I am slightly confused about the difference between UglifyjsWebpackPlugin and UglifyJsPlugin.
Webpack 2 documentation talks about both of them in separate pages -
1. https://webpack.js.org/guides/production-build/#minification
2. https://webpack.js.org/plugins/uglifyjs-webpack-plugin/
Second link also talks about dependency on git://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2#harmony for ES6 minification target.
Which one should I use in production (react app).
UglifyJsPlugin is baked into webpack2 and uses that version of uglify-js that comes with webpack you use. So you can't change it's version without changing the webpack you use (in the current master branch of webpack2 uglify-js is ^2.x.x).
UglifyjsWebpackPlugin uses that version of uglify-js that comes with your project (so you may install any version, stable or unstable, harmony or not).
Sources of 1 and 2 are very close.
From webpack2 documentation:
Note that webpack contains the same plugin under webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin. This is a standalone version for those that want to control the version of UglifyJS.
Which one should I use in production (react app)?
In production you may try using baked in UglifyJsPlugin as long as you transpile ES6 to something this plugin accepts.
Or there is also Babili — a babel based minifier ready for ES6+ (beta).
I work in a completely air-gapped environment in which I would love to use Ruby on Rails. I have the ability to cache dependencies for offline use in Nexus. The problem I'm having is that after I've cached all my dependencies for Rails 6 (including the NodeJS ones), node-sass is unable to install because it attempts to download a file from GitHub.
I'm completely fine without using a CSS pre-processor, and would much rather deal with vanilla CSS than deal with this dependency headache. Is it possible to disable just Sass support when creating a new Rails app? I'm able to use --skip-javascript to disable all javascript support, but since all the other dependencies are able to be installed, it would be a shame to have to disable them just because node-sass can't be installed offline. Is there an option like that for Sass?
I'm aware I could manually copy the .node file from the GitHub release page, however, I'm trying to make this process as minimalistic and automatable as possible.
I'm working with Fedora Linux if that's relevant.
Any help is appreciated.
Yes, I think --skip-sprockets option will disable Sass. You can also disable webpacker using --skip-javascript.
You may try below command.
rails new green-forest -S -J
I am using ASP.Net MVC 5 and also taking advantage of WebEssentials LESS and bundle features.
WebEssentials is setup to create minified css and js files on save. This is a feature I want because I can monitor the output and it lowers the application startup time (not using Asp.Net MVC bundles).
How can I automatically get my app to use the minified version of the files when it is deployed without having to manually change the file names?
So, for example, from:
<link href="somestyles.css" .. >
<link href="somestyles-min.css" .. >
I did read that I could combine WebEssentials and Asp.Net MVC Bundles, providing I disabled the minification option in Asp.Net MVC Bundles. This would then substitute the MIN files in production (web.config [debug="false"]).
Is this my only option or is there a better way to achieve this?
This is definitely not the only way. Another way would be to completely disconnect all Microsoft-based tools (ie bundling, web essentials, etc) and use a Javascript Task Runner. Then the compiling of supersets and pre-processers, minification and whatever other front-end heavy lifting can be in one place. It can also be based on the environment.
So let's address some of your specific concerns.
Task running in the flavor of nodejs and gulp
Download nodejs
After downloading, open up a command prompt and navigate to your project source. For example:
cd "C:\Users\beloud\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\YourProject"
Initialize a node project by running npm init. This will ask you a bunch of questions about your project. After completion, it will create a file, package.json, which will track your node dependencies and project details.
Now we need to install a few packages. In the command prompt, enter the following commands:
npm install gulp -g
npm install gulp --save-dev
npm install gulp-less --save-dev
npm install gulp-minify-css --save-dev
npm install gulp-if --save-dev
We install gulp globally, so we can use it anywhere (it will add a path for you). Then we install a handful of packages locally to our project that will be doing that actual work (minifying, processing, etc).
Create a file in the same directory as your package.json named gulpfile.js.
Now we need to create our actual tasks. In gulpfile.js, add the following:
//these are the modules that we'll be using in our task
var gulp = require('gulp'),
less = require('gulp-less'),
gulpif = require('gulp-if'),
minifycss = require('gulp-minify-css');
var isDebug = true; // I usually have a config.js file that has this and some handy static paths that I'll be referencing regularly. Then I just require it above.
gulp.task('default', function() {
return gulp.src('Content/less/**/*.less')
.pipe(gulpif(isDebug === false, minifycss())) //the first argument is the condition, the second is the method to call if the condition is true
Run gulp in command prompt. That will run the default task. Basically, it will look for any less files in all directories under Content/less, compile them to css, minify them if isDebug is false and output it to Content/css.
Let's make it a little bit more awesome by adding a watch. Add the following to gulpfile.js:
gulp.task('watch', function() {
// Watch .less files
gulp.watch('Content/less/**/*.less', ['default']);
Upon running gulp, the task will stay alive until manually terminated. It will watch for changes made to any less file in Content/less and will re-run the task upon saved changes.
Now, you just need to include the name of the css file as it will remain the same, regardless of the environment.
