Tooltip with info on click - tooltip

I have been looking for something similar to the map at As you can see, you click on an icon then a tooltip with information comes up.
Searched for two days now for something similar but I only get the regular tooltips. Do I just edit the tooltip CSS and go from there or am I searching for the wrong thing? I just want to know if what I am looking for is indeed a tooltip or called something else?
Thanks for your help.

Instead using the concept of tool tip we can use simply show hide in a div. In your reference link also they have used opacity in css to show hide the div (Tooltip).


Tool tip text in Google App Maker

Is there a simpler way to do tool tip text when ever I hover thru the following button in Google App Maker?
Go to the Other section of the Property Editor. The title field should give you what you need.
This works well. I know there is a way to inject JQuery into the AppMaker, and from there its just determining when the DOM is loaded and you can modify the element with a script.

Can I change the text color of one link on a page that has been created by a script code?

I am using a code on my blog that is contained within <script> </script> tags, that when looking at the page, creates a link. My overall blog code sets a color for all links but I want this link to be a different color than all the rest.
I tried using a few different methods of changing the text color and even of changing the link color but nothing I tried worked.
It's hard to see what you are doing wrong without seeing your code, but basically all you will need to do is set the color of your link with the style attribute when inserting the HTML, something like style="color:red".
Assuming you are using pure JavaScript and your script looks something like this, this will give you a red link:
document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].innerHTML +=
''This is red!'';
If you are using jQuery your script may look something like this:
$('This is red!').appendTo($('body'));
Inline styles have the highest priority of all CSS so these will override any other CSS you may have.
Leave a comment and update your question with your code if this doesn't help you, and I will try to improve this answer!

HighCharts: Enable/Disable tootip based on mouse click event

I need to enable/disable tooltip based on mouse click event. I surfed the net but somehow the suggestions are not working.
Inside the click event I tried chart.tooltip.hide(); but it didnt work. Even if it were to work I need to find the opposite of this function. chart.tooltip.unhide(); and; are not recognized.
I had read somewhere that chart.container.tooltip.enabled = true; should work, but even this is not a working solution.
Will appreciate if anyone can help me dynamically hide/unhide the tooltip.
You have to use chart.tooltip.refresh(point), for example chart.tooltip.refresh(chart.series[0].data[2]);

combining the actions of a tooltip with that of a modal window

I have a component of my site that is jQuery. I would like to use like a tool tip to walk the end user through the process of navigating this component. I have tried to modify the qtip plugin to do this. A link will be clicked that will bring up the 1st tooltip which will contain a link taking the user to the next tool tip. I was able to find a modal window, that allows me to do this, however I was unable to figure out how to have the window pop up in a specific place like the tool tip. I was also unable to close the previous window when the next one opened.
Found the solution. The answer was burried the whole time! :)

Jquery Mobile Themeroller leaves stripes in the background

I have a problem that drives me nuts, i have used themeroller from jquery mobile and i love this tool, it has its flaws and one of them is when you use dark backgrounds it leaves a little white stripe at the top of the list you can see it right here
it is on the top , left and right of the list, its small but it is there
Is there a fix for this, so i can remove the annoying white stripe
On this:
div class="ui-btn-inner ui-li" ...
Give it:
Worked at my end.
First I would add a HTML DOCTYPE
I think you're missing the opening <html> tag (right click to view source)
and last I think you also need to add just the custom theme and not jQM default css
Last I would give the jQM Theme Roller another go as it looks to be adding CSS from RC2 (jQuery Mobile v1.0rc2)
One more thing, your custom CSS could be causing the extra line as well, Didn't look at it too much though
