Flash Builder iOS export release Error Invalid format versionLabel - ios

I have been releasing my App (Desktop, Android & iOS) until today. without any visible reason, I keep getting the same error message:
Error occurred while packaging the application:
Warning: Invalid format specified <versionLabel> tag. Ignoring its value.
I can release Desktop and Android packages but not iOS!
Logically, the error message is wrong.
I am working on Windows 10 and Flash Builder 4.7.
Please help!

I don't package for iOS but from a quick research of your problem...
If you are putting version number as etc then it must actually be only as : 1.2.3
From AIR 18 SDK onwards,
the value of versionLabel is mapped to CFBundleShortVersionString
the value of versionNumber is mapped to CFBundleVersion.
See Apple documentation : CFBundleShortVersionString and also CFBundleVersion
Pay attention to "The release version number is a string composed of three period-separated integers" and the warning "The value for this key is different from the value for CFBundleVersion"
(2) Try updating to the latest AIR SDK (sometimes these issues are already fixed in new version).

My issue is solved.
I removed the versionLabel value, then I tried to package again and I got the right error message:
Certificate expired.
From there onwards (make new certificate) I can package like before.


Failed to install the requested application [duplicate]

Yesterday, I've downloaded beta version of Xcode 11. After that, I've opened my project and tried to run with new Xcode. Unfortunately error has occurred with message:
Failed to install the requested application
Domain: NSPOSIXErrorDomain
Code: 22
Failure Reason: The application's CFBundleVersion is invalid.
Recovery Suggestion: Ensure your bundle contains a CFBundleVersion with a valid semantic version number.
I've closed beta version and tried to run again with latest stable version of Xcode (10.2.1), but the same error has occurred. I need to mention that before attempting to run a project with Xocde 11, it worked without any problems on Xcode 10. Nothing has been changed before and after running with beta Xcode.
What I've already tried:
I've removed Xcode 11 beta
I've cleaned my project and pulled it from latest branch
I've completely removed Xcode 10 from:
And then installed fresh stable version 10.2.1
I can run other projects which was not tested with Xcode 11 without any problems.
My last idea is to just reinstall macOS, but I would like to don't do it.
Edit: I’ve forgot to mention that application is working on physical iPhone XS.
There is a lot of misinformation in the answers here, so I wanted to provide an authoritative response.
The issue here is that the new version of CoreSimulator.framework with Xcode 11 beta does validation on CFBundleVersion that previous versions did not do. These checks are valid, and it does represent an issue in your application, but there's also a bug in how the checks were performed in Xcode 11 Beta 1 which compounds the issue.
First, fix the CFBundleVersion in your Info.plist. It should consist of only numbers and up to two periods (ie ##.[.##[.##]], eg: 12.4.2).
Second, after fixing CFBundleVersion, you need to killall -9 CoreSimulatorBridge because the old value is unfortunately cached in CoreSimulatorBridge, preventing it from recognizing the new value. This part was a bug, and it was addressed in Xcode 11 Beta 2.
Happened to me too, wasted almost an entire day scouting for possible causes.
The steps that finally fixed the problem and allowed me to install on simulator:
Quit Xcode and iOS Simulator
Remove /Library/Developer (the one from root), or rename it if you want to keep a backup
Relaunch Xcode, agree with the installation of command line tools
Continue work where you left over :)
Besides the steps mentioned in the question (fully uninstall Xcode 11, fully uninstall Xcode 10 and reinstall it afterwards), I also tried cloning the project in another location, circulating through all possible locations for derived data, installing other simulator runtimes and trying on those. None of them worked, luckily the console log app shown the path for the process that rejected the app bundle, it was one of the binaries installed by Xcode in /Library/Developer/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSimulator.framework.
Seems that Xcode 11 installed a newer version of the frameworks, and Xcode 10 was not overwriting them. Removing the whole /Library/Developer folder triggered the command line tools installation, which finally brought back the simulator runtime that properly worked in Xcode 10.
You gotta love the betas :)
I went to targets and found "Version" field is empty, just fill a number, for example 1.0
I had the same problem.
I find the Xcode 11 Beta Release Notes had explain it.
Bundles without a CFBundleVersion are invalid and can’t be properly installed on
devices or simulators. CoreSimulator now checks and rejects such bundles earlier in
the process with a clearer error message. (49892531)
And this link is the format of CFBundleVersion.
When I resolved this problem, I found out if having the CFBundleVersion problem when running App for the first time. Then it always has problem no matter whether the format is correct or not. So I restart the Xcode and the Simulator, and change the CFBundleVersion to a correct format, the App running correctly.
Combining Sgeven.Zheng and Cristik's answers.
Installing Xcode11 Beta installs a new version of CoreSimulator.framework with the following update:
"Bundles without a CFBundleVersion are invalid and can't be properly
installed on devices or simulators. CoreSimulator now checks and
rejects such bundles earlier in the process with a clearer error
message. (49892531)"
The following won't fix the issue:
Uninstalling Xcode11 Beta
Uninstalling and reinstalling Xcode 10
This is because CoreSimulator.framework is installed in /Library/Developer/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSimulator.framework, which is outside the Xcode.app bundle.
