iOS: UI Assets missing options and sizes - ios

I'm trying to create an new asset catalog for universal project (iPhone and iPad). I add new xcassest:
But As you can see in case of iPhone only shows one option for 2x. In my case I need to add backgrounds and for both 4-4s and 5-5s phones the images are 2x also is not showing an option for the 6/7 and is also 2x.
My question to guys is how can add the assets for every screen size in my xcassest file.
I'll really appreciate your help.

Nothing is "missing". Screens can come in different resolutions, and all possibilities appear in the screen shot. So every image in your app will come in three versions, and slots are provided for all of them. (You should use "Universal" unless the images for iPhone and iPad are truly different from one another, i.e. different content.)
As for image size, just use a size that works with the largest screen and permit the image view to scale it down as needed (or, for less memory waste, scale it down in code yourself at runtime).


Launch Screen File with different images

My design team has given me various launch screen images for all types of screen sizes found here.
I want to support iPhone 6+ and iPad Pro so I know launch screen files should be used instead of image assets.
However, how do I specify in my launch screen file the different images for each screen size? I thought size-classes would be the way to go but I can't differentiate between iPad Air 2 and iPad Pro that way.
There's also no iPad Pro image asset either.
You can look at device specific image assets (on the attributes inspector of an image in an asset bundle).
It may be impossible to match the design exactly because you can't run code at this point. It may be easier to explain this to the designers and have them design to the constraint.
One simple idea is to have a centered image at the correct resolution and to use a view underneath to have a background (color or tiled image).

Duplicate images in my

So I was snooping around in that achieve trying to make my app smaller. And I found something odd!
There are two identical copies of every image! One with an ending "~iPad" and one with "~iPad#2x"
I understand the purpose of having those two endings, but when I am setting up the .xcassets the way I am.... I don't expect the app to need it. Is there any way to get rid of the duplicate?
Here is how I have set up one of my entires:
You should use universal image asset instead of separate for iphone and ipad.
from assets select this image set and from attribute inspector uncheck iphone and ipad under Device and check universal from it.
So you will get universal imageset with 1x,2x and 3x will automatically used by iphone and ipad both.
If you are using different size of images for iphone and ipad then you must set separate images for iphone and ipad but if you are using same image size then you should use universal as i mentioned above.
Hope this will help :)

Do I need iPhone/iPad specific button images in my case?

Here is my situation: I have a simple app with some buttons that are images. I have the image set in xcode using the menu on the right (i simply click the button and pick the image I want from the dropdown). I created them using a simple image program so they look somewhat glossy and nice, but nothing crazy. I also sized them for an iphone screen.
Using some auto layout, I've been able to ensure the layout stays the same and the buttons change size with the size of the iphone. I would like this to be the case with the iPad as well, but I'm worried if they size too big, I'll lose image quality with the button images. I'm very new to layout and coding and have only been doing this development stuff for a little while. What are my options? I figure they are...(and these might not even be possible, throwing them out there):
1) Create two version of the app, one only for iPad and one only for iPhone with different size/quality images for each.
2) Code swift to identify the device and assign the different image accordingly
3) Pick a resolution for the iphone image that when expanded on iPad won't lose much quality
4) I'm overreacting and this isn't a big deal whatsoever since it's just a basic glossy button with some shadowing.
Thank you! Advice/links appreciated.
The better option to add images for both iPhone(retina/non-retina) and iPad(retina/non-retina). Put the high-resolution and original versions of your image in the same location in your application bundle.
Ones you added images same as the below naming format in to your application resources, the application will automatically pick the right one for you.
MyImage.png - Default version of an image resource.
MyImage#2x.png - High-resolution version of an image resource for devices with Retina displays.
MyImage~iphone.png - Version of an image for iPhone and iPod touch.
MyImage#2x~iphone.png - High-resolution version of an image for iPhone and iPod touch devices with Retina displays.
MyImage~ipad.png - Version of an image for iPad.
MyImage#2x~ipad.png - High-resolution version of an image for iPad devices with Retina displays.

Where to put launch images?

This has been an amazingly exasperating and non-transparent process.
So far, from this question I have figured out the different dimensions of launch images I needed and that I can safely not use launch xibs / storyboards if I already have the launch images, and from various posts I have determined that the naming convention (APPARENTLY??) should be Default#2x.png for iPhone 4s, Default-568h#2x.png for iPhone 5, Default-667h#2x.png for iPhone 6, and Default-Portrait#3x.png for iPhone 6+, although I have seen conflicting information on this so I'm not even I need ~iphone appended to the names?
BUT THEN, I go to add them to xcode so I go to my images.xcassets thing and select "new launch image" and this chart thing appears that makes zero sense to only has space for one landscape picture, "Retina HD 5.5", but not for the other landscapes....even though the project is supposed to be portrait-only anyway...and if this thing is keeping track of my images then what do I need the naming convention for? This is so confusing.
Okay, the easiest way to make a nice launch image is to use a xib. You won't have to worry about naming conventions and it will scale beautifully across all your devices.
Step 1:
Your project should come with a file called LaunchScreen.xib. If you don't see one like that, hit File > new File > User Interface > Launch Image.
Step 2:
Open the xib and click on edge of the xib. Then, click on the Attributes inspector. Set the size to whatever you are using in the rest of your app. We are taking advantage of the auto layout and so the image should be resized to fit other devices.
Step 3:
Drag in an image view and resize it to fill the xib. Insert a high resolution version of your splash screen.

Does the iPhone 5's screen require separate versions of my app's images?

I have a graphic designer that creates images and things like that for me. Do I need give him separate image sizes to be created specifically for iPhone 5, or do I build like I used to for the 3.5 inch screen? Will the images be resized automatically?
Here is one link that may help you.
Naming convention for iPhone 5 images?
and heres another
Screen size of iphone 5
Reviewing these links basically evaluates to yes you have to create separate images for iPhone 5 you will need to add -568h#2x.png to the end of each image that is for iPhone 5. You need to also create and set the launch image as well called Default-568h#2x.png are it will not pick anything up for the iPhone 5.
No it will not resize the images automatically it will select the correct image to use, it will select the one with the -568h#2x.png simple as that.
Hope this helps.
You have to provide specific files if your images are dependent on the screen ratio.
In order to conditionally use an image according to the device you can use the technique shown here.
If that's not the case, simply provide the same images and adjust the layout programmatically or within Interface Builder.
No iOS devices with a retina display can run iOS 3. You will need high resolution versions of all your pictures.
As for converting photos to work with the iPhone 5, it depends on the photo and how it's used. If the image is used as part of the background, you have two options: you can tile it, which would not require new pictures, or you will have to redesign it altogether.
As for the other pictures, whether you can work with the same ones (same size or resized) or need new ones depends on user interface decisions only you can make. If an image must retain a certain ratio, then perhaps you can resize it and place it accordingly, or maybe an entire new image would work better.
