HTTP request times out. Weak wifi or slow server? - ios

I have a client/server application where the client is an iOS app and the server is a RESTful api. I have received complaints of requests timing out and I know that some/most of the time, this is due to poor wifi connectivity. In these situations I would like to display an error message on the client which indicates whether the request was received by the server.
Is it possible in iOS to tell the difference between a HTTP request that never reaches the intended destination and one that makes it all the way to the intended destination but never receives a response?

API Call only after you check whether your internet connectivity is reachable or not .show error message if not connected to internet(this is due to poor wifi connectivity)
Example : Check for internet connection availability in Swift
When its checked make api call handle error code 404(never reaches the intended destination) and 504(timeout error code never receives a response) and let user make it success only when status code is 200.But its good to handle 401(authorization error) also.
I don't know which library you are using that why can't provide any code example right now
Try Alamofire Library in swift I suggest handled error codes very well.


What network protocol does Reachability use on iOS?

I am sure there is little % of iOS developers who haven't used Reachability, directly or via some framework like Alamofire.
What I am interested what it actually does? The best guess I can make is that given host it opens sockets and then listens for said host. But what network protocol does it use, is it simple UDP (it is not http as far as I can observe), where it periodically sends packages to said host and awaits answer?
Reachability sends no packets at all. It doesn't even tell you that a host is actually reachable. It just tells you that if you made a network request, then the system has an active network interface that it would try to use. That's all. There's no promise those packets would arrive (let alone that you'd get a response), just that iOS would try to send them.
Reachability really only has a couple of uses (and most of the time shouldn't be used). It is useful if "no network is available" would cause you to modify your user interface, or to tell you that it might be a good time to re-try a previously failed connection. (Since iOS 12, you should really use NWPathMonitor for this. I don't know any good uses for Reachability since iOS 12.)
The only way that you can know that a request will actually succeed is to try to send it and see if you get a response. That's why it is not recommended that you test Reachability before sending requests. Just send the request and deal with the errors if they come, since it is always possible to have an error, even if Reachability said you could connect.

is threre any configuration to control permission to internet in IOS

Is there any configuration like android user-permission in iOS to control access to internet?
I think all new projects access to internet by default, is that correct?
When I send a request to the internet it returns 0 http-error code, it means I can't access to the internet.
yes, it is correct all the new ios project have access to the internet by default.
A status code of 0 in an NSHTTPURLResponse object generally means there was no response and can occur for various reasons. The server will never return a status of 0 as this is not a valid HTTP status code.
Any http request will first be processed by the operating system, and during that phase you can get an error. Getting an error means that your request never got a response from the server (and with the exception of https requests where certificates were not accepted, most likely didn't reach the server).
If this phase succeeds, then you get eventually a reply from the server. This may take time, you may have to wait 60 seconds. Which is why you do all your internet requests on a background thread. That reply will have a status code (status, not error). The status code is NEVER 0.
By default, iOS doesn't allow http requests, and doesn't allow https requests to unsave servers, so you better use only https unless you have a very good reason. You will need a very good reason to convince Apple to let your app on the app store if you want http requests to succeed. But if you get this wrong, you get an error quite early on.
A status of zero most likely means that a background request didn't finish by the time you read the status, a basic programming mistake. You need to learn how background threads and callbacks work. Without that, you won't be able to use http successfully.
Also google for "Reachability" which can tell you if your app currently has internet access (like when WiFi and Mobile Data are turned off, or in Airplane mode).