When re-installed, xcode10 detects that the currently installed version of CoreSimulator.framework is newer than what xcode10 would have installed, so it leaves it as-is.
Uninstall xcode11
Install Xcode 10 (No need to re-install if it's already installed)
Remove /Library/Developer/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSimulator.framework
Launch Xcode 10 and agree to install command line tools
Since this is not a "real" bug but is instead the intended behavior of Xcode11, steps will eventually need to be taken to ensure that apps are always built with a valid CFBundleVersion.
In my case, the "Build Version" field on my target was empty, I changed it to 1 and the app was able to install.
Hi I've resolved just now with this:
I had in my info.plist only this key:
... and so now all works adding this:
with the simulator that works again....
NOTE: without CFBundleVersion my app had worked perfectly on physical device!!!
It's a new feature in Xcode11.
In release note it said:
Bundles without a CFBundleVersion are invalid and can’t be properly installed on devices or simulators. CoreSimulator now checks and rejects such bundles earlier in the process with a clearer error message. (49892531)
You can:
Edit your CFBundleVersion by the style of this LINK
Reset your Xcode and simulator
Run again, you will see it works again
When you run app in simulator success, you can change back your CFBundleVersion again, you will found it still can work XD
If you get the following
running error.
(* see the attached screenshots below)
This is how you can to solve this issue.
Done in few steps.
Step 1) Go to your project navigator in Xcode.
find the info.plist then select it
Step 2) In the info.plist.
Select the (Bundle Version) field.
Change it is value to a single digit, from (4.0) to (4) instead.
by removing any decimal period.
Step 3) Add a * (Bundle versions string, short) below the (Bundle Version)
// Hint: Select the + sign to browse it if necessary .
Step 4) In the Value field (String), add the version, but with decimal period this time.
So if the (Bundle Version) is 4, make sure to add a period to it 4.0
See this picture for guidance.
Step 5) Build Succeed.
Happy Coding :-)
Adding onto this, I noticed that if your CFBundleVersion does not spec out to:
This key is a machine-readable string composed of one to three period-separated integers, such as 10.14.1. The string can only contain numeric characters (0-9) and periods. it will not build on simulator
In my case it was running the simulator/coresimulator version for 11 beta vs the one for 10.1 -> Killing and letting Xcode reopen the simulator solved the problem.
In my case, the Build Version field was empty. I added the value there but still it didn't work. I tried killall -9 CoreSimulatorBridge command and that also didn't help.
Finally when I checked the xml of the info.plist (Open as -> Source code), the CFBundleVersion key was not present and the version was displayed in the info.plist through CFBundleShortVersionString.
I just added the CFBundleVersion key as given below in the info.plist and it worked.
I hope it helps someone else too.
I ran into this same issue as well.
I didn't get so far as to trying some of the other options provided here, but I was able to get back to building for simulator by simply deleting the /DerivedData directory.
If you're unsure as to where to find it, simply do this:
Xcode -> Preferences -> Locations
and select the arrow next to the path for Derived Data
I was confronting this problem yesterday. The situation is that I pull my code from git and tried to compile, after that, I may not able to run my app on the simulator (Or archive app to submit to the app store, the version number has not been put into archive info list, no version information as 1.3.4(123)). The error message is CFbundleVersion is not correctly setup. My Xcode version is 11.4 (11E146).
so I tried following the method:
Fix the CFBundleVersion in your Info.plist.(setup correct version format, numbers or X.X.XX)
change the Bundle identifier, for instance, add a prefix address com.example to com.example.test. Then try to compile and install the app on the simulator. Right now, you could see the app can install normally.
Then change Bundle identifier to your original one, such as com.example. Then try again, you will see you could install the app on the simulator or archive normally.
In Xcode Version 12.0 beta 3 I was having continuous problem launching the Simulator. I tried all the above mentioned techniques. Nothing worked.
I solved by adding this property to the Info.plist:
Bundle version string (short) and
setting its value to 1.0
See Image Here
I faced a similar issue for hours, this is what actually worked for me.
Navigate to the Resources folder
Find Info.plist
Add a key-value pair: CFBundleShortVersionString:
Clean Build Folder
Clear Device Cache
Run and Build
After upgrade from Xcode 13.2.x to 13.4.x my app archive started to show in organizer in section "Other items" not in "iOS apps". Also in organizer app has empty version. Build to iPhone was working, build on simulator failed due to error, that I do not have CFBundleVersion in Info.plist - but I had it there. I had fixed number (not variable) and it is root of problem. I had to change static values to variables....
File Info.plist
// OLD incorrect
// NEW correct
File project.pbxproj
And additionally I had to add variables to file project.pbxproj to Release and Debug sections because I did not have it there. So with older Xcode it was working this way and versions was taken from Info.plist. Now it seems that source of true are variables from project.pbxproj but Apple have incorrect error messages because it is fail to say in error that CFBundleVersion is missing in Info.plist when it is there. Finally Xcode automatically deleted CFBundleVersion and CFBundleShortVersionString from Info.plist.
I have spent many many hours of finding out what is problem. I hate upgrading Xcode - nightmare, many hours always lost.

IOS new update versioning code error meaning?

i keep on receiving this email after sometime i upload my IOS new version IPA to ITunes. But i don't know what does it mean anymore. My build version current is been increase to "0.0.27" due to upload keep on failing me. My CFBundleShortVersionString also increase to 97 due to some mistake in previous upload numbering. But i still can't seem to upload my IOS update to Itunes. Im doing phonegap cross-platform mobile application. First version is successful on 14 February 2018, and upload by appsuploader. Any clue for what i miss will be appreciated.
Invalid Version - The build with the version “0.0.15” can’t be imported because a later version has been closed for new build submissions. Choose a different version number.
Invalid or Non-Increasing CFBundleShortVersionString - The value specified in the bundle's Info.plist file for the key CFBundleShortVersionString must be a string consisting of at most three dot-separated components, where each component is composed only of the digits 0 through 9. For example, any of the following are syntactically valid values for CFBundleShortVersionString: "1.0", "4.2.1", "3.46", "1.112.0"; whereas the following are all syntactically invalid: "", "GX5", "3.4.2b6", "2.6GM", "1.0 (Gold)", "-3.6". Additionally, each updated version of the same application must have a CFBundleShortVersionString that increases relative to that of the previous version that was actually made available for sale on the iTunes Store. For example, if a previously-available version had a CFBundleShortVersionString of "1.4", then any of the following would be acceptable as the next update: "1.4.1", "1.4.332", "1.5"; but all of the following (though syntactically valid) would be unacceptable: "1.4", "1.3", "1.3.9", "0.9". For more information about the CFBundleShortVersionString key and the Info.plist file, see Apple's Runtime Configuration Guidelines at http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/BPRuntimeConfig/index.html
Mark this as Resolve. It just an compilation conflict when selecting android and ios together. I compile the cross platform individually then can see the adobe phonegap build version is changing to latest. After that upload to ITunes and everything go smooth.

IOS Xcode Build Error

On building an App, I have received the following error:
Code Sign error: The file "YES" couldn't be opened because there is no
such file.: (null)
Steps that I have already taken to solve the issue:
Deleted [~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData]
Clean & Build
renewal of certificate, provisioning profile
See the picture below.
I don't know why this error is occurring and how can I fix it?
Further info, I am using Xcode Version 7.3.3 on Mac OS Version El Captain. I am developing for iOS Version IOS 9.3
You might have provided the "YES" as filename OR "YES" as value anywhere in your project. This is
not allowed since it is pre-reserved word.
So you need to have different name/value in your project.
Yes is a reserved word, try calling the class and file name YesFile.

Uploading an iOS app to the Apple AppStore

What I'm trying to do is upload an app as version 2.0.1 for the end users. I however get this error message:
ERROR ITMS-90478: "Invalid Version. The build with the version “2.7”
can’t be imported because a later version has been closed for new
build submissions. Choose a different version number."
ERROR ITMS-90062: "This bundle is invalid. The value for key
CFBundleShortVersionString [2.0.1] in the Info.plist file must contain
a higher version than that of the previously approved version [2.7]."
The is in the appstore now under version 1.4.3 and I'm trying to upload 2.0.1:
The iOS builds for 1.4.3 went up to 2.7 already though, is this going to be a problem if I want to be named 2.0.1 in the store?
This is what I've filled in for version and buildnumber right now:
I had the same experience. I made a build version higher than the previous loaded version.
You don't need to worry about the build number. Make your version as 2.7.1. It will eliminate both the errors. It worked for me.
Try the following.
Rest the build version to 1.0 and than try to upload.

Wrong Version Number submitted to apple

I've been trying to submit an app update with version 1.7.1 to the appstore.
When I do so I get this error on validation
This bundle is invalid. The key CFBundleShortVersionString in the Info.plist file must contain a higher version than that of the previously uploaded version.
While deleting my failed attempts in the organizer I noticed that the 1.7 update was submitted as version 17!
So the question is this.
Is there a way to fix this? Or am I stuck using versions greater than 17 now?
Now you should use version greater than 17. You shouldn't contact Apple for that issue.
