28, "Open"=>6, "Closed"=>11, "Served"=>8, "In process"=>3},
# "QUALITY"=>{"Total"=>20, "Open"=>4, "Closed"=>6, "Attended"=>3, "In process"=>7},
# "TECH SUPPORT"=>{"Total"=>5, "Open"=>5}, "STORE"=>{"Total"=>8, "Open"=>2, "Closed"=>6},
# "TECHNICAL SUPPORT"=>{"Total"=>10, "Closed"=>4, "Attended"=>3, "In process"=>3},
# "WAREHOUSE"=>{"Total"=>8, "Served"=>5, "In process"=>3}}
Suppose the given hash were as follows.
h = {
["Open", "BROWSER"] =>2, ["Open", "MARKETING"] =>5,
["Open", "MONITORING"] =>2, ["Closed", "MARKETING"]=>1,
["Closed", "MONITORING"] =>7, ["Attended", "BROWSER"]=>8,
["Attended", "MONITORING"]=>3, ["Closed", "BROWSER"] =>1,
["Served", "MARKETING"] =>2
We may compute the desired hash as follows.
h.each_with_object({}) do |((status, dept), v), g|
g.update(dept=>{ status=>v }) { |_k,o,n| o.merge(n) }
end.transform_values { |f| f.update("Total"=>f.values.sum) }
#=> { "BROWSER"=>{"Open"=>2, "Attended"=>8, "Closed"=>1, "Total"=>11},
# "MARKETING"=>{"Open"=>5, "Closed"=>1, "Served"=>2, "Total"=>8},
# "MONITORING"=>{"Open"=>2, "Closed"=>7, "Attended"=>3, "Total"=>12}}
array decomposition to better understand the way each_with_object's block variables are written;
the form of Hash#update (a.k.a. Hash#merge!) that takes a block (here { |_k,o,n| o.merge(n) }) that returns the values of keys that are present in both hashes being merged. _k holds the common key, which here is not used in the block calculation (as I've indicated by the underscore). o and n respectively hold the values of the "old" and "new" values of _k. o is the value in the hash being constructed, n is the value in the hash being merged; and
Note the intermediate hash that is computed:
h.each_with_object({}) do |((status, dept), v), g|
g.update(dept=>{ status=>v }) { |_k,o,n| o.merge(n) }
#=> { "BROWSER"=>{"Open"=>2, "Attended"=>8, "Closed"=>1},
# "MARKETING"=>{"Open"=>5, "Closed"=>1, "Served"=>2},
# "MONITORING"=>{"Open"=>2, "Closed"=>7, "Attended"=>3}}
I chose to compute the values of "Total" as a separate (second) step, to both simplify the calculations and facilitate testing. If desired, however, one could modify the code above to compute the desired hash in a single pass through the elements of h (as #engineersmnky did) as follows.
h.each_with_object({}) do |((status, dept), v), g|
g.update(dept=>{ status=>v, "Total"=>v }) do |_k,o,n|
n["Total"] += o["Total"]
Here is a second way to perform the calculation, using Enumerable#group_by.
h.group_by { |(status, dept), _v| dept }
.transform_values do |arr|
arr.each_with_object({ "Total"=>0 }) do |((status, _dept), v), g|
g.update(status=>v, "Total"=>g["Total"] + v)
#=> {"BROWSER"=>{"Total"=>11, "Open"=>2, "Attended"=>8, "Closed"=>1},
# "MARKETING"=>{"Total"=>8, "Open"=>5, "Closed"=>1, "Served"=>2},
# "MONITORING"=>{"Total"=>12, "Open"=>2, "Closed"=>7, "Attended"=>3}}
Note the intermediate calculation.
h.group_by { |(status, dept), _v| dept }
#=> { "BROWSER"=>[
# [["Open", "BROWSER"], 2], [["Attended", "BROWSER"], 8],
# [["Closed", "BROWSER"], 1]
# ],
# [["Open", "MARKETING"], 5], [["Closed", "MARKETING"], 1],
# [["Served", "MARKETING"], 2]
# ],
# [["Open", "MONITORING"], 2], [["Closed", "MONITORING"], 7],
# [["Attended", "MONITORING"], 3]
# ]
# }
You should be able to build this structure directly in the database using grouping sets. I'm assuming postgresql here (read more here but this should also work for other Databases.
.select(" as status_name, as department_name, count(*) as count")
.joins([assigned_user: :departament],:ticket_status)
.group("grouping sets ((,, (, ())")
.where("ticket_statuses.status = ?", 1)
You will get:
Count grouped by status/department
Count grouped by department
Total Count
But you will get it as instances of your model (Ticket).
Total Count will be the one with nil for status/department and grouped by department will be the ones with nil for status.
You can tweak the order or extract the values.

