iPhone 5 storyboard still shows padding when running on iPhone 5 - ios

I have made a new app with storyboard, where the storyboard is currently just for iPhone 5. But the issue is, when I run this on iPhone 5 device/simulator, it shows padding at the top and bottom of the screen as if an iPhone 4 application is being run. Please see the screenshot I have attached. And help where did I go wrong.
EDIT : Actually its still not working. In iOS 8 its coming fullscreen but in iOS 7 for some reason the black padding is coming. PLease hellpppp.

EDIT - I got the issue.Apparently, in xcode 6, when Launchscreen.xib is given, it does not work for ios 7 and it works perfectly normal for ios8.
Previous answer - The issue was, in Xcode 6.0, the new project generates a LaunchScreen.xib file, but apparently you manually have to go to the General settings for the target and select the launch screen File options from the drop down. This solves the issues. :)


Application design is not display properly in simulator after updating xcode 8

I have updated xcode 8 and then tested application in iphone 6 (ios 10) simulator.
Application desiging is not showing properly as it should be.
In xcode 8, storyboard designing is not proper.
Storyboard showing designs properly but runtime it's now showing properly.
I'm not able to get any solution.
If anyone know the answer please suggest me.
from storyboard, Select your view controller and set proper device from View As button. If your storyboard is designed using previous version of Xcode, try selecting iPhone SE from "View As" as shown in below image.

In iOS 9 splash screen shows black and multi colours?

while open the old version project in to ios 9 the splash screen was shows in black screen and it displays the images in multi colors,please anyone help me for find the issue?
There is a change in Xcode7 iOS 9 onwards. They have modified Launchscreen(Black screen we will get).If you change deployment target means you can see the previous launch screen.
Only empty view controller is present so we have make changes on it.
I have solved the problem.
I am using Xcode 7 and my iPhone 6 is upgraded to IOS9. I was using Launchscreen.storyboard and was getting Black LaunchScreen.
I solved it by following steps:
1. I removed Launch screen interface file base name from info.plist
2. Under General Tab,in Launch ScreenImage use assets Catalogs, I set
images for iOS 8,iOS 7 and iOS 6 iPhone portrait.
My app is now running successfully with LaunchScreen.
I had the black launch screen issue with the new iOS 9 project I built using Unity (5.2). To fix that I added the image that I want to show as the launch image to the LaunchScreen-iPad.xib file's Image view.

Xcode/iOS Simulator not showing the app on fullscreen

I had this problem after I updated my Xcode to version 7.0.1
when I run the app on the simulator the bottom part of the app is not showing!.
this is screenshot of the simulator:
You are running your app from xcode 7. You can try it with simulator of iOS 9.0 SDK. That might work for you.
or otherwise check with your launch images. whether you have added launch screen for iPhone 6 or not in image assets.
I've had this problem when i didn't provide the correct launch screens for iPhone 5 (In your case iPhone 6). Check that, and if you can, i recommend using a xib for launch screen.
Sometimes It happens due to unordered items in Document Outline.
Make sure,It should follow this sequence in document outline.
1) View Controller Scene --> Top layout guide --> Bottom Layout guide --> View --> Navigation item.
2) First Responder
3) Exit

Layout issues with XIB in Xcode 5 (after upgrading app)

I have worked on this application, done 2 years back, using XIB's and Autosizing.
Now, I've upgraded this app (in Xcode 5) & I need to make changes according to iPhone 5 (4") and iPhone 4, 4s (3.5")
I've tried to put Margin layouts but these are not making any difference.
I've created quite a few apps before using similar techniques with out any complication but in this app, the view in iPhone4 has a black cut at the top and bottom of the screen.
![enter image description here][2]
This issue is not related to AutoSizing.
You're just missing the 640x1136 launch image (i.e. Default-568h#2x.png).
Add it and your app should go full screen.
PS: This happened to me when I created an iOS7 project in Xcode 5 and deleted Images.xcassets from the project targets.

ios app not fitting iphone 5 screen

My ios app does not fit on iphone 5 screen. When I run the app, I can see blank space at the top and bottom of the screen. I have made the app compatible for both iphone sizes. But Since I have updated to the latest xcode, I am facing this issue. See screen shot. Can any one please help?
You probably may not have set your Default-568h image.
On the simulator make sure you have set to iPhone (Retina 4-inch).
You can do this by going simulator menu at the top go to Hardware->Device->iPhone (Retina 4-inch) that will change the phone simulator to the iPhone 5 version.
click here for more get information for naming convention of images [here]Naming convention for iPhone 5 images? [here]
Try setting AutoresizingMask to your container views instead of assigning appFrame.
I have faced the same problem while moving to iOS 7.
Solution comes with AutoresizingMask. iOS 7 has full Screen layout for ViewControllers.
