Xcode Storyboards - iPhone 7 Plus has no status bar? - ios

Why does the iPhone 7 Plus storyboard have no Status Bar visible in Xcode where as the other sizes do (iPhone 7, 5s). When running the app in the iPhone 7 Plus it has a status bar but on the storyboard it doesn't?
iPhone 7 Plus and has no status bar:
iPhone 7 storyboard that has status bar:

closing xcode and and then opening it helped me. It was messing with the storyboard but only in the iphone 7 plus for me.

My guess is the status bar was disabled on that size class for some reason:
If that is so, change it to 'inferred' and that should fix it.

So, uninstalling Xcode and reinstalling it has fixed this issue


Toolbar is not displaying on iPhone 8 plus simulator

I've added a toolbar in storyboard and it's well shown.
However when I run on the simulator (iPhone 8 plus), it doesn't display the toolbar.
Any help would be appreciated!
Do u have any constraints or other UI that covers tool bar? Or do you have alpha of toolbar set to 0 or color to clear color?
Did you test on other simulators?
Try cleaning the project and reseting the simulator or restarting the simulator.
I just looked over and toolbar is displaying well on iPhone 8 plus simulator and other.

iOS 11 uiBarButtonitems shrunk in size

I have an app and it works fine on iOS 10 but on iOS 11 the UIBarButtonItems icons shrunk in size. (they are bar button custom item with an image).
I have tried to put them constraints but it didn't work. Any idea?
Thanks in advance]1
I found it!
XCode 9 has some bugs! In XCode 8 it works fine!. It wasn't iOS 11 bug, it's a XCode 9 bug...

Xcode 7.1.1 UINavigationBar does not cover the entire width of the screen with iPhone 6 and above

My app was acting fine till I updated my Xcode. For some odd reason, my UINavigationBar is no longer covering the entire width of the screen for devices iPhone6 and above.
For iPhone 5:
For iPhone 6 and above:
I think you didn't used autolayout. Okay no problem..
Follow below steps:
1. you need to keep it empty on Launch Screen file.
2. Create Launch image source and then add iPhone 6 and 6+ splash screens
Then it will work your navigation bar automatically fit based on device.

iPhone 5 storyboard still shows padding when running on iPhone 5

I have made a new app with storyboard, where the storyboard is currently just for iPhone 5. But the issue is, when I run this on iPhone 5 device/simulator, it shows padding at the top and bottom of the screen as if an iPhone 4 application is being run. Please see the screenshot I have attached. And help where did I go wrong.
EDIT : Actually its still not working. In iOS 8 its coming fullscreen but in iOS 7 for some reason the black padding is coming. PLease hellpppp.
EDIT - I got the issue.Apparently, in xcode 6, when Launchscreen.xib is given, it does not work for ios 7 and it works perfectly normal for ios8.
Previous answer - The issue was, in Xcode 6.0, the new project generates a LaunchScreen.xib file, but apparently you manually have to go to the General settings for the target and select the launch screen File options from the drop down. This solves the issues. :)

iOS 8 iPad tab bar height is different than iOS 7

Does any one know if the official documentation tells us the height of the tab bar on iOS 8 iPad applications?
My app's tab bar frame is (0, 719) (1024, 49) on my landscape iPad app on iOS 8.
For iOS 7, it's (0, 712), (1024, 56).
I read in https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/TransitionGuide/Bars.html that the height on iOS 7 ipads is 56 pixels. I'm guessing it's not the same for iOS 8?
Apple have changed the iPad tab bar height back to 49pt in iOS 8. An Apple engineer has confirmed the change. The documentation seems to have not updated however.
So for iPad, the UITabBar heights per iOS version are:
iOS 6 and earlier - 49pt
iOS 7 - 56pt
iOS 8 and later - 49pt
The tab bar has always been 49pt on iPhone and remains that way.
You can get the size of the tab bar programmatically instead