Any element in categories Highcharts widget be a link

I have bar chart with Highcharts widget in yii2 project. I want to create hyperlink the category names so that clicking on the label (not the bar) loads the URL in a new window. How can do it?
In Highcharts used label in option but when I use that I get syntax error.
$x = array("a", "b", "c");
$y = array_values(array(4, 2, 6));
echo Highcharts::widget([
'options' => [
'chart' => [
'type' => 'column',
'zoomType' => 'x',
'title' => [
'text' => 'Project chart',
'xAxis' => [
'categories' => $x,
'yAxis' => [
'title' => [
'text' => 'Count',
'series' => [
'type' => 'column',
'name' => 'p1',
'data' => $y,
I want to each element in $x be a link.
Please tell me what I should do in the code that I posted because they are javascript code and I can't properly use my own code.

Merge an array of hashes in Ruby and count the same key

I have some data in this format
"_id" => "20",
"value" => 1
}, {
"_id" => "19",
"value" => 1
}, {
"_id" => nil,
"value" => 8
}, {
"_id" => "27",
"value" => 1
}, {
"_id" => "25",
"value" => 3
}, {
"_id" => "28",
"value" => 1
I want to merge the same values with "_id" key and sum the "value" values.
Desire output
"_id" => "20",
"value" => 1
}, {
"_id" => "19",
"value" => 2
}, {
"_id" => nil,
"value" => 8
}, ...]
There is an elegant way to do this?
I have tried with two loops but I think that is not the best way to do it.
As with most things in Ruby, a trip to the Enumerable documentation turns up the group_by method which can help group things together by some arbitrary criteria. Combine that with something that does the sums and you get this:
v.group_by do |e|
e['_id'] do |id, list|
'_id' => id,
'value' => list.inject(0) { |sum, e| sum + e['value'] }
# => [{"_id"=>"20", "value"=>1}, {"_id"=>"19", "value"=>2}, {"_id"=>nil, "value"=>28},
# {"_id"=>"27", "value"=>1}, {"_id"=>"25", "value"=>3}, {"_id"=>"28", "value"=>1},
# {"_id"=>"23", "value"=>1}, {"_id"=>"16", "value"=>1}, {"_id"=>"18", "value"=>2},
# {"_id"=>"22", "value"=>2}]
arr = [{ "_id" => "20", "value" => 1 },
{ "_id" => "19", "value" => 1 },
{ "_id" => nil, "value" => 8 },
{ "_id" => "20", "value" => 1 },
{ "_id" => "25", "value" => 3 },
{ "_id" => "19", "value" => 1 },
h = arr.each_with_object( { |g,h| h[g["_id"]] += g["value"] }
#=> {"20"=>2, "19"=>2, nil=>8, "25"=>3}
If you instead want to return an array of hashes with unique values for "_id" and the values of "value" updated, you could first compute h above, then
arr.uniq { |g| g["_id"] }.map { |g| g.update("_id"=>h[g["_id"]]) }
#=> [{"_id"=>"20", "value"=>2}, {"_id"=>" 19", "value"=>2},
# {"_id"=>nil, "value"=>8}, {"_id"=>"25", "value"=>3}]
This uses the methods Array#uniq with a block, Enumerable#map and Hash#update (aka merge!).
Alternatively, you could write the following.
arr.each_with_object({}) { |g,h|
h.update(g["_id"]=>g) { |_,o,n| o.merge("value"=>o["value"]+n["value"]) } }.values
#=> [{"_id"=>"20", "value"=>2}, {"_id"=>" 19", "value"=>2},
# {"_id"=>nil, "value"=>8}, {"_id"=>"25", "value"=>3}]
Again, I've used Hash#update, but this time I have employed a block to determine the values of keys that are present in both hashes being merged. See also Enumerable#each_with_object and Hash#merge. Note that, as arguments, (k=>v) is shorthand for ({ k=>v }).

transform array of arrays in array of hash

array = [
[ 1, "name1" ],
[ 2, "name2" ],
[ 3, "name3" ],
[ 4, "name4" ]
I want to make this as an array of hashes like this:
array_hash = [{ "id" => 1, "name" => "name1" },
{ "id" => 2, "name" => "name2" },
{ "id" => 3, "name" => "name3" },
{ "id" => 4, "name" => "name4" }]
array = [
[ 1, "name1" ],
[ 2, "name2" ],
[ 3, "name3" ],
[ 4, "name4" ]
] { |e| ['id', 'name'].zip(e).to_h }
#⇒ [
# {"id"=>1, "name"=>"name1"},
# {"id"=>2, "name"=>"name2"},
# {"id"=>3, "name"=>"name3"},
# {"id"=>4, "name"=>"name4"}
# ]
The only interesting here is Enumerable#zip, that “merges” arrays.
I'd use: { |id, name| { 'id' => id, 'name' => name } }
#=> [{"id"=>1, "name"=>"name1"},
# {"id"=>2, "name"=>"name2"},
# {"id"=>3, "name"=>"name3"},
# {"id"=>4, "name"=>"name4"}]
The .to_h method is new to Ruby 2.x. Here is an alternative for anyone on 1.9.x or lower.
array = [[ 1, "name1" ], [ 2, "name2" ], [ 3, "name3" ], [ 4, "name4" ]]
array.inject([]) { |a, r| a << { id: r[0], name: r[1] } }

ActionController::Parameters - Permit method does not return parameters for nested attributes

I have a little problem. Can you tell me why permit method cannot return data_set_users_attributes and data_set_synch_agents_attributes in second example from code below? This is weird. All data looks fine, permit arguments too. Both parameters_hash are send from this same form and both permit data are created by this same function.
EDIT: I use Ruby 2.3.0 and rails 4.2.4
require 'rails/all'
# Params passes
_permit = [
"data_set_users_attributes" => [
"0" => [
"2015_09_09_15_21_50" => [
"data_set_synch_agents_attributes" => [
"0" => [
"2015_09_09_15_21_51" => [
parameters_hash = {
"action" => "create",
"commit" => "Save",
"controller" => "data_sets",
"data_set" => {
"configuration_id" => "",
"data_set_synch_agents_attributes" => {
"0" => {
"_destroy" => "false",
"max_idle_on_data_set" => "-1",
"synch_agent_id" => "1"
"2015_09_09_15_21_51" => {
"_destroy" => "",
"max_idle_on_data_set" => "-1",
"synch_agent_id" => "2"
"data_set_users_attributes" => {
"0" => {
"_destroy" => "false",
"send_alerts" => "1",
"user_id" => "1"
"2015_09_09_15_21_50" => {
"_destroy" => "",
"send_alerts" => "1",
"user_id" => "2"
"max_packages_on_server" => "",
"reports_synch_interval_min" => ""
params =
p params.require(:data_set).permit(_permit)
# Params not passes
_permit = [
"data_set_users_attributes" => [
"0" => [
"1" => [
"data_set_synch_agents_attributes" => [
"0" => [
"1" => [
parameters_hash = {
"action" => "create",
"commit" => "Save",
"controller" => "data_sets",
"data_set" => {
"configuration_id" => "",
"data_set_synch_agents_attributes" => {
"0" => {
"_destroy" => "false",
"max_idle_on_data_set" => "-1",
"synch_agent_id" => "1"
"1" => {
"_destroy" => "false",
"max_idle_on_data_set" => "-1",
"synch_agent_id" => "2"
"data_set_users_attributes" => {
"0" => {
"_destroy" => "false",
"send_alerts" => "1",
"user_id" => "1"
"1" => {
"_destroy" => "false",
"send_alerts" => "1",
"user_id" => "2"
"max_packages_on_server" => "",
"reports_synch_interval_min" => ""
params =
p params.require(:data_set).permit(_permit)
Any help will be appreciated.
Best regards
If I get it right, you need to try this:
data_set_synch_agents_attributes: [:synch_agent_id, :max_idle_on_data_set, :_destroy],
data_set_users_attributes: [:send_alerts, :user_id, :_destroy])
to get parameters for updating your model.
