f# query with equations - f#

I am working on some code where I need to use an f# query to sum a list.
For anyone who is working on f# basics, here's a handy link: https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/fsharp/
So far, I have code that prints a statement for a sum of the square of 5 numbers.
So far, this correctly displays 3000 as the sum of the squares of each list. 'numbers' will be used for the query.
let square x = x * x
let numbers = [10.0; 20.0; 30.0; 40.0]
let sumOfSquare2 =
[10.0; 20.0; 30.0; 40.0]
|> List.map square
|> List.sum
printfn "Sum of square: %A" (sumOfSquare2)
let sumOfSquare =
List.sum ( List.map square [10.0; 20.0; 30.0; 40.0] )
printfn "Sum of square: %A" (sumOfSquare)
At the moment, I'm a little stuck on how to correctly use the 'square' function after the query.
// A query expression.
let query1 =
query {
for number in numbers do
select (number)
|> square query
printfn "Query sum of squares: %A" (query1)
So how do I correctly present this? 'query' itself works (when using printfn on query) but when trying to pipeline the square function to query, it doesn't compile.

It will be basically the same code you used with the list, but since the query returns a seq use Seq.map instead of List.map:
// A query expression.
let query1 =
query {
for number in numbers do
select (number)
|> Seq.map square
printfn "Query sum of squares: %A" (query1)
Note that your query does not transform anything, but I think you did like this as an example.

Kindly note that, the query returns a sequence which you can iterate and then do your operation
// Print results of a query
|> Seq.map (fun customer -> printfn "Company: %s Contact: %s" customer.CompanyName customer.ContactName)
You can use it like:
query1 |> Seq.map (fun e -> square(e)) |> Seq.sum
Full Source Code
open System
// your code goes here
let square x = x * x
let numbers = [10.0; 20.0; 30.0; 40.0]
let query1 =
query {
for number in numbers do
select (number)
} |> Seq.map square |> Seq.sum
Console.WriteLine(sprintf "%A" query1);
Try it
To learn more about the query, please go to https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/articles/fsharp/language-reference/query-expressions

F# supports summing within the query, so you can just do this to get the sum of the squares:
query {
for num in numbers do
sumBy (square num)


Trying to filter out values in a sequence that are not in another sequence

I am trying to filter out values from a sequence, that are not in another sequence. I was pretty sure my code worked, but it is taking a long time to run on my computer and because of this I am not sure, so I am here to see what the community thinks.
Code is below:
let statezip =
|> Seq.map (fun row -> row.State)
|> Seq.distinct
type State = State of string
let unwrapstate (State s) = s
let neededstates (row:StateCsv) = Seq.contains (unwrapstate row.State) statezip
I am filtering by the neededstates function. Is there something wrong with the way I am doing this?
let datafilter =
|> Seq.map (fun row -> row.State,row.Income,row.Family)
|> Seq.filter neededstates
|> List.ofSeq
I believe that it should filter the sequence by the values that are true, since neededstates function is a bool. StateCsv and StateCsv1 have the same exact structure, although from different years.
Evaluation of contains on sequences and lists can be slow. For a case where you want to check for the existence of an element in a collection, the F# Set type is ideal. You can convert your sequences to sets using Set.ofSeq, and then run the logic over the sets instead. The following example uses the numbers from 1 to 10000 and then uses both sequences and sets to filter the result to only the odd numbers by checking that the values are not in a collection of even numbers.
Using Sequences:
let numberSeq = {0..10000}
let evenNumberSeq = seq { for n in numberSeq do if (n % 2 = 0) then yield n }
numberSeq |> Seq.filter (fun n -> evenNumberSeq |> Seq.contains n |> not) |> Seq.toList
This runs in about 1.9 seconds for me.
Using sets:
let numberSet = numberSeq |> Set.ofSeq
let evenNumberSet = evenNumberSeq |> Set.ofSeq
numberSet |> Set.filter (fun n -> evenNumberSet |> Set.contains n |> not)
This runs in only 0.005 seconds. Hopefully you can materialize your sequences to sets before performing your contains operation, thereby getting this level of speedup.

