iOS app with Custom Tabbar - ios

I am using a custom tabbar. Related to this I have a question regarding the iOS Human Interface Guidelines.
First I will state something about my app development process. In my custom tabbar, for example: if I select Settings, it will move to the settings view, but in that settings view there won't be Custom tabbar. Instead, there will be a back button. Like this, it'll be the same for the remaining tabs also.
Because of this, is there a problem while submitting the app to the App Store? Based on iOS Human Interface Guidelines, as far as I checked, there isn't any problem.

It's OK. No problem with that. I already added an app like this. Please check this one:
I added the gallery like you said (without any tab bar).


the name of a feature in iBooks

In iBooks there is a bottom bar filed with miniature images in which the user can scroll through and thus move between the pages I would like to know the name of the bar.
When you want to know about UI elements provided by Apple you need to refer to the iOS Human Interface Guidelines. In fact, this should be one of the first documents every iOS developer goes through in its entirety.
Going through this document will reveal that your question is about the Tab Bar. This is usually created with a UITabBarController.

How to create a popup window in Xcode Swift?

I have an iOS info app. The main screen of the app consists of rows of icons. I want that after tap on certain icon card with information appears and background blurs. To close the card I need to swipe up or down. It is very similar to Instagram's imageviewer.
Please help me create that.
P.S. This is my first project so please keep this in mind when you going to describe the method.
It should look like this
The answer to your question is probably hidden beneath the layers of how you can segue between the scenes of a storyboard. First, you create a scene like this in the storyboard and use some third party libraries to present it as a 'pop-up'. It is not possible for you to do that natively as Apple has not added any segue style showing the scene like a pop-up on the iPhone screens (On iPad it's possible - check how Apple presents choose Wi-fi network in Settings). For that purpose, you can use BlurryModalSegue or CNPPopupController to perform such operations.
Thank You!

Hide Page Indicator Dot in WatchKit?

I'm new to native development on xcode and have gotten started working with WatchKit to put together a Watch extension for my HTML5 hybrid app. I'm trying to figure out how to hide the indicator dot on a page-based app view. It looks like the iOS analogue provides the ability to hide the dot, but I can't seem to find anything for WatchKit. The Apple reference site doesn't appear to indicate any such functionality, and don't see any config in the storyboard. I've Googled and searched on StackOverflow, and haven't found anything there either.
Is it possible to hide the page indicator dot on a page-based app view? If so, how might I accomplish this?
It is currently not possible to hide page indicator.

How can i add tabs in iOS on a particular screen?

I am building an app where I need to add a TabBarController on a particular screen, Lets assume maybe on second or third screen.
I have gone through several blogs but everyone says UITabBarController can be added as an initial view controller only.
But I want it for some few screens only. How can I accomplish it?
Need guidance!
The answer is "you shouldn't."
From the Human Interface Guidelines:
"In general, use a tab bar to organize information at the app level. A tab bar is well suited for use in the main app view because it’s a good way to flatten your information hierarchy and provide access to several peer information categories or modes at one time.
Don’t use a tab bar to give users controls that act on elements in the current screen or app mode. If you need to provide controls, including a control that displays a modal view, use a toolbar instead (for usage guidelines, see Toolbar). "

Can Tab Bar view be used only in the second screen application?

I am just starting out iOS development and have some doubts about Tab Bars Human Interface Guidelines provided by Apple.
On the iOS HIG document concerning Tab Bars, it reads:
"A tab bar appears at the bottom edge of the screen and should be
accessible from every location in the app."
The app I am developing and would like to see published in the App Store once finished, would have a ListView as it's first screen that would then go to another screen with a tabbed interface after an item being selected. It would also be possible to go back to the first screen (the one with the list) at any time within the tabbed interface (the 2nd screen).
So, my question is if it's ok to have a Tab Bar interface only in the second screen of an iOS application or would something like that might result in some restrictions by apple approving?
Short answer is YES.
Yes, you can have tab bar in second screen. Consider the app where you have first screen as language select screen and second screen with tab bar controller.
With statement below, what Apple means is once you are in tab-bar controller and tab-bar controller is in scope, tab-bar controller should be accessible. You can hide the tab-bar, but on tapping, it should come again at the bottom of screen.
"A tab bar appears at the bottom edge of the screen and should be accessible from every location in the app."
Main words -> Should be. Apple wants you to make your apps in the most intuitive and user friendly way possible. Many standard apps use this paradigm (ie App Store Application) so they know iOS users are accustomed as to how to navigate. However, Apple themselves even make exceptions to this rule (ie. Playing a song inside the Music App). But yeah, they'll let you do it no problem.