Reachability vs NSURLSession response to detect internet connection

I'm building out error cases for my API calls and would like to check for a condition when an internet connection in not available.
dataTaskWithRequest seems to handle this just fine and returns an NSError with code -1009 with a description of no internet connection. I doesn't have to wait for the request to time out.
In what instances would I want to use the Reachability Framework instead?
I did a bit of research and found my answer in the Apple Docs.
The recommended best practice is to attempt the connection. If there is an issue with the connection, it gives you an NSError object that you should use to test for connectivity.
Apple recommends using Reachability only as a way to diagnose errors and further debug known issues. It seems like you should only use reachability to detect when the network comes back online after a failure.
"Always attempt to make a connection. Do not attempt to guess whether network service is available, and do not cache that determination.
If a connection fails, use the SCNetworkReachability API to help diagnose the cause of the failure."
source :
"When any task completes, the NSURLSession object calls the delegate’s URLSession:task:didCompleteWithError: method with either an error object or nil (if the task completed successfully).
If the task failed, most apps should retry the request until either the user cancels the download or the server returns an error indicating that the request will never succeed. Your app should not retry immediately, however. Instead, it should use reachability APIs to determine whether the server is reachable, and should make a new request only when it receives a notification that reachability has changed."

Central is getting error reponse for write request if Peripheral respond back a little late

I have been using CoreBlueTooth framework to communicate between BTLE iOS devices and I see a strange behavior. Here is what I am doing:
iOS device 1 (Peripheral): Expose a writable characteristics.
iOS device 2 (Central): Scan for the writable characteristics and write data into it.
iOS device 1 (Peripheral): Receives write request. Wait for some time to acknowledge the receipt of data.
iOS device 2 (Central): Get a callback on the below delegate and received the mentioned error.
Issue: Here if I respond back to the write request in few seconds by calling the API [iPeripheral respondToRequest:iRequest withResult:iStatus] then it all works fine and I get a success on my Central. But if I take some time, even if my Peripheral has not responded to the write request, I get error response back.
Is this some kind of connection loss in few seconds or the known CB framework behavior, any idea?
- (void)peripheral:(CBPeripheral *)iPeripheral didWriteValueForCharacteristic:(CBCharacteristic *)iCharacteristic error:(NSError *)iError
Error Domain=CBErrorDomain Code=0 "Unknown error." UserInfo=0x183a6d70 {NSLocalizedDescription=Unknown error.}
Both my Central and Peripheral are running on iOS 7.0.
I also observed this problem when I had deadlocks in my code and couldn't respond in time ;-) The way I observed it, iOS responds with an automatic error request with an arbitrary error code if a request is not answered within 10 seconds. I have not found a way to change this, but it makes sense from a protocol perspective.
In Bluetooth Low Energy, a central can only send a single Characteristic Value Write Request at a time. After it has sent this request, it cannot send a different Write Request unless the first one is responded to. Therefore, it is crucial to always respond to requests as fast as possible.
In the comments, you mentioned that you are waiting for user input to affect the result code you want to send to the central. I guess "Success" if the user confirms in the UI that an operation should be started, and an error code if the user denies that. This is not the way an LE based protocol should be designed. It's like blocking the UI thread until an operation is finished, just from the other side. You are effectively blocking the BT communications until a blocking operation (waiting for user input) completes.
A different design would be to send a write request to the other phone, responding immediately with a "Success" error code to indicate that the request was received and the popup is displayed. Then, send a Characteristic Value Indication with the user's choice from the peripheral to the central.
There's one small caveat if you target iOS 6: indications don't work nicely in many cases (reentrancy bugs etc, best not touch them). There, you should send a Read Request from your central and return the user's choice in this read request if it's already available. Again, don't block while giving the answer, sending back a "user is still choosing" value back if the answer is not yet ready.
Single rule: Answer requests as fast as possible. It's the way, Bluetooth LE is designed to work.
You may be exceeding the maximum time allowed for a write to be acknowledged. Try testing several different ack times and see if it reliably fails beyond a certain threshold.
If you use iPhone 4 devices, this device no suports BLE. BLS are supported in iPhone 4 and later.

How can you tell if the iPad has WiFi connectivity programatically?

When my iPad application makes a web request using the ASIHTTP library it will fail if there is no internet connection.
I want to identify specifically when there is no internet connection and show a unique error to the user (vs. just identifying that the call failed which can happen for a large number of reasons: e.g. The target website is down.)
I've noticed ASIHTTPRequest returns a Status Code 0 when there is no Internet Connection available. If the webpage is not available or another error occurs in communication with the server, it returns an actual HTTP Status Code.
In this case, You could just check to see if request.responseStatusCode == 0 is true and act on that