F#: Testing whether two strings are anagrams

I am new to programming and F# is my first language.
Here is my code:
let areAnagrams (firstString: string) (secondString: string) =
let countCharacters (someString: string) =
someString.ToLower().ToCharArray() |> Array.toSeq
|> Seq.countBy (fun eachChar -> eachChar)
|> Seq.sortBy (snd >> (~-))
countCharacters firstString = countCharacters secondString
let testString1 = "Laity"
let testString2 = "Italy"
printfn "It is %b that %s and %s are anagrams." (areAnagrams testString1 testString2) (testString1) (testString2)
This is the output:
It is false that Laity and Italy are anagrams.
What went wrong? What changes should I make?
Your implementation of countCharacters sorts the tuples just using the second element (the number of occurrences for each character), but if there are multiple characters that appear the same number of times, then the order is not defined.
If you run the countCharacters function on your two samples, you can see the problem:
> countCharacters "Laity";;
val it : seq<char * int> = seq [('l', 1); ('a', 1); ('i', 1); ('t', 1); ...]
> countCharacters "Italy";;
val it : seq<char * int> = seq [('i', 1); ('t', 1); ('a', 1); ('l', 1); ...]
One solution is to just use Seq.sort and sort the tuples using both the letter code and the number of occurrences.
The other problem is that you are comparing two seq<_> values and this does not use structural comparison, so you'll need to turn the result into a list or an array (something that is fully evaluated):
let countCharacters (someString: string) =
|> Seq.countBy (fun eachChar -> eachChar)
|> Seq.sort
|> List.ofSeq
Note that you do not actually need Seq.countBy - because if you just sort all the characters, it will work equally well (the repeated characters will just be one after another). So you could use just:
let countCharacters (someString: string) =
someString.ToLower() |> Seq.sort |> List.ofSeq
Sorting the characters of the two strings gives you an easy solution but this could be a good example of recursion.
You can immediately exclude strings of different length.
You can also filter out all the occurrences of a char per iteration, by replacing them with an empty string.
let rec areAnagram (x:string) (y:string) =
if x.Lenght <> t.Lenght
then false else
if x.Lenght = 0
then true else
let reply = x.[0].ToString ()
(x.Replace (reply,""))
(y.Replace (reply,""))
The above should be faster than sorting for many use cases.
Anyway we can go further and transform it into a fast Integer Sorting without recursion and string replacements
let inline charToInt c =
int c - int '0'
let singlePassAnagram (x:string) =
let hash : int array = Array.zeroCreate 100
x |> Seq.iter (fun c->
hash.[charToInt c] <- (hash.[charToInt c]+1)
let areAnagramsFast
(x:string) (y:string) =
if x.Length <> y.Length
then false else
(singlePassAnagram x) =
(singlePassAnagram y)
Here is a fiddle

Joining two lists of records and calculating a result

I have two lists of records with the following types:
type AverageTempType = {Date: System.DateTime; Year: int64; Month: int64; AverageTemp: float}
type DailyTempType = {Date: System.DateTime; Year: int64; Month: int64; Day: int64; DailyTemp: float}
I want to get a new list which is made up of the DailyTempType "joined" with the AverageTempType. Ultimately though for each daily record I want the Daily Temp - Average temp for the matching month.
I think I can do this with loops as per below and massage this into a reasonable output:
let MatchLoop =
for i in DailyData do
for j in AverageData do
if (i.Year = j.Year && i.Month = j.Month)
then printfn "%A %A %A %A %A" i.Year i.Month i.Day i.DailyTemp j.Average
else printfn "NOMATCH"
I have also try to do this with matching but I can't quite get there (I'm not sure how to define the list correctly in the input type and then iterate to get a result. Also I'm not sure sure if this approach even makes sense):
let MatchPattern (x:DailyTempType) (y:AverageTempType) =
match (x,y) with
|(x,y) when (x.Year = y.Year && x.Month = y.Month) ->
printfn "match"
|(_,_) -> printfn "nomatch"
I have looked into Deedle which I think can do this relatively easily but I am keen to understand how to do it a lower level.
What you can do is to create a map of the monthly average data. You can think of a map as a read-only dictionary:
let averageDataMap =
|> Seq.map (fun x -> ((x.Year, x.Month), x))
|> Map.ofSeq
This particular map is a Map<(int64 * int64), AverageTempType>, which, in plainer words, means that the keys into the map are tuples of year and month, and the value associated with each key is an AverageTempType record.
This enables you to find all the matching month data, based on the daily data:
let matches =
|> Seq.map (fun x -> (x, averageDataMap |> Map.tryFind (x.Year, x.Month)))
Here, matches has the data type seq<DailyTempType * AverageTempType option>. Again, in plainer words, this is a sequence of tuples, where the first element of each tuple is the original daily observation, and the second element is the corresponding monthly average, if a match was found, or None if no matching monthly average was found.
If you want to print the values as in the OP, you can do this:
|> Seq.map snd
|> Seq.map (function | Some _ -> "Match" | None -> "No match")
|> Seq.iter (printfn "%s")
This expression starts with the matches; then pulls out the second element of each tuple; then again maps a Some value to the string "Match", and a None value to the string "No match"; and finally prints each string.
I would convert first AverageTempType seq to a Map (reducing cost of join):
let toMap (avg:AverageTempType seq) = avg |> Seq.groupBy(fun a -> a.Year + a.Month) |> Map.ofSeq
Then you can join and return an option, so consuming code can do whatever you want (print, store, error, etc.):
let join (avg:AverageTempType seq) (dly:DailyTempType seq) =
let avgMap = toMap avg
dly |> Seq.map (fun d -> d.Year, d.Month, d.Day, d.DailyTemp, Map.tryFind (d.Year + d.Month) avgMap);;

F# How to Count Number of elements in a list that match some criteria?

