SOLR : joining from separate indices - join

Is there a good way to join data from SOLR indices ? Of course, I assume server side support for this is limited, but i want to do it client side (right now, im manually doing this in java, using hashmaps and loops .... Im assuming there might be a better way to combine data from different indices).

If with join you mean relational joining a la SQL, then no.
If with join you mean merging then server side support is far from limited.
What you are looking for is index sharding.
This is not "fast" since searches are distributed and then merged, but it scales really well.
Give a read to the following articles:


How to run complex queries in Tarantool

I've always worked with relational DBs and recently decided to migrate a performance-critial service from SQL Server to Tarantool with a hope to take advantage of the fast in-memory search and processing. I've got a couple of questions while planning for the migration.
I've got a table with about one million records containing pricing information which means I'm dealing mostly with numbers and uuids. First, I need to run a select containing multiple conditions to get a subset of the data, like
SELECT * FROM rates WHERE SupplierId = #SupplierId AND ProductId = #ProductId AND (LocalDistributionZoneId = #LocalDistributionZoneId OR LocalDistributionZoneId IS NULL)
Q1: What is the strategy of running such a query in Lua? Do I create an index for each field in the predicate or I can go along with one secondary composite index?
Q2: Will it be more covenient to run such a query in SQL (box.sql.execute) rather than in pure Lua? Will it be considerably slower than running the same query in pure Lua?
Q3: If I use SQL, is it possible to review the execusion plan to make sure that the query I run really uses the indexes I've defined in the space?
Ok, after I've get the results from the first query I need to analyse the data and then based on the results of analysis, run one more query on the dataset returned by the first query.
Q4: Can Tarantool help me in dealing with the intermediate dataset? More specifically, may I somehow run more queries against the intermediate subset of tuples leveraging the indexes created in the space? Or, I would need to implement alternative strategies like re-add the intrim results to a temporary space with pre-defined indexes and then do another select, or implement further search myself?
Thank you!
Don't. Use SQL, it's faster: it doesn't create garbage collected objects for intermediate execution results.
Yes, please use our SQL features for that.
Use EXPLAIN statement.
I don't know what you exactly mean by "help". You could try to whatever strategy works best: create a more complex query, save the original query in a view to use in the resulting query, create a temporary table and work with it. To give more details let's look if the execution plan Tarantool chooses is good enough or you have to manually optimize it.

graphQL join on common column

how we can do data join on a common column in graphQL.
For example in SQL : Select and z.address where;
how is this managed by graphQL query.
How is this managed by GraphQL query?
The short answer: It's not (managed). You have to write it in your resolvers.
Your GraphQL schema is basically just a declaration of types that represent nodes, and fields that represent edges in a graph. GraphQL is the language to query this graph. At each edge in your schema, you write a function for how to get the data when the query traverses that edge. This function is called a "resolver", and you can put pretty much any code in your resolvers as long as it returns valid data. This means GraphQL is completely, absolutely database-independent. Your resolvers are responsible for talking to your database(s).
So when it comes to SQL, and joins, the concern of making the queries is entirely the responsibility of the API developer. GraphQL knows nothing about SQL or joins, so this is essentially custom logic for your application which you must write. It turns out that building SQL queries to resolve data for GraphQL queries is very difficult without running into problems like eagerly fetching too much data or the "N+1" problem.
Some tools in the open-source community have emerged to help solve this problem. Here are a couple I would recommend in the Node.js space:
DataLoader - A database-agnostic tool that batches queries and caches individual records.
Join Monster - A SQL-tailored tool for efficient data-retrieval and query batching. It examines each query and your schema and generates SQL queries dynamically.
Disclaimer: I'm a co-creator of Join Monster.

How to improve the performance in big table join?

