Ionic Push notification not working in IOS - ios

Hi I am developing ionic app for android and IOS but I am facing issue with push notification. My notification status as below
"data": [
"config": {
"query": {
"$and": [
"": {
"$regex": "prit"
"notification": {
"title": "Test Push",
"payload": {},
"android": {
"title": "Test Push",
"priority": "high",
"message": "Get 150% off!cxzczxcxzc"
"ios": {
"title": "Test Push",
"priority": 10,
"message": "Get 150% off!cxzczxcxzc"
"message": "Get 150% off!cxzczxcxzc"
"profile": "dev"
"created": "2017-03-07T10:19:07.563387+00:00",
"status": "locked",
"uuid": "82a2a7be-b7ad-41c3-abca-d5243b040c76",
"state": "enqueued",
"app_id": "1e54f22e"
"meta": {
"version": "2.0.0-beta.0",
"status": 200,
"request_id": "d70268c5-3875-4e78-cef6-a17927b04917"
here state is in enqueued ("status": "locked") and "status": "locked",.
I am not understanding its meaning. due to this I am not able to receive the any push notification. Please let me know how I can resolve this issue.


How do you get the side color bar to work for Slack notification attachments?

I'm POSTing the following test json to a Slack Webhook Url:
"attachments": [
"blocks": [
"type": "divider"
"text": {
"text": "This is error 1",
"type": "plain_text"
"type": "section"
"type": "divider"
"text": {
"text": "This is error 2",
"type": "plain_text"
"type": "section"
"type": "divider"
"text": {
"text": "This is error 3",
"type": "plain_text"
"type": "section"
"color": "danger"
"blocks": [
"text": {
"text": "*Failed*\nDeploy <|Test>\nTotal tests: 75 Passed: 75 Total time: 54.1872 Seconds\nError Messages:",
"type": "mrkdwn"
"type": "section"
As you can see in the payload, I'm setting "color": "danger" in the attachment object, which should result in a red color bar on the notification according to Slack's documentation. However, the Slack notification just has the default gray color bar. What am I doing wrong?

Not getting any webhook notification for Microsoft O365 Management APIs

I have created the below webhooks and all are enabled.:
"contentType": "Audit.AzureActiveDirectory",
"status": "enabled",
"webhook": {
"authId": "12345",
"address": "",
"expiration": "",
"status": "enabled"
"contentType": "Audit.General",
"status": "enabled",
"webhook": {
"authId": "12345",
"address": "",
"expiration": "",
"status": "enabled"
"contentType": "Audit.SharePoint",
"status": "enabled",
"webhook": {
"authId": "12345",
"address": "",
"expiration": "",
"status": "enabled"
I don't see any notifications coming when there are changes made in sharepoint. Anything in particular need to change?
From the access token, I do see correct app permissions:
"roles": [
I manually queried to get content and it shows empty.{tenant-guid}/activity/feed/subscriptions/content?contentType=Audit.Sharepoint
Looks like the auditing for Office 365 organization is disabled.
Make sure you turn on audit log search.

Pull Request Statuses - Added custom properties to a status aren't getting persisted by TFS

We are operating a TFS 2018 Update 2 in our enviroment.
We are sending the example json found here to our server and it is getting accepted successfully:
"properties": {
"sampleId": 7,
"customInfo": "Custom status information",
"startedDateTime": {
"$type": "System.DateTime",
"$value": "2017-09-19T14:50:26.7410146Z"
"weight": {
"$type": "System.Double",
"$value": 1.75
"bytes": {
"$type": "System.Byte[]",
"$value": "dGhpcyBpcyBzYW1wbGUgYmFzZTY0IGVuY29kZWQgc3RyaW5n"
"globalId": {
"$type": "System.Guid",
"$value": "1e788cb9-9d3d-4dc6-ac05-822092d17f90"
"state": "succeeded",
"description": "Sample status succeeded",
"context": {
"name": "sample-status-1",
"genre": "vsts-samples"
"targetUrl": ""
But the response doesn't look like in the documentation. Instead it looks like this:
"id": 6,
"state": "succeeded",
"description": "Sample status succeeded",
"context": {
"name": "sample-status-1",
"genre": "vsts-samples"
"creationDate": "2019-12-11T16:14:05.0574648Z",
"updatedDate": "2019-12-11T16:14:05.0574648Z",
"createdBy": {
"displayName": "...",
"url": "https://.../_apis/Identities/0b85e078-130d-4cb8-a450-17c5c7efccec",
"_links": {
"avatar": {
"href": "https://.../_api/_common/identityImage?id=0b85e078-130d-4cb8-a450-17c5c7efccec"
"id": "0b85e078-130d-4cb8-a450-17c5c7efccec",
"uniqueName": "...",
"imageUrl": "https://.../_api/_common/identityImage?id=0b85e078-130d-4cb8-a450-17c5c7efccec"
"targetUrl": "",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "https://.../_apis/git/repositories/35fe73eb-7af1-4bba-bf04-545611fcac1d/pullRequests/58/statuses/6"
"repository": {
"href": "https://.../_apis/git/repositories/35fe73eb-7af1-4bba-bf04-545611fcac1d"
The properties are gone. What could be wrong?
Could it be a somehow completely missleading documentation?
To troubleshoot your issue, please check the following items:
Check whether the Status updated on the pull request after running the POST request.
Press F12 in your browser, and send the POST request to check the statuses to see whether you can get properties in the response body.
Check your TFS edition by going to Administration Console -- Application Tier, or checking the About on the web portal. The issue can not be reproduced in TFS 2018.2 on our side.