I am prototyping how I am going to handle Double.NaN values in an F# array, and the first step, trying to simply count how many there are, has me stumped. The value "howMany" comes back as zero in my code, but I know there are 2, because I set 2 value to be Double.NaN. Can anyone point out what I am missing? Thanks!
let rnd = new System.Random()
let fakeAlphas = Array.init 10 (fun _ -> rnd.NextDouble());;
fakeAlphas.[0] <- Double.NaN;
fakeAlphas.[1] <- Double.NaN;
let countNA arr = arr |> Array.filter (fun x -> x = Double.NaN) |> Array.length;;
let howMany = countNA fakeAlphas;;
To answer the general question in the title:
let HowManySatisfy pred = Seq.filter pred >> Seq.length
for example
let nums = [1;2;3;4;5]
let countEvens = nums |> HowManySatisfy (fun n -> n%2=0)
printfn "%d" countEvens
Double.NaN = n is false for all n. See the MSDN page for Double.NaN.
Instead use Double.IsNaN. See the MSDN page for more information.
I think you need to use the Double.IsNan method. So your filter function would be:
(fun x -> Double.IsNan x)
I believe the issue is that NaN never equals anything -- even another NaN!

F# Basics: Folding 2 lists together into a string

a little rusty from my Scheme days, I'd like to take 2 lists: one of numbers and one of strings, and fold them together into a single string where each pair is written like "{(ushort)5, "bla bla bla"},\n". I have most of it, i'm just not sure how to write the Fold properly:
let splitter = [|","|]
let indexes =
indexStr.Split(splitter, System.StringSplitOptions.None) |> Seq.toList
let values =
valueStr.Split(splitter, System.StringSplitOptions.None) |> Seq.toList
let pairs = List.zip indexes values
printfn "%A" pairs
let result = pairs |> Seq.fold
(fun acc a -> String.Format("{0}, \{(ushort){1}, \"{2}\"\}\n",
acc, (List.nth a 0), (List.nth a 1)))
Your missing two things. The initial state of the fold which is an empty string and you can't use list comprehension on tuples in F#.
let splitter = [|","|]
let indexes =
indexStr.Split(splitter, System.StringSplitOptions.None) |> Seq.toList
let values =
valueStr.Split(splitter, System.StringSplitOptions.None) |> Seq.toList
let pairs = List.zip indexes values
printfn "%A" pairs
let result =
|> Seq.fold (fun acc (index, value) ->
String.Format("{0}{{(ushort){1}, \"{2}\"}},\n", acc, index, value)) ""
fold2 version
let result =
(fun acc index value ->
String.Format("{0}{{(ushort){1}, \"{2}\"}},\n", acc, index, value))
If you are concerned with speed you may want to use string builder since it doesn't create a new string every time you append.
let result =
(fun (sb:StringBuilder) index value ->
sb.AppendFormat("{{(ushort){0}, \"{1}\"}},\n", index, value))
|> string
Fold probably isn't the best method for this task. Its a lot easier to map and concat like this:
let l1 = "a,b,c,d,e".Split([|','|])
let l2 = "1,2,3,4,5".Split([|','|])
let pairs =
Seq.zip l1 l2
|> Seq.map (fun (x, y) -> sprintf "(ushort)%s, \"%s\"" x y)
|> String.concat "\n"
I think you want List.fold2. For some reason the List module has a fold2 member but Seq doesn't. Then you can dispense with the zip entirely.
The types of your named variables and the type of the result you hope for are all implicit, so it's difficult to help, but if you are trying to accumulate a list of strings you might consider something along the lines of
let result = pairs |> Seq.fold
(fun prev (l, r) ->
String.Format("{0}, \{(ushort){1}, \"{2}\"\}\n", prev, l, r)
"" pairs
My F#/Caml is very rusty so I may have the order of arguments wrong. Also note your string formation is quadratic; in my own code I would go with something more along these lines:
let strings =
List.fold2 (fun ss l r ->
String.format ("\{(ushort){0}, \"{1}\"\}\n", l, r) :: ss)
[] indexes values
let result = String.concat ", " strings
This won't cost you quadratic time and it's a little easier to follow. I've checked MSDN and believe I have the correct order of arguments on fold2.
Keep in mind I know Caml not F# and so I may have details or order of arguments wrong.
Perhaps this:
let strBuilder = new StringBuilder()
for (i,v) in Seq.zip indexes values do
strBuilder.Append(String.Format("{{(ushort){0}, \"{1}\"}},\n", i,v))
|> ignore
with F# sometimes is better go imperative...
map2 or fold2 is the right way to go. Here's my take, using the (||>) operator:
let l1 = [| "a"; "b"; "c"; "d"; "e" |]
let l2 = [| "1"; "2"; "3"; "4"; "5" |]
let pairs = (l1, l2) ||> Seq.map2 (sprintf ("(ushort)%s, \"%s\""))
|> String.concat "\n"
