set/getCorrelationIdString not working - spring-amqp

It was surprising to me Set/getCorrelationIdString is not workng for me. It is
amqp-client 3.6.5 and other spring-rabbit/amqp 1.6.6.Anybody else faced it ? I am surviving with Set/getCorrelationId which works but shows as depreciated. Any solution for this.

That's because the DefaultMessagePropertiesConverter has default strategy as:
private volatile CorrelationIdPolicy correlationIdPolicy = CorrelationIdPolicy.BYTES;
For backward compatibility.
If you wish to use Set/getCorrelationIdString, you should inject DefaultMessagePropertiesConverter into RabbitTemplate and SimpleMessageListenerContainer with the CorrelationIdPolicy.STRING.


Sporadic "an interface and cannot be constructed. Are you missing a type mapping"

Initial deployment of the site works fine. After about 2-3 hours, the controllers suddenly cannot be instantiated due to a dependency cannot be resolved (or at least that's what the error message tells me).
I have tried various things, but none of which seem to resolve it. Does anyone have any ideas what I can check?
Recently we had a similar situation with one of our Interceptors. All of a sudden it would no longer work. We intercept all calls to interfaces defined in assembly X.Y.Z.dll. But the OS decided to call the file X.Y.Z.DLL after a while. No new deployment happened in the meantime. But all of a sudden the name matching failed. Do you load some assemblies in your configuration by name? Maybe you should check for IgnoreCase in string comparisons.
Another idea: Do you use some kind of cache for your objects? Or a cache based LifetimeManager? If cache items get invalidated after some time you would loose those objects.
i still have no idea what was happening, but i managed to fix it. i was using a third-party bootstrapping library to register my components and mappings. but after rolling my own with MEF, and controlling the registrations myself, the issue went away. i'm guessing it was doing something funky by disposing things when it shouldn't have. thanks for the help.
In case someone encounters this problem using with the following declaration:
I replaced that with:
IUnityContainer container = new UnityContainer();
MEFContainer mefContainer = new MEFContainer();
mefContainer.UnityRegistry.ForEach(x => x.Register(container));
mefContainer.AutoMapperRegistry.ForEach(x => x.CreateMap(Mapper.Configuration));
private class MEFContainer
public List<IUnityRegistration> UnityRegistry { get; set; }
public List<IMapCreator> AutoMapperRegistry { get; set; }
public MEFContainer()
var catalog = new DirectoryCatalog("bin");
var compositionContainer = new CompositionContainer(catalog);
Note that IUnityRegistration.Register() and IMapCreator.CreateMap() are defined in the third-party code. MEF references System.ComponentModel.Composition
and System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting. Will eventually refactor.

T4MVC 2.6.65 and UseLowercaseRoutes=true error

Good day!
I'm using latest T4MVC from 2.6.65 from NuGet (upgraded from 2.6.64), I've set
// If true, use lower case tokens in routes for the area, controller and action names
static bool UseLowercaseRoutes = true;
And I got error:
The expression being assigned to '....' must be constant ...\T4MVC.cs
Here is the the generated code that triggers error:
[GeneratedCode("T4MVC", "2.0"), DebuggerNonUserCode]
public class ActionNameConstants {
public const string Calc = ("Calc").ToLowerInvariant();
Is this a bug?
Ah sorry, the previous change broke it. I just pushed a new build of T4MVC (2.6.66) which addresses this. Well, it's more of a workaround as it basically doesn't generate the constant tokens when UseLowercaseRoutes is used. But that'll get us going for now.
The root of the problem is that C# doesn't support using .ToLowerInvariant() in constant strings. Ideally, it would just evaluate that at compile time, but it's not that smart :)

Graphics deprecation in blackberry game development

I had a problem on this matter, I'm using Eclipse with JDK 6.0
How can I resolve this problem:
Here's my code
public void processLevel(){
OBJ tempObjects;
if(mygfx.getBackPos() % 25 == 0){
tempObjects = new EnemyDrone(rndGenerator.nextInt() % Graphics.getScreenWidth(), 0 );
tempObjects.setY(tempObjects.getY() - tempObjects.getmybitmap().getHeight() + 3);
the error says that "The method getScreenWidth() from the type Graphics is deprecated"
Thanks in advance guys.!!
Well, you should still be able to compile it with that code; deprecation is just a warning that the current way of doing something isn't the recommended way of doing it, and that there is a newer method that might have additional functionality or is better supported. In this case, you want to use Display.getWidth() to get the current width of the screen.
In general the documentation will say what method a deprecated method has been replaced with. For example, if you check out the documentation for the Graphics class in BB 6.0, it will say to use the static getWidth method of the Display class instead.
You should now use getWidth() of Display in net.rim.device.api.system.Display. The Deprecated API page is also useful.

