Is docker phasing out some sites and services or something? - docker

Aim: to deploy a private registry
private repository
I have read multiple posts and now I am confused. I have tried to run a docker container that should serve a private docker registry, but it returns an empty UI. Some posts indicate that it has been deprecated, but some other do not.
I used to navigate to dockerhub, but now there is
Has docker registry been phased out?
Should one now use in stead of docker hub?

Docker hub still exists and will remain for the open source projects as it always has.
Docker store is a new offering for commercial images.
The standalone registry does not have a UI, don't believe it ever has. It's intended to be accessed with docker push and docker pull commands.


How do I docker buildx build into a local "registry" container

I am trying to build a multi-arch image but would like to avoid pushing it to docker hub. I've had a lot of trouble finding out how to control the export options. is there a way to make "--push" push to a registry of my choosing?
Any help is appreciated
Docker provides a container image for a registry server that you may self run even on localhost, see: Deploying a registry server.
There are other servers|services that implement the registry API (see below) but this is a good place to start.
Conventionally, images pushed|pulled default to Docker registry; unless a registry is explicitly specifed, an image e.g. your-image:your-tag defaults to In my opinion, it's a good practice to always include this default to be more transparent about this.
If you run Docker's registry image on localhost on the default port 5000, you'll need to take your images with localhost:5000/your-image:your-tag to ensure that when you docker push localhost:5000/your-image:your-tag, the CLI is able to determine your local registry is the intended destination.
Similarly, if you use e.g. Quay registry, images must be prefixed, Google Artifact Registry, images are prefixed ${REGION}${PROJECT}/${REPOSITORY} etc.
IIRC it's not possible to push to Docker's registry (aka dockerhub) without an account so, as long as you ensure you're not logged in, you should not accidentally push images to Docker's registry.
NOTE You only need to use a registry to ease distribution of container images between machines. If you're only interested in local(host) development, you can docker run ... immediately after a successful docker build without any pushing|pulling (beyond interim images, e.g. FROM).

How to get transferable docker compose stack without dockerhub

I have few docker images composed together in the stack using docker-compose.yml.
Now I want to transfer whole docker compose stack to the other host machine without uploading to the dockerhub,
And deploy it on the docker swarm.
I saw there is a thing called docker compose bundle, would that help?
If you’re deploying on a multi-host swarm (or something similar like Kubernetes or Nomad) you all but need a Docker registry. It doesn’t specifically have to be Docker Hub —, Amazon’s ECR, Google’s GCR, and self-hosted registries all work fine — but you do need to have pushed the built images somewhere where the orchestrator can retrieve them by name.
I’ve never used docker-compose bundle myself, but its documentation also notes that its operation “requires interaction with a Docker registry”.
The only real alternative is using docker save and docker load to manually move images between machines, but as a manual process it will get tedious very quickly, and you need to make sure an identical set of images are on every machine for consistency. Using a registry will be vastly easier.
The easyest way to do it is to use a Docker registry. The problem with Docker Hub is that you can only have one private registry, the rest must be public or paid.
Thankfully, there are other (free) alternatives:
Deploy your own private registry. Here is a nice tutorial where you can try it in the browser.
Use a free private registry. I personnaly use Codefresh. It can automatically build your image from a private repo (like bitbucket who has free plan too), but you can also just use it like a "simple" docker registry and push and pull your Docker images there.

Building a docker container: will it be public?

I want to build a Docker container from a Dockerfile. It contains a private project.
My question is quite simple, and I don't find a clear answer: after having built my image, will it be automatically sent as a public one on Docker repository?
I want to build this container for private use and it's not intended to be retrieved on the public Internet.
docker build -f Dockerfile is a local operation.
You can docker push an image onto Dockerhub, but that is a separate operation and requires a Dockerhub account.
No, it will not automatically be published anywhere.
If you push the image onto Docker Hub, then it would be public unless you marked that repository private. (You get one private repository for free, though you can have more than one if you pay for an account.)

Why are we using docker-registry?

Can someone explain me 'Docker-registry'?
I face it in OpenShift but it's hard to understand what it is at the moment.
The Docker Registry is where you push and pull images. When you go docker pull {myimagename} you are pulling from the Docker Registry. Likewise, when you go docker push {username}/{imagename} you are pushing to the Docker Registry. The Docker Registry is available as a public or private registry. The public is available at and the private is available for purchase from There is also a free open source version of the registry available on, though the open source version has been deprecated and is being replaced by the Docker Trusted Registry.

export the IBM Docker container images in the registry

My aim is to show the portability of docker, and thus being able to export docker container images from the registry/repository to an external docker user.
I can perfectly pull the image from the machine with ICE CLI installed, and authentication (ice login passed), but if I use an other machine, the command docker pull or docker pull, I get the same result : authentication required.
My question is : is it possible to allow some docker images to be available for everyone, without authentication ?
I can obviously pull the image from the machine with ice logged in, and then re-export/push it, but it is not the easiest way.
Has anyone an idea, on how to do this ?
Thanks for reading
As you discovered, IBM Containers currently requires a Bluemix authentication token when connecting to the Bluemix container registry. There is not a public registry where anyone can pull images.
But your idea is interesting and we could look into providing some public images on a public registry. For now, you will need to sign in.
