APIs & Data storage - Microsoft / Server - ios

I am creating iOS application that needs to interact with RESTful API (which will be going to make).
The problem is I have no knowledge in the realm and would like to ask for some helps. (I tried to learn this for few days but as I study more, I get so confused...)
My company has a server that is running with Windows. What is the process of deploying APIs there and use it as data storage as well.
My company has Microsoft 365 license so that I have access to SharePoint. I've read there is SharePoint APIs, so it will be nice to integrate with my app. But more I study about it, I've observed AzureAD. Is it something that I must to have in order to utilize MS SharePoint APIs?
I know it is very broad question but I really appreciate for anyone who provides with helps. Thank you

Yes you will need Azure AD to interact with the sharepoint api, using the oAuth authentication by registering the app into the Azure AD and giving the Sharepoint Management online permissions that are required for you to do the operations that you want.


Exchange OAuth settings in 3rd party apps don't allow you to reffer to specific folders in a mailbox

I am trying to configure a mailbox on Exchange Online to be used by our Deskpro ticketing system to manage several queues. The only way I could setup Deskpro to recognise different folders in the mailbox was to make the connection using EWS. MS said they would be deprecating EWS Basic Auth in October last year, does that mean my EWS connection via outlook.office365.com/EWS/Exchange.asmx is now authenticating through OAuth? It still works, I'm concerned MS will change something and it'll stop working.
I'd love to use the OAuth via Graph, but if I select that option in the Deskpro setup there's no way to identify individual folders for each queue to process meaning I'd have to have a separate mailbox for each queue requiring an Exchange Plan license for each!
Collin, yes there is an announcement made to deprecate EWS Basic auth (it was made quite some time earlier too) and move to modern auth/oAuth too - it will work for you. Also you know that no new investments are going to be made in EWS, so you wont get any new features. So keeping in that mind, you can use EWS modern auth/oAuth for a while, but i would recommend you to create plan to move to Microsoft Graph API - so that you can interact with all the existing features in EWS and connect with entire Microsoft Graph ecosystem's product/solutions as well.

Do API gateways work normally with Office 365 U.S. Government plans?

According to https://products.office.com/en-us/government/compare-office-365-government-plans, the US gov version of office365 is in a segmented cloud, and i found an old SO question suggesting a possible issue regarding management API specifically Support US Government for Office 365 Management API
Does anyone know whether the API gateways such as graph.microsoft.com outlook.office.com/api, manage.office.com/api, as well as the ones for OneDrive/SharePoint etc. are expected to work normally with office365 gov?
Sorry for the delayed response. We just updated out documentation on this. These APIs should work for Office APIS through Microsoft Graph (for the most part). See https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/docs/concepts/deployments.
Hope this helps,

Need clarification on QuickBooks Desktop integration with Sync Manager vs Web Connector

From what I understand, Intuit is no longer allowing proprietary integrations with QuickBooks Desktop editions through the Sync Manager and only allowing apps that are put into the marketplace. Is this really the case? If so, is there a timeline for when they will start allowing this? Also, it seems that the supported objects for desktop editions is way behind those supported for the online edition. Will these be available any time soon (I.e. reports such as balance sheet, profit/loss, budget, etc.)?
I ask because we have been using the web connector for a couple of years now and it is not built for the type of use we need. To be specific, we are a franchising company that has a hosted QB solution for each of our franchises. We then pull data and pass jobs to and from our proprietary POS application through the web connector. We run into all sorts of problems with multiple web connectors being open on the same system trying to connect to different files and a host of other issues. Because of this, we are hoping that a more reliable integration can be developed through the Sync Manager.
From what I understand, Intuit is no longer allowing proprietary integrations with QuickBooks Desktop editions through the Sync Manager and only allowing apps that are put into the marketplace. Is this really the case?
Correct. QBD integration with SM and V3/V2 REST endpoints are not supported.
Apps.com is the mainly the SaaS marketplace ( mainly focused on QBO).
No new integration using QBD V3 can be created.
Also, it seems that the supported objects for desktop editions is way behind those supported for the online edition. Will these be available any time soon (i.e. reports such as balance sheet, profit/loss, budget, etc.)?
V3 QBD APIs are already marked as deprecated. There will not be any development on this.
Ref - https://developer.intuit.com/docs/0025_quickbooksapi/0058_faq#Does_QuickBooks_API_support_QuickBooks_Desktop_and_QuickBooks_Online.3F
Please refer the following thread on similar topic.
Integrating with QB Desktop products

Integrating with QB Desktop products

I wrote a QB integration a few years ago that uses the Web Connector to read and write data to and from QB desktop products. It works well but I am not in love with the Web Connector.
I am tasked with setting up another QB integration. I was hoping to avoid using the Web Connector this time. There are a few reasons why I am trying to avoid the Web Connector but the main reason is I would like to make this integration work with both Desktop and Online versions of QB.
Is it possible to use the Intuit Sync Manager to sync the company data up to Intuit and then just use the standard Online APIs to connect to that company file? I have done some testing and I can connect to QB Online via the Online APIs but I cannot seem to get it to see the synced company files.
Any help with this would be great. Just looking for a little direction here.
Thanks in advance for any help.
For QBO, of-course, you can use QBO REST APIs(V3) API.
Ref - https://developer.intuit.com/docs/0025_quickbooksapi
But for QBD, QBSDK and web-connector is still the only approach.
QBD V2 and V3 REST APIs are already deprecated.

QuickBooks Online from Desktop application

I am new to QuickBooks and all my searching has been leading to conflicting answers. I really need to know this to move forward.
We have an on-premise application (legacy MFC app if that matters). Some of our customers use QuickBooks Online and we can send information up to it. In the past we have used QBXML which I believe is not supported for online anymore.
Everything I read at intuit.com talks about web applications. I think I have to have OAuth security and I do not see how intuit is supporting that from a non-browser based application.
I cannot believe that intuit would not have an answer for this situation so I must be confused.
So, can I send data to QuickBooks Online from a desktop application?
If yes, which API/SDK should I be using?
If I need OAuth how exactly do I implement this?
Does any of this require an independent security review?
I think I just need a little help getting pointed in the right direction.
Unfortunately I think you have the most difficult scenario in the QB ecosystem.
I've used the DevDefined OAuth library with some success:
You can get this to work on the desktop if you have a localhost server that the browser can redirect to on the OAuth callback.
Anything that talks to QBO needs to use the QBO API v3 now.
For a custom app that talks to QBO, you would need to set up your app # Intuit to run in development mode, so it wouldn't have to go through their security review, etc. But that limits the number of connections you can have (I think it's 10). So it might not work in your case. Also, if you're distributing your app to "normal" customers it may not be the best user experience, and probably isn't practical, to set it up so OAuth will work on the desktop.
You might just have to bite the bullet and create an intermediate web service on something like Azure or Heroku, then go through the whole process of getting Intuit to bless your app for production.