Please help me out with this big data problem.
I have a very large table (500G) that stores cookie information collected from one website, and I try to provide service to many other clients. For each client, they have their cookies, so in the end I need to do query on 500G+300G(client_data).
Since some query use both my cookie data and client cookie data, it is possible that I need to do a join between my table and their table, therefore the performance is bad. To solve this problem, I put the entire 800GB data into a giant table. Since there is no join table, the performance is good. But when I expand my service to multiple client, it takes too much storage.
Current I am using Vertica as my data source, and use bitmap to store my information.
Any suggestion that can maintain my current performance but also support like 40 cients? My storage is about 12 TB and each client in current solution talkes 1.5T.
what I want is either a replacement of Vertica with can support bitmap operation and quick table join. Or a better way to represent my data.
My storage is about 12 TB and each client in current solution talkes 1.5T.
If you have 40 * 1.5TB worth of non-duplicated cookie data to store, there's no magic to make that fit into 12TB.
This will be an imprecise answer due to the lack of details about definitions, etc. But I would add the following about performance:
Look at your projection definitions. You may be able to get performance gains depending on what you put in the order by clause of the projection.
You have a few ways forward, depending on the specifics of your case. Point 1 and 3 are the easiest to deal with:
You can properly set projections, to make sure that both tables are identically segmented:
You can set up pre join projections, where the join cost is paid during data load, not during data retrieval, see
Make sure that your data type is the best possible. Matching on ints is faster than matching on strings, matching columns with low cardinality is faster than matching columns with high cardinality.
If 1 and 3 are well set, Vertica can actually apply filters before decompression, fastening a lot your query and thus using a lot less memory.

What is the default MapReduce join used by Apache Hive?

What is the default MapReduce join algorithm implemented by Hive? Is it a Map-Side Join, Reduce-Side, Broadcast-Join, etc.?
It is not specified in the original paper nor the Hive wiki on joins:
The 'default' join would be the shuffle join, aka. as common-join. See It relies on M/R shuffle to partition the data and the join is done on the Reduce side. As is a size-of-data copy during the shuffle, it is slow.
A much better option is the MapJoin, see This works if you have only one big table and one or more small tables to join against (eg. typical star schema). The small tables are scanned first, a hash table is built and uploaded into the HDFS cache and then the M/R job is launched which only needs to split one table (the big table). Is much more efficient than shuffle join, but requires the small table(s) to fit in memory of the M/R map tasks. Normally Hive (at least since 0.11) will try to use MapJoin, but it depends on your configs.
A specialized join is the bucket-sort-merge join, aka. SMBJoin, see This works if you have 2 big tables that match the bucketing on the join key. The M/R job splits then can be arranged so that a map task gest only splits form the two big tables that are guaranteed to over overlap on the join key so the map task can use a hash table to do the join.
There are more details, like skew join support and fallback in out-of-memory conditions, but this should probably get you started into investigating your needs.
A very good presentation on the subject of joins is Join Strategies in Hive. Keep in mind that things evolve fast an a presentaiton from 2011 is a bit outdated.
Do an explain on the Hive query and you can see the execution plan.

In Lucene/Solr what is the difference between Join and BlockJoin?

Join is described as pseudo-Join, because it's more equivalent to an SQL inner-query.
Whereas BlockJoin is described as more like a SQL join but requiring a sophisticated indexing schema, one that anticipates all the possible joins you'd want to make.
Could someone explain the difference between these features in terms of how to implement them at index time and query time. And what are the implications for performance?
I don't think blockjoinquery is a Solr function. I think its Lucene feature.
The solr join doesn't score documents in the from query and it doesn't return combined results. So its best used as a filter query. This will allow the main score.
Block join on the other hand does use scoring and returns both results.( not 100% sure)
You can also use querytime join. This has serval scoring options. This is also a lucene feature but doesn't require special indexing blocks. I've used this in combination with a solr query parser plugin. The performance is a bit lower then blockjoin but it Works.
I have only used solr join and querytimejoin So I can't really say much about blockjoin.
As I understand, BlockJoin is for joining against nested/child documents within the same core. Join is for joining against a separate core.