Firebase notification not sent IOS devices

I am trying to send Firebase notifications to multiple devices from an API written in PHP. It is sending notifications to android devices without any issue but this is not the case for ios devices.
Here is the payload for android:
"registration_ids": [
"data": {
"title": "Producer",
"text": "Setting Check",
"notification": {
"NotificationID": "5864",
"NotificationType": "",
"Title": "Producer",
"Text": "Setting Check"
"sound": "true"
"content_available": true,
"priority": "high"
Here is my payload for ios devices:
"registration_ids": [
"eXhFfdy9oO4:APA91bGp3bMu-ps6euvBTDW5HshAIgdswFUgZ6p7EIFeW7abHMz2uIwmzzZuqz0bEwEAGi2fGLb0JJ4bhKhoGAs0EH4yqd0WDVkVH9Je6b7q9WFzBDDF__jIGoF1ShdM8qoqnVbeJmOSf3bS7s89xKmUh_m2x0ecQg" ],
"notification": {
"title": "Custom Notification",
"text": "This custom notification is sent through Vendors area. Let's see if it works?",
"sound": "default"
"data": {
"notification": {
"Title": "Producer",
"Text": "Setting Check"
"title": "Producer",
"text": "Setting Check"
"content_available": true,
"priority": "high"
The issue is with payload but I can't seem to locate the issue.I am new to fire base. Please help me sorting this out.

Facebook FQL: Difference between status table and stream table?

Can anyone tell me what the difference is between the status table and the stream table?
I am querying my own posts using the graph explorer and I find some status updates appear only in the status table, and others appear in both the stream and status table. When I go to my own Timeline I can see posts from both tables.
What is going on here? Why are some in the posts table only, but appear on my Timeline?!
I am trying to find a list of all my posts that are publicly visible, and it seems to do this I need to query both tables and end up with some duplicates. Is there a better way?
Here is an example:
"id": "10150680671412355",
"from": {
"name": "Alan Byrne",
"id": "509517354"
"message": "Beans on toast.",
"updated_time": "2012-03-14T10:53:01+0000",
"likes": {
"data": [
"id": "xxxxx",
"name": "xxxx"
"paging": {
"next": ""
"comments": {
"data": [
"id": "10150680671412355_31516486",
"from": {
"name": "xxxxx",
"id": "xxxxx"
"message": "Peasant. Baked beans on the other hand...",
"can_remove": true,
"created_time": "2012-03-14T11:20:35+0000"
"paging": {
"next": ""
"type": "status"
Yet, when I scan for posts on the stream on that same day, this one does not come back
fql?q=select message,post_id,created_time from stream where source_id=509517354 and created_time > 1331596800 and created_time < 1331856000
"data": [
"message": "",
"post_id": "509517354_10150680640782355",
"created_time": 1331720877
"message": "",
"post_id": "509517354_10150680632467355",
"created_time": 1331720499
"post_id": "509517354_10150680618357355",
"created_time": 1331719866
"message": "",
"post_id": "509517354_10150680602327355",
"created_time": 1331719906
"message": "I did it!",
"post_id": "509517354_10150680491832355",
"created_time": 1331716355
"message": "",
"post_id": "509517354_10150680446052355",
"created_time": 1331714440
"message": "It got to Australia.\n",
"post_id": "509517354_365689393454249",
"created_time": 1331679835
"message": "",
"post_id": "509517354_107999992664739",
"created_time": 1331677643
"message": "",
"post_id": "509517354_10150678888762355",
"created_time": 1331671872
"message": "Booooo",
"post_id": "509517354_268316116580687",
"created_time": 1331632096
"message": "'spose I should wander into the office...",
"post_id": "509517354_10150678259167355",
"created_time": 1331625013
"message": "",
"post_id": "509517354_10150678258862355",
"created_time": 1331624991
"message": "",
"post_id": "509517354_10150678257547355",
"created_time": 1331624907
"message": "",
"post_id": "509517354_10150678250602355",
"created_time": 1331631742
The stream contains posts of various types - links, checkins, photos and status updates.
The status table only contains status updates - text with no additional links, photos etc.
If you're hoping to find the content similar to the timeline, you'll want to use the stream table.