This is a very basic example of using a task runner to achieve what you're trying to do. You can do a whole lot more with nodejs, gulp and everything else I've referenced. I would personally suggest this because, it is way more powerful than the one-off tools you're currently using and Visual Studio 2015 is already heavily relying on this new methodology so you'll most likely have to learn this anyways.
You can learn more by following this really amazing tutorial, Getting started with gulp, by Mark Goodyear.
Grunt (and gulp) support is added in the next Visual studio. This is the javascript developers tools for doing the same thing - bundling for production.
Grunt can create a build version that is not minified for testing but minified for production. I might take some more time and effort but it is the future instead of the MS try they did with bundling. You can already use grunt if you have Node.js installed and be ready for the future.
There is plenty of getting started resource out there. See also Introducing Gulp, Grunt, Bower, and npm support for Visual Studio
Is this my only option or is there a better way to achieve this?
It's not your only option, but since you are working in the realm of MVC it's one of the better options. Since it is designed to be leveraged at different levels, such as individual pages as well as layouts, it will take care of generating the appropriate link.
In general, I would recommend you use a server side bundling framework oriented to MVC so that it can handle the link generation and gives you an intuitive API.
SquishIt is an open-source framework that integrates well with MVC, and is also capable of being switched based on criteria such as a debug flag to generate the original source versus minified versions.
Both SquishIt and the new builtin MVC bundles are fairly similar in terms of what they are meant to accomplish.
How should I go about integrating my Dart application, into my rails application.
I'm having a hard time with the whole, 'packages' structure that has to exist on every directory.
Because the subdirectories reference the root using an alias, rails is not serving them even though all of this is in the 'public' folder
Excuse me for reviving, but you may try https://github.com/m0gg/dart-rails
It's targeting to simplifiy usage of Dart in Rails applications with automatic dart2js and pulling in dependencies by pub with a rake-task.
If you run pub build --mode=debug the build directory contains the application without symlinks.
The Dart code should be retained when --mode=debug is used.
Here is some discussion going on about this topic too Dart and it's place in Rails Assets Pipeline
I recently installed SpringSource Tool Suite. And I want to start working with Grails projects. So, I went to the Dashboard -> Extension, where I saw two extensions: Grails (current production release) and Grails Support as in the image below.
But when I try to install them, I get the following errors :
Problems occurred while performing installation: Operation details
Operation details
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software currently installed: Shared profile (SharedProfile_com.springsource.sts.ide
Missing requirement: Shared profile (SharedProfile_com.springsource.sts.ide requires 'org.maven.ide.eclipse []' but it could not be found
What can I do to resolve this error ? Or are there any other options I can follow to install Grails extension?
Thank you!
I would switch to the new "Groovy/Grails Tool Suite" that was recently announced (see http://www.springsource.org/node/3582). Go to the standard download page at http://www.springsource.org/downloads/sts and click "Other Downloads >". Download the version for your OS under "Milestone Version - Groovy/Grails Tool Suite 3.0.0.M2".
It is a beta/milestone release but I've been using it since it was released and it's as stable as a final release so far. It's convenient since the Groovy-Eclipse plugin and the Grails support are already configured for you, in addition to the latest Grails (2.0.4). Any other plugins that you need from the standard STS can always be installed using the standard install/update procedure.
Yes, what #BurtBeckwith said. You should move to the new GGTS.
However, to address your particular problem, you installed STS into a read-only directory (or in C:\Program files). You need to re-install it somewhere else.
The Eclipse p2 installer cannot handle installing feature patches into a read-only directory. Groovy-Eclipse ships with a feature patch to extend the JDT compiler. I believe that this problem was fixed in the Juno release of Eclipse (4.2), which came out last week.
Deleting corresponding application from Windows memory removed the problem (Grails extension in SpringSource Tool Suite errors). Double running applications (earlier and new) could also be reason why GGS or STS sometimes cannot save .groovy files (with error message or without).
Here is a scenario. I have a Grails application that depends on multiple plugins.
Say App depends on pluginMain, pluginA and pluginB. i.e the application.properties looks like
pluginMain version1
pluginA versionX
pluginB versionX
pluginB is a custom plugin written by me.
pluginA is a 3rd party plugin. I dont have control over the source code.
both pluginA and pluginB depend on pluginMain.
So when the application loads, depending on the load order of these plugins, Each of pluginA and pluginB try to install pluginMain. The problem is if pluginA loads first it installs version2 of pluginMain and if pluginB loads first then it installs version1 of pluginMain. The app is using version1 of pluginMain. In this case both versions of the pluginMain are installed.
due to multiple versions, the app blows up after starting up. To be precise, it leads to infinite redirects on the login page.
So I was wondering if there is way to specify the load order of the plugins, so that in the app I can say load pluginMain version 1. and all the remaining plugins would use this version of pluginMain.
You may be able to force your app to use the desired plugin version in configuration.
Plugin Dependencies
I had a similar situation but wound up just updating my custom plugins to use the newer version of the depended-on plugin.