where are translations of standard items in iOS UITabBarController? - ios

In a Tab Bar View Controller I use the Apple Bar Button Icon 'Favorites'.
When I run the App on my iPhone with the locale setting 'Germany' I expect 'Favorites' to be translated into german like it's working in the iBooks App. But this is not the case. Do I have to make some extra adjustments in Xcode for that?


Changing the height and design of the tab bar below an ios app

i am designing an app, ios based. i am doing this with the guidelines of apple. but i have a question about the tab bar below the app. Apps like spotify, facebook ,whatsapp and twitter are using a tab bar below the screen.
Is it possible in de 'code' to change the height of this? I am asking this because of the target audience. also the font-size.
sorry if the question does not belong here in the community.
You can't change the height of an UITabBar or the font size of the bar button labels.
If you need this, you must either build your own TabBar or see if someone has already done it. (Search for UITabBar or UITabBarController replacement)

is it possible to change the LaunchScreen Storyboard according to the country/region or default language of device?

i am developing an iOS app in which i want to show the LaunchScreen/SplashScreen according to the user's desired region or the default language of device amongst the other LaunchScreen stroyboards that i have made, i searched a lot but nothing much helped me so is this possible?
Thanks in advance!!
Who say It's not possible
Select project and add localization as below image
Add any language
Select desired storyboards
And here you can see storyboard for different languages.
---------------------------------- Test your localization --------------------
Edit your target scheme
Change Application language as below images and then run your app
Unfortunately this isn't something you can do.
According to Apple's documentation on Launch Screens, the launch screen should not contain any branding or text, so therefore can't be localised:
Avoid including text on your launch screen. Because launch screens are static, any displayed text won’t be localized.
If you want some localised text, you will have to present a custom view controller as your initial view controller as that will be localisable as any other view controller.
Yes, it is possible. See here
An iOS application should be internationalized and have a
language.lproj folder for each language it supports. In addition to
providing localized versions of your application’s custom resources,
you can also localize your launch images by placing files with the
same name in your language-specific project directories.
It's not possible.But you can mimic this scenario what just ankit said.
Keep the launch screen blank and didFinishLaunchingWithOptions function create a view controller with region specific content.
Below thread might help you.This was basically to add animation and your's quest was region specific but logic is same though. :)

iOS app with Custom Tabbar

I am using a custom tabbar. Related to this I have a question regarding the iOS Human Interface Guidelines.
First I will state something about my app development process. In my custom tabbar, for example: if I select Settings, it will move to the settings view, but in that settings view there won't be Custom tabbar. Instead, there will be a back button. Like this, it'll be the same for the remaining tabs also.
Because of this, is there a problem while submitting the app to the App Store? Based on iOS Human Interface Guidelines, as far as I checked, there isn't any problem.
It's OK. No problem with that. I already added an app like this. Please check this one:
I added the gallery like you said (without any tab bar).

Can Tab Bar view be used only in the second screen application?

I am just starting out iOS development and have some doubts about Tab Bars Human Interface Guidelines provided by Apple.
On the iOS HIG document concerning Tab Bars, it reads:
"A tab bar appears at the bottom edge of the screen and should be
accessible from every location in the app."
The app I am developing and would like to see published in the App Store once finished, would have a ListView as it's first screen that would then go to another screen with a tabbed interface after an item being selected. It would also be possible to go back to the first screen (the one with the list) at any time within the tabbed interface (the 2nd screen).
So, my question is if it's ok to have a Tab Bar interface only in the second screen of an iOS application or would something like that might result in some restrictions by apple approving?
Short answer is YES.
Yes, you can have tab bar in second screen. Consider the app where you have first screen as language select screen and second screen with tab bar controller.
With statement below, what Apple means is once you are in tab-bar controller and tab-bar controller is in scope, tab-bar controller should be accessible. You can hide the tab-bar, but on tapping, it should come again at the bottom of screen.
"A tab bar appears at the bottom edge of the screen and should be accessible from every location in the app."
Main words -> Should be. Apple wants you to make your apps in the most intuitive and user friendly way possible. Many standard apps use this paradigm (ie App Store Application) so they know iOS users are accustomed as to how to navigate. However, Apple themselves even make exceptions to this rule (ie. Playing a song inside the Music App). But yeah, they'll let you do it no problem.

Change Titles of Default Apple UITabBarItems

Hello I am making a sports app and I have three UITabBarItems in a tab bar: Featured, My Teams and Results. I like the default icons for each as the default featured, most viewed and history respectively.
What it looks like in the .xib:
However when I try to change the titles in the UIViewController they do not change.
UIViewController code (I do not need to change the title of featured):
[_teamsItem setTitle:#"Teams"];
[_resultsItem setTitle:#"Results"];
How can I change the titles, or how can I use the icons from those default UITabBarItems to create my own? Thanks in advance.
If you use system icons, they come with the titles. You can't use just the icons (without titles), unless you use a tool like iOS Artwork Extractor to actually extract the images from iOS and add them to your project.