Spring .Net Configuration Fluently

I have the need to use Spring .Net in a project and am exploring configuration options. All I can find about config for Spring .Net is config file stuff. Does Spring support configuration in code? I have used Castle and Ninject, and both seem to offer this natively. I have found projects that claim to add support, but I dont want some knock off project that will die in 6 months. I have found references in blogs that seem to indicate Spring supports this but I cant find any documentation!!
Part 2 of this might be would you recommend Spring .Net over Windsor knowing it cant support fluent configuration? I know both are great IoC containers, but I have worked on projects that have massive config files for Spring configuration and I hate it.
No, the current version (1.3) of Spring.NET only supports XML configuration. There has been talk about supporting Code as Configuration in future versions, but this has not yet materialized.
In my opinion, Castle Windsor is far superior to Spring.NET. I can't think of a single feature of Spring.NET that Castle Windsor doesn't have. On the other hand, Castle Windsor has the following features that are not available in Spring.NET:
Code as Configuration
Convention-based configuration
More lifetimes
Custom lifetimes
Object graph decommissioning
Explicit mapping of interfaces/base classes to concrete types
Type-based resolution
Modular configuration (Installers)
Built-in support for Decorators
Typed Factories
There are probably other features I forgot about...
It appears I was a bit too quick on the trigger here, although to my defense, the Spring.NET documentation also states that there's only XML configuration in the current version.
However, it turns out that if for certain contexts, a very primitive API is available that enables you to configure a context without XML. Here's an example:
var context = new GenericApplicationContext();
new RootObjectDefinition(typeof(EggYolk)));
new RootObjectDefinition(typeof(OliveOil)));
new RootObjectDefinition(typeof(Mayonnaise),
Notice how this API very closely mirrors the XML configuration schema. Thus, you don't get any fluent API from the IObjectDefinitionRegistry interface, but at least there's an API which is decoupled from XML. Building a fluent API on top of this is at least theoretically possible.
You will find a fully working spring fluent API for on github:
This API brings fluent configuration, and will soon support convention based configuration.
In answer to the first part of your question: the springsource team appears to be working on a code configuration project on github: It was announced with (but not included in) the 1.3.1 (december 2010) release.
From the MovieFinder example:
public class MovieFinderConfiguration
public virtual MovieLister MyMovieLister()
MovieLister movieLister = new MovieLister();
movieLister.MovieFinder = FileBasedMovieFinder();
return movieLister;
public virtual IMovieFinder FileBasedMovieFinder()
return new ColonDelimitedMovieFinder(new FileInfo("movies.txt"));
There is another option using the Spring.AutoRegistration. The same concept used with Unity AutoRegistration.
var context = new GenericApplicationContext();
.IncludeAssembly(x => x.FullName.StartsWith("Company.ApplicationXPTO"))
.Include(x => x.ImplementsITypeName(), Then.Register().UsingSingleton()
It is also possible to use Spring.FluentContext project.
With it, the configuration of MovieFinder would look as follows:
// Configuration
private static IApplicationContext Configure()
var context = new FluentApplicationContext();
.BindProperty(l => l.MovieFinder).ToRegisteredDefaultOf<ColonDelimitedMovieFinder>();
.UseConstructor((FileInfo fileInfo) => new ColonDelimitedMovieFinder(fileInfo))
.BindConstructorArg().ToValue(new FileInfo("movies.txt"));
return context;
// Usage
static void Main(string[] args)
IApplicationContext context = Configure();
var movieLister = context.GetObject<MovieLister>();
foreach (var movie in movieLister.MoviesDirectedBy("Roberto Benigni"))
It does not require any hardcoded literal ID for objects (but allows that), it is type safe and contains documentation with samples on GitHub wiki.
Using the Fluent-API-for-Spring.Net, the configuration could look something like:
private void ConfigureMovieFinder()
.BindConstructorArgument<FileInfo>().To(new FileInfo("movies.txt"));
// By default, fluent spring will create an identifier (Type.FullName) when using Register<T>()
.Bind(x => x.MovieFinder).To<IMovieFinder>("ColonDelimitedMovieFinder");

SpringSecurity3.0 AuthenticationSuccessEvent cannot be detected

I want to prepare some data after user login system. After some google, I implemented a ApplicationListener to listen AuthenticationSuccessEvent:
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
public class MyApplicationListener implements
ApplicationListener<AuthenticationSuccessEvent> {
public void onApplicationEvent(AuthenticationSuccessEvent event) {
UserDetails userDetails = (UserDetails) event.getAuthentication()
System.out.println("Successed login:" + userDetails.getUsername());
I updated to Spring 3.0 RELEASE, and Spring Security 3.0.0.RC2. But I can never get called for AuthenticationSuccessEvent:( (I tried other event, such as AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvent, it worked).
I use my own authentication-manager and do nothing about the event:
Do I need to podcast the event by myself?
Thank you.
You don't specify the details of your configuration. You state that you use your own authentication-manager - does this mean you are configuring the ProviderManager explicitly using Spring Bean configuration?
If so, you need to configure the AuthenticationEventPublisher on the ProviderManager, as the default implementation is a null implementation, which doesn't publish events.
The bean declaration for the default implementation is like this:
<bean id="defaultAuthEventPublisher" class=""/>
You'll then need to map this bean to the appropriate property on the ProviderManager:
If you aren't declaring your own ProviderManager, unfortunately there is not a way to enable this functionality using the security namespace style of configuration. Hope that answers your question!
I'm using Spring-Security 2.0.4, but I think it's pretty the same.
From what that I saw the ProviderManager is the one that publish the event in case of successful authentication.
Few questions that might help:
Do you use the standard ProviderManager ( or supply one of your own?
Maybe the #Component doesn't work?, maybe (just for testing) you can try the regular addListener() function.
The best way to understand what happens is to Ito debug Spring security (locate a break point in ProviderManager), I use to do it a lot and find it pretty useful.
Maybe you want to listen for the InteractiveAuthenticationSuccessEvent. OpenID for example emits that event only. See also SEC-1534.
I have the same problem and I found a few things that might help.
I think that we should include the following listener in web.xml
If you wonder if your problem is in the listener detection or the publising you may tray to lauch events yourself.
AuthenticationSuccessEvent event = new AuthenticationSuccessEvent(
