White line appears at the bottom of UIButton - ios

I just published a very simple app on the App Store. I wrote it for iOS 9.1 because to download Xcode 8 I would have to upgrade my laptop to El Capitan or Sierra (it's running Yosemite slowly so I don't think its a good idea).
When I was testing the app, I used a device running iOS 9.1, because the iPhone used must be running the same OS number that the app was programmed for, for some reason.
I published the app and I downloaded into two phones, an iPhone 5s running iOS 9.3 and an iPhone SE running iOS 10. The 5s works fine, however when I run the app on the SE, thick white lines appear at the bottom of every UIButton. I've tried deleting the app and reinstalling, but the problem still occurs.
I've never coded on Swift 3, and this is my first App Store release, so I'm clueless as to what the problem is. I haven't found any information online regarding this.
Is this a problem I can fix? If so, how can I fix it?
Here's my app, btw (shameless plug) : https://itunes.apple.com/es/app/breakitup/id1207626557?l=ca&mt=8
As you can see, white lines appear at the bottom of the buttons

There is not an issue with your code or XIB related issue.
Check your Setting -> General -> Accessibility -> Turn Off Button Shapes.
Run your project again. It will not shows you underline below buttons.


iOS Simulator 8.1 and 8.2 Translucency Bug with UITabBar?

Is there any known Bug regarding the iOS Simulator and UITabBar for iOS 8.1 and 8.2? Today I noticed during testing that text heavily shines through the UITabBar when running in the 8.1 and 8.2 Simulators, while other iOS versions work flawlessly.
I want to make sure there's no additional work needed, as the iOS 8 UINavigationBar translucent color drawing issues immediately came to my mind.
Demo Setup
Create fresh Tabbed App (using ObjC or Swift)
Delete the First View and add a UITableViewContoller with dummy Static Cells
Run the application, on iOS 8.1 and 8.2 Simulators the text shines through, on iOS 8.3 and above everything is working as expected.
Not related to Simulator Scaling, tested. Using a late 2013 rMBP with discrete GPU, El Capitan 10.11.2 and Xcode 7.2 (7C68). Working fine on device running iOS 9.
Question: I don't have any iOS 8.x devices around anymore, can somebody please confirm (i.e. from memory) if that's simulator only or an OS bug? Or point to a rdar?
Edit: Verified that it's not related to Swift, also happens with ObjC.
#maddy: Thanks for fixing the Tags!
Edit: Probably a regression related to this Bug with iOS 7.1: Tab bar background is missing on iOS 7.1 after presenting and dismissing a view controller
Many issues that are seen in the simulator are not simulator bugs but rather OS bugs that the simulator is revealing.
In this particular case, I think the issue is that there should be a blur getting applied to that layer behind the tab bar. It may be the case that you have turned on the "Low Quality" option in the "Graphics Quality Override" (Debug menu). Try turning that back to "Default" as that should cause all effects to be applied.

Xcode 6.1 issues while opening the simulator

I have recently started working on IOS app development and was encountering an issue. I have downloaded XCode 6.1.1 and my target SDK is IOS 8.1.
On building and running my application I dont have the mobile/Iphone interface coming up in which I can check my layout how the app will be presented once it is deployed on Iphone. All I get is a rectangular box which is definitely not resizable and I am unable to check my app.
On this rectangular box which is definitely not the one I am expecting, I can see my labels and buttons in a crap state.
I tried changing the SDK version to 7.1, changed the build type from debug to release, change the deployment target to 7.1 also, using Iphone 5S,7.1 simulator also but the issue seems non-resolved.
It looks like you're on 100% zoom, so you should be able to see the full phone by zooming out. In the iOS simulator, in the top bar go to Window->Scale and select 50% or 75%. If the zoom level is the problem, that should fix it. Hope it helps :)

IOS-Simulator in Xcode does not show iPhone -like but regular window

It used to work properly, with 100% as well as 50%. Then I did not use the simulator for some time but only the console, having moved the simulator almost out of site. Now I need it but realize that instead of an iPhone surface just a regular window is shown, like in this thread:
XCode iPhone simulator does not look like an iPhone
I read lots of proposal I found on the web to this problem and followed the advices.
So I changed the size to 100%, tried different iPhone devices. And finally I deleted the Xcode application from the application folder and removed all remaining items by putting in the order
sudo /Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all
into the terminal.
I downloaded Xcode again.
The problem is still there.
The very strange thing about it: It did work properly when I installed Xcode for the first time, about 6 weeks ago.
As far as I know it depends on the deployment target whether the simulator shows the iPhone frame or not. I think if you set iOS 7 as the target you won't be able to see the iPhone image around your app screen. (For example, I have never seen an iPhone image in the simulator for a 4'' device.)
Try changing the deployment target and play around with different devices under Hardware / Device in the simulator.
Here is a more detailed answer.
It's one of the replies to the question that you linked.
You better select your simulator and set Hardware -> Device -> iPhone
Note 1: If you want the simulator should looks like iPhone do not select the retina simulator.
Note 2: You must check the target version of you app in xcode it must be below 7.0
Note 3: Keep the scale of simulator always 100%.
Are you sure the current project you're working on is an iOS and not an OS X project? You can verify this be looking at the project's folder. If the app ist for OS X, there is most likely a .xib file. If it's a iOS project, there should be a storyboard file.
As the OS X apps use windows, like the one you described, this could be a hint.
I have found the solution for the problem I had (and other users as well):
At PREFERENCES / DOWNLOADS older versions of the iOS simulator are available. While at the moment the current version is 7.0 (beginning January 2014), versions 6.0 and 6.1 are being offered for download.
After downloading I could chose more devices than with version 7.0. Now also the non-Retina iPhone is available.
As a result, the iPhone surface is being displayed when set to 100% (at WINDOW - SIZE).
Thanks to everyone helping!

iPad black blank Screen Issue

I have recently updated my iPad device to version 6.1.3, it was OK till i have not installed Xcode 5.0, now when i run one of my application in this device, many of the times i get Black Blank Screen, in the half of ipad Screen, like the image is showing. Any help would be appreciated.
I have tried the following tricks:
1. language change.
2. shutting device off and then On again.
3. switched WiFi network...
When you select your device to run, there's two listed devices, select the first one, that uses SDK 6.
If your list contains only one, you'll have to download SDK 6 and copy to Xcode folder: just like this link Is it possible to get the iOS 5.1 SDK for Xcode 4.2 on Snow Leopard? but using SDK 6.

xcode iOS Simulator will dim part of the display down, then back to normal over and over again

Has anyone experienced this behavior? Is there anything I can do about it?
When running any of my apps in the iOS simulator, my screen (external monitor) will show a patch of dimmer colors. Usually the whole simulator, but sometimes the line cuts right through it.
This happened in all versions of xcode from 4 to the latest GM of xcode 5.
It's frustrating because I like to record the screen to show demos of my apps, but the constant dimming / un-dimming makes it look bad.
