T4MVC 2.6.65 and UseLowercaseRoutes=true error - asp.net-mvc

Good day!
I'm using latest T4MVC from 2.6.65 from NuGet (upgraded from 2.6.64), I've set
// If true, use lower case tokens in routes for the area, controller and action names
static bool UseLowercaseRoutes = true;
And I got error:
The expression being assigned to '....' must be constant ...\T4MVC.cs
Here is the the generated code that triggers error:
[GeneratedCode("T4MVC", "2.0"), DebuggerNonUserCode]
public class ActionNameConstants {
public const string Calc = ("Calc").ToLowerInvariant();
Is this a bug?

Ah sorry, the previous change broke it. I just pushed a new build of T4MVC (2.6.66) which addresses this. Well, it's more of a workaround as it basically doesn't generate the constant tokens when UseLowercaseRoutes is used. But that'll get us going for now.
The root of the problem is that C# doesn't support using .ToLowerInvariant() in constant strings. Ideally, it would just evaluate that at compile time, but it's not that smart :)


MvvmCross vNext: ObservableColletion is defined in an assembly that is not referenced

I have got my PCL model to build now, which took a bit of time making plug-ins, however now in my Android UI project I get two errors when building it.
First error is:
The type 'System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection`1<T0>' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced.
You must add a reference to assembly 'System.Windows, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e,
Retargetable=Yes'. C:\ENM\Main\src\prod\Mobile\Stakeholder\UI.Android.vNext\Views\LocationsMapView.cs 40 32 UI.Android.vNext
The second error is:
foreach statement cannot operate on variables of type
because 'System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection`1<BK.EMS.Stakeholder.Model.ViewModels.LocationViewModel>'
does not contain a public definition for 'GetEnumerator'
C:\ENM\Main\src\prod\Mobile\Stakeholder\UI.Android.vNext\Views\LocationsMapView.cs 40 32 UI.Android.vNext
I have referenced the System.Windows assembly from the System.Windows.Droid project, which is supposed to forward ObservableCollection<>.
The lines where the error occurs:
private void AddLocationOverlays()
if (_itemizedOverlay.Size() > 0) _itemizedOverlay.ClearOverlayItems();
RunOnUiThread(() =>
foreach (var location in ViewModel.Locations)
The Locations property in my ViewModel looks like this:
public ObservableCollection<LocationViewModel> Locations
get { return _locations; }
_locations = value;
RaisePropertyChanged(() => Locations);
Nothing too complicated and works fine in the non-PCL models...
So how do I get around and fix this?
We now have a solution to this problem - see fix from Daniel Plaisted in Portable Class Library strong assembly reference problems in MonoTouch/MonoDroid
This fix is checked in at https://github.com/slodge/MvvmCross/commit/f6a88048467838e5ac5ca687744dc0b2d1958aa8
Update : See other answer. It appears we now have a solution to this problem!
I believe this is linked to this problem - Portable Class Library strong assembly reference problems in MonoTouch/MonoDroid
Which is linked to: https://github.com/slodge/MvvmCross/issues/41
This is raised with Xamarin as a bug: https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=8035 and
I'm afraid I don't understand the recommended Strong Signing solutions right now.
Please upvote the bug report to alert the Microsoft PCL and Xamarin teams about this. The MS and Xamarin teams are talking to each other on this (albeit through me!), and I am hopeful we will find a way for either Microsoft or Xamarin to ship some signed DLLs.
In the meantime, some possible workarounds are:
Use IEnumerable access instead of ObservableCollection - the collection can still be an ObservableCollection instance, just don't reference it as an ObservableCollection in the UI code.
Try putting your iterating code in a class library rather than in an application project - bizarre as it feels, the compiler seems perfectly happy building the same code when its in a library rather than in an application
Try building in MonoDevelop with the Mono compiler - this doesn't seem to have the same strong name reference checks.
Looking at your sample code I would just try:
private ObservableCollection<LocationViewModel> _locations;
public IEnumerable<LocationViewModel> Locations
get { return _locations; }
if (value != null && !(value is ObservableCollection<LocationViewModel>)
throw new Exception("You must Set an ObservableCollection");
_locations = (ObservableCollection<LocationViewModel>)value;
RaisePropertyChanged(() => Locations);
then AddLocationOverlays could stay the same.
The only problem with this would be if you then wanted to bind to INotifyCollectionChanged on this collection - but I think you can find a way around this too if needed - e.g. you could somehow expose another INotifyCollectionChanged hook, or you could try using a hack involving an intermediary class library.
I accept that for now these are workarounds not solutions :/

