graphQL join on common column - join

how we can do data join on a common column in graphQL.
For example in SQL : Select and z.address where;
how is this managed by graphQL query.

How is this managed by GraphQL query?
The short answer: It's not (managed). You have to write it in your resolvers.
Your GraphQL schema is basically just a declaration of types that represent nodes, and fields that represent edges in a graph. GraphQL is the language to query this graph. At each edge in your schema, you write a function for how to get the data when the query traverses that edge. This function is called a "resolver", and you can put pretty much any code in your resolvers as long as it returns valid data. This means GraphQL is completely, absolutely database-independent. Your resolvers are responsible for talking to your database(s).
So when it comes to SQL, and joins, the concern of making the queries is entirely the responsibility of the API developer. GraphQL knows nothing about SQL or joins, so this is essentially custom logic for your application which you must write. It turns out that building SQL queries to resolve data for GraphQL queries is very difficult without running into problems like eagerly fetching too much data or the "N+1" problem.
Some tools in the open-source community have emerged to help solve this problem. Here are a couple I would recommend in the Node.js space:
DataLoader - A database-agnostic tool that batches queries and caches individual records.
Join Monster - A SQL-tailored tool for efficient data-retrieval and query batching. It examines each query and your schema and generates SQL queries dynamically.
Disclaimer: I'm a co-creator of Join Monster.


How to join tables in r2dbc?

In java reactor, r2dbc. I have two tables A, B. I also have repositories for them defined.
How can i get data made up of A join B?
I only come up with the following approach:
call from A and consequently in a loop call select from B.
But i want more efficient and reactive way. How to do it?
TL;DR: Using SQL.
Spring Data's DatabaseClient is an improved and reactive variant for R2DBC of what JdbcTemplate is for JDBC. It encapsulates various execution modes, resource management, and exception translation. Its fluent API select/insert/update/delete methods are suitable for simple and flat queries. Everything that goes beyond the provided API is subject to SQL usage.
That being said, the method you're looking for is DatabaseClient.execute(…):
DatabaseClient client = …;
client.execute("SELECT person.age, address.street FROM person INNER JOIN address ON person.address =");
The exact same goes for repository #Query methods.
Calling the database during result processing is a good way to lock up the entire result processing as results are fetched stream-wise. Issuing a query while not all results are fetched yet can exhaust the prefetch buffer of 128 or 256 items and cause your result stream to stuck. Additionally, you're creating an N+1 problem.

What is neo4j closest feature to sql stored functions?

I'm new to neo4j and graph databases in general.
Given a complex Cypher query, that I don't want to store inside the application (or several applications), but keep centralized, what options are left to me?
In a SQL database I would use a stored function. Are UDF function the way to go in neo4j?
From the docs it seems to me that they're more a way to extend the database functionality by being able to access the graph internals, but I've just started studying them.
Take a look at the custom functions and procedures available in the apoc library.
CALL apoc.custom.asProcedure('answer','RETURN 42 as answer')
CALL custom.answer() YIELD row RETURN row.answer

Support of expand command in breeze with the Mongo Library

Can someone tell me when the expand command in breeze will be available in combination with MongoDB?
Kind regards
The EntityQuery 'expand' function is not likely to be implemented for MongoDB because 'expand' conceptually requires a 'join' which is a feature that Mongo does not implement.
However, the idea within MongoDB is that an object's children ( or relations if you are coming from a relational background) are actually stored and returned with the parents. From a breeze perspective this means that we treat all of these related children objects as complex objects that are automatically returned when you query the parent. In other words, all of the "expands" that you are likely to want are automatically part of the results of your queries.
The only problem occurs when you actually try to use MongoDB in a relational manner, i.e. where you store the ID of an object in one collection as a property of an object in another collection. From a MongoDB ( and breeze) perspective this would mean you would need to perform another query to get this related data.
We did think about translating breeze 'expand's into a series of nested queries but it really does go against the "MongoDB" mindset and the performance of such queries can be terrible. ... and we weren't sure that it would be that useful or desirable to the majority of MongoDB developers.
In general, if this occurs a lot in your data, then MongoDB is probably not the right database to use, because you will end up manually "joining" your data, which is a very tedious process in Mongo. This is one of the cases where a relational database really is a better choice.

In Lucene/Solr what is the difference between Join and BlockJoin?

Join is described as pseudo-Join, because it's more equivalent to an SQL inner-query.
Whereas BlockJoin is described as more like a SQL join but requiring a sophisticated indexing schema, one that anticipates all the possible joins you'd want to make.
Could someone explain the difference between these features in terms of how to implement them at index time and query time. And what are the implications for performance?
I don't think blockjoinquery is a Solr function. I think its Lucene feature.
The solr join doesn't score documents in the from query and it doesn't return combined results. So its best used as a filter query. This will allow the main score.
Block join on the other hand does use scoring and returns both results.( not 100% sure)
You can also use querytime join. This has serval scoring options. This is also a lucene feature but doesn't require special indexing blocks. I've used this in combination with a solr query parser plugin. The performance is a bit lower then blockjoin but it Works.
I have only used solr join and querytimejoin So I can't really say much about blockjoin.
As I understand, BlockJoin is for joining against nested/child documents within the same core. Join is for joining against a separate core.

SOLR : joining from separate indices

Is there a good way to join data from SOLR indices ? Of course, I assume server side support for this is limited, but i want to do it client side (right now, im manually doing this in java, using hashmaps and loops .... Im assuming there might be a better way to combine data from different indices).
If with join you mean relational joining a la SQL, then no.
If with join you mean merging then server side support is far from limited.
What you are looking for is index sharding.
This is not "fast" since searches are distributed and then merged, but it scales really well.
Give a read to the following articles:
