Running single class Tests on TFS Build - tfs

I have some unit tests in single class "test.cs" and which runs on Visual Studio 2015. Now I want to configure the tests on TFS build. I tried with below configuration and not success.
Builds->Edit Build Definition->Process->Test->1.Automated Tests->1.Test source->Test Source spec=**\*test.cs
How to configure the build definition to run single class tests on TFS build?

Make sure you specify the test assembly as the test source as Deepa mentioned:
You could then use the criteria to specify the specific class you want to run tests from using:
However pinning your build on a single class to run tests isn't a good practice. If you are using MSTest, consider using test categories:
If you have created automated tests using Visual Studio you can manage
these tests by categorizing them with test categories. When you run
these automated tests using Visual Studio, Team Foundation Build, or
mstest.exe, you can use these test categories to easily select which
tests you run. You add test categories as attributes to your test
source: MSDN
These will give you some more flexibility and prevent the build from no longer running test if you rename the class or anything
In your criteria specify the use the category to filter the tests that will run:
There is some more info about the criteria you can use in this blog post. The screenshot are taken from a build definition using the GitTemplate.12.xaml template.


TFS on Automation Tests Suits - How to Run

I have 2 executables, an app and an automation test app who will perform actions on the app. My automation tests are basically NUNIT tests who calls Chrome Web Driver.
Everything is hosted at TFS. In my build definition, i run sanity checks for every PR. I wanted to expand that. The automation tests are divided into many different categories (being Sanity a category). I've been seeing some stuff related to TFS Test Suits, and my idea was to make in a way whenever when someone makes a PR, he could choose some test category to run on that PR using that build. So in a easyer way of sayng, if my PR changes how 'blue buttons work' ill run the 'blue buttons test suit' on my pr.
Would using Test Suits be the best solution for this ? Has any1 done this or have any nice information on how to achieve this ?
Thanks for any responses !! Best regards !
You could be able to use the Visual Studio Test Agent Deploy and Run Functional tests steps in your build definition to run auto tests on build agents.
Associated test methods with test cases in Visual Studio.
Create a build definition to build your project and add the 2 steps I mentioned above. In the Run Functional Test step, select the test suites which contains those test cases in step1.
More details please refer this blog: Executing Automated tests in Build vNext using Test Plan, Test Suites

TFS visual studio test "Test Filter criteria" and xunit Traits

I'm trying to filter out some unit test marked with the xunit trait category. On my build server I don't want unit test to run with category integration
[Trait("Category", "Integration")]
When I don't use the 'Test Filter criteria' in TFS VS test step, the unit test all get executed. But when I apply the desired filter
It doesn't run any tests at all. I've tried all variations but no success. I also tried using the 2.* version of the test task.
Instead of using [Trait("Category", "Integration")], use [Trait("TestCategory", "Integration")]. XUnit doesn't care what you put in for these key-value pairs, but the TFS Test runner task DOES. The Test Filter Criteria box only works with a prescribed set of attributes. I have this working for our builds. Ran into the same problem you are describing. After analyzing the build output, (and getting ALL test projects switched to XUnit - that is also a key... don't have a mix of MSTest and XUnit).
Now (Februaray 2022), this is not problem anymore. However, I have had some issues getting it working and I have ended up here anyway, so just couple of points:
Must be in such configuration built where the test project is really built (e.g. in Release the test project is often not built)
Multiple detected test dlls seem to cause trouble (better to filter just really those you want)
The name of the trait (and the value ) can be arbitrary (16.8 and 17.0.0 at least), i.e. the text in Test Filter Criteria does NOT need anymore to be some of the vstest standard names, like TestCategory

Published test results do not show up in build summary

Using the default build template on TFS 2013, we use the Post-test script to collect trx files from protractor tests, in order to include those in the build report summary.
We use vs2015 MsTest:
Waiting to publish...
Publishing results of test run (test name) to
https://.../tfs/defaultcollection ...
Publish completed successfully.
However, the published test result wont show up in the build report (only the default from unit test).
This can't be achieved by a simple test script. You need to create a custom activity to handle this.
Inside this activity you can handle everything that is necessary to run the protractor tests and publish the test results. With the custom activity you are also able to integrate the automated protractor tests very easy into different build templates. This improves the reusability in a great way.
Then you need to create the custom build template and integration into a TFS Build. More details please refer the tutorial from this blog: Automated UI testing of AngularJS applications using TFS

How to run MTM tests on multiple product builds?

We have MTM tests running on Release build of our product (Desktop Application).
Now we want the same tests to run on two product builds: Beta and Release.
When a test run is initiated from MTM (or tcm), we need a way to pass a 'value' to the test run telling it which version/build of the product it needs to test. This 'value' will then be read in the test method and correct decision will be taken while the tests are executing (like installation path, test results file updates etc).
Is there any way to achieve this? in TFS or MTM?
Consider using Test Settings.
If you start an automated tests from MTM you can specify Test Settings to use when running this tests.
In "Advanced" part of Test Settings you can specify scripts to run on your environment before running the tests.
Create two scripts, one for Release and one for Beta version. These scripts could create a file with particular content, set an environment variable or do something else that can then be checked by your test, when it’s running.
Create two Test Settings, one for Release and one for Beta version and
set up appropriate script to run for each Test Settings.
Use one of these Test Settings when starting tests.
This way you could pass information to your test.
We also faced similar problem in our project. We decided to modify the build definition template to take product build type (Beta or RTM or Release) as an input parameter. Using this value during TFS build, we can either update the TFS build name to reflect the product build type or create a file (xml) as part of TFS build process to contain this type detail.
See here for more detail on how to add Arguments and Parameters to build definition:
Pls take a look at the below link, if it can be used to suit your needs.
one question: Are you using Build-Deploy-Test flow to install the product on the environment or doing it any other way?
So, when you select to run a set of automated tests and pick the build from the drop down list this tells MTM which drop folder to go look in. So if your configuration is code, as it should be, then you can set this up to be automatic.
It is not possible to pass additional variables when you start a test run in MTM.
You could setup your tests to run from the Release Management tool instead. You would then be able to configure the environment however you like based on passed in veriables.

Specify Order in which Coded UI Tests are executed for TFS Test Agent

I'm trying to setup TFS 2010 Lab Management based Automated Testing system and I have a "Test suite" (Created in TFS Test Manager) with following tests:
1) Start and Login
2) Create group
3) Create user and add to the group
These have order specified properly in Testing Center->Plan->(Test suite)->Order column
However, when they are executed (on TFS Lab Management Build) by Test Agent they run out of order: 2nd then 1st and then 3rd.
Is there a way to make Test Agent run these tests in order?
Create an Ordered Test, it's a simple list of which test methods should run and in what order.
I also had the same issue. I solved it by installing VS2010 Service Pack and TFS 2010 Service Pack in both the Test controller machine and Test agent machines. Please go through the following link for more details
Unfortunately, There's a blog regarding ordering test cases which says:
Please note this only applies to the manual tests but not automated
tests. For automated tests, the order you set here will not be
respected during test execution.
I don't know if it's a new feature but you can create Ordered tests. Just right click on your project in Solution Explorer and choose Add -> Ordered Test. Select you tests in order.
In Test Explorer, run you ordered test.
Details are in the link below but all I had to do is what I'd said above. I am using VS 2015 Enterprise.