Is there any way in Struts 2 by which I can get all namespaces in my app?

Is there any way in Struts2 by which I can get list of namespaces in my App ?
I want this as set or list at runtime .
I am using Struts2 RestActionMapper plugin.
When there invalid namespace is specified for valid action, Struts is throwing namespace error.
But I could not redirected to standard error page when this error occurs. I tried almost all options e.g.global error mapping default namespace etc . Nothing worked. So thought it would be great if I could get list of namespaces in my app, thus i could have checked invalid namespace against my list of valid namespaces and accordingly I could have thrown generic error which would finally result in my standard error page.
I am looking for how to get list of all namespaces in my project.
So basically I want to do something like this.
validNamespaces = getNamespaces();
{Sysout("This is valid namespace.")}
{Sysout("Invalid namespace");}
This is possible, though like Steven has pretty much stated, I'm not convinced that this is the right approach to the problem you state of redirecting to an error page. But, I'll leave that part up to you and use this space to answer the namespace question.
This code will have to be in a Struts2-created object for the injection to work.
private Configuration configuration;
public void setConfiguration(Configuration config) {
this.configuration = config;
protected Set<String> getNamespaces() {
Set<String> namespaces = Collections.emptySet();
Map<String, Map<String, ActionConfig>> allActionConfigs = this.configuration.getRuntimeConfiguration().getActionConfigs();
if (allActionConfigs != null) {
namespaces = allActionConfigs.keySet();
return namespaces;
The configuration can also be obtained from a ConfigurationManager. Also, you would obviously want to store these in a variable rather than calling above method over and over. If your object is, say, an interceptor, then you could call this method from the init() method and store it in a class-level variable.

Irony AST generation throws nullreference excepttion

I'm getting started with Irony (version Irony_2012_03_15) but I pretty quickly got stuck when trying to generate an AST. Below is a completely strpped language that throws the exception:
[Language("myLang", "0.1", "Bla Bla")]
public class MyLang: Grammar {
public NModel()
: base(false) {
var number = TerminalFactory.CreateCSharpNumber("number");
var binExpr = new NonTerminal("binExpr", typeof(BinaryOperationNode));
var binOp = new NonTerminal("BinOp");
binExpr.Rule = number + binOp + number;
binOp.Rule = ToTerm("+");
RegisterOperators(1, "+");
this.Root = binExpr;
this.LanguageFlags = Parsing.LanguageFlags.CreateAst; // if I uncomment this line it throws the error
As soon as I uncomment the last line it throws a NullReferenceException in the grammar explorer or when i want to parse a test. The error is on AstBuilder.cs line 96:
parseNode.AstNode = config.DefaultNodeCreator();
DefaultNodeCreator is a delegate that has not been set.
I've tried setting things with MarkTransient etc but no dice.
Can someone help me afloat here? I'm proably missing something obvious. Looked for AST tutorials all over the webs but I can't seem to find an explanation on how that works.
Thanks in advance,
Once you set the LanguageFlags.CreateAst flag on the grammar, you must provide additional information about how to create the AST.
You're supposed to be able to set AstContext.Default*Type for the whole language, but that is currently bugged.
Set TermFlags.NoAstNode. Irony will ignore this node and its children.
Set AstConfig.NodeCreator. This is a delegate that can do the right thing.
Set AstConfig.NodeType to the type of the AstNode. This type should be accessible, implement IAstInit, and have a public, no-parameters constructor. Accessible in this case means either public or internal with the InternalsVisibleTo attribute.
To be honest, I was facing the same problem and did not understand Jay Bazuzi answer, though it looks like valid one(maybe it's outdated).
If there's anyone like me;
I just inherited my Grammar from Irony.Interpreter.InterpretedLanguageGrammar class, and it works. Also, anyone trying to get AST working, make sure your nodes are "public" :- )
On top of Jay's and Erti-Chris's responses, this thread is also useful:
The creator of Irony points out the relevant configuration code in InterpretedLanguageGrammar.BuildAst.

Sporadic "an interface and cannot be constructed. Are you missing a type mapping"

Initial deployment of the site works fine. After about 2-3 hours, the controllers suddenly cannot be instantiated due to a dependency cannot be resolved (or at least that's what the error message tells me).
I have tried various things, but none of which seem to resolve it. Does anyone have any ideas what I can check?
Recently we had a similar situation with one of our Interceptors. All of a sudden it would no longer work. We intercept all calls to interfaces defined in assembly X.Y.Z.dll. But the OS decided to call the file X.Y.Z.DLL after a while. No new deployment happened in the meantime. But all of a sudden the name matching failed. Do you load some assemblies in your configuration by name? Maybe you should check for IgnoreCase in string comparisons.
Another idea: Do you use some kind of cache for your objects? Or a cache based LifetimeManager? If cache items get invalidated after some time you would loose those objects.
i still have no idea what was happening, but i managed to fix it. i was using a third-party bootstrapping library to register my components and mappings. but after rolling my own with MEF, and controlling the registrations myself, the issue went away. i'm guessing it was doing something funky by disposing things when it shouldn't have. thanks for the help.
In case someone encounters this problem using http://bootstrapper.codeplex.com/ with the following declaration:
I replaced that with:
IUnityContainer container = new UnityContainer();
MEFContainer mefContainer = new MEFContainer();
mefContainer.UnityRegistry.ForEach(x => x.Register(container));
mefContainer.AutoMapperRegistry.ForEach(x => x.CreateMap(Mapper.Configuration));
private class MEFContainer
public List<IUnityRegistration> UnityRegistry { get; set; }
public List<IMapCreator> AutoMapperRegistry { get; set; }
public MEFContainer()
var catalog = new DirectoryCatalog("bin");
var compositionContainer = new CompositionContainer(catalog);
Note that IUnityRegistration.Register() and IMapCreator.CreateMap() are defined in the third-party code. MEF references System.ComponentModel.Composition
and System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting. Will eventually refactor.

URL-encode parameters in ActionLink?

I have the following route registered;
new { controller = "StorageLocation", action = "Index" },
...and the following code in my view;
<%= Html.ActionLink("Platser", "Index", "StorageLocation", new { system = Model.System, storage = Model.Storage, area = item.Name }, null)%>
My problem is when the "area = item.Name" contains a colon, e.g. "Area 4:1". If I click the rendered link I get HTTP-error 400, Bad reqest. I guess I have to encode my area parameter in some way, but I cant figure out how. Any help is apreciated.
The built-in encoding/decoding does not work, so I suggest you roll your own, like this:
namespace MyProject.Helpers
public static class JobNameHelper
public static string JobNameEncode(string jobname)
return jobname.Replace(":", "---colon---");
public static string JobNameDecode(string jobname)
return jobname.Replace("---colon---", ":");
Can you not just use
Or am I missing something?
In your routing you may have to use Server.UrlDecde as well although I think It should decode for you on request.
Try using the Routing Debugger to see what the url router is getting passed, then you can see where the decoding needs to happen
ASP.NET 3.5 SP1 and earlier have a number of restrictions on which URLs are valid. In ASP.NET 4 most of these issues have been fixes (or are at least customizable via web.config). I think that the colon character, even when encoded, might not be allowed in ASP.NET 3.5 SP1 and earlier due to security concerns. Allowing colons can be a security problem when performing file checks since they are a little-known syntax for NTFS Alternate Data Streams.
I recommend trying to choose a character other than a colon for these purposes. Maybe a comma, semi-colon, or equal sign might work instead?
